Tag Archives : free

FREE MATH LESSON – “Christmas Multiplication FREE”

by Cherry Workshop
2nd – 3rd Grade

Christmas Interactive Notebook Multiplication activity.


Christmas Trees outlines
Arrays of Christmas balls to cut and paste
All this in color and black and white and in two sizes

I’ve included 2 sizes for the balls for each option you choose. The idea is that the bigger ones are easier to cut and look better and you can use them for up to 6×6.

Total: 12 pages

Kids cut out the shape of the tree, glue it in their interactive notebook or on a separate page if it is a separate activity, and cut as many lines of balls as they need for the equation they focus on.

I either tell my kids which equation to represent or we use a spinner or dice to decide.


Christmas Multiplication – Christmas Around the World Multiples Puzzles

Christmas Around the World Passport – for ANY country

See all CHRISTMAS activities in my store.

See all MULTIPLICATION Resources

Happy Teaching!
Merry Christmas!


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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “The Diary of Anne Frank Anticipation Guide-Pre-Reading Activity”

by English Oh My
7th – 12th Grade

*Successful pre-reading activity to introduce The Diary of Anne Frank.

*8 statements that will develop group or classroom discussion. Students can share their opinions about different situations.

How would you like 5 English Language Arts & Classroom Resources for ABSOLUTELY FREE???


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⭐ make copies for your own classes only.

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Failure to comply with these terms of use is a copyright infringement and a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Clipart and elements found in this PDF are copyrighted and cannot be extracted and used outside this file without permission or license.

That’s right! Leave feedback on this product, and you will receive credits for your next purchase. I would greatly appreciate it if you contact me first if you have an issue with the product before leaving feedback. I will be more than happy to accommodate you! Just e-mail me at [email protected].






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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “FREE Christmas Activity: Idioms Scavenger Hunt”

by Games 4 Gains
3rd – 5th Grade

This Christmas Idioms Scavenger Hunt {FREE} makes practicing holiday-themed idioms fun! Included are 12 cards that require students to determine the meaning of an idiom in context. This is a perfect activity to use with the whole class or in small groups during the Christmas season!

As the teacher, you will place the cards in secret places all around the room. Students will hunt for a card and read the sentence (with an idiom) on that card. Then, students will hunt around the room trying to find the definition to the idiom they just read on a different card. When they find the card with that answer, they’ll read the sentence shown on that card and then go on a hunt again. Students will love moving around the room trying to find their next question card!

Included with this Christmas Idioms Scavenger Hunt:
• Instructions for setup and how to play
• 12 idioms scavenger hunt cards
• Answer sheets
• Answer key

Looking for other fun activities for your holiday READING centers? Check out these popular reading comprehension games:
Christmas Reading Comprehension Board Game
Christmas Around the World Reading Comprehension Board Game
Hanukkah Reading Comprehension Board Game
Winter Reading Comprehension Board Game

Looking for fun Christmas activities for your MATH centers? Check out these math review activities:
Planning Christmas {Differentiated} Math Project
Christmas Math Color By Number (2nd Grade)
Christmas Math Color By Number (3rd Grade)
Christmas Math Color By Number (4th Grade)
Christmas Math Color By Number (5th Grade)
Christmas Math Bingo – 2nd Grade Word Problems
Christmas Math Bingo – 3rd Grade Word Problems
Christmas Math Bingo – 4th Grade Word Problems
Christmas Math Bingo – 5th Grade Word Problems

You might also like these other games by Games 4 Gains:

Idioms ‘Clip and Flip’ Cards
Capitalization ‘Clip and Flip’ Cards
Quotation Marks ‘Clip and Flip’ Cards
Homophones Bump Games
Context Clues Bump Games
Synonyms Bump Games

Customer Tips:

Click on the ★ above to follow our store.

CLICK HERE to visit our website for more free resources and teaching ideas!

Leave feedback to earn credit points to save money on future products!


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.


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FREE MATH LESSON – “Christmas Color by Number Multiplication”

by Talented in Third
2nd – 4th Grade

Christmas Math – Do you want something that is fun for Christmas in your classroom, but still teaches math? Are your students needing multiplication practice, but wanting to celebrate Christmastime?

This is a fun, Christmas Math one page color by multiplication, practicing the products 12, 20, 24, 27, 30, 36, and 40. Your students will enjoy practicing their multiplication with this fun Santa theme. Included is an example image of what the product may look like when finished. Skin color is purposely not specified, so this product could be used with any ethnicity/race.

