Tag Archives : free

FREE MATH LESSON – “FREE Multiplication BOOM CARDS Fortnite 1 puzzle”

by Jo Jo’s Jungle
2nd – 5th Grade

Boom cards are perfect for distance learning. They are digital “flashcards” in game form. They also give you great data! You can assign them to a full class or individually enabling you to provide intervention while we are not in the classroom. Be sure to download the free preview!

New to Boom Learning? Check out this video that explains all about using Boom Cards™.

Set includes Multiplication practice:

  • Students love Fortnite and will enjoy putting this puzzle together to practice multiplication facts.
  • Help students MEMORIZE their multiplication facts.

***See FULL set with 7 puzzles here.***

Using Boom Cards:

To use Boom Cards, you must be connected to the Internet. Boom Cards play on modern browsers (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Edge). Apps are available for Android, iPads, iPhones, and Kindle Fires. For security and privacy, adults must have a Boom Learning account to use and assign Boom Cards. You will be able to assign the Boom Cards you are buying with “Fast Pins,” (play provides instant feedback for self-grading Boom Cards). Fast Play is always a free way for students to engage with Boom Cards decks. For additional assignment options you’ll need a premium account. If you are new to Boom Learning, you will be offered a free trial of our premium account. Read here for details: http://bit.ly/BoomTrial.


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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Free End of the Year Lessons By The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs MC – 2022”

by Victoria Leon
Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade

End the school year with these “Free End of the Year Lessons By The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative – 2022.”

  • Beginning Sounds Worksheets Spring Literacy Mystery Pictures No Prep
  • Feelings and Emotions Cards – FREEBIE
  • Kids at the Beach Subtraction Math Center (Minuends to 10)
  • Decomposing Numbers 11-20
  • I Have Who Has? CVC A,E,O, Practice Game Review
  • Short Vowels Alternative Spelling Activities and Handwriting Practice FREE
  • Differentiated Sample Packet SAMPLE
  • 3rd Grade Math Summer Review FREE Sample | Digital and Printable
  • FREEBIE End of the School Year Meme Calendar
  • Summer on the Brain – Reading Passage & ELA Writing Extensions – FREE
  • FREE Math Geometric Puzzles – Learning About Plane Geometry Using Number Tiles
  • FREEBIE Math End of the Year Review Whole Numbers and Decimals
  • HOTS Higher Order Thinking Skills Summer Break Classification Exercise
  • End of the Year Award Freebie
  • FREE ESL Curriculum Map – Year-Long ELL Pacing Guide – English Language Learner
  • Free Lesson Ice Breaker Storytelling Using Jigsaw Puzzle Pieces
  • Free Back to School Lessons
  • Free Winter Holiday Lessons
  • Free Valentine’s Day Lessons
  • Free End of the Year Lessons
  • 100+ Free Lessons & Teaching Ideas
  • The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Blogs
  • The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative WordPress Blog
  • The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Facebook
  • The Best of TpT Pinterest Boards

Need more free end of the year lessons? Go to…








IF YOU ARE NOT ABLE TO OPEN THE FILE or you have any questions, feel free to email Victoria Leon at [email protected].

Wishing you the very best during your summer break,

Vicky and

The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative


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FREE SOCIAL STUDIES LESSON – “The War in Bosnia and Herzegovina – Topic summary”

by Edu-Kiosk
8th – 12th Grade

This is the 11 page word document with the main information on Bosnian war (1992-1995). It has been used for creating PowerPoint presentation and Review Activity on this subject you can download here:

The War in Bosnia and Herzegovina – PPT,Review Activity,Blank Map,Topic summary

Here you can find detailed information on main events in chronological order, it will save you a lot of time researching this complex thematic and give you overview on what has happened and how war changed the country.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
  • The Break-up of Yugoslavia
  • The Rise of Nationalism in Serbia
  • First Elections
  • Independence
  • The Beginning of the Bosnian War
  • Forced Displacement
  • Ethnic Cleansing
  • Civil Victims
  • The Role of UN and NATO
  • The Siege of Sarajevo
  • Surviving in Sarajevo
  • Act of defiance – Famous photo of Meliha Varesanovic
  • Failed Peace Proposals
  • NATO intervention
  • The Fall of Srebrenica
  • Genocide at Srebrenica
  • Excavations and Commemoration
  • Dayton Peace Agreement
  • Effects of War
  • The Timeline ofWar
  • Sources of information

