by Ruth S.
3rd – 9th Grade
Sequence Activity
These are great activities to reinforce sequence using clue and transition words. Kids have to identify the clue words in the sentences, then draw one line under the event that happened first, and two lines under the event that happened second.
PLEASE NOTE: This packet of sequence activities has been modified and pages have been added. Please upload the new activities that include more activities and teaching suggestions.
More sequence activities.
Sequence Packet
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I’m a teacher/author and offer Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, American History, Novel Packets, Grammar, Back to School, Holidays, Writing, Poetry, Spelling, Teacher forms products and more!
All rights reserved by author. Ruth S.
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Copyright © Ruth S.
Permission to copy, for single classroom use only.
Electronic distribution limited to single classroom use only.
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Teacher Park
The following are just some of the resources I offer on Teachers Pay Teachers. To find more, look for CUSTOM CATEGORIES on my store pages and select a subject.
The following resources can be used with any book or story! Student friendly rubrics are included!
Common Core ELA Informational Text PostersCommon Core Figurative LanguageCommon Core Reading ThemesCommon Core Reading Standards Main IdeaCommon Core Setting ComparisonsCommon Core Foundational Skills Task Cards Great informal assessment to determine who needs review or who has achieved mastery. Use year to year
Common Core Character ComparisonsCommon Core Problems and SolutionsCommon Core Reading Standards Cause and Effect
Close Reading Informational Text Polar Bears
This is the perfect informational text, no prep resource, to connect English Language arts with social studies and science! The article about polar bears’ lives in the arctic regions of Earth and how they survive, will inspire your students to research these beautiful animals on their own. Creative activities! Questions and answers are included.
Nonfiction Bingo A great way for students to become very familiar with nonfiction features.
Nonfiction Detective Task Cards Pre- reading, reading and post reading cards!
Nonfiction Find It and Check It This packet helps to reinforce nonfiction text.
Common Core Informational Text Article (Cheetah) FREE!
Novel Response Cards Use with any book or story. Perfect for small groups, independent work, literature circles, guided reading and centers. This is one of my most popular resources! Use year to year with your students!
Number the Stars 19 Page Packet This is now a 70 page packet! There is an informational article about World War II for pre reading activities, with questions and answers. Also included are maps of Europe and Denmark with questions and answers. This provides students with a historical perspective of World War II. Covers all reading strategies and more!
Similes Metaphors and More Use with any book or story! Examples and definitions are given on each page.
Nonfiction Bingo A great way for students to become very familiar with nonfiction features
Figurative Language Chart and Student Worksheets A very handy reference chart with examples of figurative language as well as other activities. Students use their copies of the chart as they work on written assignments in class. . A VERY popular resource all teachers must have!
Movie Review for Students Keep your students focused as they watch videos in class. Add these sheets to your sub folder!
Fantasy Essential Elements Literature Unit
Book Report Trifold Use With Any Novel Use the pages year to year with any fiction book or story. Students will be motivated to work for the extra bonus points that are offered! A note to parents is also included with all the instructions about the report and a slip to send back to you. Complete instructions are included.
Design a Game Book Report An amazing book report. Students create games based on stories they’ve read. All time favorite activity loved by students, their parents, teachers and administrators! Encourages students to read different genre. Have a Game Day!
Bloom Ball Reports Inspires students to “think out of the box” to create reports for any subject, book, or story. Use with any fiction, nonfiction or subject. Based on the latest Bloom Taxonomy verbiage. These reports encourage higher-level thinking and make colorful year round classroom displays! Students, teachers, parents and administrators love the reports! For 5th grade and up. Middle and high school teachers tell me they’re using them too!
Parts of Speech Animal Theme Posters Laminate for future use!
Subject and Predicate ActivitiesIrregular Past and Participle Forms of Verbs
Adjective Adverb Game Common Core SupplementAdjective Adverb Task CardsCommon and Proper Nouns Practice for the Common CoreCommon Proper Nouns Game
Spelling Activities To Use with Any Spelling List
How to Spell Plural Nouns FREE!
Scoot Fun! Adjectives
Scoot Fun! Nouns
Scoot Fun! Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbs
Scoot Fun! Prepositions
Scoot Fun! Subjects Predicates
Scoot Fun! Verbs
Al Capone Does My Shirts
A Wrinkle in Time Literary Activities
A Wrinkle in Time Whole Book Assessment and Extension Activities
Bridge to Terabithia Student Worksheets
Brians Winter Student Worksheets Gary Paulsen’s survival books keep students on the edges of their seats!
Chasing Vermeer 65 Comprehension Activities Task cards
Chocolate Fever by Robert Kimmel Smith
Dogsong by Gary Paulsen
Fairy Tales Worksheet PacketFun! Imagine Cinderella’s glass slipper is a sneaker and she arrives to the ball in a limo. Students love these activities!
Fantasy Essential Elements Literature Unit
Frindle Literature Guide 87 pages. Includes an informational article about the Bill of Rights and Freedom of Speech with questions and answers. Is freedom of speech different in the classroom than what is says in the Constitution?
From the Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler Activities
Hatchet Student Worksheets
Holes by Louis Sachar Student Worksheets
Hoot Student Worksheets
Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O’Dell
Lord of the FliesLove that Dog,Test
Maniac Magee 32 Page Packet
Maniac Magee Task Cards
Maniac Magee Bullying
Maniac Magee Vocabulary
Maniac Magee Fortunate and Unfortunate Events If you purchased my Maniac Magee packet, please do no purchase this. It is in the packet.
Moby Dick
Number the Stars 19 Page Packet This is now a 70 page packet!
The Kite Runner
The Tiger Rising Activities
Where the Red Fern Grows Activities
Woodsong Packet
Who doesn’t love a contest? You’ll notice that even your most reluctant readers will join in this weekly fun! See the links for more details.
Vocabulary Detectives Task Cards 4 Pronouns, Proper Nouns, Conjunctions
Vocabulary Detectives Task Cards 5 Similes, Metaphors, Personification
Vocabulary Detective Task Cards 6 Common Proper Nouns and ContractionsHOLIDAYS AND SEASONAL PRODUCTS
St.Patricks Day Legend of Irish Leprechauns WorksheetsIreland Mini Report for St. Patricks Day FREE!
Thanksgiving Activity Five Kernels of Corn A true story about the Pilgrims starving time when they had only five kernels of corn to eat each day.
Thanksgiving Word Art Poster FREE!
New Year Resolutions Mine My Town My Country The World School is included in this packet. Students think “out of the box” to write the resolutions.
Autumn and Fall Writing Papers Creatively designed writing paper for final drafts of poems and stories.!
Autumn ELA Student Worksheets
Halloween Task Cards and Writing Activities Fun creative task cards students love!
Christmas and Holiday Language Art Activities
North Pole Headline News Students have fun writing news articles about the North Pole. Examples of headlines are: Santa Loses His Cell Phone, Santa Buys an iPad, Rudolph’s Nose Turns Blue and many more! Fun!
North Pole Prepositions FREE! Fun!! You’ll love your students’ illustrations of the sentences with prepositions!
Veterans Day An inspiring project that’s loved by students, parents and teachers!
Langston Hughes Dreams FREE! A fantastic resource to encourage your students to follow their dreams. Use during Black History Month, to celebrate Martin Luther King’s birthday or add it to your poetry unit!
These activities can be hands on cut and paste activities or students can write their answers on the snowballs.
Snowball Antonyms
Snowball Synonyms
Snowball Math Addition Subtraction
Snowball Math Multiplication and Division
Behavior Forms for Teachers Forms all teachers need!
Behavior Reinforcing Student Responsibility
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