*All you have to do is hit print!!! Be ready for Christmas Math!


If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.

See Other Great Common Core Resources

Multiplication Puzzles.

Place Value Puzzles.

SBAC Performance Tasks.


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• Look for the green star next to my store logo and click it to become a follower. You will now receive email updates about this store. ☺



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FREE MATH LESSON – “Math Workshop – A Guide to How it Successfully Runs in My Classroom”

by Teacher Addict
Kindergarten – 8th Grade

This is a free guide to how I conduct math workshop. I give a very detailed explanation to what I do and why I do it. I include pictures and links to resources (mine and others that I use) along the way. I hope you find this guide informative and you come away with a lot of ideas to implement yourself!


Here are other math workshop related products. The first one is a math workshop bundle of the other, individual resources:

Math Workshop Bundle – 3rd Grade

Math Exit Slips – Third Grade

Weekly Differentiated Word Problems for Math Workshop

Math Workshop Schedules and Timers

Unit Math Tests (Pre and Post) for 3rd Grade


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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Kindergarten Reindeer Freebie”

by KD Creations
Pre-Kindergarten – 1st Grade

Rudolph and friends invite you to play some reindeer games! This holiday freebie includes a reindeer art project and two reading centers or small group activities. In the first center students use letter cards to build CVC words and record the words they create. In the second center students read and sort real and nonsense words.

Happy Holidays to you and your students!

Resources you might enjoy:

Christmas Kindergarten Activities: Initial Sound * CVC * Rhyming * Math
Reindeer and Elves in Kindergarten * Literacy and Math Activities
Syllables, Sight Words and Santa

* Don’t forget to follow our store so we can let you know about future freebies, new products and sales! And be sure to leave feedback so you will earn TpT credits for your purchases! Thank you!


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FREE MATH LESSON – “Adding Fractions with Unlike Denominators”

by Belle of Teaching
5th – 6th Grade

Adding Fractions with unlike denominators can be a tricky skill for students to master. This free resource can be added to your math curriculum to give students the added practice. Use this resource for additional classwork, homework practice, math centers, or project it onto your interactive whiteboard.

Included in this Product:

  • 3 sets of practice pages (total of 6 pages and 30 problems)

Preview the Product

Please take the time to read through the product description. Also, preview the product with the thumbnails If you have any questions or concerns about this product, please leave me a note in the Product Q&A tab and I will get back to you as soon as possible!


Teachers Pay Teachers Shopping Tips:

How to get credit from TPT to use on future purchases:

After making sure you are logged in, go to your My Purchases page. Under each purchase you’ will see a Provide Feedback button. Click that button. You will be taken to a page where you can rate and leave a quick review about the products you have purchased. I value your feedback!

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Christmas Gifts Growth Mindset Posters and Coloring Pages”

by Chrysti’s Class
3rd – 6th Grade

6 Posters with a Colorful Gift and Growth Mindset quote is sure to brighten up your classroom for the holidays as well as help students to incorporate ideas and actions that will guide them for many years to come. 6 Black and White Coloring Sheets can be printed and used separately, made into a booklet, or hung up to decorate the classroom. Teacher Tips and Suggestions for this resource are also included. Keep an eye out for more FREE Growth Mindset goodies to help your students learn good work ethics, ways to be kind, and to recognize their own and others’ good qualities.

Christmas Resources Below for Grades 2-5

Christmas Math Word Problems Task Cards Center for 4th: CCSS Aligned Available for Grades 2-5

Gingerbread Geometry with Activities, Worksheets and Word Wall for 5th Grade

12 Days of Christmas Fraction Word Problem Task Card Center

Gingerbread Geometry and Christmas Symmetry with Bulletin Board Display for 3rd Grade Available for 4th Grade

Gingerbread Family Math Word Problem Games and Activities for 4th Grade Available for 3rd Grade


It’s important to me that teachers are completely satisfied with their purchase!

If you have any question or concerns about this product please email me at [email protected].

You can also go to the Q and A section of my TPT store and leave a message

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After purchasing and using this product you can earn TpT credits by leaving feedback. I love reading feedback and really appreciate the time you take to let me know how you used this resource with your students and what you loved best. To leave feedback and start earning TpT credits:

1. Go to your “My Purchases” and click on the Provide Feedback link. 

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If you like this product, please visit Chrysti’s Class to see more.

