Yearly Archives: 2016

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Back to School Daily Reading Comprehension FREEBIE”

by Elements of Elementary

4th – 6th Grade


Back to School Daily Reading Comprehension


1 FULL week of August’s Daily Reading Comprehension is FREE forever with this download. Enjoy 1 week of daily reading comprehension worksheets for 5th grade. Thinking of buying a full month (or more) of daily reading comprehension activities? Check this out and give it a try in your classroom before you commit!

This week-long activity is a fictional story about going back to school. Written on a 5th grade reading level, it is perfect for daily morning work or homework.

Great for standardized test prep, these passages have the feel and re-reading of a close read with more structure. Questions are grouped by type so that students focus on one main skill a day.

Monday – students read the passage and answer questions about main idea, theme, and the general form of the text.

Tuesday – students re-read the passage and answer multiple choice, standardized-test styled questions.

Wednesday – students re-read the passage and answer character or setting questions about the text.

Thursday – students re-read the passage and answer GUM (Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics) questions about the text.

Friday – students re-read the passage and answer short-answer, written response questions about the text.

Like what you see? All of August & September are available now, with other months coming soon!

August Daily Reading Comprehension

September Daily Reading Comprehension

(c) Elements of Elementary, 2015







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LANGUAGE ARTS – “Vowel Consonant-e Syllable Bundle Packet”

Grades K-3

by Reading on Strawberry Lane
V-C-e Bundle Cover-cp


V-C-e Bundle-2

This reading unit provides 55 pages of the V-C-e syllable type word lists. V-C-e is one of the six types of syllables in reading. The lists in this unit include words spelled using each vowel in conjunction with common phonograms. These lists of words will help students recognize the common patterns seen in V-C-e syllables.

The 71 page unit includes activities and games that can be placed in language stations, or they can be played during small groups. So enjoy as your students learn another way to break the code to reading! Here is a list of the activities and games included in this packet:

1, Move the Spider to His Web
2. Syllable Type Organizers
3. Connect 4
4. Color the Snail’s Shell
5. Graph Your Total
6. Dominoes
7. It’s Raining V-C-e Words
8. Burst a Balloon
9. Flower Power
10. V-C-e Booklets
11. Flip-Flop Match-Up
12. A Walk Around the Block
13. Skunk
14. Building Words
15. Snake & Ladders

FREE MISC. LESSON – “Classroom Idea or Reward – Door Hangers for Class & Student”

by Ann Marie Smith

Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade


Classroom Idea or Reward- Door Hangers


Laminate and Use These Four Cute Door Hangers:

___________’s Class (Fill in Teacher’s Name) & Where your Class is…

Small Groups in Session…(So your Principal Knows When He/She Pops in for a Visit or Observation)

___________’s Room (For Students to take Home)

At Lunch Until ______ (Fill in Lunch Time)

PDF Printables

Thanks for stopping by!

Ann Marie Smith @ Innovative Connections






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FREE MISC. LESSON – “All About Me Sheet (FREE)”

by Jessica Osborne

3rd – 9th Grade


All About Me Sheet


All About Me Sheet: This FREE “About Me” graphic organizer activity is a unique and very visual way to get to know your students. Use the provided example and have your students complete the graphic organizer about their lives. Then allow students to share in partners, groups, or to the whole class. These make a great bulletin board display after sharing. Finally, save these sheets until the end of the year and have the kids do it again on the last day of school. Then give them back their original one so they can see how their lives have changed.


Click HERE to see all my Back-to-School resources!

Take a look at these related products:
About Me Projects
Meet the Teacher Scavenger Hunt
Student-to-Teacher Drop Box
Back -to-School Alphabetizing Game

© 2015 Jessica Osborne. All rights reserved.
By copyright law, the purchase of this product entitles one teacher the use of the digital and printed files for a single classroom. Files are not to be shared or published (including being displayed on a website) in any way without direct permission from the author: [email protected]







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LANGUAGE ARTS – “10 r-Controlled Activities & Games”

Grades 1-4

by Reading on Strawberry Lane
10 r-controlled-cover

This unit is a package of 10 activities and games that are designed to make it easy for students to learn to read r-controlled syllable type words. There are 6 syllable types, and r-controlled is one of the six types. These syllables are called –r-controlled because the –r is in control and the vowel is out of control when sounding out the word. Instead, of the vowels making their normal sounds, the –r decides for them what sound the vowel is going to make. Reading and spelling r-controlled words require visual memory and experience. These games will teach students a few consistent tips to remember when reading these kinds of words. There are five -r-controlled vowels–ar, -er, -ir, -or, -ur. These five vowel spellings make 4 different sounds. The packet includes 75 -r-controlled words cards and the following 10 games:

1. Climb a Tree

2. Grow a Centipede

3. Football Frenzy

4. Dominoes

5. Uno

6. Clear the Board

7. Snail Shell

8. Wild Animal Race

9. Checkers

10. Circle Out

r-Controlled Pic 1

r-Controlled Pic 2

r-Contorlled 3

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Back to School Literacy {Freebie}”

by Sailing into Second

1st – 4th Grade


Back to School Literacy


Celebrate the back to school with this fun and engaging activity! There is 1 syllable activity, word cards, and a recording sheet to match.