You might also like:
Yugoslav (Balkan) wars of the 1990s – Bosnia, Croatia, Kosovo, Serbia

The Break up of Yugoslavia Bundle

Break up of Yugoslavia and Ethnic Cleansing in Bosnia – Reading Comprehension

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Customer Tips:

How to get TPT credit to use on future purchases:

Please go to your My Purchases page (you may need to login). Beside each purchase you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Simply click it and you will be taken to a page where you can give a quick rating and leave a short comment for the product. Each time you give feedback, TPT gives you feedback credits that you use to lower the cost of your future purchases.

I value your feedback greatly as it helps me determine which products are most valuable for your classroom so I can create more for you.


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FREE MATH LESSON – “Introduction to Exponents Activity FREEBIE”

by Keep On Growing
6th Grade

Do you need a no prep engaging resource to help your students review exponents? This activity focuses on exponents and exponential form, expanded form, and standard It can be used as a DIGITAL or PRINTABLE resource.

⭐️CCSS: 6.EE.1 Write and evaluate numerical expressions involving whole-number exponents.

What does it include:


➡️DIGITAL: 13 Interactive GOOGLE SLIDES Version

  • Slides 2-3: Exponential Notation to Expanded Notation
  • Slides 4-5: Expanded Notation to Exponential Notation
  • Slides 6-7: Exponential Notation to Standard Notation
  • Slide 8: Compare
  • Slides 9-10: Complete the table: all notations
  • Slides 11-13: Find the missing base or exponent

➡️ Answer Key

➡️ Instructions page for:

  • Uploading the resource to Google Drive
  • Assigning the resource through Google Classroom

You’ll be able to add this activity to your drive an assign it as a GOOGLE CLASSROOM activity. 

Please reach out and let me know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. My e-mail address is [email protected]Please consider rating this product. You’ll get TpT credits by just sharing your feedback and they can be used to lower the price of future purchases.

⭐️ Follow Me ⭐️ All my new products are 50% OFF for the first 48 hours ⭐️

Be in the known of all new products, sales and FREEBIES.

Check out these other products:

6.EE.1 Order of Operations Activity

6.EE.2 Writing Algebraic Expressions Activity

6.EE.2 Parts of an Expression Activity

6.EE.2 Evaluate Expressions Activity


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Victoria Leon’s TpT Store

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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “FREE Science variables and Job Roles posters”

by Down Under Teacher
Kindergarten – 5th Grade

This file consists of 4 posters:

1. Cows Moo Softly variables poster. I use this with my students to remember to CHANGE one variable, MEASURE Or Observe the variable and keep everything else the SAME.

2. Three job roles posters for small group science activities and investigations – Director, Manager and Speaker. These are the same job roles used in the Primary Connections science units but can be used with any science unit or program.

If you download, please consider leaving feedback! For more freebies, check out my store and blog Down Under Teacher

© 2011 Down Under Teacher. All rights reserved.
Purchase or downloading of this pack entitles the purchaser/downloader the right to reproduce the pages in limited quantities for classroom use only. Duplication for an entire school, an entire school system or commercial purposes is strictly forbidden without written permission from the publisher. Published 2011 by: Down Under Teacher, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. [email protected]


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FREE MISC. LESSON – “AM or PM Task Card and Sort FREEBIE”

by Mrs Ps Specialties
Pre-Kindergarten – 6th Grade

This FREE set is just what you need to teach your students what A.M. and P.M. means. It includes task cards and a picture sort to help students practice and master this concept.


*A.M. and P.M. posters

*16 task cards

*Picture sort: A.M., P.M. or Both

You may also be interested in:
Time and Measurement Unit (Special Ed Math Unit)
Time & Money Interactive Books
Time and Measurement Life Skills Unit

Thank you for visiting my store! Follow me on my blog to for further ideas and to see products in use: Mrs. P’s Specialties

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Every time you purchase something from TPT you are eligible to get free credit on future purchases. To go to your purchases page, hover over the “My TPT” button and click on “My Purchases.” You will see a list of all of the items you have purchased on TPT. Under each listing there is a button that says “provide feedback.” You get one TPT credit for every dollar you spend on TPT. You only get the credits if you leave a fair rating and comment on items that you have purchased.
I greatly value and appreciate your feedback!

