Featured Seller- Kris McWilliams
Tell us about yourself.
My name is Kris McWilliams, I am a certified K-5th Grade teacher in Georgia, but I am currently living in Germany. My husband recently retired after 23 years in the Army and we decided to move to Germany for an employment opportunity. I have taught both 4th and 5th Grade, currently I am working as a substitute K-5th Grade teacher at the Dodea school on post and I also work part time teaching adults through a continuing education program.
I have been creating products for teachers since 2013. I have a background in digital design and love combining my love of teaching with creating digital designs!
What do you like best about teaching?
My favorite part about teaching is when I witness a student having that “lightbulb moment”. Seeing a child finally grasp a concept makes me remember why I got into teaching in the first place!
Describe your favorite TpT product.
My favorite TpT product is probably my Book Clubs Elementary Starter Set. This was the first TpT product I created.
What advice would you give to someone who may want to become a seller at Teachers Pay Teachers?
Take your time creating products. It’s easy to get excited about a product and rush to put it on your store. I sometimes have to tell myself to slow down and make sure that I am creating the best possible product for my buyers.
What have you done or hope to do with your TpT earnings?
When I am teaching full-time, my TpT earning usually go right back into my classroom! Right now, I save up my earning to use on travel while we are living overseas.
What do you like best about being a member of The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative?
TBOTEMC gives great support to its members! Victoria Leon is quick to get back to her members to answer questions and offer support!
Kris McWilliams
Mistakes Allow Thinking to Happen
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