If you liked this freebie, check out the entire unit HERE!

Thank you and please leave me some feedback! 🙂







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LANGUAGE ARTS – “Closed Syllable Bundle Packet”

Grades K-3

by Reading on Strawberry Lane

Closed Syllable Bundle Cover 

15 Games Closed Syllable Pic 1

15 Games Closed Syllable Pic 2

15 Games Closed Syllalbe Pic 3

Reading Closed Syllable-4

Fifty percent of our English language is closed syllable type words. Once a student learns this syllable type, they have a great foundation upon which to build. So it is a well worth our efforts to invest our time teaching this syllable type if we are going to have successful readers.  I created this packet for my students to have fun learning closed syllable type words. There are 6 syllable types, and closed syllable is the most basic type to teach.

This bundle includes two units:  The first unit, ‘Reading Closed Syllables’ provides 158 word lists of the closed syllable type words. Also, a master list of all the words is included as a quick reference. The lists in this unit include words spelled using each vowel in conjunction with common phonograms. These lists of words will help students recognize the common patterns seen in closed syllables. Also, reading will become more manageable for students once they understand the different syllable types.

The unit, ’15 Games & Activities Teaching Closed Syllables’ include 15 fun games and activities that can be placed in literacy centers for the students to enjoy. The following games are included in this packet:

1. Bubble Bath
2. Bubble Yum Relay
3. Scrambled Eggs
4. Bag the Odd Chip
5. Morph the Word
6. Flower Power
7. My Closed Syllable Word Book
8. Recording Sheet
9. Roll a Word
10. Spin a Word
11. Puzzle Words
12. Hangin’ Out the Laundry
13. Map Out The Treasure
14. Connect 4
15. Beat the Clock

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Star of the Week Student Poster Freebie {Back to School Activity}!”

by Curriculum Castle

Kindergarten – 3rd Grade


Star of the Week Student Poster


Our star of the week poster makes a perfect beginning of the year activity! Your students will feel extra special when you give them a chance to be featured as the classroom star! These posters look great displayed in the classroom. You can back them onto a piece of colorful construction paper, enlarge them at your local copy store, or just print and have students decorate them just as they are.

This is a great activity to send home and have your students complete with the help of their family.

* This poster is one activity found in our Teacher Binder & Back to School Survival Kit!

~Curriculum Castle







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Polar Bears, Grizzly Bears, Sun bears – Biomimicry for Young Children

By Sparking Children’s Thinkibility

Grades Kindergarten – 5th Biology, Visual Arts, Critical Thinking

Bears are extraordinary animals. Some bears climb trees others make a wide range of interesting noises.

Do you find walking around in the city boring?

Use the noisy sloth bear as your inspiration and invent singing pavements.
Spectacled bears peel back bark on trees and eat the layer under the bark.
Can you design a log peeling robo?

page biomi bears-page-0

  1. Why Teach Biomimicry
  2. Getting Started Guide
  3. How to Observe and Collect Information about the rainforest
  4. Bears Are Can Have
  5. Polar bears are fascinating because. . .
  6. What if I was a polar bear? Invent something fluffy and warm inspired by the fur.
  7. Feet like a polar bear. Use pictures as inspiration to invent something.
  8. Invent a robo using polar bear as our inspiration.
  9. What do grizzly bears eat?
  10. Make a menu inspired by grizzly bears. Invent a glow that selects food. . .
  11. Great at digging – design a gardening/farming tool or machine inspired by grizzly bears.
  12. Sleeping grizzly bears. Invent a sleeping bag.
  13. Giant Pandas are great because. . .
  14. Glove or toy inspired by giant pandas.
  15. Long Tongue – Sun Bears
  16. Spectacled bear – Log peeling robo, Cool sunglasses
  17. Sloth bear – Singing pavement
  18. How to use biomimicry in the classroom – inspiration and ideas
  19. Links to videos and information
  20. Poster

Fabulous Observations.bear withoutdocx-page-0

Link to STEM Biomimicry for Young Children – Bears

Link to free poster STEM Fabulous Observations to Inspire New Ideas – Bears

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LANGUAGE ARTS – “Scooping Words with One Closed Syllable & One Vowel-Consonant-e Syllable”

Grades 1-3

by Reading on Strawberry Lane

Scooping Closed and V-C-e

Scooping a word is the same as dividing the word into syllables.

Syllables can be divided by saying them orally or by using a pencil and paper. If we orally divide a word into syllables, we usually clap the word out. For example, if we orally divided the syllables of dislike, we would clap out ‘dis’ and ‘like,’ and that would be two claps. If we divided the syllables on paper, we would place a slash between the ‘s’ and ‘l’ in

the word ‘dis/like.’

So rather that placing a slash, there is another way to show the number of syllables in a word, and that is to scoop the syllables. This is how that would look: d i s I I k e. Not dividing the word with a slash avoids the look of an extra letter in the word, and it also avoids the idea of students thinking the word has only one syllable since there is just one slash. With the idea of scooping with the finger or with a pencil, students

can feel and see the scoops which in turn matches the number of syllables.

This packet contains 64 task cards that allow students to practice scooping words with one closed syllable and one vowel-consonant-e syllable.

