by Blair Turner
1st – 5th Grade

Interactive notebooks are very popular in elementary school classrooms right now – and for good reason! The hands-on learning activities are engaging and give students opportunities to explore complex math topics. My Common Core aligned interactive notebooks are the perfect way to get your students excited about math – and help ensure that you are hitting each component of every standard.
This product is a sample of my Common Core aligned interactive notebooks for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade math! Check them out and see what all the fuss is about!
*****1st Grade Free Sample*****
-What’s the Problem? Place Value Block Flapbook
This resource is part of the following larger packs:
Interactive Notebook Activities: Adding 2-Digit Numbers {1.NBT.4}
Interactive Notebook: 1st Grade CCSS Numbers and Operations in Base Ten BUNDLE
*****2nd Grade Free Sample*****
-Subtraction Across Zeros Flapbook: Break It Up Method
This resource is part of the following larger packs:
Interactive Notebook Activities: Adding/Subtracting 3-Digit Numbers {2.NBT.7}
Interactive Notebook: 2nd Grade CCSS Numbers and Operations in Base Ten BUNDLE
Interactive Notebook: ALL 2nd Grade Standards Mega-Bundle
*****3rd Grade Free Sample*****
-Repeated Addition/Multiplication Trifold
This resource is part of the following larger packs:
Interactive Notebook Activities: Multiplication {3.OA.1}
Interactive Notebook: 3rd Grade CCSS Operations and Algebraic Thinking BUNDLE
Interactive Notebook: ALL 3rd Grade Standards Mega-Bundle
*****4th Grade Free Sample*****
-Fraction Word Problem Flaps
This resource is part of the following larger packs:
Interactive Notebook Activities: Equivalent Fractions {4.NF.1}
Interactive Notebook: 4th Grade CCSS Numbers and Operations FRACTIONS BUNDLE
Interactive Notebook: ALL 4th Grade Standards Mega-Bundle
*****5th Grade Free Sample*****
-Compare the Value Flaps
This resource is part of the following larger packs:
Interactive Notebook Activities: Place Value {5.NBT.1}
Interactive Notebook: 4th Grade CCSS Numbers and Operations in Base Ten BUNDLE
Interactive Notebook: ALL 5th Grade Standards Mega-Bundle
A Note About How the Bundles Work:
Each standard is available individually in my store. Use my custom categories or search by standard to find exactly what you need.
The individual standard packs are then bundled by domain at a 20% discount.
The “mega-bundles” include all the individual standard packs and are discounted further. If you are looking for ALL 3rd grade standards, for example, you could buy the mega-bundle for 3rd grade to get the best price on ALL the standards. No need to buy them individually!
Happy Notebooking!
© Blair Turner 2014
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