Category Archives : 9th Grade

Lord of the Flies Unit EDITABLE


***NEW – All student activities are available in PDF and Google Docs format.

*** The presentations are also available in both PowerPoint and Slides format.

This resource can be purchased at a lower cost by clicking on the link below

Lord of the Flies Unit (No Prep)

This Lord of the Flies Unit has everything required to teach this unit and it is completely editable in a Word format. All of the thinking and preparation has been done for you.

Everything you need to teach The Lord of the Flies by William Golding is found in this unit.

❒ Includes journal prompts to further students’ understanding and to understand thematic development in the novel further.

❒ PowerPoint presentation with historical context and background information

❒ (Optional) PowerPoint presentation about the origins of evil furthering understanding of Golding’s themes

❒ Guess Who? Game to help students trace character development in a fun and practical way

❒ Student workbook with all of the photocopies, student activities, comprehension and thematic questions, etc… (Photocopy the booklet once and you don’t have to think about it for the rest of the unit.)

❒ Links to audiobooks for easy chapter reading.

❒ The Answer Key for all student work.

❒ Includes comprehensive chapter notes to help with reviewing chapters previously read and allowing students to take notes concerning important information.

All tests have two versions – which is nice when you teach more than one group at a time.

❒ Test on the first seven chapters (2 different versions – both in a Word document for easy modifications. Answer keys provided for both evaluations.)

❒ The final evaluation includes two different options. Option 1: 2 different unit test versions (two different tests – answer keys for both are included), Option 2: an Essay with all materials included (evaluation grid, outline package, etc.…)

❒ 17 complete and detailed lesson plans to guide and orient your students. Journal prompts with ideas to further discussion, step by step instructions… This makes for super easy planning.

❒ A Jeopardy Game (on PowerPoint) to review the novel and to prepare for the final evaluation

The unit includes 103 pages and 76 slides.

Guide to lessons’ focus points:

Lesson 1: Introduction to the background and historical context

Lesson 2: Focus on leadership

Lesson 3: Introduction to the symbolism in the novel

Lesson 4: Characterization

Lesson 5: Writing exercise (paragraph and argument development)

Lesson 6: Reading period

Lesson 7: Civilization vs. Savagery (Includes cyberbullying and dangers of social media, etc.…) Practical applications of the novel.

Lesson 8: Review analysis skills

Lesson 9: Test on chapters 1-7 (Choice of multiple-choice questions or development questions)

Lesson 10: Reading period

Lesson 11: Thematic Meaning activity

Lesson 12: Characterization (character development)

Lesson 13: Literary conflicts in the novel

Lesson 14: Symbolism

Themes: 15: Themes

Lesson 16: Novel review and Jeopardy game

Lesson 17: Evaluation (Choice of two unit tests or an essay)

You’ll never have to worry about what you will be teaching on any given day.

You may also be interested in the following products:

Thematic Poetry Unit: Editable

Brave New World Student Notebook

Death of a Salesman No Prep Unit

Frankenstein No Prep Unit

Hamlet No Prep Unit

Much Ado About Nothing No Prep Unit

Romeo and Juliet No Prep Unit

Wuthering Heights Student Workbook

The Yellow Wallpaper No Prep Mini-Unit

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
103 pages and 76 slides
Answer Key
Teaching Duration
1 month

Comment Bank


Do you run out of meaningful criticism for your students’ high school papers and work?

I created this comment bank because I had the same problem. After a little while, you don’t know what to write on a student’s test.

The Comment Bank has been constructed to save the Language Arts teacher time when offering constructive and helpful comments on students’ evaluations. Marking papers in any Language Arts class is always a lengthy process. Increasingly, teachers are being asked to write more detailed comments to highlight students’ strengths and weaknesses, and sometimes we run out of ideas. Being the vigilant teachers we are, and wanting to help our students achieve their potential is and will always be one of our priorities. To this end, when marking students’ papers, writing down everything we want to say to them about their papers would be a very lengthy process. I have decided to share my personal comment bank with you.

The bank comments on the following areas:



❒The next step





The package contains 7 pages of comments, which are divided by levels of accomplishment A, B, C and D. (levels 100 to 50)

Included in this package are over 120 comments for students. You can get inspiration from these pages to handwrite your comments, or you can do what I do and copy/paste your comments into a word document, print, and staple the comment to the students’ evaluations. This is a real time saver. Parents, students, and school administration LOVE this method of feedback. And, this way, it takes much less time to be much more efficient. I hope you enjoy it!

You may also be interested in the following products:

ELA Report Card Comments

Group Work Assessment Tool

Rubrics: Self-Evaluation Bundle

Creating a Board Game Assessment Tool

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
7 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration

ELA Report Card Comments


The end of a school year or semester is always a challenge for English Language Arts teachers. Between the marking, end of the year activities, and packing up your class for the following year, creating individual and meaningful comments on students’ report cards can be challenging.

I say, take back your weekends! I am sharing my mid and end of year ELA report card comments with you. There are over 70 comments for you to use and personalize your ELA report cards.

There are comments on:

❒ supporting an opinion

❒ argument development

❒ speeches

❒ theme development

❒ theme development while using historical context for analysis purposes

❒ supporting arguments in essay form

❒ reading strategies

❒ reading comprehension

❒ group work and literature circles

❒ novel study

There are also a slew of next step comments as well.

Each section is divided by levels 1,2, 3, and 4 where you can select the appropriate comment to accompany the mark the student received.

You may also be interested in the following products:

Comment Bank

Group Work Assessment Tool

Rubrics: Self-Evaluation Bundle

Teaching the Essay Package

Thesis Writing Activity

Thesis Writing Poster

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
6 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration

Free Poster: Developing Themes in Literature


This is a nice visual to help students remember the process of developing themes.

Free Poster to help students remember the steps to take when developing themes in literature.

You may also be interested in the following products:

Analyze This!

English Grammar Cheat Sheet

Inference Cheat Sheet

Superhero Themed Parts of Speech Posters

Thesis Writing Poster

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
1 page
Answer Key
Teaching Duration

Hamlet Bundle (Digital resource)


This resource now has a new format. Please note that MOST evaluations are still available in Word format for easy modifications.

One entire month of planning done for you – I dare you to enjoy Shakespeare.

I love teaching Shakespeare’s plays, and I want you to love it too. I’ve been teaching and improving this unit for over ten years. All of the thinking has been done for you. I love annotating my plays and books. I’ve taken all of the annotations made in my play over the years and incorporated them in a guide to help you guide students and help students understand. Many people (including teachers) get overwhelmed with Shakespeare because of the language. This unit has been created with the student in mind. The activities are thorough, but simple enough for students to understand and enjoy the play.

This unit has everything a teacher needs to teach Hamlet. Just photocopy and teach. Seriously it’s that easy. There’s no longer a need for hours of research and piecing together bits of information and activity sheets you don’t know what to do with.

This is a whole, complete unit, from scene summaries, important notes and annotations notes to help students understand what they are reading. I have also included an introduction to the play, a student guide, a teacher guide with detailed lesson plans, quizzes, a creative assignment, and tests (all with answers and evaluation grids), and a comprehensive answer key. Everything has its place and teaches a specific skill.

The unit is appropriate for students in grades 10, 11 and 12.