Scooping Closed and V-C-e 2Scooping Closed and V-C-e 3

August Teacher Talk

Posted by Deann Marin of Socrates Lantern

It’s August Teacher Talk Time…..Hopefully many of you are still enjoying your summer

vacation. Some of you are back to school already, while others are getting your classrooms ready for an exciting new school year. We have so many great tips and ideas for you from awesome educators. Be sure to take a look at what everyone has to say.

If you’re interested in joining this unique group of teacher entrepreneurs, blogging buddies and/or our blog linky, sign up here….The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative. If you decide to join, be sure to mention one of our names.


Teaching Tolerance During this Election Season

By Deann Marin of Socrates Lantern

I don’t know about you, but this was the first political convention I’ve followed with interest and a great degree of concern. We need to embrace our diversity, to look for the good in each other, and notice the positive things we see happening every day.



Some tips for bringing respect back to your classroom.


Setting Up Your Classroom With Style

This time of year I love to find new ideas to make my classroom functional, yet cute. The way I figure it, I spend more awake hours in my classroom than any other room in my house. So, why not make it visually appealing! Here are some ideas that are functional, yet adorable at the same time.


5 Teacher Must-haves for Back to School: Working on a Budget

My top five must haves for the classroom teacher!


Back-to-School Ice Breaker

Do you hate ice breakers? Me too. That’s why I created something a little different for grade 4 – 8 to enjoy!


Using Productive Struggle to Promote a Growth Mindset

By Shametria Routt of The Routty Math Teacher

“Using Productive Struggle to Promote a Growth Mindset” is the second part of my Summer PD with The Routty Math Teacher blog series. In this four-part series, I define productive struggle, advocate for its purpose and usefulness in the classroom, illustrate how it is reflected in a teacher’s instructional decisions, offer a list of expectations for both students and teachers during productive struggle, provide an opportunity to see productive struggle in action via a Teaching Channel video, and connect productive struggle with growth mindsets. 


 It’s Back to School Time! Have fun with the Marshmallow Tower Project!

By Mary Moore of Moore Resources

I will be implementing a project the first week of school, “The Marshmallow Tower Project”, shared with me at a Teaching Summit in June. Materials needed are: A box of….


Using Handwriting Without Tears to Teach Printing

By Thia Triggs of Print Path

Most every Occupational Therapist that I have ever met loves the Handwriting Without Tears© [HWT] program to teach handwriting. But not every OT, and many teachers and school districts do not use this program. Why not? I would like to discuss what I have observed about advantages and disadvantages of using HWT. 


Tips For Teaching The Presidential Election

By Michelle Webb of Teaching Ideas For Those Who Love Teaching 

Tips for teachers to use while teaching about the Presidential Election.


What Happens When a Classroom Theme Drives Instruction?

By Tracy Willis of Wild Child Designs

When teachers talk about themes, they’re usually talking about classroom decor. But could they be missing out on some real instructional power? Let your themes drive your instruction for the entire school year!


Be sure to enter TBOTEMC’s Rafflecopter for a chance to win a $100 gift

certificate to Teachers Pay Teachers. Please remember to enter one of our names and Tpt store on the referral section of the registration form.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Hop on over to visit the blogs from other teachers in our cooperative.

FREE MISC. LESSON – “Project Covers – 3 FREE Covers – Bold & Beautiful”

by Sculpt Designs

Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade


Project Covers


3 FREE Project Covers with bright chevron and dots backgrounds and colorful bracket frames. Use them for your TpT covers, posters, signs, labels and more!

The covers are 12″ square but can be resized to make labels, task cards etc.

Want more? Check out the full product: 30 Project Covers – Bold & Beautiful

These covers are made with background papers and covers from these products:
Background Papers – Bold & Beautiful
Frames – 12″ Square – Bold & Beautiful

The details
Covers are 12″x12″ (square).
300 DPI for high quality printing
PNG file format (in ZIP file)

Terms of use
You may use my products as you wish for personal use or in classroom materials.
You may use my products to create other products for sale online with the following requirements:
– Please give credit by linking to my TpT store with my store button or the text Sculpt Designs.
– You may not sell or distribute my products as clip art.
– Please ensure all your files are flattened so the graphics are merged with your document.


Hear about giveaways and discounts!
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My Summer Adventures Poster

By Sparking Children’s Thinkibility

Grades: Kindergarten -3rd  Biology, Problem Solving, Visual Art

An engaging activity to place on students’ desks when they arrive back to school after the Summer Break.

Print the poster as it is at its current size, or blow it up to a larger size. Let your students fill in their Summer Adventures. When the posters are complete, let them share their memories with their classmates. Can also be used later in the week for creative writing.

TpT first day page 1-page-0

TpT first day page 2-page-0

Link to My Summer Adventures Poster: Back to School Activity

I would be delighted if you like to follow me on:

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Teaching Tolerance During this Election Season

I don’t know aVote imagebout you, but this was the first political convention I’ve followed with interest and a great degree of concern.  We need to embrace our diversity, to look for the good in each other, and notice the positive things we see happening every day.  I was appalled by what I saw occur during the Republican convention. It was shocking to witness such divisiveness, hate, pessimism and fear mongering. Everything was dark and ominous.  Our country wasn’t built on that. It was built on faith, optimism, a genuine caring for each other and working together for the greater good. That is the American way!  We teach our children to be compassionate, to respect each other no matter their race, or religion, and to find something positive in everything and everyone. How can we expect them to believe us when they see a bully running for president, an individual who has no respect for women, disabled people, minority groups, immigrants, even experienced judges, let alone heroic veterans and those in the military who have dedicated their lives to serving our country and protecting our freedom.