Don’t miss out on discounts, freebies and new products! Simply click the green star under my store name to follow my store.


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Victoria Leon’s TpT Store

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FREE MATH LESSON – “Standards for Mathematical Practice Printable Dice”

by The Illustrated Classroom
2nd – 8th Grade

Free Standards for Mathematical Practice printable dice. Use them to encourage students to reason mathematically in a variety of ways. Includes full color and black-line versions for printing on colored paper.

What are the Standards for Mathematical Practice?

“The Standards for Mathematical Practice describe varieties of expertise that mathematics educators at all levels should seek to develop in their students. These practices rest on important “processes and proficiencies” with longstanding importance in mathematics education.” – From the Common Core State Standards web site

Related Resources

Word Wall for 6th Grade Math

Word Wall for 7th Grade Math

Word Wall for 8th Grade Math


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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Graphic Organizer: VENN Diagram Making Text-to-Self Connections”

by The Teacher Treasury
3rd – 6th Grade

Students use the Venn Diagram to make connections between themselves and the main character of their book.


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FREE MATH LESSON – “Scooping for Sums: Addition Game”

by Keep Your Chin Up
1st Grade

Looking for a new math facts game to add to your centers? This is an activity for students to practice sorting sums of 5, 10, 15, and 20.


  • Sorting mats
  • Ice cream scoop equation cards
  • Student directions (2 options)
  • Recording sheets (2 options)
  • 2 No-prep worksheets




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FREE MISC. LESSON – “The Art of Teaching Second Language Learners – ESL – English Language Learners”

by Fun To Teach
Kindergarten – 12th Grade

Educating English Language Learners is a team effort. When the classroom teacher and the ESL teacher collaborate great things happen.

This is a short essay describing the roles and responsibilities of ELD teachers and the classroom teacher. It also includes strategies and ideas to help both teachers effectively reach and teach second language learners.

Sign up for our newsletter here to get all of our new freebies!

Happy Teaching

Lori Wolfe





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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Errorless Learning Starter Pack | File Folder, Task Box, Adapted Book”

by Mrs Ds Corner
Pre-Kindergarten – 3rd Grade

FREE Errorless Learning Starter Pack | Errorless Learning sets students up for success and is a great option for students who need immediate positive feedback.

Errorless activities allow a student to focus on the task and success of performing the task independently, and not so much choosing an incorrect answer. Errorless Learning also increases student participation and student confidence.

Learn more about Errorless Learning in this blog post.

What is included in this FREE Errorless Learning Starter Pack?

• Errorless Pumpkin Patch File Folder Activity

• Errorless Fly in the House Adapted Book (Digital + Printable)

• Errorless Shapes Adapted Work Binder®

• Errorless Colors Task Boxes

Find more Errorless Learning activities here.

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Don’t forget about the green ★ to follow my store to get notifications of new resources and freebies!

Thanks for Looking and Happy Teaching!


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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Pit Stop Punctuation Practice – Fix the Sentences (L.1.2A, L.1.2B, L.1.2C) Free”

by Lessons for Little Ones by Tina O’Block
1st Grade

Practice common core standards L.1.2A, L.1.2B, and L.1.2C with these free racing-themed practice pages. First grade students will love being a member of the pit crew and fixing the incorrect sentences! Works on capitalizing dates and names, capitalizing the pronoun ‘I”, ending punctuation (period, question mark, exclamation point), using commas in dates, and using commas to separate single words in a series.

Each page has a “Clue from the pit crew” which is a hint about the skill being practiced. Practice punctuation in a variety of ways!

Includes the following pages:

– “I” Spy What Needs Fixed (capitalizing the pronoun “I”, dates, and names) – Students circle the incorrect words in a paragraph.

– “Name” It and Fix It! (capitalizing names and dates) – Students fix and rewrite the sentences.

– A Great Series (adding commas to separate words in a series) – Students add commas where needed.

– Fix the Race Dates! (adding commas to dates) – Students rewrite dates with the comma in the correct place.

