Daily Archives: February 28, 2019

The Three Paragraph Essay

Product Description

This is a great way to teach students how to structure their essay properly. 

The Three Paragraph Essay is a resource that is best used for novice essay writers. It is an excellent way to introduce the expository essay. The 2-page pdf document includes simple step-by-step instructions to teach students how to write an effective three paragraph essay.

I recommend using this material with students who are in grades 7-9. It is an efficient and simple way of learning how to write a proper introduction, a one paragraph development, and a conclusion that serves a purpose.

It’s teaching made easy!

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Total Pages 2 pages

Answer Key N/A

Teaching Duration N/A


by Keep Your Chin Up

1st – 3rd Grade

Looking for a way to encourage your students to use different strategies when solving addition and subtraction equations? These problem solving mats are the answer!

This is a great tool to have when teaching small math groups. Simply print out the problem solving mats and easily use and reuse by putting them in clear wipe pockets. Your students can even use these in math centers when solving word problems, missing addend problems, and more!


► Ten frame with “I Can” statements

► Double ten frame with “I Can” statements

► Space for a picture with “I Can” statements

► Ten frame without “I Can” statements

► Double ten frame without “I Can” statements

► Without number bond and without “I Can” statement




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