Use this excellent Decimal Lesson to teach or review operations with decimals!
My students loved the simplicity and color coding in this math lesson.
More details about how I have used color coding with students learning math skills is described in more detail in the ‘4 Ways to Engage Students in Learning’ Blog.
Perfect for Interactive Notebooks!

This lesson was created for students who struggled to remember the rules of adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing decimals when they were first learning this concept. After students completed the graphic organizers, I allowed them to use the same color pen or colored pencil, to complete decimal problems. Addition of decimals was completed in red, subtraction in green, multiplication in purple, and division in orange. This assisted their learning and remembering the rules with decimals. I hope you enjoy this FREEBIE as much as I and the students I created it for did.
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Best Wishes,
M Moore
Certified K-6, 6-9 math, and 6-9 science
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©2015 M Moore, Moore Resources,
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