To find out about my new products, sales, freebies, and any product updates, click the star green ★ button at the top of my store page or when you download a free resource.


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FREE MATH LESSON – “FREE – I Spy Number Recognition Worksheets”

by MissMissG
Pre-Kindergarten – 1st Grade

FREE – I Spy Number Recognition Worksheets

These practice worksheets is a fun way for students to practice identifying a number. Great for math center activity, group or individual work, and homework.

For complete product :

I Spy Number 0-30 Recognition Worksheet – Math BUNDLE




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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Gingerfolk Freebie”

by A Series of 3rd Grade Events
3rd – 4th Grade

Have you ever wondered where the idea of the Gingerbread Man came from? Well, I was curious, so I researched the question and created a short passage with the information that I found. I think your students will find it interesting and informative. I have also included comprehension questions for your kiddos and an aswer sheet for you.

Happy Holidays!!!


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FREE MATH LESSON – “Happy Holiday: A Tropical True and False”

by Michelle Oakes
1st Grade

Hey teacher friends! Do you need a fun activity to practice math skills? This is a math center aligned to the Common Core Standards. Students will sort the number sentences by whether they are true or false. It also includes a recording sheet, which can be used for whole group or individuals.

– Recording Sheet
– Directions
– True & False Tabs

Topic Covered:
– Algebra

Supports Common Core Standards:
– 1.0A.7
– 1.0A.3

This Set Is Perfect For:
 Math Skills

 Fun Activities

 Teaching Lessons

Shop My Related Products:

Back To School: Count and Sort

Christmas Fact Families Fill-ins

Fall Sum Sort

Farm Facts: Sums 5-8

I Have, Who Has…Addition

Measurement Center

Measure It: Matey

Swimming Subtraction Sort

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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Isotopes | Complete, Inquiry-Based Chemistry Lesson”

by Lab In Every Lesson
6th – 12th Grade

There’s really no way to know the extent to which you and your students will experience the interactivity and convenience of my Learning Experiences and digital notebooks until you try them.

In my opinion, the most interactive lesson (and perhaps my most favorite all year!) is this Isotopes lesson — I’m happy to share it with you!

Enjoy this free Isotopes PowerPoint Lesson for in-class or virtual delivery. The companion Digital Interactive Notebook is also free!



In this interactive science lesson, students will learn about isotopes so they can:

  • talk like a scientist!
  • recognize the difference between mass number, exact atomic mass, and average atomic mass.
  • explain radioactivity.

Both you and your students will know they are successful when they can:

  • define terms on the Word Wall.
  • determine the composition of the nucleus for various isotopes.
  • name isotopes using their mass number.
  • explain how mass number is different from exact atomic mass.

The following components are included in this interactive science lesson to support student-centered learning:

  • a “Review & Preview” activity to activate and assess prior knowledge.
  • a “Word Wall” which showcases vocabulary that is central to the lesson content.
  • analytical reading or writing components to promote scientific literacy.
  • at least one independent or small group learning experience which allows (1) students to create artifacts as evidence of their learning and (2) teachers to review main ideas with the whole group.
  • data-dependent analysis of the learning experience outcomes.
  • detailed answer keys for the outlined activities.
  • formative assessment of mastery.

This interactive science lesson is designed for use on a smart whiteboard, for delivery in an online meeting space or as an upload to web sharing applications like Google Slides, Nearpod, edPuzzle, etc.

Coordinating Products:

BOTH OF THESE ^ PRODUCTS ARE FREE!!! Take the opportunity to download them to examine them for similarity and differences and consider how each might complement your instructional efforts.

Related Reading:

Though it could certainly be used independently, this lesson was prepared as part of a complete chemistry curriculum for student centered learning. You might find the following resources useful as you prepare to test this lesson in your classroom:

OR …


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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Christmas Elf Activity Short Vowels Digital Boom Cards Freebie”

by Tammys Toolbox
Kindergarten – 3rd Grade

These Christmas elf activities are digital Boom Cards that let students have fun identifying short vowel sounds and building CVC words. These task cards are engaging, self-checking, multisensory, paperless, and no prep. Great for use with any reading program and Orton-Gillingham method, they make differentiation and assessment a breeze.