– Cap Off and Add Commas! (capitalizing dates and names, adding commas to dates and words in a series) – Students fix and rewrite the sentences.

– Finish It (ending punctuation) – Students write the correct punctuation mark at the end of each sentence.

– Punctuation Pit Stop (ending punctuation) – Students write each sentence with the correct punctuation mark.

– Find It and Fix It! (capitalizing the pronoun “I”, ending punctuation, capitalizing names and dates, adding commas to dates and words in a series) – Students circle the mistakes in each sentence and write the sentence correctly.

You may also like:

Editable Sight Words Activities, Printables, Awards, Treat Tags Racing Theme

Sight Words First Grade Dolch Sight Word List Digital Boom Cards

Sight Words Kindergarten (Primer) Dolch Sight Word List Digital Boom Cards

Sight Words Second Grade Dolch Sight Word List Digital Boom Cards


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FREE MATH LESSON – “FREE Place Value Practice Ones Tens Hundreds SmartBoard Lesson”

by Lisa Rombach
1st – 2nd Grade

This smart board lesson was created to provide students with place value practice activities (ones, tens, hundreds). Students will view and use digital base ten blocks to identify, understand and create 3 digit numbers. Some pages can be used while students use their own base 10 blocks and mats.

The file includes a teacher’s notes page, interactive pages, links to interactive websites and links to printable worksheets.

Some pages could be used for instruction and modeling. Use a few pages as a warm up to your math lesson, use a group of the pages as a practice lesson or use a single page. The file is very flexible. I included a few “master” pages where you can create additional practice pages by typing in your own numbers.

I am posting this lesson for FREE as a thank you to all my customers!!! Thank you, thank you for using my smart board lessons in your classrooms! I am honored that my lessons are a part of your educational materials. 🙂 Lisa Rombach


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by Fun monkey bars
3rd – 6th Grade

This is an oral game IN SPANISH to reinforce questions and answers to introduce oneself.

I use it as an ice breaker at the beginning of the school year but if you are teaching Spanish as a second language you can use it any time during the year.

It is a game for the whole class.

Just print and … play!


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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Tracing Dots and Dashes”

by Growing Smart Readers
Pre-Kindergarten – 1st Grade

Kids will practice fine motor skills by tracing fun and familiar objects.

Visual perceptual and eye-hand coordination activities are important for developing reading and writing skills. These skills are precursors to learning to read and write as they promote tracking and coordinating the brain, eye and hand.

After tracing, kids may want to color and cut out the shapes for added fine motor practice!

Three student pages are included. Drawings are a combination of hand drawn and digitally enhanced shapes.

cat and ball
two hearts

More pages will be added soon!

Thanks for stopping by!


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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Gli Oggetti dell’aula vocabulary list”

by Italian Island by JoyceAnna D’Alessandro
7th – 12th Grade

This is the vocabulary list for my oggetti dell’aula items.


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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Free Frames & Borders for Commercial Use Vol 2”

by Tracee Orman
Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade

Free Clip Art Frames & Borders for Commercial Use, Volume 2

Here’s my second package of free frames and borders. I included the terms of use, so please make sure to read them. These may be used for commercial products with a link back. Thanks so much & enjoy!

Download Vol. 1 here:
Free Frames Borders Clip Art Graphics Volume 1

You might like:
Huge Bundle of Clip Art Frames/Tags
School Supplies Clip Art Bundle
Doodle Frames: Just a Little Sketchy Bundle

Find additional bundles here:
Clip Art with NO Link-Back Required
All Tracee Orman’s Clip Art

Created and Copyrighted by Tracee Orman
Mrs. Orman’s Classroom


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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Properties of Materials-Flammability Experiment & Lesson! NGSS – (2-PS1)”

by One Stop STEM Shop – NGSS Science STEM Resources
2nd Grade

The more students are able to test the various properties of materials, the better understanding they gain in why we use certain materials for a particular purpose. This lesson allows students to investigate and test the FLAMMABILITY of different objects! Perfect for your 2nd grade physical science unit! Students will predict, test, and use data collected to rate materials on a flexibility scale. Students will also practice the skills of justification and apply their learning to real word scenarios!

With built in ELA components throughout the lesson you’ll be able to enhance your student’s core content areas while engaged in fun, hands-on science!