What if this irresponsible, inexperienced, bigoted person, whose only accomplishment is enriching himself while cheating and taking advantage of others less powerful, were to become leader of the free world? Will he stop and erode all the hard fought progress made by honest, hard working champions for our way of life?

So how do you respond when a young person asks, “Why is this bully running for president, I’m afraid of him,” or “Why doesn’t he like Mexicans, is he going to send us back to Mexico? We have to let our kids know that just because he has succeeded at something, doesn’t mean he’s someone to follow or vote for.  That freedom of speech is part of our constitution and the law of the land allowing anyone to exercise it freely. Sadly, has taken advantage of this.

Let your kids know that anger is a normal emotion, sometimes we all feel this way. The main goal is to allow one  to express his/her feelings and not to keep them bottled up inside.  We need to let them know that sometimes people say hurtful things when they are frightened, unhappy, immature, and jealous of those who have been successful in their lives. Bullies often feel threatened by the accomplishments of others so they lash out.


  1. Parents and/or teachers should ask questions and listen to what the kids have to say.

Here are some tips.

  • Ask what they think about the presidential nominees
  • Who are the candidates?
  • What kind of people are the candidates?
  • What are some of the things they’ve been talking about?
  • Who would you vote for and why?


  1. Express how you feel and give clear reasons why. This will help children learn coping skills when they feel unhappy, angry and fearful. These actions will aid them in understanding that they have choices, are connected and empowered.
  • This is an opportunity to hold a discussion about differencesof opinion, how to debate respectfully, and how to fight for a cause. Create various scenarios that they can role play.
  • Use historical events to help make sense out of what is happening today. Spend classroom time talking about current events on a daily basis. Do not try to sway their opinion with your own.
  • Parents should also join in with a statement of how they feel about the election.
  • They could do the following with their children, view anti-racial speeches. attend a rally, write a letter to the candidate, take their child to vote with them.


  1. Last, but not least, allow the children to speak freely about anything that is on their mind. Be honest and sincere when answering their questions.

The way influential adults act and talk about women, immigrants and each other is important. It is the basis for how our kids view the government, society and relationships.  If this negativity continues, it will change our world for the worse and we don’t want to go to a place that we will never be able to return from. As adults, it is our responsibility to say what is on our mind, to let our voices be heard by voting, and to be role models for our charges.
I have strong feelings this election season, and I hope that I haven’t offended anyone with this post.  Thanks for reading….



Back to School Binder for classroom activities and decoration.




Please visit Socrates Lantern’s Social Media Sites


Be sure to enter TBOTEMC’s Rafflecopter for a chance to win a $100 gift certificate to Teachers Pay Teachers. Please remember to enter my name Deann Marin and my Tpt store Socrates Lantern on the referral section of the registration form.

a Rafflecopter giveaway




This is part of our August Teacher Talk, so head on over to the other posts to see the tips/ideas from all of our educators.

August Teacher Talk.007

FREE SOCIAL STUDIES LESSON – “American Government, Election Day, and Presidents – FREEBIE! (sample)”

by Cultivating Lifetime Learners

1st – 6th Grade


American Government, Election Day, and Presidents


This Freebie is a fun and interactive learning experience to familiarize students with citizenship in the United States.

Full Version

Check out the full version!

Thanks for looking!!

: )







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THREE $100 GIVEAWAYS of TpT Gift Certificates!

Follow these directions to enter to win THREE $100 GIVEAWAYS of Teachers Pay Teachers Gift Certificates… 

Directions on how to win the 

FIRST $100 TpT Gift Certificate:

Complete the Rafflecopter Contest Application at the bottom of this post to enter to win the FIRST $100 GIVEAWAY of a TpT Gift Certificate.  Click on the link, A RAFFLECOPTER GIVEAWAY, located under “BETTER ODDS THAN VEGAS!!! ” to earn the raffle ticket entries.  (You may have to wait a minute for it to appear on your computer.)  The FIRST $100 GIVEAWAY of a TpT Gift Certificate will end at 11:00 P.M. on August 24, 2016 Pacific Time.

Earn a chance to have 10 bonus entries by clicking the “Bring your friends!” button and share this giveaway with your friends.

Directions on how to win the 

SECOND $100 TpT Gift Certificate:

All new members and members who have renewed their membership in The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative from June 7, 2016 – September 7, 2016 at 11:00 P.M. Pacific Time will be entered to win the SECOND $100 TpT Gift Certificate.  

Join more than 200 members of The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative and work together to market your TpT products.

♦ Get THOUSANDS OF PAGE VIEWS for your TpT products by advertising your free products, priced products, sales, and promotions on our blogs (The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs, TBOTE II, or TBOTE III.)  Our premier blog, The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs, has more than 31,000 average daily viewers.   Since the LINKS OF ALL OF THE POSTS FROM THE VARIOUS TBOTE BLOGS WILL BE ADVERTISED AGAIN IN ALL OF THE TBOTE BLOGS, your TpT products will be seen by thousands of potential buyers…

♦ Our TpT Sitewide Sale & Holiday Social Media Team and Weekly Social Media Team will help get your TpT products flying all over the Internet.