You get 20 Digital Boom Cards which can be played on computers, interactive whiteboards, desktops, laptops, Chromebooks, ipads, iphones, Android tablets and phones, and Kindle Fire tablets. When you purchase this product, you will receive a PDF with a link to the digital task cards on the Boom Learning Site and instructions on setting up your Boom Card account.

Check out this Playable Preview on Boom Learning so you can see how it works before you buy

Click here for a free Guide to Getting Started with Boom Digital Task Cards, a set of printable Boom Card Reward Tags and access to a free Boom Card Deck.



✔Paperless, no prep, huge time-saver

✔Self-correcting with instant feedback

✔Students work independently at their own pace

✔Teachers get reports of activity and can chart progress

✔Use them with individual students, groups, or whole class

✔Ideal for special education, easy to assign just the right deck to each student

✔Students can practice anywhere on their personal devices

✔Use them for instant, self-grading assessments

✔Add some fun by using Boom Cards™ for classroom games and incentives

✔Great for center activities, fast finishers, and homework

✔Perfect for homeschooling and tutoring


► PLEASE READ BEFORE PURCHASE: To use Boom Cards, you must be connected to the Internet. Boom Cards play on modern browsers (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Edge). Apps are available for Android, iPads, iPhones, and Kindle Fires. For security and privacy, adults must have a Boom Learning account to use and assign Boom Cards. You will be able to assign the Boom Cards you are buying to students with “Fast Pins,” (play provides instant feedback for self-grading Boom Cards). Fast Play is a free way for students to engage with Boom Cards decks. For additional assignment options, you’ll need a premium account. If you are new to Boom Learning, you will be offered a free trial of our premium account. Read here for details: http://bit.ly/BoomTrial. If you choose not to upgrade to a premium account, you and your students will always be able to use all decks you purchased with the free account.

★See the Boom Cards™ Category at my TPT Store for more Boom Card Decks★

Related Products

⭐ Digraph Review Digital Task Cards

⭐ Free Short Vowel Review Digital Boom Task Cards

⭐ Free Space Theme Patterns Digital Boom Cards

⭐ Short Vowel Review Digital Task Cards

⭐ Short Vowel Phonics Review Game

⭐ Short Vowel Review Games and 8 Phonics Center Activities

⭐ Syllable Division Digital Boom Card Review Game


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★How to get TPT credit to use on future purchases:

Please go to your My Purchases page (you may need to login). Beside each purchase you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Simply click it and you will be taken to a page where you can give a quick rating and leave a short comment for the product. Each time you give feedback, TPT gives you feedback credits that you use to lower the cost of your future purchases. I value your feedback greatly as it helps me determine which products are most valuable for your classroom so I can create more for you. ☺

Copyright © 2017 Tammy’s Toolbox. All rights reserved by the author. This product is to be used by the purchaser only. Copying for more than one teacher, classroom, or department is prohibited. Multiple and school licenses are available.

Boom Learning℠ and Boom Cards™ are the trademarks of Boom Learning Inc. Used with permission.


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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Bible Study Digital Learning – Noah’s Ark Play – Free Sample of Readers Theater”

by Bible Studies and More
3rd – 8th Grade

Noah’s Ark Play – This is a free sample of our Noah’s Ark play. Perfect for school productions, vacation bible school, and classroom activities. This sample contains Act 1 of this 6 Act play.

Are you interested in purchasing the full play instead? Press here:

Noah’s Ark Complete Script

The full script includes a 6 act, 12 page, printable play. It also has a Google paperless link to save copies.

Noah’s Ark Drama
Noah’s Ark Readers Theater
Noah’s Ark Script


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FREE MATH LESSON – “Summary of Methods for Graphing Linear Equations and Solving Linear Systems”

by Dawn Designs
7th – 12th Grade

This product consists of a Summary of Methods for Graphing a Linear Equation worksheet and a Summary of Methods for Solving Linear Systems.

The Summary of Methods for Graphing a Linear Equation worksheet is a template with a summary of three methods for graphing a linear equation, including:

~ Point Plotting

~ X- and Y-intercepts

~ Slope-Intercept

Instructions are given for each method to guide the students through calculating points and plotting them on a graph. A blank is provided for an equation so that the teacher can assign the same equation or different equations to be plotted using each method.

The Summary of Methods for Solving Linear Systems page includes a chart which interprets solutions obtained through Substitution and Addition (elimination) methods to help the student determine if the lines in the linear system intersect at one point, are parallel, or coincide. Terminology and the concept of the comparison of slopes and y-intercepts is included in the chart.

