Daily Archives: October 6, 2021

Paragraph Writing Activity in conjunction with Frankenstein


Paragraph Writing Activity in conjunction with Frankenstein

Very often, students have difficulty with the analysis process involved in literature. Where they not only have to analyse but now have to apply their newfound skills to a well-developed paragraph, some students become overwhelmed with the process.

This particular activity will focus on both the analysis and writing a paragraph using the PEEL method.

Paragraph writing and analysis are two essential components in essay writing. To facilitate this process, I have created a lesson where students can become more comfortable with the revision process by modelling the proper steps from beginning to end. The lesson includes a modelling of the writing process from understanding the topic to the final draft. See preview for details

This lesson can only be used after students have read chapter 19 from the novel Frankenstein.

5 pages total

You may also be interested in the following products:

ELA Literature Study Unit

Frankenstein Activity

Frankenstein Bundle

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Frankenstein Workbook

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
5 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Characterization Webs for “The Pardoner’s Tale” by Geoffrey Chaucer”

by Juggling ELA
9th – 12th Grade

There are 3 characterization webs for “The Pardoner’s Tale” from The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer included in this product.

There are characterization webs for The Three Rioters and The Old Man.

I have also provided one blank graphic organizer so that you can give students the opportunity to use whatever character that they want.

These characterization webs can be used individually or in groups. 

You can have students do all of them or you can give different students or different groups graphic organizers for different characters. 

This activity can be done in class or at home for homework. 

This is a good way to review the characters before a test.

There is no answer key for this product because answers can vary.

If you have any questions feel free to ask.

Related Products

• Characterization Webs for The Canterbury Tales: The Pilgrims

• Characterization Webs for “The Knight’s Tale” by Geoffrey Chaucer

• Characterization Webs for “The Miller’s Tale” by Geoffrey Chaucer

• Characterization Webs for “The Nun’s Priest’s Tale” by Geoffrey Chaucer

• Characterization Webs for “The Wife of Bath’s Tale” by Geoffrey Chaucer

• Character Maps for The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer


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