♦ TBOTEMC Tailwind Tribe members are able to use the magic of Pinterest on a daily basis.  Members may place ONE pin a day on our TBOTEMC Tailwind Tribe board.  For every pin that is placed on this board, the member will agree to cooperate and repin THREE pins from other members on the board that same day.

♦ Bring more traffic to your personal blog by joining Teacher Talk. Each month, members of this marketing team write a blog post on any educational topic.  The links from all of the blog posts are then displayed on all of the team’s blogs in addition to The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs, TBOTE II, TBOTE III, and our WordPress blog.  All of the blog post titles, graphics, “teaser” sentences, and links will be compiled into a free TpT product at the end of each year.  Thus, your blog posts will continually be seen for years to come and bring even more traffic to your personal blog and TpT store…


Directions on how to win the 

THIRD $100 TpT Gift Certificate:   

All members of The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative will automatically be entered to win the THIRD $100 TpT Gift Certificate on September 7, 2016.  

The three winners will be announced at our blog, The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs –

Feel free to email me at [email protected] if you have any questions.

Wishing you the best,




a Rafflecopter giveaway

LANGUAGE ARTS – “75 Games & Activities for Teaching the Six Syllable Types of Reading”

Grades K-4
by Reading on Strawberry LaneScreen Shot 2015-07-10 at 1.10.59 PM

The bundle packet includes 75 games and activities that all target teaching the 6 types of syllables in reading: Closed Syllables, V-C-e Syllables, r-Controlled Syllables, Open Syllables, Vowel Digraph & Diphthong Syllables, and Final Stable Consonant Syllables.
The basic overall purpose of learning syllable type reading is to give students 6 reading strategies to aid them in chunking longer words into short, readable parts. Learning to read by identifying the type of syllable is the most consistent method to teach reading to your students, and the easiest way for your students to learn to read.These 75 activities/games can be placed in language stations, or they can be played during small groups. So enjoy as your students learn another way to break the code to reading!At the present, I am creating my last packet of game and activities to go with the final stable syllable type, and once I complete it, I will make it available. Also, if you would like to preview what is in the packet, just click on the preview tab and you can see a sample of some (not all of them) of the games in the packet.
The Closed Syllable Packet includes the following games:
1. Bubble Bath Mats
2. Bubble Yum Mats
3. Scrambled Eggs
4. Bag the Odd Word
5. Morph the Word
6. Flower Power
7. My Closed Syllable Word Book
8. Closed Syllable Sorting Mats
9. Roll a Word
10. Spin a Word
11. Puzzle Words
12. Hangin’ Out the Laundry
13. Map Out the Treasure
14. Connect 4
15. Beat the ClockThe
V-C-e Syllable packet includes the following games/activities:
1. Move the Spider to His Web
2. Syllable Type Organizers
3. Connect 4
4. Color the Snail’s Shell
5. Graph Your Total
6. Dominoes
7. It’s Raining V-C-e Words
8. Burst a Balloon
9. Flower Power
10. V-C-e Booklets
11. Flip-Flop Match-Up
12. A Walk Around the Block
13. Skunk
14. Building Words
15. Snake & Ladders
The r-Controlled Syllable packet includes the following games/activities:
1. Climb a Tree
2. Grow a Centipede
3. Football Frenzy
4. Uno
5. Clear the Board
6, Snail Shell
7. Wild Animal Race
8. Checkers
9. Circle Out
10. Dominoes
The Open Syllable packet includes the following games/activities:
1. Bubble Yum Relay
2. Flower Power
3. Open Syllable Word Count, Sort & Write
4. Open Syllable Cut, Sort & Glue
5. Open Syllable Count & Divide
6. First or Last Syllable Open?
7. Fill Up the Jar
8. I Spy
9. ‘y’ says ‘i’ or ‘e’
10. First or Last Syllable Open Picture Sort
11. Hear, Write & Draw
12. Open Syllable Booklets
13. Dominoes
14. Try Spelling/Draw & Spell
15. Move the Cow to the Barn
The Vowel Digraph & Diphthong Syllable packet includes the following games/activities:
1. Color the Rainbow
2. Ghost OUT
3. Move the Mouse to the Cheese
4. Guess the Word
5. Shark
6. Go Fish
7. PIG
8. Old Maid, Old Man
9. Skunk
10. Thirteen Digraph/Diphthong Booklets
The Final Stable (-le) Syllable packet includes the following games/activities:
1. Syllable Match-Up
2. Which Final Stable Syllable Sound?
3. Final Stable Syllable Booklets
4. Syllable Divide
5. Riddle Riddles
6. Syllable Picture Sorts
7. Daub the Final Stable Syllable
8. WAR
9. Got It!
10. Sweet Shop Hop

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Holocaust/WW II/Schindler’s List/CCSS Questions/Vocabulary/Prezi”

by Linda Jennifer

9th – 12th Grade


Holocaust-WW II-Schindler's List


Schindler’s List
the Holocaust
non-fictionThis is a small part of my larger TpT unit on Schindler’s List – my more in-depth unit combines the questions that are included here and adds other questions and competences:

Schindler’s List: test/essay questions/a Prezi.