Step-by-Step Lesson plan & prep instructions

Flammability & Observation Vocabulary Posters

Flammability Scale

Flammability Prediction & Data Collection Sheet

Observation of Properties Sheet

Discussion Questions to engage students in reflecting

Real-world Flammability Application Worksheets- 1 for older students/1 for younger students

Get MORE for LESS by buying our Properties of Materials BUNDLE! Where you’ll get all SIX of the investigations & a Bonus Engineering & Design Challenge!

This lesson is also part of 2nd Grade NGSS Physical Science COMPLETE STEM Curriculum Unit Bundle!! This unit will cover all of your 2nd grade Next Generation Science Standards for physical science!


PLEASE leave feedback on your purchases. You can earn TPT credits to use on future purchases just for doing so. We also really enjoy hearing back from customers, so that we can continue to improve our products and provide the best STEM resources possible! Thank you!!!

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FREE MATH LESSON – “Free Integer Addition and Subtraction Pyramid”

by Blue Mountain Math
5th – 8th Grade

Students practice addition and subtraction of integers to increase levels to reach the top of the pyramid.


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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Great Ideas for using SK Designs Novel Study Question Cards in the Classroom”

by SK Designs
5th – 12th Grade

Use these engaging activity ideas for teaching with the novel study question card sets from SK Designs. These novel studies provide flexibility and variety in guiding students through a wide array of quality children and young adult novels. The content of the card sets is designed to engage students in literal comprehension skills, standards-based comprehension skills, higher level comprehension skills and analytical/critical thinking skills. The challenge level of the questions allows the teacher to select questions at an appropriate level for reluctant and struggling readers, developing readers, proficient readers, and exceptional readers. The different types of activities outlined in this product assist the teacher in teaching details, elements of literature, author’s craft, figurative language, and important meta-cognitive reading skills with SK Design’s novel study sets. The ideas are provided free of charge and demonstrate how to use the novel studies in a variety of ways that promote novelty, interest, constructive practice, and fun. The activities are multi-sensory and cooperative. They promote executive function, visual literacy, communication, collaboration, composition, and oral language skills. Select different activities for different books according to student needs, interest, and book content. Enjoy the opportunities these activities provide for fun and productive novel study as our gift to you and your students!


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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “In Honor of Soldiers – Two CCSS Comprehension, Analysis/Writing Activities”

by Connie
6th – 12th Grade

This is an activity for Middle School and High School students to honor and remember all military personnel who died in battle (Memorial Day), and all men and women, living or deceased who served in the military (Veteran’s Day).

Students select a book to read from the list provided, or one that they choose. After they read the book, they complete two projects: one more visual, and the second where they write a letter to an active duty soldier (websites are given for addresses).

Teachers can also use the activities in this posting if they are reading a military-based book as a class (example: All Quiet on the Western Front-Remarque, The Red Badge of Courage-Crane, or The Things They Carried- O’Brien).

For more activities based on reading literature and then writing about it, check out




Enjoy a Teach It Now Day Every Day,


Follower Advantage

For an automatic Heads-Up! email about Updated and New products, and also for Sales and other promotions, please click on the Follow Me star under my Store name, Connie.

High School lesson plan Language Arts lesson plan


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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Memorial Day Emergent Reader FREEBIE!”

by Josie’s Place
Pre-Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

Please enjoy this emergent reader for Memorial Day!

I have 2 FREE readers (emergent and advanced) available in my store- please choose the one that’s right for your kids! To check out the emergent reader click on Memorial Day Reader (advanced).

Please read before providing feedback: This book is written for young children and as an early childhood educator, I left it open ended for parents and teachers to discuss that soldiers made the ultimate sacrifice for our country on the page that we says we honor those soldiers that fought for our country. I am definitely aware that Memorial Day honors our fallen heroes. Thanks =)

It’s greatly appreciated if you take a moment to leave feedback.

Thanks so much =)

Feel free to follow my store for updates on sales and freebies for followers!

You might be interested in taking a look at my other emergent readers or check out a few items from my EDITABLE Collection:

Get Ready For Summer Emergent Readers and CCSS Math and ELA Activities

At the Farm Emergent Reader

All Year Sorting Center

Five Senses

Community Helpers



EDITABLE Labels in Solid Colors- 30 colors to choose from!



