by Love from the Art Room
Pre-Kindergarten – 5th Grade

These colorful photographic labels will brighten up your classroom while clearly labeling supplies. The images illustrate the words which make it easier for English Language Learners along with young readers to find supplies.
I have included the following labels in this packet; Art Supplies, Acrylic Paint, Clay Tools, Color Paper, Crayons, Fibers, Folders, Glue, Highlighters, Magazines, Markers, Newspaper, Notebooks, Oil Paint, Oil Pastels, Paint, Paper, Pencils, Pens, Post its, Rulers, Scrap Paper, Sharpies, Shop Tools, Spray Paint, Stapler, and Watercolor.
Labels are jpeg images listed in a Google Document for easy resizing and printing. All images that I used are royalty free with added design by me.
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