Daily Archives: May 24, 2021

Rubrics: Self Evaluation and teacher assessment rubrics


Self-evaluation grids are a great way to guide students in their evaluations. Students will know exactly what is expected of them and will be made responsible for their own success. This package can also easily be changed to be used as peer evaluations.

Included within this document are over 20 different self-evaluation grids.

These self-evaluation grids are also very helpful to teachers:

Helps the teacher justify the final mark;

❒ Helps the teacher create meaningful evaluation grids;

❒ Helps to identify students’ weaknesses and strengths;

❒ Helps parents and students better understand the task required;

❒ Helps teachers create rubrics for the final evaluation.

This package was created in a Word document in order to be easily modified and changed according to the individual teacher’s needs.

This self-evaluation package contains self-evaluation grids for:

❒ Newspaper article

❒ Short story writing (intermediate and senior)

❒ Essay writing (various different types)

❒ Essay evaluation rubrics (for teacher –with and without sources)

❒ Independent study unit

❒ Research paper

❒ Skits

❒ Board game

❒ Group work

❒ Opinion piece

❒ Editorial

❒ Friendly letter

❒ Debate

❒ Movie review

❒ Journals

❒ Scrapbook

❒ Seminar

❒ Speech

❒ Riddle writing

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It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
27 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration

FREE MISC. LESSON – “Father’s Day Coupons – Free Sample Pack”

by Victoria Leon
Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade

“Father’s Day Coupons – Free Sample Pack” is a free product which has the same three versions of coupons found in my “Father’s Day Coupons – Three Versions” which you may purchase at http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Fathers-Day-Coupons-3-Versions-84337.

If you would like to have more coupons than this sample pack, “Father’s Day Coupons – Three Versions” has 36 coupons per set. Similar to this sample pack, the first version has space for the students to draw a picture for that particular coupon. The second version has the students trace over the dotted letters of each coupon. In the third version the students do not have to write on the actual coupon, but may create a cover for the coupons.

I have given you three covers in my “Father’s Day Coupons – Free Sample Pack.” If you purchase my “Father’s Day Coupons – Three Versions,” you will receive ten covers for Sets #1 and #3 and four covers for Set #2.

Be sure to punch two holes on the sides of the coupons. Use ribbon and the two holes to secure the coupon booklet. If you do not have ribbon, simply staple the coupons together.

IF YOU ARE NOT ABLE TO OPEN THE ZIP FILE, PLEASE E-MAIL ME at [email protected]. Be sure to include your e-mail address and buyer’s name. I will send you an attachment directly to your e-mail address.

Get daily free products at my website, http://www.thebestofteacherentrepreneurs.net.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to e-mail me at [email protected].

Have fun,
Victoria Leon


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