You may be interested in these graphing products by Dawn Designs:

Graphing Linear Equations – Lecture: Plot Points, X- and Y-Intercepts, Slope

This worksheet packet includes instructions, examples, and practice problems and can be used during lecture or as a group project or homework assignment.

Graphing Linear Equations – Practice: Plot Points, X- and Y-Intercepts, Slope

This worksheet packet is great for practicing graphing methods and can be used as a group project or as a homework assignment.

Slope Concepts and Graphing Linear Systems

Reinforce 3 ways of determining slope, and use slope to determine the behavior of lines in a linear system.

Solving Linear Systems by Graphing, Substitution, Addition (Elimination), Slope

This package includes guided problem solving for solving systems by graphing, substitution, and addition (elimination) methods. NOTE: This package includes the Slope Concepts product above.

Clip Art Credits for Cover

Buford Girl


Summary of Methods for Graphing Linear Equations and Solving Linear Systems by Dawn Designs is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Free! Christmas Tree & Decorations Clip Art (20 pieces)”

by Growing Smart Readers
Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade

20 images in 300 dpi format, with transparent backgrounds–This set includes a black and white outline tree and stocking.

This is my Merry Little Christmas set of cute trees and extra things to decorate your holiday files. All trees are hand-drawn and brightly colored for the holidays.

Decorate a tree or two! Decorate a wreath or two! Decorate with berries, stars, bows and candy canes! Layer them and combine them to create your own personal designs. Stretch and resize, too.

The trees are versatile enough to use in general non-holiday products, too….

There are 20 pieces in all!

8 colorful fir trees

1 black/white tree

1 red bow

2 stars

4 candy canes – 4 colors

1 green holly leaf with bright red berries

1 cute wreath with a red bow

1 red/white stocking

1 black/white stocking

They are all 300 dpi png images with transparent backgrounds. They are fun to layer, enlarge, stretch, or skew. Trees can be made tall, short, wide or skinny! Great for just adding that little festive touch to your documents.

For personal or commercial use–Please read the terms, which are standard copyright terms. I do ask that you include my store URL and name for credit on your document for any free or paid creations.

Thank you so much for stopping by and checking this out. I hope you enjoy these as much as I had fun making them! If you use these images for your projects, please leave feedback. It helps me improve my work!

Wishing you the best all year long!



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FREE MATH LESSON – “FREEBIE Measurement Worksheets Kindergarten Measurement Center”

by Inspire Library
Kindergarten – 3rd Grade

FREEBIE! Measuring length is an important skill for students to learn. Help them practice with this fun worksheet! They will measure the length of the cute crocodile and learn how to use a ruler. This makes a great lesson presentation or activity!


The preview only shows half of the files. See below for the complete list of printable worksheets.

Be the first to know about my GREAT DISCOUNTS, freebies and product launches by FOLLOWING ME!

Check out our other FREE resources!

*FREEBIE! Measuring Length with a Ruler

*School year calendar, Goal setting 2023

*Autumn and the turkey Coloring Pages

If you like this, you might also like the links below:

*Pi Day Activities & coloring, Pi Activities

*How to Grow Spring, Plant Life Cycle

*Measuring Length with a Ruler

*Snowball worksheets math Numeracy

*Cinco de Mayo Bingo Game Vocabulary

I truly appreciate your Visit, and I hope you enjoy using this resource in your classroom.

If you have questions or concerns, please ask me.

I will do my best to respond to it right!


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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Thanksgiving Clip Art by Jeanette Baker”

by Jason’s Online Classroom
Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade

Thanksgiving Clip Art – File includes 13 unique custom clip art images (as seen in the first thumbnail image) by Jeanette Baker in both color and black and white outline. Each image includes a PNG version with a transparent background as well as a JPG version with a white background.

About Jeanette
Jeanette Baker is an independent graphic designer and illustrator that sells her products through Jason’s Online Classroom. Do you have a request or suggestion? Email Jeanette!

All free or purchased clip art is available for commercial use with credit: “Clip Art created by Jeanette Baker @ Jason’s Online Classroom (www.teacherspayteachers.com/store/Jasons-Online-Classroom)”

With your purchase, you are being granted permission to copy and print the design. All copyrights remain with Jeanette Baker.

