Daily Archives: November 12, 2023

FREE MISC. LESSON – “Christmas Gifts Growth Mindset Posters and Coloring Pages”

by Chrysti’s Class
3rd – 6th Grade

6 Posters with a Colorful Gift and Growth Mindset quote is sure to brighten up your classroom for the holidays as well as help students to incorporate ideas and actions that will guide them for many years to come. 6 Black and White Coloring Sheets can be printed and used separately, made into a booklet, or hung up to decorate the classroom. Teacher Tips and Suggestions for this resource are also included. Keep an eye out for more FREE Growth Mindset goodies to help your students learn good work ethics, ways to be kind, and to recognize their own and others’ good qualities.

Christmas Resources Below for Grades 2-5

Christmas Math Word Problems Task Cards Center for 4th: CCSS Aligned Available for Grades 2-5

Gingerbread Geometry with Activities, Worksheets and Word Wall for 5th Grade

12 Days of Christmas Fraction Word Problem Task Card Center

Gingerbread Geometry and Christmas Symmetry with Bulletin Board Display for 3rd Grade Available for 4th Grade

Gingerbread Family Math Word Problem Games and Activities for 4th Grade Available for 3rd Grade


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If you like this product, please visit Chrysti’s Class to see more.

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