The unit includes :

❒An attractive, interactive, multimedia PowerPoint presentation introducing the play (17 slides)

❒A Student Study Guide (with activities, Act, and scene questions…) and various activities (16 pages)

❒Study Questions are available in two different formats – Print saver (with all questions on one page – students write their answers on a separate sheet) and Long Form (Where space is provided for students to write their answers directly on the question sheet)

❒A Teacher Guide (with detailed, comprehensive lessons, unit plan, and additional notes to guide students.) -9 pages and 17 complete lessons. The teacher Guide includes journal and discussion prompts and list of speaking roles if reading out loud in class)to help with time management and organization.

❒18 pages of comprehensive scene summaries and important notes for each scene (annotations for each scene) ***THIS IS A TEACHER FAVORITE!

A creative Hamlet Guess Who? Game to help students understand the characters. (What’s fun about this game is that it can be played from the beginning of the play right to the end, and students’ answers will change depending on the act they are reading.) LOTS OF FUN!

❒A comprehensive answer key for all questions and activities. (24 pages)

❒Comprehension quiz on Acts 1 and 2 in Word format for easy modifications (with evaluation grid) and answer key.

❒Option 1: Mid-play evaluation – The Parody – creative writing and analysis (in Word format for easy modifications – with evaluation grid)

❒Option 2: Mid-play evaluation – The Parody – a creative group presentation (Only available in PDF format)

❒Summary guide (highlighting the significant events from each scene with important analytical information) – Throughout my years of teaching this play, I have amounted excellent notes and annotations, listing the most significant actions throughout each scene. I have retyped these annotations to help you teach the play, so your students will understand it (and so will you). (18 pages)

❒The culminating evaluation includes three different versions of the final unit test with evaluation grid and answer key (in Word for easy modifications)

Includes a total of 115 pages.

This resource has been created as a substitute for the traditional “questions and answers” method we are used to. As teachers, our goal is to make sure students understand the important elements from the play, but we also want to engage them in a “hands-on” fashion.

Studies demonstrate that Sketch noting and doodling help students retain information and understand concepts better than simply answering questions.

This resource allows students to complete notes during the reading process and use the images and heading provided to help them know what the focus should be on.

This is also an excellent study and review tool.

Included in this resources is:

❒a note-taking page for every scene in the play

❒a note-taking page for every soliloquy in the play

❒a comprehensive answer key for all scenes and soliloquies

You may also be interested in the following products:

Thematic Poetry Unit: Editable

Brave New World Student Notebook

Frankenstein Bundle

Hamlet No Prep Unit

Much Ado About Nothing No Prep Unit

Romeo and Juliet No Prep Unit

Wuthering Heights Student Workbook

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
163 pages
Answer Key
Included with rubric
Teaching Duration

ELA Literature Study Unit – Use with ANY Work of Literature


ELA Literature Study Unit – Use with ANY Work of Literature

This bundle has everything needed to teach any work of literature, to start literature circles, or as an alternative to independent book reports. It also teaches literacy skills which are essential for students to add meaning to content.

Now comes with a fill in the blank PDF for students who prefer using the computer

There are 24 pages in the unit guide that include:

❒ Anticipation guide

❒ Prediction chart

❒ Plot Chart

❒ Plot chart (graphic organizer)

❒ List of character traits and a STEAL chart for characterization

❒ Characterization graphic organizer

❒ STEAL characterization graphic organizer

❒ Character traits graphic organizer

❒ Conflict activity

❒ Personal word wall

❒ Important passages (quotes) activity sheet

❒ Questions for Comprehension (generic- before, during, and after reading)

❒ Event map

❒ Chapter summary pages

❒ Making inferences activity sheet

❒ Activity on author’s purpose

❒ Themes and how to develop them

❒ How to develop themes in paragraph form (using PEEL)

❒ Paragraph graphic organizer (using PEEL)

❒ How to answer a test question in paragraph form (using PEEL)

Included are 2 evaluations with rubrics:

1) Writing a journal as one of the characters in the story (focus on characterization)

2) Writing a newspaper article on an event from the story (focus on plot and cause and event)

Characterization poster for the classroom is also included in two different formats (legal size paper required).

You may also be interested in the following products:

Creative Writing Bundle

Inference Cheat Sheet

Poetry Lesson: Analyzing Poetry

Poster: Developing Themes in Literature

Opinion Letter with the Novel Holes

Opinion Piece Bundle

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
31 pages
Answer Key
Included with rubric
Teaching Duration

FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Self-Grading Editable Digital Notebook: Isotopes”

by Lab In Every Lesson
6th – 12th Grade

ONGOING use of this product requires a paid membership ($9/month or $49/year) to BookWidgets, the technology upon which the content is built. It enables teachers to modify the content of the digital interactive notebook, integrate the assignment into Google Classroom, view responses students submit electronically, automatically grade and analyze data from the free exit ticket which may be provided at the end of the coordinating interactive science lesson.

A 30-day free trial from BookWidgets is available, though, and it’s the reason I make this particular product free in my store. Take advantage of this opportunity to explore the back end that only you will be able to view and edit!

digital interactive notebook containing the same content but without the ability for teacher manipulation is also available for sale in the store. With the basic version, students will be able to complete the assignment and download it to their computer or print it. Electronic submission will not be possible.


From using this digital interactive notebook, students will learn about isotopes so they can:

  1. talk like a scientist!
  2. recognize the difference between mass number, exact atomic mass, and average atomic mass.
  3. explain radioactivity.

Both you and your students will know they are successful when they can:

  1. define terms on the Word Wall.
  2. determine the composition of the nucleus for various isotopes.
  3. name isotopes using their mass number.
  4. explain how mass number is different from exact atomic mass.

The digital interactive notebook is built for independent student use. With the link, students can download their electronic work and save it to a folder on their computer or print it to compile hard copy evidence of their investigations. It includes all components of my interactive science lessons including activation and integrations of prior knowledge, guidance through active learning experiences and assessment of mastery through skill practice.

The following components are included in this digital interactive notebook to support student centered learning:

  • a “Review & Preview” activity to activate and assess prior knowledge.
  • a “Word Wall” which showcases vocabulary that is central to the lesson content.
  • analytical reading or writing components to promote scientific literacy.
  • at least one independent or small group learning experience which allows (1) students to create artifacts as evidence of their learning and (2) teachers to review main ideas with the whole group.
  • data-dependent analysis of the learning experience outcomes.
  • detailed answer keys for the outlined activities.
  • formative assessment of mastery.

This digital interactive notebook offers incredible flexibility with regard to delivery of the lesson:

  • use as a companion to the corresponding interactive science lesson.
  • use as the foundation for an interactive science notebook.
  • use part of the web form as an introduction to the lesson.
  • assign part or all of the web form as homework.
  • use as a distance learning resource
  • use on a day during which a substitute leads class.


Related Reading:

It is well worth your time to look more deeply into the technology that powers my digital interactive notebook product line. Here are two articles I’ve written on the development of these resources as well as their use:

  1. BookWidgets is the Best Software to Support Student Centered Distance Learning!
  2. Technology Tools and The Student Centered Classroom

A comprehensive overview video I’ve prepared might also be helpful toward understanding what these products include, while this video response to a customer question might help you understand how you’d use them.

I’m happy to answer any other questions you may have about this product or BookWidgets, in general, via email at [email protected].

You can, alternatively, send me a chat in the Lab In Every Lesson community!


In an effort to allow teachers to experience the Lab In Every Lesson curriculum in its entirety, all coordinating products for this lesson are also free!!!

