Daily Archives: September 5, 2021

ELA Literature Study Unit – Use with ANY Work of Literature


ELA Literature Study Unit – Use with ANY Work of Literature

This bundle has everything needed to teach any work of literature, to start literature circles, or as an alternative to independent book reports. It also teaches literacy skills which are essential for students to add meaning to content.

Now comes with a fill in the blank PDF for students who prefer using the computer

There are 24 pages in the unit guide that include:

❒ Anticipation guide

❒ Prediction chart

❒ Plot Chart

❒ Plot chart (graphic organizer)

❒ List of character traits and a STEAL chart for characterization

❒ Characterization graphic organizer

❒ STEAL characterization graphic organizer

❒ Character traits graphic organizer

❒ Conflict activity

❒ Personal word wall

❒ Important passages (quotes) activity sheet

❒ Questions for Comprehension (generic- before, during, and after reading)

❒ Event map

❒ Chapter summary pages

❒ Making inferences activity sheet

❒ Activity on author’s purpose

❒ Themes and how to develop them

❒ How to develop themes in paragraph form (using PEEL)

❒ Paragraph graphic organizer (using PEEL)

❒ How to answer a test question in paragraph form (using PEEL)

Included are 2 evaluations with rubrics:

1) Writing a journal as one of the characters in the story (focus on characterization)

2) Writing a newspaper article on an event from the story (focus on plot and cause and event)

Characterization poster for the classroom is also included in two different formats (legal size paper required).

You may also be interested in the following products:

Creative Writing Bundle

Inference Cheat Sheet

Poetry Lesson: Analyzing Poetry

Poster: Developing Themes in Literature

Opinion Letter with the Novel Holes

Opinion Piece Bundle

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
31 pages
Answer Key
Included with rubric
Teaching Duration

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Free Sample: Receptive Vocabulary Activities for Fall: Feature Function Class”

by Autism Classroom Resources-Christine Reeve
Pre-Kindergarten – 3rd Grade

This is a free sample of additional activities like those found in Fall Receptive Language: Feature, Function, Class (autism)

Using a fall theme with apples and pumpkins, this combination of print-and-go and reusable materials is great for early learners, ABA programs, discrete trials and speech therapy. They are designed to provide a variety of ways for special education students and early learners to practice receptive vocabulary skills beyond just naming items.

I developed them with the idea of using them with students in discrete trials to be able to administer trials to more than one student and to add some variety to the materials for teaching these skills to prevent students from getting bored. They are designed to help students working on identifying items by feature (characteristics/adjectives), function, and class (category).

Please see the product for a cross listing of the paid product materials with specific items from common curricula / assessments including the STAR: Strategies for Teaching Based on Autism Research; the ABLLS-R: Assessment of Basic Language and Learning-Revised; the VB-MAPP: Verbal Behavior-Milestones Assessment and Placement Planning; and the PEAK: Promoting the Emergence of Advance Knowledge.
Materials Included:
This set of materials can be used in multiple ways depending on how they are constructed.

–1 print-and-go sheets that students color parts by associated items
–1 print-and-go sheets that students color by category pictures
–1 print-and-go color by feature, function and class sheets to be used in direct instruction
–1 black and white print and go sheets that students use bingo markers or stickers to identify multiple items with specific features, functions or class

For more seasonal activities like these, check out:
Receptive Vocabulary Activities for Spring: Feature, Function, Class

For more classroom materials for students with autism and special education

Receptive Vocabulary Sorting for Autism: File Folders and Worksheets

QR Code Receptive Vocabulary Task Cards for Autism: Basic Vocabulary.

Customer Tips:If you have any questions or concerns about this product or things you would like to see changed, please contact me at my email in the product or in the preview and I’ll be happy to discuss it.

How to get TPT credit to use on future purchases:
• Each time you give feedback, TPT gives you feedback credits that you use to lower the cost of your future purchases. I value your feedback greatly as it helps me determine which products are most valuable for your classroom so I can create more for you. Thank you!☺

Be the first to know about my new discounts, freebies and product launches:
• Look for the green star next to my store logo and click it to become a follower. Thank You! You will now receive email updates about this store. ☺

This product is copyrighted to Christine Reeve 2015 for use in one classroom. They may not be copied for additional classes without purchasing extra licenses. For bulk discounts, please email me at [email protected].


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