Daily Archives: March 23, 2018

Free Adaptable Short Story Chart (adaptable to all works of fiction)



Adaptable Short Story Chart (adaptable to all works of fiction)


Product Description

Adaptable Short Story Chart

This short story chart is perfectly adapted to all fiction (short stories, novels, plays….)

The document includes an explanation page as well as pages for students to complete.

It is excellent way to have students identify the different parts of plot.

It includes the following elements:
-Plot (initial situation, climax…)
-Memorable quotes

It’s teaching made easy!

E-MAIL ME at [email protected] . Be sure to include your e-mail address and buyer’s name. I will send you an attachment directly to your e-mail address.

Total Pages
3 pages
Answer Key
Does not apply
Teaching Duration



FREE Mathematical Discourse Resource


Looking for a strategy to encourage mathematical discourse in your classroom? 

The “Who’s Correct?” strategy allows students the opportunity to evaluate the mathematical thinking of others and either agree or disagree with the person’s response. What I love about this strategy is that students do not just solve the problem, they must select a correct, or incorrect, response and provide a justification for the thinking of another. See the example above. 

Here’s how to use this strategy:
1. Create two responses to a problem (consider using a frequently missed test item).

2. Ask students to respond to the “Who’s Correct?” question and give a justification in pictures, words, or numbers.

3. Have students debate who’s response is correct (or incorrect) using appropriate models and mathematical vocabulary.

Click here or on the image above to grab a free copy of my “Who’s Correct?” images. To use them, insert them into PowerPoint slides and then add your own text. You can read more about how to use the “Who’s Correct?” strategy with your students here.
Want to know more? 
Head on over to The Routty Math Teacher website and read my latest post, “Why Having a Math Fight Can Actually Help You in the Classroom” where I share tips for ways to start a math fight and a strategy to get you started. Read the post here or by clicking on the image below.

FREE MISC. LESSON – “Digital Graphic Organizers”

by MrsTech

2nd – 5th Grade



Pic Collage is a fun app that is free in the app store that you can download to your device. This product features different graphic organizers that students can use for all sorts of different content areas. They simply save this .png file to their iPad, pull it up in Pic Collage to edit, and then save it as a picture again to share with you. There is a directions sheet to share with students included as well. There is also a link to use these in Google Classroom.


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