by Looks Like Language
4th – 12th Grade

SLPs, do your students lack higher-level social language skills? If so, it can be difficult for them to be successful in peer interactions or group assignments. This informal assessment is helpful for speech/language therapists, school counselors, and psychologists. It can help you define specific areas of need and show progress in the following hard-to-measure skills.
Included are:
* A short questionnaire to informally assess your students’ language for politely offering and accepting opinions, disagreeing, explaining point of view, apologizing, negotiating, and compromising.
* A rubric for informal measurement of these skills.
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Thanks for stopping by! Linda@Looks-Like-Language
Be sure to check out the associated products that make working on these skills easier!
Social Skills Activities: Language for Conflict Resolution
Conversation and Social Skills: Follow-Ups
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