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FREE SOCIAL STUDIES LESSON – “Free Memorial Day Activity – Secret Message and Coloring Sheet”

by HappyEdugator
2nd – 5th Grade

Free! Have fun while learning about what Memorial Day really means. Students cut out the letter tiles, and paste them in correct order on their board to reveal the secret message…All Gave Some, Some Gave All. Then color the military boy or girl. Also includes a free coloring sheet for your early finishers to honor our heroes and a key for students if you use it as a center. Enjoy this freebie and be thankful for those who gave their all so we can be free!

You may also like:

Memorial Day Word Scramble

Memorial Day and Flag Day Coloring Activity

Follow me HERE to get notified of updates, sales, free resources, and new products. All new products are 50% off for 48 hours.

© Deborah Hayes aka HappyEdugator. For classroom and homeschool use. If you wish to share with your colleagues, please refer them to this page to download their own set. Thank you!


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FREE SOCIAL STUDIES LESSON – “Tavern Keepers in Colonial America – Reading Passages and Classroom Activities”

by Lessons Learned By Heart
5th – 7th Grade

This product contains 5 one-page reading passages covering Tavern Keepers, food and beverages in Colonial America. Classroom and enrichment activities keep students engaged as they learn. Great for use by substitute teachers, or for homeschooling or co-ops!

From the time that they first opened in Colonial America through the beginning of the Revolutionary War, taverns served as an unofficial gathering place for residents, travelers, politicians, and rebels. This lesson covers colonial taverns and the important role they played in the development of America.


  • 5 Reading Passages
  • Classroom and Enrichment Activities
  • Comprehension Worksheet
  • Teacher’s Key
  • 2 Graphic Organizers


5 reading passages cover the following topics:

  • Colonial Ordinaries
  • Taverns and Pubs: Places to Socialize
  • Food and Beverages
  • Food Preservation
  • Paying the Tavern Bill


  • Job Application
  • Brew Some Ginger Beer – Make a Dessert!
  • Create Your Own Menu
  • Writing Prompt
  • Review Worksheet
  • Graphic Organizers


Colonial American Careers

Reading Passages and Bingo – Roanoke and Jamestown Settlers

Colonial American Careers – Plymouth Pilgrims

Colonial American Careers – Roanoke and Jamestown Settlers

Colonial American Careers – Salem Witch Trial Judge

Bundled Medieval Career Lesson Plans:

Medieval Careers in Medieval Times Volume I

Medieval Careers in Medieval Times Volume 2

Individual Medieval Careers Lesson Plans:

Medieval Careers: Religious Jobs – Monks, Nuns and Almoners

Medieval Careers: Scribes, Illuminators and the Magna Carta

Medieval Careers: Pilgrims and the Canterbury Tales

Medieval Reading Passages and Bingo:

Reading Passages and Bingo: Medieval Architects, Castles and Cathedrals

Reading Passages and Bingo: Medieval Knights and Heraldry

Colonial American Careers – Tavern Keepers by Sarah Peterson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Based on a work at https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Sarah-Peterson-9450.


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by Teaching is a Work of Art
Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

Long vowels are so tricky for students! Help them get familiar with the most common spelling patterns for long vowel sounds using this set, which includes:
– 2 Long A mini posters (one presenting the word and one showing the most common spelling patterns)
– 5 Write on-Wipe Off word work practice cards (read the word, trace it, complete the missing letters and write it) All cards include a real life picture where the word appears to provide students with the context where the word is used.
– 1 spelling patterns recording sheet (sorting activity)

This freebie is part of this pack LONG VOWEL WRITE ON-WIPE OFF PRACTICE CARDS
,which includes the five long vowel sounds: 75 cards in total, 10 mini posters and 5 recording sheets.

Hope your students enjoy it!

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• Please go to your My Purchases page (you may need to login). Beside each purchase you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Simply click it and you will be taken to a page where you can give a quick rating and leave a short comment for the product. Each time you give feedback, TPT gives you feedback credits that you use to lower the cost of your future purchases. I value your feedback greatly as it helps me determine which products are most valuable for your classroom so I can create more for you. ☺

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Coloring Bookmarks for Reading Fine Motor and Cutting Pre-Writing Handwriting”

by Creative Writing and Stories
Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

A printable PDF of 4 different bookmarks that kids can color to promote reading while working on fine motor skills for pre-writing and improved handwriting.