The CCSS “lay out a vision of what it means to be a literate person in the 21st century.” Integrating film into your curriculum is an excellent way to satisfy many of the new Common Core State Standards.

You don’t need to show entire films, just short clips of these films, to develop competences deemed essential in the new CCSS guidelines.


➢ A PREZI with clips from the film

➢ A multiple choice quiz with six questions and answers

➢ Vocabulary – definitions for words that are crucial for understanding the Holocaust

➢ Information on Oskar Schindler

➢ Essay questions and discussion questions

➢ Questions aligned with ELA-Literacy CCSS 8-12 – in particular with the following standards:

I teach SCHINDLER’S LIST as a TEXTURE TEXT or a CONTEXT TEXT usually alongside THE REPUBLIC. It is an excellent film to use when studying philosophical concepts including, but not limited to, the following: morality, ethics, sacrifice, freedom, courage, and the power of hope.

If you are interested in engaging your students in higher order thinking (focusing on texts and ideas that raise questions regarding justice, mercy, power, ethics, and hope) please FOLLOW ME to be informed of my upcoming units on Plato’s Republic and Nietzsche’s Thus Spake Zarathustra. I have several posted already. See the following:

What is Textual Analysis? Unit #2.


Copyright © 2013, jellycat-in-the-snow productions
All rights reserved by author
Permission to copy for single classroom use only
Electronic distribution limited to single classroom use only

Keywords: Non-fiction; Textual Analysis; political philosophy; History; social studies; ELA; Literature; logic; essay questions; CCSS; study guide; vocabulary

Customer Tips:

How to get TPT credit to use on future purchases:
• Please go to your My Purchases page (you may need to login). Beside each purchase you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Simply click it and you will be taken to a page where you can give a quick rating and leave a short comment for the product. I value your feedback greatly as it helps me determine which products are most valuable for your classroom so I can create more for you.

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• Look for the red star near the top of any page within my store and click it to become a follower. Voila! You will now receive customized email updates about this store.

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FREE MATH LESSON – “Mental Math Practice (Common Core Aligned)”

by 180 Days and Counting

1st – 3rd Grade


Mental Math Practice


Mental Math Practice is aligned with the Common Core Standard 2.NBT.8

Students have to use mental math in-order to add or subtract 10 and 100. There is an additional spinner and recording sheet for adding or subtracting 20 and 200.

Students can either pull a card, spin a spinner, and verbally tell the answer. Or, they can pull a card and complete the recording sheet provided.

*1 spinner (+/- 10 & 100)
*1 spinner (+/- 20 & 200)
*16 number cards
*2 recording sheets







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LANGUAGE ARTS – “A Mega Bundle Packet of Reading Syllable Type Word Lists and Games/Activities”

Grades K-4

by Reading on Strawberry Lane

The mega bundle packet includes 400+ words lists and 70+ games and activities!!!

There are 6 syllable types in reading. The basic overall purpose of learning syllable type reading is to give students 6 reading strategies to aid them in chunking longer words into short, readable parts. Learning to read by identifying the type of syllable is the most consistent method to teach reading to your students, and the easiest way for your students to learn to read. All of the

Mega Reading & Game Cover

words lists incorporate patterns using all the vowels. The closed syllable and V-C-e syllable target words using common phonograms.

This packet of activities and games give students a fun way to learn the syllable types. The activities/games can be placed in language stations, or they can be played during small groups. So enjoy as your students learn another way to break the code to reading!

If you would like to preview what is in the packet, just click on my individual bundle packets for each syllable type to preview the materials included in this mega bundle.

The Closed Syllable Packet includes the following games/activities:
1. Bubble Bath Mats
2. Bubble Yum Mats
3. Scrambled Eggs
4. Bag the Odd Word
5. Morph the Word
6. Flower Power
7. My Closed Syllable Word Book
8. Closed Syllable Sorting Mats
9. Roll a Word
10. Spin a Word
11. Puzzle Words
12. Hangin’ Out the Laundry
13. Map Out the Treasure
14. Connect 4
15. Beat the Clock

The V-C-e Syllable packet includes the following games/activities:
1. Move the Spider to His Web
2. Syllable Type Organizers
3. Connect 4
4. Color the Snail’s Shell
5. Graph Your Total
6. Dominoes
7. It’s Raining V-C-e Words
8. Burst a Balloon
9. Flower Power
10. V-C-e Booklets
11. Flip-Flop Match-Up
12. A Walk Around the Block
13. Skunk
14. Building Words
15. Snakes & Ladders

The r-Controlled Syllable packet includes the following games/activities:
1. Climb a Tree
2. Grow a Centipede
3. Football Frenzy
4. Play Uno
5. Clear the Board
6, Snail Shell
7. Wild Animal Race
8. Checkers
9. Circle Out
10. Dominoes

The Open Syllable packet includes the following games/activities:
1. Bubble Yum Relay
2. Flower Power
3. Open Syllable Word Count, Sort & Write
4. Open Syllable Cut, Sort & Glue
5. Open Syllable Count & Divide
6. First or Last Syllable Open?
7. Fill Up the Jar
8. I Spy
9. ‘y’ says ‘i’ or ‘e’
10. First or Last Syllable Open Picture Sort
11. Hear, Write & Draw
12. Open Syllable Booklets
13. Dominoes
14. Try Spelling/Draw & Spell
15. Move the Cow to the Barn