All paid and free clip art from Jason’s Online Classroom is available for personal and commercial use. There is no additional fee required for commercial use.

About Jason’s Online Classroom
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FREE MATH LESSON – “BOOM Cards Multiplication 0 – 12 Fact Fluency FREE”

by School Time Teaching
2nd – 4th Grade

Multiplication Fact Fluency 0 – 12 Facts – BOOM Cards – Digital Task Cards

This is a 30 card digital task card deck hosted on the BOOM Learning website that covers Multiplication Fact Fluency 0 – 12 facts. Students are asked to identify multiplication 0 – 12 facts. These digital task cards would be great on a laptop, desktop, Chromebook, tablet, or any mobile device that is able to access the internet. These can even be used on a SMARTBoard. The digital task cards are self-grading. There is no printing, laminating, storage, and no prep needed.

Please note: This is not a printable resource. This download will give you a PDF that will link you to the Boom Cards on the Boom Learning website.

This product includes:

· A link to access 30 Digital Task Cards on Multiplication Facts 0 – 12 (1 card per slide) on the BOOM Learning℠ website

· Teacher Notes on how to use these BOOM Cards™ in your classroom

These task cards feature 30 cards for each multiplication facts 0 – 12. The cards are set to appear in random order.

Take a look at the thumbnail images and the preview file above to get a better idea of what the digital task cards look like. The preview file will only allow the first four cards. Those are not in random order.

If you enjoyed using this resource, please leave feedback. Leaving feedback earns you points toward FREE TPT purchases and I LOVE hearing from my fellow teachers. 

More about BOOM Learning…

To use Boom Cards, you MUST be connected to the Internet. Boom Cards play on modern browsers (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Edge). Apps are available for Android, iPads, iPhones, and Kindle Fires. For security and privacy, adults must have a Boom Learning account to use and assign Boom Cards. You will be able to assign the Boom Cards you are buying with “Fast Pins,” (play provides instant feedback for self-grading Boom Cards). Fast Play is always a free way for students to engage with Boom Cards decks. For additional assignment options you’ll need a premium account. If you are new to Boom Learning, you will be offered a free trial of our premium account. Readhere for details: http://bit.ly/BoomTrial.

Check out these Boom Cards



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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Come Little Leaves: A Writing Activity for Little Learners”

by Richi Reynolds
Kindergarten – 1st Grade

Come Little Leaves is a writing activity for beginning writers. In this activity, the students learn two lines from a rhyme, Come Little Leaves written by George Cooper in the early 1900’s. Once they learn the rhyme, two words from the rhyme are removed and the students replace them with words of their choosing. They then fill in the blanks with their replacement words and illustrate their new rhyme. Even though this activity uses a rhyme, it is not a rhyming activity, as the students are not necessarily choosing rhyming words to fill in the blanks. It is, however, a chance for them to use their imaginations and hone some beginning writing and thinking skills. Once the replacement words are chosen, the students then illustrate their “new” version of the rhyme. I hope you and your students have fun with this little activity. Richi Reynolds


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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Thanksgiving Gratitude Challenge {Freebie}”

by Jungle Learners
1st – 12th Grade

Challenge your students to think of 100 things they are thankful for! Included is an idea list to make it a little easier.

I know you have a lot of choices on TpT from a lot of talented sellers. Thank you for taking the time to consider my product. I would love to have you follow my store to be notified of future products and freebies!

Let me know if you have any questions and have a wonderful day!

Happy Thanksgiving!

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Jungle Learners Blog


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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Mystery Freebie!!!! Every-TURKEY will love this!”

by Jennifer Drake
Kindergarten – 1st Grade

It’s a mystery…you won’t know what your freebie is until download!

Your students are sure to love this ‘mystery’ that is Thanksgiving themed!

If you are looking for a quick, no-prep, fun way to integrate learning and fun, this mystery freebie is just for you!


Looking for more Thanksgiving and/or ‘mysterious fun?’ Be sure to visit and click on the custom category tabs to find everything you need!

Consider becoming a follower to receive email notification of new product and freebie uploads! ‘Like’ me on for exclusive fan freebies, giveaways, games and more!

Feedback for this freebie is greatly appreciated!

Be on the lookout for my holiday mystery set! 😉

Enjoy your mystery Thanksgiving freebie!