Please follow me for great resources to encourage kids to read, write, help others, and clean up after themselves! Creative Writing and Stories

Check out our other resources that can help increase handwriting, fine motor skills, writing, and reading skills.

By purchasing and using this resource, you agree that the contents are property of Jessica D. Adams and licensed to you for your personal or classroom use only.

You may not share this resource outside of your personal or classroom use.

You cannot make copies to share with others because it is a direct violation of the terms of use as well as copyright laws.

Adult supervision is recommended for all activities, especially cutting, gluing, sensory bin activities, etc. to ensure safety and so kids do not ingest foreign materials.

Disclaimer: These products are for general use and are not intended to replace the advice or expertise of a physician or Occupational Therapist. Please seek professional help when necessary. Circumstances and results may vary.


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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Print-and-Go Beginning Letter Sounds Freebie”

by Stress Less with Susan
Kindergarten – 1st Grade

Here is your print-and-go letter sounds and letter tracing resource. Some kids need more repetition, so this provides lots of it! Give them extra practice with this freebie including F, K, and M.

Each page has pictures of objects with the letter to trace (upper and lower). Every letter also has a full page each of tracing for upper and lowercase versions.

For the entire alphabet, take a look at Print-and-Go Beginning Letter Sounds and Tracing: A-Z


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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Writing Anchor Chart Freebie”

by Anchored in Learning
Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

Help your little ones generate topics and ideas with this “What Writers Write About” Freebie. Make your anchor chart stand out by using these free topic illustrations and labels.

The following topics are covered
holidays dinosaurs

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• Look for the green star next to my store logo and click it to become a follower. Voila! You will now receive email updates about this store. ☺


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FREE MISC. LESSON – “FREE Flower Accents Set 2-5 Petal Flowers – Commercial Use”

by Marcelle’s KG Zone
Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade

This package consists of 27 COLOUR VARIATIONS OF FLOWER ACCENTS or MINI FRAMES you can use in your summer and spring resources. These flowers are great for logos, center games and as simple decorative pieces on any page. The frames are duplicated in SEE THRU and WHITE FILL so there are actually 54 flower accents in this pack AND 6 black and white versions.

In this set, the flowers have ONLY 5 PETALS each







If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected]

Thank you for looking
Happy Teaching 🙂


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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “FREE Poetry Lesson Mother’s Day Card + Poetry for Older Students/Teens, Sub Plan”

by Laura Randazzo
7th – 12th Grade

Remember the Mother’s Day cards we made back in elementary school? Let’s revisit that tradition for our middle- and high-school students with these print-and-go materials that’ll make a bunch of moms (or stepmoms/grandmas/aunties/loving women) smile on their special day.


• A student handout featuring 10 slices of poetry about mothers/feminine power.

• Six coloring pages that fold in half to become cards (Print on white paper, colored paper, or cardstock – grab whatever’s available in the copier room and go!)

Suggested lesson procedure:

1. Begin by handing out the page that includes 10 bits of poetry, giving students a few minutes to read them all.

2. Have students choose the poem that reminds them most of their mom/closest maternal figure.

3. Give students a choice of card designs.

4. Inside the card, have them write a loving note to the recipient and include the lines of poetry in their best handwriting.

5. With any remaining time in class, have students color the front of the card with colored pencils or sharp-tipped markers. The coloring portion can be completed in class if time allows or sent home for students to complete on their own time.

Tip: When printing the cards, choose “Print Full Size” on your printer settings. If you choose “Scale to Fit” (the default on many printers), your cards may have unevenly spaced borders.

These pages also work great as print-and-go sub plan materials.

Want more high-interest poetry lessons for teens? Check out my four-week Poetry Unit, a TpT sitewide best-seller.

Click here for a FREE Father’s Day version of this same activity.

Want more coloring sheets? Check out my collection of animal-inspired mandalas/zentangles:


Thanks for stopping by!

Cover image credit: Pixabay, Public domain

Mandala images credit: Peaksel, WikiMedia Commons, CC BY-SA 4.0


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