Explore them to experience how the 5 elements of effective interactive science lessons for student centered learning are incorporated.

Join The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative at
and get THOUSANDS OF PAGE VIEWS for your TpT products!

Victoria Leon’s TpT Store
Go to for even more free products!

The Yellow Wallpaper Mini-Unit (Digital resource)


NEW – This resource now includes a digital version on Google Docs to facilitate online and distance learning.

The Yellow Wallpaper Mini-Unit” is perfect for teaching students to analyze literature in a meaningful way. All of the prep work and thinking has been done for you. This truly is a print-and-go resource. The mini-unit includes 5 lesson plans, an interactive PowerPoint presentation to introduce the story’s historical context, student activities, as well as a detailed answer key. The mini-unit also includes a creative writing piece that allows students to play around with voice and situate themselves within the context of the times.

This lesson is suitable for grades 9 to 12.

60 pages and 19 slides total in this unit.

See below for further details.

The PowerPoint is an interactive presentation with information about the author, the context of the time, notes on feminist literature and its history, information about Weir Mitchell and the rest cure, experts form François Poullain de la Barre’s “The Woman as Good as the Man, and an excerpt from Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s “Émile, or On Education” to help students understand women’s frustrations and the want for change.

The Lesson Plans contain 5 comprehensive lessons, which fully explore this work’s mastery and teaches students to think critically by annotating the work. The lesson plans include journal topics, class discussions, and exit tickets, as well as learning goals for each lesson for students to fully grasp the importance of this work.

The student Activities include an activity on symbolism, activity on the theme, a tutorial on how to develop themes in paragraph form (this is an important skill for ELA students), an example of a developed theme, and a paragraph organizer.

Two copies of the short story are included – a copy of the short story with space for students to annotate the work and an annotated copy for the teacher or for differentiated learning as the case may be. (Provided in Word as well as PDF format to allow you to add your own annotations.)

Two evaluations are also included: (All evaluations are available Word and PDF format to suit students’ needs.)

❒One evaluation is a creative writing assignment where students assume the voice of a man during the 1890’s responding to Mary Wollstonecraft’s views on women’s rights.

❒Also included is an analysis evaluation where students must develop one of the themes from the work. (A sample answer is provided with rubric)

A comprehensive answer key is provided for all work.

Please see the preview for a more visual explanation.

You may also be interested in the following products:

Brave New World Student Notebook
Death of a Salesman No Prep Unit

Frankenstein Bundle

Hamlet Bundle

Lord of the Flies No Prep Unit

Poetry No Prep Unit

Wuthering Heights Student Workbook

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
60 pages and 19 slides
Answer Key
Included with rubric
Teaching Duration
1 Week

Thematic Poetry Unit (Digital copy included)


***Please note that other than the evaluation and game, the documents are non- editable in a PDF document. An editable version can also be purchased using this link: ***EDITABLE Thematic Poetry Unit

***A digital copy of the student activities in Google Slides is included as well for distance learning.***

The comprehensive poetry unit that teachers, as well as students, can enjoy. I want to demystify poetry, and I make it my goal for students to enjoy the reading and studying of poetry.

At the beginning of every poetry unit, I ask my students this question, “How do you feel about poetry?” My heart always sinks when most admit to disliking it. I make students this promise, and now I am making you this promise, with this unit, I might not convert you into a poetry lover, but I promise that you won’t hate it. (We need realistic expectations.) This unit includes a variety of poetry genres and activities to help students understand that poetry is not about finding the correct answer but appreciating someone else’s point of view on a subject (even if students don’t quite understand or like it). In short, this unit teaches students how to approach, think, and write about poetry. Each lesson focuses on an element of poetry that will further students’ ability to analyze, to read between the lines, and to become independent learners.

The unit includes:

❒Student worksheets and poems

❒15 complete lessons (with an introduction, transitions and activities, and conclusion). The lessons also include the learning goals for students.

❒A comprehensive answer key for all worksheets, annotations to all poems, examples of paragraphs for students.

❒A final unit test (PPT – editable) with the answer key. Includes student success criteria and an evaluation grid. The poem on the test is Paul Laurence Dunbar’s “We Wear the Masks.” For copyright purposes, the poem cannot be published on the test. However, I have left room on the editable test for the teacher to insert a copy of the poem.

A comment sheet for easy and meaningful retroaction on students’ test is also included. This will facilitate the marking process. (editable)

❒A Jeopardy game to review figurative language (PPT)

***All pages are editable in a PowerPoint document. The background has been secured to ensure proper formatting.

Summary of lessons included:

❒ Lesson 1: Introduction to poetry – Includes a journal prompt, notes on how to approach poetry, an activity to familiarize students with poetry further, and a review on figurative language (with notes.)

❒ Lesson 2: Figurative Language Review – The lesson includes a journal prompt (a creative poetry activity), students will play Figurative Language Jeopardy (PPT) to review figurative language.

❒ Lesson 3: Introduction to analysis – The lesson includes a journal prompt, students will learn to analyze poetry using Walt Whitman’s “When I heard the Learn’d Astronomer” and “The Quiet Patient Spider.”

❒ Lesson 4: Fun with metaphors – This lesson includes a journal prompt, a “Fun with Metaphors” worksheet to help students further understand metaphors, students will analyze William Blake’s “A Poison Tree,” and will complete the worksheet on the poem.

❒ Lesson 5: Fun with allusions – This lesson begins with a journal prompt, a “Fun with Allusions” worksheet, students analyze Simon and Garfunkel’s song “The Sound of Silence.” (poem not included) However, a blank (editable) page is included in the document to paste the lyrics from the internet. This will help you create a more cohesive looking unit.

❒ Lesson 6: Tone and Attitude – Students will do a video (or song version) comparison analysis by completing the “Video Comparison” worksheet.

❒ Lesson 7: Symbolism – Students will complete the “Fun with Idioms” worksheet, will analyze Robert Frost’s poems “The Road not Taken” and “Nothing Gold Can Stay,” they will complete the worksheets for both poems, and learn how to write a PEEL paragraph using the notes provided.

❒ Lesson 8: Writing about poetry – This is a writing clinic of sorts where students will learn to identify strong topic sentences and well-developed paragraphs. An example of a well-developed paragraph is included.

❒ Lesson 9: Historical allusions: This lesson begins with a journal prompt, students will analyze Cara Dillon’s song “There were Roses” and complete the accompanying worksheet. (Please note that this poem is not included.)

❒ Lesson 10: Thematic connections – Students will work in collaborative groups on the “Thematic Connections” worksheet, which compares two of the poems studied in the unit. *An optional activity is included: Students will write a comparative paragraph comparing one similar theme in both poems. An example of a paragraph is included.

❒ Lesson 11: Allusions and analysis – this lesson begins with a journal prompt, The study of Plato’s “The Allegory of the Cave” by watching a Ted Talk, analyzing Mumford and Son’s song “The Cave,” and completing the worksheet. (Please note that the song lyrics are not included.)

❒ Lesson 12: Connections – students will learn to make important connections in poetry by completing the worksheets of the “Battle of the Pronouns” and “Cave vs. Cave” to further develop the themes in Mumford and Son’s song “The Cave.”

❒ Lesson 13: Theme review – Students will refine and review how to develop a theme in a poem (which applies to any work of literature) by completing the worksheet “The Cave – Themes and Meanings,” students will then write a theme in paragraph form.

