This English/Language Arts Massive Curriculum Bundle includes 14 large teaching units. Many of these units are unit bundles themselves pushing the number of units up to 20 complete teaching units!

Every lesson is CCSS Aligned; these CCSS Standards are outlined within each of the individual units (links below).
All units are digital for applications in a 1:1 Google Drive classroom if you wish. PDF, Word, PowerPoint applications are also included for easy printing.
Each unit has detailed lesson plans to support your instruction, and a pacing guide/outline is provided as well. See the Preview for a sneak peek at a basic version of this pacing guide! Each unit is described below, and a link is provided to the original unit/lessons.
Save nearly $28.00 with this bundle!
1. Close Reading Strategies:
Teach your students how to use close reading strategies to improve reading comprehension and written analysis. This gradual release method will encourage your students to completely rethink how they view themselves as readers.
Close Reading Strategies (Text Annotation to Support Reading Comprehension)
2. Plot Elements Game!
The plot/literary elements game activity fosters a shared writing experience for students in the creation of a fun, creative, and often hilarious story.
Students then analyze this story for its flawed plot elements based on their understanding of literary elements.
Plot/Literary Elements GAME!
3. Summarizing Fiction
Teach your students how to create a concise and objective summary of a fiction text with this simple, easy, step-by-step method. Students will be able to effectively condense a complete summary into three sentences. Students will be able to identify the protagonist, the character motivation, the conflict, rising action, and the resolution in these three sentences! This step-by-step method will make this process easy for your students.
Summarizing Fiction Lesson, Guided and Collaborative Practice, and Assessment!
4. Summarizing Nonfiction
Teach your students how to create a concise summary of nonfiction texts that are free from personal judgements or opinions with this simple, easy, step-by-step method. Students will be able to effectively condense any nonfiction text into a few short sentences that fully encompass the main ideas of any nonfiction article/text. Students will also learn to how to effectively annotate the text and create marginal notes to manage the often challenging world of nonfiction reading.
Summarizing Nonfiction Lesson, Graphic Organizers, 12 Differentiated Texts, CCSS
5. In-Text Citation (Parenthetical Citation)
This unit includes a Google Slides/PowerPoint presentation to teach the MLA 8th Edition rules for in-text citation (parenthetical citation), an MLA trouble-shooting guide for students, a digital and printable interactive notebook, quality examples from real literature, Bell Ringer practice, and a unique summative assessment.
In-Text Citation Lesson, Practice, and Assessment
6. Suspense and “The Monkey’s Paw”
Introduce your students to suspense techniques and plot development within the ultra suspenseful story, “The Monkey’s Paw”! This iconic short story will leave your students on the edge of their seats as they read to discover what will happen with these three terrible wishes.
“The Monkey’s Paw” Complete Short Story Bundle with The Suspense Unit Bundle!
7. Literary Analysis:
Literary Analysis Made Easy!
Teach your students this easy step-by-step process for developing a rich, insightful, and well supported literary analysis. Breaking down this challenging process for students allows for further depth in each key area of a quality response!
Literary Analysis Made Easy
9. Tone and Mood:
This complete unit bundle will teach your students how to understand the complex topic of tone and mood in literature!
1. Lesson on Tone and Mood
2. Lesson on Connotation/Denotation
3. Tone and Mood Exploration through music, video games, film, art, literature, photography, and memes!
4. Tone and Mood Mini-Lesson
5. Tone and Mood Notes
6. Tone and Mood Project- over 8 choices for summative assessments!
7. Bell Ringer Activities- for each day of the unit!
Tone and Mood in Literature
10. “Cemetery Path” Short Story Unit Bundle
The ultimate short story bundle! “Cemetery Path” by Leonard Q. Ross is an excellent, scary, thrilling short story to engage your learners.
This complete pack meets 6 CCSS standards, and contains 9 specific lessons in reading, writing, and speaking.
Short Story Unit Bundle – “Cemetery Path” with Tone and Mood
11. Analyzing Rhetoric Unit Bundle:
Ethos, Pathos Logos Unit
Logical Fallacies Unit
Analyzing Rhetoric Unit
Rhetoric Bell Ringers
Rhetorical Analysis Unit Bundle
12. Writing the Argument Essay:
Teach your students how to write that argument essay with this complete unit bundle!
Writing the Argument Essay Complete Unit Bundle + Student Interactive Notebook
13. Grammar and Sentence Structure Complete Unit Bundle
This complete unit bundle includes everything you need to teach sentence structure and comma placement to your students. Each unit will support students in creating:
-compound sentences
-complex sentences
-a variety of introductory phrases to vary sentence beginnings
– appositives to vary sentence structure, create interest, create explanations, and a strong writer’s voice.
– bell ringer practice with all sentence structures to provide support all year long
– nine beautiful classroom posters with mentor sentences to support student understanding while creating a visual display.
– extensive mentor sentence examples pulled from quality literature sources!
Grammar- Complete Sentence Structure Unit Bundle – Understanding Commas!
14. 6 Word Memoir
Legend has it that Ernest Hemingway was challenged to write a NOVEL in 6 words.
His response?
For sale: baby shoes, never worn.
6 incredibly powerful words that seem to tell an entire story. This is the challenge I pose to my students within the last few weeks of the school year. Write your own memoir in six incredibly powerful, carefully chosen words.
6 Word Memoir Lesson and Assessment
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