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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Thanksgiving Turkey Drawing and Writing Packet”

by KinderKay
Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

Students follow step by step directions for drawing a turkey. Following directions to create a project is a wonderful way to practice sequencing!
After completing the turkey, students write about their turkey. There are 3 levels of writing activities and paper included as well as word wall words to aid in spelling. I have also included turkey story starter ideas for Levels 2 and 3.


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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “CER: Claim, Evidence, and Reasoning – power point presentation and notes”

by Maggie’s Files
6th – 8th Grade

“Unleashing the Power of CER: Claim, Evidence, and Reasoning: A Sample Lesson for Teachers”

Calling all science teachers! Are you ready to take your teaching to the next level with an engaging and effective approach to scientific writing? Look no further! Introducing “Unleashing the Power of CER: Claim, Evidence, and Reasoning,” a FREE sample lesson designed exclusively for teachers like you!

Unlock the potential of CER and transform your students into critical thinkers and skilled scientific writers! This comprehensive package includes 18 beautifully crafted PowerPoint slides and 6 pages of student notes (PDF), packed with exciting content to captivate and empower your middle school students. This presentation contains three formative assessments.

Key Concepts Covered: What is CER? Understand the significance of this powerful framework in scientific writing and communication. Crafting a Strong Claim Learn how to create clear, complete, and concise statements to answer questions and solve problems. Supporting with Evidence: Discover the art of gathering appropriate and sufficient evidence to back up claims effectively. Logical Reasoning: Master the art of explaining the connections between evidence and claims using logical reasoning. Enhance your students’ understanding by connecting evidence to claims using relevant scientific principles.

This FREE product also includes three formative assessments to help you gauge your student’s progress and understanding at key points during the lesson.

Exciting News!

Calling all teachers!

Introducing Maggie’s Files! Your one-stop shop for fantastic educational products!

Unlock the power of CER (Claim, Evidence, Reasoning) with our amazing sample PowerPoint lesson! Engage your middle school students with this fun and interactive CER lesson!

Dive into the world of scientific reasoning and equip your students with critical thinking skills!

Perfect for science teacher , this CER lesson will make your teaching journey a breeze!

Grab this FREE sample now and level up your teaching game! Link in bio!

Join Maggie’s Files community today and stay tuned for more exciting educational resources!

#MaggiesFiles #TeachersLoveIt #Education #CERLesson #ScienceTeaching #TeacherResources #PowerfulLearning #CriticalThinking #EducationalProducts

Be the teacher your students remember and cherish! Download “Unleashing the Power of CER” now and equip your learners with essential critical thinking and scientific writing skills that will serve them for a lifetime.

Get your FREE copy today, and let’s embark on this exciting journey of scientific discovery together!


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by ART ACTION-Laurie Carpenter
Kindergarten – 3rd Grade


Pdf lesson plan

This FREE “Easy-Art” lesson plan provides the children with a fun cut and paste holiday activity. The directions are basic, can be done as quiet seat work, and provide small muscle development and exercise.

A great follow-up activity is to have the children write or tell a story about their “tall turkey”. (Choice based on age of group doing the project.) Please take time to rate this product…thanks!

Afterward, sharing creations will give students social interaction, as well as observation of other original ideas.
If you enjoyed this project, you can find more just like it at Art Action T is for Turkey
or http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Art-Action-Laurie-Carpenter
or FallGiftBags


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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Color Words Activity Set – Colorful Pumpkins {FREEBIE}”

by Polliwog Place
Pre-Kindergarten – Kindergarten

Color Words Activity Set – Colorful Pumpkins {FREEBIE}

This Color Words Activity Set contains 3 different printable activities that focus on matching, reading, and writing color words. There are two sets of color word clip cards, a color the room activity with a recording sheet, plus three Read, Trace, and Color sentence pages. Please download the free preview for additional details and instructions.
***Look here for more Color Words Activity Sets.***
Color Words Activity Set – Colorful Whales
Color Words Activity Set – Colorful Robots
Color Words Activity Set – Colorful Mittens
Color Words Activity Set – Colorful Butterflies
Color Words Activity Set – Colorful Whales


Thank you! — Polliwog Place


Look for additional teaching resources in my store:
*Number Sequence Clip Cards: Autumn Fun
*Number Words Clip Cards: Autumn Fun
*Label the Picture Vocabulary Activity – Set 1
*Sentence Scrambles Bundle
*Ten Frame Activities
*Counting Activities
*Number Puzzles
*Counting Numbers Clip Cards