❒ Lesson 14: Evaluation (test) – editable with answer key and comment sheet to facilitate marking

Check out the free sample lesson: Free Poetry Lesson on Metaphors

You may also be interested in the following products:

Free Thesis Writing Activity

Poetry Lesson: Analyzing Poetry

Poetry Unit for Senior Students

Teaching the Essay Package

The Yellow Wallpaper No Prep Mini-Unit

Much Ado About Nothing No Prep Unit

❒Brave New World Student Notebook

Essay Writing Flip Book

Frankenstein Bundle

Hamlet Bundle

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
78 pages and 28 slides
Answer Key
Included with rubric
Teaching Duration
2 Weeks

Much Ado About Nothing Unit (Digital copy included)


An editable version of this unit is available by clicking here Much Ado About Nothing Unit EDITABLE

“Much Ado About Nothing Unit” is a complete, no prep unit that is ready to teach the instant you download it. I love Shakespeare, especially his comedies, and I really want students and teachers alike to love it too. The activities and accompanying lessons in this unit demystify Shakespeare and makes it relatable to students. The unit included all lesson plans with 16 comprehensive lessons and a reading schedule (with learning objectives listed for each lesson), all student activities, evaluations, rubrics, comprehensive answer keys for all work and assignments, and fun bonus materials to suit your students’ interests.

The Much Ado About Nothing Unit is now distance learning ready. Send individual PDF activities to students OR share the work in Google Slides.

***NEW – all student activities are available in Google Docs and are completely modifiable.

The unit is appropriate for grades 9 through 12.

Take a look at the unit preview for more visual details. The unit includes:

A total of 100 pages in PDF and 12 PowerPoint slides are included in this unit.

Act and Scene Guide (Includes the characters found in the scene and the approximate reading time.)

Teacher Guide (lesson plans) – 16 easy-to-follow lessons, learning objectives, reading schedule, with included reading prompts, journal entries, and exit tickets (or closing activities.)

Students Activities include:

❒ Pre-Reading Activity

❒ Act 1 Comprehension questions

❒ Act 2 Comprehension questions

❒ Act 3 Comprehension questions

❒ Acts 4-5 Comprehension questions

❒ Who’s who in Act 1

❒ Literary Devices (Act 1)

❒ Characterization Activity

❒ Subplot Activity

❒ The Plan (conflict)

❒ Dogberry’s Malapropisms

❒ Much Ado About Noting (theme work)

❒ Activity on Symbolism

❒ Activity on Theme

Comprehensive Answer Key for ALL activities.

Evaluations include:

❒ Quiz on Acts 1 and 2 (With answer key and rubric)

❒ Beatrice vs. Benedick (oral presentation skits)- rubric is included

❒ Fake News – newspaper article (writing activity) – with rubric

❒ unit test – with answer key and rubric

❒ Song analysis Activity for theme review (optional evaluation or activity) – with rubric

Optional bonus activities are also included

❒ A love letter activity (Optional evaluation – rubric included)

❒ A Dear Abby activity

❒ Behind the Mask – an anti-bullying campaign (can be used as an evaluation – rubric included)

❒ Additional journal topics

To further student learning, a Guess Who? For Much Ado game is included. This is a fun way to learn about the characters in the play. And, as the play progresses, students’ questioning must change to keep track of character growth. (30 slides)

You may also be interested in the following products:

Poetry Unit for Senior Students

Lord of the Flies Unit – No Prep Required

Hamlet Complete No Prep Unit

Romeo and Juliet – No Prep Unit

Death of a Salesman – No Prep Unit

Frankenstein No Prep Unit

Brave New World Student Workbook

Wuthering Heights Student Workbook

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
98 Pages and 30 Slides
Answer Key
Included with rubric
Teaching Duration
1 month

Opinion Piece Bundle


How to write an effective Opinion Piece Bundle includes:

❒ notes for students (What is an opinion piece? How do we write an opinion piece?…)

❒work process sheets to help students organize their ideas

❒ work process sheets to help students organize their ideastool for teaching)

❒ a student self-evaluation and teacher evaluation

You may also be interested in the following products:

ELA Literature Study Unit

English Grammar Cheat Sheet

How to Write a Paragraph

Opinion Letter with the Novel Holes

Sentences Grammar Circles For Easy & Effective Grammar

Spelling Flip Book

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
6 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration

Building Suspense in Creative Writing


In creative writing, the only thing that will keep the reader engaged in your story until the last page is by building effective suspense. This resource includes a visual chart of the different types of suspense to include in writing and includes relevant examples and tips to achieve it.

In addition, also included in this resource are two suspense building activities and 4 pages of notes on how to effectively build suspense within any type of story.

Please see the preview for more details.

You may also be interested in the following products:

Creating Characters in Creative Writing

Creative Writing Activity

Creative Writing Bundle

Exploring the Elements of Fiction in Creative Writing

Introduction to Creative Writing

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
6 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration

I Have, Who has? Game for Teaching Figurative Language and Poetry


The goal of this game is to help students memorize and understand FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE through the use of games. Playing rather than memorizing is a fun activity that will engage students in a classroom.

Included in this purchase is the MASTER SHEET, which contains the answers, attractive STUDENT CARDS, which you can print and cut out in colour (on card stock and laminate for sustainable use), and A SET OF RULES explaining how the game works.

This package contains 23 cards and 12 extra blank cards in case you have a bigger class.

NEW – Now includes editable, blank cards.

You may also be interested in the following:

Analyze This!

Creating a Board Game Assessment Tool

Figurative Language & Poetic Devices Jeopardy Game

Parts of Speech Grammar Circles

Poetry Lesson: Analyzing Poetry

Poetry Unit for Senior Students

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
11 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration

The Elevator Short Story Mini-Unit


“The Elevator” Short Story Mini-Unit is a one-stop-shop for teaching the short story. Other than photocopies, all of the work has been done for you.

This mini-unit is suitable for grades 7 through 10 and includes:

❒a copy of the short story

❒questions for comprehension

❒a plot chart organizer

❒activity to help students discover the author’s purpose for writing

❒an instructional sheet on how to develop themes (with a practical example)

❒an instructional sheet on how to develop a theme in paragraph form

❒a graphic organizer to help students organize their paragraphs

❒an example of a completed graphic organizer to plan the paragraph

❒an example of a paragraph for “The Elevator.”

❒a comprehensive answer key for all handouts

❒a three-day lesson plan to accompany the story

You may also be interested in the following products:

ELA Literature Study Unit

Charles by Shirley Jackson

Rain, Rain, Go away Short Story

Seventh Grade Short Story

Short Story Bundle

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
16 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration

FREE MISC. LESSON – “Spanish Conjugation – Interactive Notebooks {FREE}”

by The Traveling Classroom
1st – 12th Grade

Add some fun to Spanish class with this Spanish Conjugation Cootie Catcher! Use this to help your students conjugate new Spanish verbs and remember them. Kids love interactive activities that are SO fun, they don’t even know they are learning! This includes visual directions that you can project in your class to help with folding this cootie catcher. Enjoy:)

This is a follower freebie and sample from the Fall Spanish Verb Conjugation Bundle! Click here to see the Bundle…

Would you like some more fun Interactive Notebook activities for your Spanish classroom? Take a look…

♥ Spanish 1 Interactive Notebook Set 1

♥Los Pollitos Dicen A Spanish and English Reader’s Theater ♥ Beginning Spanish Mad libs – Spanglish

Don´t forget to follow my TPT store so you will be notified of the next follower freebie. Look for “made by TheTravelingclassroom” on the right & Make sure the green star below says “Following”. For every 50 followers I give out a new freebie!