The Vowel Digraph & Diphthong Syllable packet includes the following games/activities:
1. Color the Rainbow
2. Ghost OUT
3. Move the Mouse to the Cheese
4. Guess the Word
5. Shark
6. Go Fish
7. PIG
8. Old Maid, Old Man
9. Skunk
10. Thirteen Digraph/Diphthong Booklets

The Final Stable (-le) Syllable packet includes the following games/activities:
1. Syllable Match-Up
2. Which Final Stable Syllable Sound?
3. Final Stable Syllable Booklets
4. Syllable Divide
5. Riddle Fiddles
6. Syllable Picture Sorts
7. Daub the Final Stable Syllable
8. WAR
9. Got It!
10. Sweet Shop Hop

FREE MATH LESSON – “Frost Clocks”

by Venus Brown

Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade


Frost clocks


These clip-art clocks are saved as 300 dpi png files.
They include frost styled clock faces
stylized minute, hour, and second hands
flat black hour and minute hands
plus outlines of the clock-face and handsThese can be layered and arranged with the clock hands displaying any time you like.






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The benefits of Reading Buddy Programs

The benefits of a Reading Buddies program by That Fun Reading Teacher
[/Image credit: gelpi / 123RF Stock Photo


Just typing the term Reading Buddies brings a smile to my face.

When I was teaching kindergarten and first grade, my students always had Reading Buddies (older students from a partner class). The older buddies usually came weekly to read with my students and do a fun activity.

Having a Reading Buddy program in my classroom is one of the things I missed when I was teaching Reading Recovery. When I became a special education teacher (providing literacy support to students up to the third grade), I set up buddy reading between some of my third grade students and snacking Kindergarten students. Half of them were interested when I first suggested bringing their ‘most practiced’ books to kindergarten, weekly, during recess. After the first month, click here to continue reading…

                               The Reading Buddies Starter Pack


LANGUAGE ARTS – “Reading Syllable Types Bundle Packet”

Grades K-4

by Reading on Strawberry Lane

This bundle contains six units that give specific word examples of each syllable word type. The six syllable types of reading are Closed, V-C-e, Open, r-Controlled, Vowel Digraph & Diphthong, and Final Stable. Each unit provides a plethora of word lists that target each syllable type. Teaching reading by syllable types provides students with a clear-cut understanding of the English language. The basic overall purpose of learning syllable type reading is to give students 6 reading strategies to aid them in chunking longer words into short, readable parts.

Reading Syllable Type Bundle Cover

Syllable Bundle DefinitionsReading Syllable Types Bundle-3

FREE MISC. LESSON – “Whole Brain Teaching Classroom Rules – FREE! – Cute Polka Dots”

by Teacher Tools and Time Savers

Pre-Kindergarten – 6th Grade


Whole Brain Teaching Classroom Rules


FREE!! Classroom Rules for Whole Brain Teaching – Cute Polka Dots

Students will be happy to follow the rules when they see these adorable rules on the wall!

These are the popular rules used in Whole Brain Teaching.

These rules match the other items in my ‘Cute Polka Dots’ collection.

Buy more items like this in my ‘Cute Polka Dots Classroom Décor Bundle!” 35% off

Check out all of the coordinating ‘Cute Polka Dots’ items like this one in my store!

I hope you enjoy these! They will brighten up your classroom.

Copyright © 2015 Teacher Tools and Time Savers. All rights reserved by Teacher Tools and Time Savers. This product is to be used by the purchaser only. Copying for more than one teacher, classroom, department, school, or school system is prohibited. This product may not be sold, distributed, or displayed digitally (in part or in whole) for public view. Failure to comply is a copyright infringement and a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).







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Back to School – Number Counting Posters

It might be “Christmas in July” but it’s “BACK TO SCHOOL” in August!  Here’s a photo of my boxwood bushes done up with lights during the past holiday in july freebieWell, it’s not Christmas yet but I do have a FREEBIE for you.  Read on.

I’ve just finished a GIANT file of numeral and number counting posters.  The posters have mosaic backgrounds.  I purchased these papers from Bev’s Learning Hut and I couldn’t be more pleased with how beautiful they turned out!  Best of all, mosaic designs have been in existence for a long time and they NEVER go out of style!

There are a total of SEVEN sets of colors in the priced file.  I’m offering one set as a FREEBIE.  (Merry Christmas in July!)  The colors included in the larger file are red, blue, green, pink, orange, purple, and light blue.  You’re getting the red set with blue fish!

Each set of posters includes numerals zero through twenty.  There are colorful fish displayed on the posters to match each numeral shown.  The children can practice counting skills by counting the fish on any given poster.  If you display the posters at the children’s eye level on your classroom wall, they can practice counting during their spare time.

Each numeral is approximately 7 centimeters tall.  The numeral font that I used is a ideal for modeling correct numeral formation.  The numeral “4” is formed with straight lines.  The line on the numeral “9” is straight so that is does not appear like an upside down “6”.

