by Laura Candler
3rd – 6th Grade

Just a Dream to Save Our Planet includes printable and digital resources to help guide discussions about environmental issues. The lessons are based on a classic children’s book by Chris Van Allsburg called Just a Dream. The book was written in 1990, but its message about the need to take care of our Earth still holds true today. In this story, Walter is careless with his trash and scoffs at the idea of planting trees to help the environment. Then he has a dream that takes him to the future where he discovers an Earth that’s uninhabitable due to air and water pollution. Walter’s dream helps him understand why it’s important to conserve the earth’s resources. The printable versions of the activities are included in the PDF, and links to the Google Slides versions are located in the lesson descriptions.
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Earth Day, environmental studies, Just a Dream, Chris Van Allsburg, Laura Candler
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