You can travel with us through these sites for more organization help, clip art, educational information, and interactive products:

Blog Twitter

Thanks for traveling with TheTravelingclassroom!

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Free Poetry Lesson on Metaphors


This FREE lesson is a sample from one of my complete units on poetry. See the links below for more information.

❒ Lesson 4 (from the Thematic Poetry Unit) : Fun with metaphors – This lesson includes a journal prompt, a “Fun with Metaphors” worksheet to help students further understand metaphors, students will analyze William Blake’s “A Poison Tree,” and will complete the worksheet on the poem.


An editable version the Thematic Poetry Unit can also be purchased using this link: ***EDITABLE Thematic Poetry Unit

Click here for a non-editable version of the unit Thematic Poetry Unit


Description of the Thematic Poetry Unit – Summary of lessons included:

❒ Lesson 1: Introduction to poetry – Includes a journal prompt, notes on how to approach poetry, an activity to familiarize students with poetry further, and a review on figurative language (with notes.)

❒ Lesson 2: Figurative Language Review – The lesson includes a journal prompt (a creative poetry activity), students will play Figurative Language Jeopardy (PPT) to review figurative language.

❒ Lesson 3: Introduction to analysis – The lesson includes a journal prompt, students will learn to analyze poetry using Walt Whitman’s “When I heard the Learn’d Astronomer” and “The Quiet Patient Spider.”

❒ Lesson 4: Fun with metaphors – This lesson includes a journal prompt, a “Fun with Metaphors” worksheet to help students further understand metaphors, students will analyze William Blake’s “A Poison Tree,” and will complete the worksheet on the poem.

❒ Lesson 5: Fun with allusions – This lesson begins with a journal prompt, a “Fun with Allusions” worksheet, students analyze Simon and Garfunkel’s song “The Sound of Silence.” (poem not included) However, a blank (editable) page is included in the document to paste the lyrics from the internet. This will help you create a more cohesive looking unit.

❒ Lesson 6: Tone and Attitude – Students will do a video (or song version) comparison analysis by completing the “Video Comparison” worksheet.

❒ Lesson 7: Symbolism – Students will complete the “Fun with Idioms” worksheet, will analyze Robert Frost’s poems “The Road not Taken” and “Nothing Gold Can Stay,” they will complete the worksheets for both poems, and learn how to write a PEEL paragraph using the notes provided.

❒ Lesson 8: Writing about poetry – This is a writing clinic of sorts where students will learn to identify strong topic sentences and well-developed paragraphs. An example of a well-developed paragraph is included.

❒ Lesson 9: Historical allusions: This lesson begins with a journal prompt, students will analyze Cara Dillon’s song “There were Roses” and complete the accompanying worksheet. (Please note that this poem is not included.)

❒ Lesson 10: Thematic connections – Students will work in collaborative groups on the “Thematic Connections” worksheet, which compares two of the poems studied in the unit. *An optional activity is included: Students will write a comparative paragraph comparing one similar theme in both poems. An example of a paragraph is included.

❒ Lesson 11: Allusions and analysis – this lesson begins with a journal prompt, The study of Plato’s “The Allegory of the Cave” by watching a Ted Talk, analyzing Mumford and Son’s song “The Cave,” and completing the worksheet. (Please note that the song lyrics are not included.)

❒ Lesson 12: Connections – students will learn to make important connections in poetry by completing the worksheets of the “Battle of the Pronouns” and “Cave vs. Cave” to further develop the themes in Mumford and Son’s song “The Cave.”

❒ Lesson 13: Theme review – Students will refine and review how to develop a theme in a poem (which applies to any work of literature) by completing the worksheet “The Cave – Themes and Meanings,” students will then write a theme in paragraph form.

❒ Lesson 14: Evaluation (test) – editable with answer key and comment sheet to facilitate marking

You may also be interested in the following products:

Free Thesis Writing Activity

Poetry Lesson: Analyzing Poetry

Poetry Unit for Senior Students

Teaching the Essay Package

The Yellow Wallpaper No Prep Mini-Unit

Much Ado About Nothing No Prep Unit

❒Brave New World Student Notebook

Essay Writing Flip Book

Frankenstein Bundle

Hamlet Bundle

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
7 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration
55 minutes

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Creative Writing FREE fun fiction activities”

by Brilliantly Lit
8th – 12th Grade

These creative writing quickie activities have stimulated some of the most fun times I have ever had with my high school students! Each takes about 20- 25 minutes to write; the sharing time afterwards will vary according to class size. Each of the activities will provoke both the imagination AND critical thinking. The “show, not tell” activity reinforces that all important characteristic of successful narrative that eludes so many writers.

The first activity is in the form of a printable for students, whereas the other two need to be related to them orally to maintain their intriguing secrets.

If you have any questions, suggestions or comments about this freebie, or any of the products in my store, please write to me at [email protected]. Click HERE to make yourself a follower. You will receive notification of new resources and SAVE 50% off for the first 48 hours.

For weeks of creative fun try:

Creative Writing Poetry Unit: 18 High School Lessons, PowerPoint and Workbook

ELA Games grades 9-12

Brain Teaser Mini Mysteries grades 9-12

Creative Writing Board Game

Poetry bundle bonanza

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Thesis Writing Activity


We all know that the thesis statement is the most important part of the essay. This is also the part of the essay with which students have the most difficulty.

When you are able to identify the strengths and weaknesses of a work, you are able to write better yourself.

Topic: Is knowledge good or destructive? The subject is interesting, and can be used along with many different types of literature, or on its own.

In this bundle, I’ve included an interactive PowerPoint presentation that includes the following:

❒ The definition of a thesis statement

❒ How to write a thesis statement (and the steps to take leading up to the thesis)

❒ 5 examples of thesis statements, where students must identify both the weaknesses and the strengths

❒ 10 slides explaining the strengths in the examples and the weaknesses in the examples

❒ 1 example of a well-written thesis statement, and an explanation about why it’s good.

To accompany the PowerPoint presentation, I’ve included a student activity sheet with a list of all of the examples written in the PPT. (PDF format)

Also included is a lesson plan with details regarding the PowerPoint and activity sheet.

As a bonus, I’ve also included 2 posters listing the 7 essential steps to writing a great thesis. I’ve included an image format and a PDF format for easy printing.

❒ the first poster measures 70 cm (27.6 inches)

❒ the second poster, which students can actually read from far away, measures 97 cm (38.2 inches)

You may also be interested in the following products:

Analyze This!

English Grammar Cheat Sheet

Essay Writing Flip Book

Free Thesis Writing Activity

Poster: Developing Themes in Literature

Teaching the Essay Package

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
22 slides, 1 page, 1 poster
Answer Key
Teaching Duration

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Modals of Deduction Poster”

by RostOK Bingo Games
7th – 12th Grade

Present and Past Modals of Deduction Structures.
With a Scale of Probability and Example Sentences.

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Parts of Speech Grammar Circles (Superhero Themed)


Superhero themed Parts of speech Grammar Circle Unit

One of the biggest challenges I had in my English classes was how to fit grammar in with everything else I had to teach. I would give students grammar pages, and then we would correct them together. It was tedious, and it took forever! What’s more is that students were not learning the way I wanted them to. They wouldn’t apply what they had learned from the grammar pages and activities.

