by Growing Smart Readers
Kindergarten – 3rd Grade

Bee a Reader! Bookmarks
Mini Word Wall
Kids need to have sight words/frequent words handy for writing, and to practice fluency.
What makes these unique is that these bookmarks double as a mini word wall—handy for writing and spelling, and can also be perfect for a quick fluency drill.
There are three sets of instant words lists.
Select cover and list of words
~When printing, choose the cover slide number and the slide number for the list you want for your kids.
~Then print back-to-back, at landscape orientation setting.
You may wish to laminate for a long-lasting reference, since these words can be kept handy for journal writing, as well as in readers’ notebooks. Kids can keep a bookmark in their folders.
Send these home for drill practice–for reading and writing. Or, keep them handy on your bookshelf for your readers.
Print, punch a hole, and personalize with ribbon, string, beads, etc.
Thanks for your interest. Have fun with these!
Please let me know how these worked out for your kiddos!