FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “TELL ME! Comprehension Play Dough Mats: Fall Edition”
by Simply Special Ed
Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade

These play dough mats are perfect for students with special needs or Autism, who love to fidget and have difficulty focusing. Keep busy hands busy and busy minds engaged with this fun activity that can be used over and over again!
Keep fidgeting hands busy!
Have students “make” their name before you start reading! This gives them a fun activity and gets them ready to learn!
Use in small groups or 1:1.
Ask the students the questions- if they get the answer right they can cover it up with play dough, if they get it wrong they have to wait until you ask again!
Use while reading to check for understanding.
Have students place the play dough when they hear the answer!
Includes fall and october theme!
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