I found a solution!

Grammar Circles. Grammar Circles are very similar to literature circles in the sense that students are teaching one another grammar. It is a fun and functional way to teach and Learn grammar. Although this may be done individually, it can also be completed as a group where students, through a specific process outlined in the package, teach one another grammar. They also correct the work together, so the teacher has very little to do other than to facilitate and supervise.

Once these circles have been implemented and students know who their group members are and what they are supposed to do, it is a great prep to leave a supply teacher.

The package includes:

1) A Student Packet – which contains the Literature Circle directions, the notes, and activities, and a “Mark Calculation” page to keep track of their marks. (27 pages)

Activities included focus on:







❒putting it all together

❒correct use of pronouns

❒who and whom

❒that and which

❒who’s and whose

❒that and who

❒pronoun case

❒pronoun agreement

❒active and passive voice

❒verb tenses (present, past, future)

❒verb uses (consistency in verb tenses)

2) A teacher Guide with easy to follow instructions on how to organize the Grammar Circles.

3) The Answer Key – devised to allow students to correct their work and learn from one another.

Also included are free Superhero Themed Parts of Speech Posters to decorate your class.

For those who are from Ontario, Canada – this unit adheres to the Grade 9 English Curriculum (academic). The unit can be taught in any grade to learn parts of speech.

(51 pages total for this unit)

You may also be interested in the following products:

The Grammar Cheat Sheet

Inference Cheat Sheet

How to Write a Paragraph

Sentences Grammar Circles For Easy & Effective Grammar

Spelling Flip Book

Thesis Writing Activity

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
51 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration

English Grammar Cheat Sheet


This “Cheat Sheet” was designed to help students while writing in English. This at a glance 2 page sheet is colorful and has an easy to find layout to help students remember certain important things while they write.

I allow my students to use this in class when writing a test. This is not a grammar lesson, but it will remind students about the grammar they’ve learned in the past.

Some of the reminders included:

❒ parts of speech

❒ transitional words

❒ quotation marks (how and when to use them)

❒ basic sentence structure

❒ spelling tips (plurals of nouns and IE rule)

❒ punctuation rules (apostrophe, colon, semicolon)

The other side of the page has comma rules:

❒ with coordinate conjunctions

❒ with introductory elements

❒ with other elements (dates, parenthetical expression, nouns in a direct address)

❒ with adjectives

❒ with appositives

It also contains tips on things to avoid, such as writing a paragraph shorter than 4 sentences. And, it contains a list of things to do, such as make sure that your paragraphs contain at least 2 pieces of evidence.

You may also be interested in the following products:

Essay Writing Flip Book

How to Write a Paragraph

Inference Cheat Sheet

Poster: Developing Themes in Literature

Sentences Grammar Circles For Easy & Effective Grammar

Spelling Flip Book

Superhero Themed Parts of Speech Posters

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
2 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration

FREE MATH LESSON – “FREE Common Core Math Problem of the Week”

by TeacherWriter
1st – 12th Grade

This PDF worksheet is designed to encourage deep thinking and explanation of math problems and concepts at all grade levels. You choose the problem to assign to your students and the standard to address. The students use the thinking bubble, to make a plan or draw a picture. They use the other rectangles to write the equation and solve it, show how they checked their work, and last of all to explain their work and their thinking. This helps students dive deep into the mathematical concept or working through problems with perseverance. It’s great to use for homework or group work. You can project it on the whiteboard to show the process of problem solving. You can also use it for assessments and performance tasks.

I hope you find this little free resource helpful to you in your class. Thanks for downloading this product. I appreciate you!

Earn TpT Credits to Spend

  • Don’t forget to rate and review this product. When you do, you earn TpT cash to use anywhere on the site. It really comes in handy!

Please check back often as I upload free resources on a regular basis!

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Introduction to Creative Writing PowerPoint


The Introduction to Creative Writing PowerPoint is an easy way to introduce both a creative writing unit or a creative writing class. The PowerPoint includes thought-provoking questions and includes an overview of what writing should and shouldn’t be.

The PowerPoint includes 13 slides with the following titles:

❒ Activity on students’ expectations of the class

❒ All about being a writer

❒ Course overview (ex. Characterization, story structure, etc.)

❒ Stephen King on Writing

❒ Inspirational quotes from famous writers about writing

❒ The writing process

❒ General and realistic goals in writing

❒ Students’ personal goal about writing

❒ Ice-breaking activity (So… What’s your story?)

❒ Grammar and spelling in writing

❒ Formatting

❒ Homework activity

Please see the preview for more details.

You may also be interested in the following products:

Building Suspense in Creative Writing

Creating Characters in Creative Writing

Creative Writing Activity

Creative Writing Bundle

Exploring the Elements of Fiction in Creative Writing

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
13 slides
Answer Key
Teaching Duration
1 hour

FREE SOCIAL STUDIES LESSON – “Vocabulary Guide for George Washington’s Farewell Address”

by UnCommon Core
9th – 12th Grade

This vocabulary guide is a student-friendly dictionary designed to help ELA and history classes tackle the challenging vocabulary in George Washington’s Farewell Address. It includes definitions for almost 250 words and two lessons aligned with the Common Core Language Standards for Vocabulary Acquisition and Use.

It is one component of a 61-page Farewell Address Unit Plan designed to cover a variety of ELA Common Core Standards.

The Presidential Dictionary by Janet Mason is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at

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Analyze This! A Step-by-Step Guide to Analysis


Analyze This! is a step-by-step guide to analyzing literature

I created this bundle to help my students understand analysis and how to apply their newfound skills to write an effective essay. In my 21 years of teaching High School English, I have repeatedly noticed that students often have difficulty in knowing how to analyze and use the information to write with a purpose in essay form. This step-by-step guide for high school students simplifies the process and gives students and teachers all of the tools they need to become successful literary critics.

The bundle includes:

❒ A page with suggestions on how to use the bundle.

❒ Two pages explaining the difference between analysis and literary analysis.

❒ One page on how to create an effective outline (what content should be included).

❒ An exercise using the “Ant and the Grasshopper” fable to help students analyze elements of plot, characterization, symbolism, theme, and setting.

❒ An answer sheet with detailed information.

❒ Instructions on how to use the above information to focus a topic and write a thesis statement.

❒ An outline activity – students need to complete an outline using a given thesis statement.

❒ An answer key (with a possible outline) to help student compare their outline with this one.

The bundle includes 13 pages and two to three days worth of lessons.

This is a practical and simple way to guide students through the analytical process.

You may also be interested in the following products:

Creative Writing Bundle

ELA Literature Study Unit

Essay Writing Flip Book

Free Thesis Writing Activity

Teaching the Essay Package

Thesis Writing Poster

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
13 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration
3 days

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Talk About Chicken Nuggets – [ESL Adult Conversational Lesson PPT]”

by LessonSpeak
9th – 12th Grade

This 12-slide PowerPoint lesson will get your intermediate/advanced ESL conversational teenage/adult students to talk more! This topic helps ELL with understanding food, fast food, chicken nuggets, and it’ll give them speaking practice.

This topic is old and does not reflect the quality of the newer products. As such, you can get it for FREE!!