More activities

Color Matching | Color Words | Color Word Matching | Color Word Clip Cards | Color Clip Cards | Color the Room | Color Word Activity | Color Matching Activity | Color Identification


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FREE MATH LESSON – “Feasting on Subtraction Facts”

by Yvonne Dixon
Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

I hope you will enjoy this sample center from my Thanksgiving Math and Literacy Center Packet! This “Feasting on Subtraction Facts” center is a great way for your students to practice basic subtraction facts with some Thanksgiving fun graphics. You will receive 7 pages that include a student task card, student recording sheet for assessment, and ten ready to cut and use center cards for matching. I’ve modified the level of this center for younger students so early grade levels can enjoy it as well. Thanks so much and I hope you will check out my other products here on TPT!-Yvonne Dixon Sassy in Second
Scrappin Doodles Freebie License for TPT # 35659


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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Fall Speech Therapy Synonyms, Antonyms, Multiple Meanings, Following Directions”

by Mrs H’s Speech Therapy Room
1st – 4th Grade

Fall Speech Therapy Freebie from Mrs H Speech Therapy Room! I created this freebie for my followers and am sharing with all of you! This resource covers synonyms, antonyms, multiple meanings and following directions at the 2nd to 4th grade levels. I will be using these will some of my middle school students who are on the Autism Spectrum and need higher vocabulary in an easy to navigate worksheet. Hope you enjoy them!!

If you enjoy this resource watch for more in the same format by following my store

and by checking out these resources!

Related Products


⭐ A Year of Vocabulary Fun for Speech and Language Therapy

⭐ September Vocabulary -Synonyms, Antonyms, Multiple Meaning, Following Directions

⭐ October Vocabulary -Synonyms, Antonyms, Multiple Meaning, Following Directions

⭐ November Vocabulary -Synonyms, Antonyms, Multiple Meanings, Following Directions

⭐ December Vocabulary -Synonyms, Antonyms, Multiple Meanings, Following Directions

⭐ January Vocabulary -Synonyms, Antonyms, Multiple Meanings, Following Directions

February Vocabulary -Synonyms, Antonyms, Multiple Meaning, Following Directions

March Speech Therapy Vocabulary Worksheets for Elementary Language Therapy

⭐ April Vocabulary -Synonyms, Antonyms, Multiple Meanings, Following Directions

⭐ May Vocabulary -Synonyms, Antonyms, Multiple Meanings, Following Directions

⭐ Summer Vocabulary -Synonyms, Antonyms, Multiple Meanings, Following Directions

You can find more worksheets like these in many of my holiday printable packs.

Related Products

⭐ A Year of Upper Elementary Grammar, Vocabulary & Language Themed Bundle

⭐ An Entire School Year of Themed Vocab & Grammar for Middle School Speech

⭐ HUGE Bundle: Themed Vocabulary and Grammar Units for Speech Therapy and ELL/ESL

October Resources

⭐ October Speech Therapy Idioms – Upper Elementary, Middle School, High School

⭐ Let’s Compare and Contrast in Speech Therapy Fall Themes

⭐ Let’s Compare and Contrast in Speech Therapy- October Edition

Themed Packs (many more available)

⭐ Johnny Appleseed Speech Therapy Printable Pack

⭐ Columbus Day Speech Therapy Printable Pack

⭐ Spider Themed Speech and Language Therapy Pack

⭐ Squirrel and Acorn Speech Therapy Synonyms

❤️By following Mrs H’s Speech Therapy Room you will be notified of sales, freebies, and new products!!❤️

Follow Mrs H’s Speech Therapy Room


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FREE MATH LESSON – “Turkey Trot – Addition and Subtraction Gameboards for Smartboard”

by Leigh Majer
Pre-Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

Grab this Thanksgiving freebie for Smartboard quick before it goes! It is in my store as a freebie for a limited time until November 30. If you are done teaching now, and already on holidays, you should still download it to have it for next year. It is SO MUCH FUN! Your kids will love it and it is great practice!

Happy Thanksgiving


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FREE MATH LESSON – “Pythagorean Theorem Rule Reference Sheet.”

by 123 Math
7th – 9th Grade

A Pythagorean Theorem reference sheet to use for workbooks or to aid students at the start of the topic, when working through problems.

You will find both a color and a black and white version of the sheet.


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