I have created these poster with simplicity in mind so that educators can use them to focus on a few of the related Common Core Math Standards for kindergarten.  Those are:

1.  Writing numerals 0 to 20.

2.  Reading numbers 0 to 20.

3.  Counting up to 20 objects (with numbers 0 to 10 in scattered formation) and naming the corresponding number.

You will need colored ink to print the posters.  I recommend printing them with white cardstock paper.  If you’d like, laminate them for long lasting use.

The slide show below shows some of the posters from the large file.  You might notice that I was able to print without a white edge around my pages.  The mosaic backgrounds are very attractive when there is NO WHITE BORDER.  Plus, printing without the white edge means that you won’t spend any time trimming.  I’ve included a tutorial on how to print without the white border.  You can also view this blog post to see picture directions:  Borderless Printing Tips for Teachers.

Click the FIRST image to view the posters at my Teachers Pay Teachers shop.  Click the SECOND image to get the FREE, 0 to 20 number posters with the red mosaic style.number-postersnumber-counting-postersI hope that you are enjoying your summer break!  School will be coming soon!

Copyright 2016 Molly McMahon, Lessons by Molly



Teachers Pay Teachers Shop



LANGUAGE ARTS – “Scooping Words with Two Closed Syllables”

Grades K-3

by Reading on Strawberry Lane

Scooping a word is the same as dividing the word into syllables.

Syllables can be divided by saying them orally or by using a pencil and paper. If we orally divide a word into syllables, we usually clap the word out. For example, if we orally divided the syllables of polish, we would clap out ‘pol’ and ‘ish,’ and that would be two claps. If we divided the syllables on paper, we would place a slash between the ‘l’ and ‘i’ in the word ‘pol/ish.’

So rather that placing a slash, there is another way to show the number of syllables in a word, and that is to scoop the syllables. This is how that would look: p o l i s h. This way not dividing the word with a slash avoids the look of a misplaced letter in the word, and it also avoids the idea of students thinking the word has only one syllable since there is just one slash. With the idea of scooping with the finger or with a pencil, students can feel and see the scoops which in turn matches the number of syllables. 

This packet contains 64 task cards that allow students to practice scooping words with two closed syllables.

Simply print and cut along the guidelines. One idea is to print on card stock or on colored paper. Laminate and use them again and again and keep them in a baggie. Another option is to hole-punch a corner of each card and put them all on a ring.

FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Next Generation Science Standards “I Can” Statements ~ Matter”

by Primary “Teach”spiration

2nd Grade


Next Generation Science Standards


Next Generation Science Standards ~ Matter – This is a FREE sample taken from my*Next Generation Science Unit on the Structure and Properties of Matter.

Next Generation Science Standards “I Can” Statements for the Structure and Properties of Matter – Full page size. These “I Can” Statements are aligned with the *Next Generation Science Standards for 2nd grade. Statements include all 2-P1 and K-2-ETS1 Next Generation Science Standards.

Each statement has kid-friendly images and is written in kid-friendly language. Every NGSS I Can Statement has the standard for the teacher’s reference.

I have also included a page with attractively outlined words for a bulletin board heading.

See the link below for my complete Structure and Properties of Matter unit, designed as an interactive notebook.

**Structure and Properties of Matter

How to get TPT credit to use on future purchases:
* Please go to your My Purchases page (you may need to log in). Beside each purchase you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Simply click it and you will be taken to a page where you can give a quick rating and leave a short comment for the product. I value your feedback greatly and appreciate your patronage!

Be the first to know about my new freebies, discounts, and product launches:
* Look for the green star near the top of any page within my store and click it to become a follower. Voila! You will now receive customized email updates about this store.

*Next Generation Science Standards is a registered trademark of Achieve. Neither Achieve nor the lead states and partners that developed the Next Generation Science Standards was involved in the production of, and does not endorse, this product.







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FREE MATH LESSON – “Freebie Twenty Chart and Sample Questions Getting Ready to use A Hundred Chart”

by Learning Harbor Resources for Teachers

Kindergarten – 1st Grade


Freebie Twenty Chart and Sample Questions


This mini freebie contains one Twenty Chart will help students learn and review teen numbers. This is a building block for using a Hundred Chart.







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LANGUAGE ARTS – “Vowel Consonant-e Syllable Bundle Packet”

Grades K-3

by Reading on Strawberry Lane
V-C-e Bundle Cover-cp


V-C-e Bundle-2

This reading unit provides 55 pages of the V-C-e syllable type word lists. V-C-e is one of the six types of syllables in reading. The lists in this unit include words spelled using each vowel in conjunction with common phonograms. These lists of words will help students recognize the common patterns seen in V-C-e syllables.

The 71 page unit includes activities and games that can be placed in language stations, or they can be played during small groups. So enjoy as your students learn another way to break the code to reading! Here is a list of the activities and games included in this packet:

1, Move the Spider to His Web
2. Syllable Type Organizers
3. Connect 4
4. Color the Snail’s Shell
5. Graph Your Total
6. Dominoes
7. It’s Raining V-C-e Words
8. Burst a Balloon
9. Flower Power
10. V-C-e Booklets
11. Flip-Flop Match-Up
12. A Walk Around the Block
13. Skunk
14. Building Words
15. Snake & Ladders