Lesson Length: 1 hour


– 12 slide non-prep JPEG images of slides


Click here to check out the LessonSpeak blog




  • Save time
  • Demonstrate authority & quality
  • Provide structured conversational lessons

Students (teenage or adult):

  • Learn to speak
  • Actually use their English
  • Have a conversation


The easiest conversational lesson you’ll ever give! Simply follow these steps:

1.) Upload all image files on Google Docs & pull up 1st slide

2.) Join video chat with student(s) & share screen

3.) Ask your student(s) to read directly off the slides & correct them where needed

4.) Watch the clock! Total lesson length: 1 hour.

The LessonSpeak story: “I created LessonSpeak™ to help pass on my success to others who face the struggles of teaching on their own. When I stopped teaching as an English tutor at iTutorgroup, I struggled in transitioning from being an employee to being a freelancer. My biggest struggles at first were sourcing quality curriculum, finding clients, and charging enough to actually make a living. These obstacles are now a thing of the past.”

– Johnny Ilca (LessonSpeak founder)



#socialmedia, #ESL, #ELL, #vocabulary, #discussion, #languageskills, #lessonspeak, #communication, #conversation, #cognitivelearning, #eslresources, #lessonspeakenglish, #speakenglish, #englishlesson, #teacherpreneur, #teacherspayteachers, #lifeskills, #businessEnglish, #employment, #speakingpractice


PLEASE: My lessons are proof-read by me. If you find a mistake or feel that there is room for improvements, please let me know in the “Ask a Question” section (rather than rate the entire document badly), I promise to fix it immediately and you’ll have my deepest gratitude.

More LessonSpeak lessons:

Epicureanism lvl 8 – 12

Marijuana lvl 6 – 11

Problem Solving lvl 7 – 11

Kaizen lvl 7 – 11

Elevator Pitch lvl 6 – 11

Game Theory lvl 7 – 12

Selling Yourself lvl 8 – 12

Interviewing lvl 7 – 12

Critical Thinking lvl 8 – 12

Business Idioms lvl 6 – 9

Your Tribe lvl 7 – 11

Life on Mars lvl 8 – 12

Photography lvl 6 – 11

Working Remotely lvl 7 – 11

Hackathons lvl 7 – 11

Public Speaking lvl 6 – 10

Fraternities lvl 8

Minimalism lvl 6 – 11

Internet Acronyms and Memes lvl 5 – 11

Ancient Egypt and the Pyramids lvl 7

Time Value of Money lvl 11

Zero Waste Lifestyle lvl 7



Every new product I post in my shop comes out at 20% off for the first 4 days!

To find out and grab it while it is still discounted, click the green star ★ on the top right-hand corner of any page and become a follower, or Click here

• You will also receive customized email updates about this store.


HOW TO GET TPT CREDIT FOR FUTURE PURCHASES: If you enjoy this product, please leave positive feedback to gain credits for future purchases!

Go to your “My Purchases” page. Next to each purchase, you’ll see: “Provide Feedback”. Click it and it will take you to a page where you can give leave a short comment about the product.

Each time you give feedback, TPT gives you feedback credits that you may use for future purchases. Please take the time – feedback is so important!



The products in this shop are all produced by me (Johnny Ilca), an entrepreneur who happens to teach. Inspiration for these products came from my own personal struggles as a freelance online English teacher. I used to work at iTutorGroup and when I left the company, I struggled in finding quality material to continue teaching in that way. I paid freelancers on Upwork to make some for me but they were of poor quality and had wayyyyy too many mistakes. That is when I took it upon myself to create the best resources not just for myself but for all online English teachers! I am my very first and most loyal customer so you know that these materials have been vetted. However, I am only one person and everyone makes mistakes…

All my lessons are in an editable PPT format and you get a free product if you send me the errors to correct!

I hope this product delivers everything you hoped for and more.


For problems and questions, suggestions or idea sharing, I would LOVE to hear from you – contact me at: [email protected]

Try before you buy! Free lesson on Business Idioms available here: See it being used! Full lesson recording on Business Idioms found here

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and get THOUSANDS OF PAGE VIEWS for your TpT products!

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Short Story Bundle Unit Plan


The Short Story Bundle is 4 short story mini-units for the price of one. See the preview for more details.

Seventh Grade Short Story Mini Unit is a great way to start any literature unit. Suitable from grade seven to ten, this unit reviews literary elements and allows students to practice identifying all important elements.

The unit includes:

❒ a copy of the short story

❒ an anticipation reading guide

❒ a two-page literary element cheat sheet

❒ plot graph

❒ word wall

❒ character trait explanation sheet

❒ characterization activity

❒ writing evaluation (or activity) with evaluation sheet

❒ comprehensive answer key for all activities.

18 pages total

“The Elevator” Short Story Mini-Unit is a one-stop-shop for teaching the short story. Other than photocopies, all of the work has been done for you.

This mini-unit is suitable for grades 7 through 10 and includes:

❒ a copy of the short story

❒ questions for comprehension

❒ a plot chart organizer

❒ activity to help students discover the author’s purpose for writing

❒ an instructional sheet on how to develop themes (with a practical example)

❒ an instructional sheet on how to develop a theme in paragraph form

❒ a graphic organizer to help students organize their paragraphs

❒ an example of a completed graphic organizer to plan the paragraph

❒ an example of a paragraph for “The Elevator.”

❒ a comprehensive answer key for all handouts

❒ a three-day lesson plan to accompany the story

This short story mini-unit features Shirley Jackson’s short story “Charles.” Appropriate for grades 7 to 10, the lessons focus on the development of theme and paragraphs.

Included in the mini-unit is:

❒ a copy of the short story

❒ a prediction chart

❒ an anticipation guide

❒ activity sheet (select important passages in the text for theme and paragraph support)

❒ author’s purpose activity sheet

❒ how to develop a theme sheet with an example

❒ a graphic organizer to help students plan their paragraph

❒ an answer key for all activities

❒ 3-day lesson plan for easy planning

16 pages total

The Rain Rain Go Away Mini Unit includes all materials to teach this short story. Students also get the opportunity to be creative and collaborate with others in the creative process. This unit is always a hit in my class.

The resource includes:

❒ an anticipation guide

❒ a copy of the short story

❒ questions for comprehension

❒ plot graph activity-❒Information sheet on characterization and an accompanying activity

❒ a personal word wall to improve students’ vocabulary and understanding

❒ a comprehensive answer key for all activities

Also included are two evaluations with evaluation grids:

❒ An individual evaluation where the student must write an alternate ending to the story.

❒ A group evaluation where students must work collaboratively to produce an alternate ending.

24 pages total

Individual Short Story Mini-Units:

Charles by Shirley Jackson

Rain, Rain, Go away Short Story

Seventh Grade Short Story

The Elevator Short Story

You may also be interested in the following products:

ELA Literature Study Unit

English Grammar Cheat Sheet

How to Write a Paragraph

Opinion Letter with the Novel Holes

Spelling Flip Book

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
74 pages
Answer Key
Included with rubric
Teaching Duration
2 Weeks

Frankenstein Bundle (Digital)


This Frankenstein bundle has been created with both the teacher and students in mind.

It contains the teacher lesson plans, two different workbooks (to suit different learning needs or to use with different groups), all evaluations for the unit, and comprehensive answer keys for all work.

Check out the individual bundle previews for more information.

FRANKENSTEIN UNIT – Complete with no prep for you.

This unit is created using the 1831 edition of the novel.

