FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Daily 5 (or centers) Rainbow Tracker Freebie”
by Primary Paradise
Kindergarten – 3rd Grade

Would you like your students to keep track of which Daily 5 activities they complete. Would you like to encourage them to not always pick the same choice? These rainbow trackers are just what you need!
Students color in which activity they did each day on the rainbow, and then when they complete all 5, you check it, they color in the 6th part.
You could have them take their rainbow home to show their parents, give them a sticker or reward for filling it, or display it somewhere in your classroom. You could also graph how many times each student fills their rainbow. Whatever you choose, your students will love to use their rainbow trackers!
There is also a copy that could be used for centers. Just print it out, write in your 6 different centers, and use it the same way.
If you download and use this freebie, don’t forget to leave feedback.
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