This unit has been created with the teacher in mind. The material is geared toward senior students with a focus on the construction of arguments. It also teaches the importance of historical context as well as literary allusions in the development of themes.

I am a strong believer that when students work with a specific purpose in mind, they become better learners. That’s why my units contain only quality and worth-while activities. You will find no busy work here. Every lesson focuses on teaching students analytical and essay writing skills.

All of the thinking and planning are done for you. The lesson plans are detailed and comprehensive. The student guide is visually appealing, and so the teacher put efforts where they need to be. The answer key is complete and detailed. All you need to do is to purchase this unit and photocopy it.

Take a look at the preview for more information.

The unit includes:

1) The Teacher Package

❒ contains 23 detailed lessons (60-90 minute lessons)

❒ leading discussion questions and skill-building activities (with detailed instructions for the teacher)

❒ important chapter notes on analysis

❒ the teacher package helps the teacher stay on task and stay organized because the planning has been done for you.

2) The Student Package (19 pages)

❒ pre-reading activity

❒ study guide questions (*improved with more thinking questions for students)

❒ a fact sheet regarding the Prometheus myth

❒ activity on the use of nature in romantic literature

❒ an activity based on the symbols in the novel

❒ several activities that teach argument development

❒ activity on theme development

❒ an activity on characterization to bring about themes

3) A comprehensive answer key (32 pages)

❒ detailed answers to ALL student activities and work

❒ an annotated copy of the poem “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” and activity answer key.

4) Also included:

❒ a PowerPoint introducing the novel’s historical context and the author

❒ a copy of “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner.”


❒ Test on letters 1-4 and chapters 1-10 (choice between multiple choice OR development questions)

❒ Test on chapters 11-18 (choice between multiple choice OR development questions)

❒ Unit evaluation (Choice between an essay (several different versions), a debate, a unit test – all work process is included)


*As a bonus, I have included two automatic comment generators for Word documents (with drop-down boxes.)

Documents are downloaded as PDF files (except for evaluations)

The Frankenstein Workbook was created as a different way to learn from Mary Shelley’s novel. (1831 edition)

The Student Workbook has 30 pages that focus on themes, symbols, important quotes, characterization, romantic and gothic literature, biblical and literary allusions, and elements of the plot.

The format includes symbols to help guide students in theme development and allow them to build on characterization, symbolism, and meaningful allusions in the novel in a clear and more visual way.


Student Workbook x1 (30 pages)

Answer Key x1

Copy of the Rime of the Ancient Mariner x1

Annotated copy of The Rime of the Ancient Mariner x1

Please note that this is a digital download in PDF format and that the pages are not editable.


❒ Background information

❒ Anticipation Guide and Introductory Activity

❒ Letters 1-4

❒ Chapters 1&2

❒ The Rime of the Ancient Mariner (allusion in the novel)

❒ Chapters 3, 4 & 5

❒ Chapters 6, 7 & 8

❒ Chapters 9 & 10

❒ Chapters 11 & 12

❒ An activity

❒ Supplementary activity – Nature in Romantic Literature

❒ Chapter 13 (activity)

❒ Chapters 14 & 15

❒ Chapter 16

❒ Chapters 17 & 18

❒ Chapter 19

❒ Chapters 20 &21

❒ Chapter 22

❒ Chapters 23 & 24`

❒ Activity on symbolism

❒ Activity on theme development

Paragraph Writing Activity in conjunction with Frankenstein

Very often, students have difficulty with the analysis process involved in literature. Where they not only have to analyse but now have to apply their newfound skills to a well-developed paragraph, some students become overwhelmed with the process.

This particular activity will focus on both the analysis and writing a paragraph using the PEEL method.

Paragraph writing and analysis are two essential components in essay writing. To facilitate this process, I have created a lesson where students can become more comfortable with the revision process by modelling the proper steps from beginning to end. The lesson includes modelling of the writing process from understanding the topic to the final draft. See preview for details

This lesson can only be used after students have read chapter 19 from the novel Frankenstein.

You may also be interested in the following products:

Thematic Poetry Unit: Editable

Brave New World Student Notebook

Death of a Salesman No Prep Unit

Hamlet Bundle

Lord of the Flies No Prep Unit

Poetry Unit for Senior Students

The Yellow Wallpaper No Prep Mini-Unit

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
226 pages
Answer Key
Included with rubric
Teaching Duration

Poetry Unit EDITABLE


This product is available at a lower cost. Click on the link below for more information.

Poetry Unit for Senior Students (Bundled) – Editable in Word

I love poetry! I love reading it, I love teaching it, and I love the discussions I can have with my students because of it. May students (and some teachers) dislike poetry because they think it’s too difficult. I once had a student tell me that poetry was like a “code” that needed to be unlocked. Cringe!! Some poems are meant to be analyzed. Some poems and meant to sound beautiful, and some poems are meant to be simple and enjoyed for what they are. This unit has a little of all of those things.

Students love this poetry unit. It is a complete unit with no prep required on the teacher’s part. This 2 week unit includes a student guide, 12 detailed lesson plans, a multimedia presentation (no internet connection required), a complete answer key with annotated poems (this is a teacher favorite!) , and an end of the unit evaluation with answer key.

Just print it and teach it. It really is that easy.

This bundle includes individual lessons devised to teach students the importance of:

❒ Figurative language (its uses and effects)

❒ How to read poetry

❒ The importance of rhythm

❒ The importance of tone and attitude in a poem

❒ Types of poetry

❒ How to analyze poetry

❒ How to appreciate poetry (even when you don’t understand it)

This unit’s focus is the analysis of poetry and teaches students how to make inferences, which is a skill they must learn for their other subjects as well.

Poems include authors such as Emily Dickinson, Dorothy Parker, Thomas Gray, Lord Alfred Tennyson, Alfred Noyes, T.S. Eliot, Shakespeare, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Robert Frost, and Walt Whitman.

The unit has been conceived to last 12 days – with 65 minute periods (although they are easy to modify).

The unit includes:

1 – The teacher guide (Contains 12 comprehensive lesson plans to teach the poems included in the unit. EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO TEACH THIS UNIT HAS BEEN DONE FOR YOU. )

2 – The student package (Contains students’ notes, poems, and questions) (28 pages)

3 – The answer key includes annotated poems and answers to all student activities, as well as an example of paragraph developing a theme in poetry (saving you time).

4 – A multimedia PowerPoint presentation to introduce the unit (17 slides) – NO INTERNET CONNECTION REQUIRED

A total of 68 pages + 17 slides are included in this package.

This unit is complete and does all of the thinking for you. All you need to do is to print out and photocopy the student package, and you’re set.

Check out this sample lesson from the unit:

Free Poetry Lesson: Analysing Poetry (NO PREP)

You may also be interested in the following products:

Thematic Poetry Unit: Editable
❒ Analyze This!

Creative Writing Bundle

ELA Literature Study Unit

Figurative Language & Poetic Devices Jeopardy Game

I Have, Who Has? Game for Teaching Figurative Language & Poetry

Inference Cheat Sheet

Romeo and Juliet No Prep Unit

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
68 pages
Answer Key
Included with rubric
Teaching Duration
3 Weeks

FREE MISC. LESSON – “Clip Art – HEARTS for personal and commercial use”

by London Calling Designs
Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade

All files are 300 dpi, png files, meaning they can be easily enlarged without losing the quality.

There are 18 hearts- 16 in color, B&W version included and one with transparent fill.


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