Tag Archives : free

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Macbeth Creative Writing Activities Fun FREEBIE”

by Brilliantly Lit
9th – 12th Grade

Students will explore Shakespeare’s Macbeth in a challenging, fun fashion with these 10 creative writing activities. The found poetry exercise might prove to be students’ favorite. I tell my students it is called dictatorship poetry! The activity allows them to absorb a tiny taste of what it might be like to live in a society, like Macbeth’s Scotland, where the ability to freely select words is restricted by fear. Making found poetry about the play within a time limit, arranging ONLY the words on the page provided, gives them this taste. The activities here are included in a resource of 70 Macbeth activities: Macbeth Games and Activities

Set up: you need to photocopy the dictatorship poetry page for everyone. A pair of scissors are required for each table.

I usually ask the students to snip and arrange the words on their desk top. If you supply paper and glue sticks, they can stick on their words and afterwards place their creations on the wall for all to admire.

You could show the examples (included in the resource) on your screen if any students are at all confused as to what the activity entails.

Process: the found poetry activity takes anywhere between 35-55 minutes.

The other writing games are just as much fun, but most only take about 10 minutes and are wonderful ways to finish a class.

There is everything you need to teach Macbeth in this money saving bundle:

Macbeth Bundle

A sprinkling of other Brilliantly Lit Shakespeare resources:

Shakespeare Poster Bundle

Macbeth Board Game

Romeo & Juliet activity: what if?

The Tempest: quizzes, test and activities

Hamlet Board Game

Click HERE to make yourself a follower, you will receive notification of new resources and SAVE 50% off for the first 48 hours.

If your students enjoy the resource, I would be very grateful if you could review it afterwards.

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Victoria Leon’s TpT Store

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FREE MATH LESSON – “*Christmas Themed* Friends of 10 – FREE Activity Pack”

by The Relief Teacher
Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

Enjoy three FREE Christmas themed activities to reinforce your students number concepts and friends of 10.

The packet includes:

– Friends of 10 missing number cards:
Students identify the missing number in the friends of 10 sum. Laminate and use with dry-erase markers for long-term use.

– Friends of 10 match and color:
Students color the sheet by finding and matching their friends of 10.

– Friends of 10 roll and cover:
Students play in pairs rolling a 6-sided dice and covering the friends of 10 on the answer sheet. Students aim to get 5 boxes covered in a row.


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• Look for the green star near the top of any page within my store and click it to become a follower. You will then receive customized email updates about this store.


If you like this product you may also like:

• Pumpkin Patch Snap & Sort

• Primer Sight Word Pack

• Super Sight Word Mega Bundle *Includes all 5 Dolch Lists!*


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FREE MATH LESSON – “Three Digit Numbers”

by Mr and Mrs Brightside
1st – 4th Grade

This worksheet deals with three digit numbers. It checks the students understanding of numeric, expanded notation, written form, and sketch form. Students use their crayons to color the matching set of each number. See images. It contains 16 different numbers.

******* For more activities and even freebies, please follow us on TPT 🙂 ********

Please rate or comment on our product if you like 🙂

Thank You !!
Mr. & Mrs. Brightside


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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “FREE Christmas Writing Prompts for Essays/Worksheets for 5th, 6th and 7th Grade”

by Teach with Lyricallyneise
5th – 7th Grade

These Christmas essay writing prompts focus on Narrative, Descriptive, Persuasive and Expository essays for students in 5th, 6th and 7th grade. There are 2 exciting and thought-provoking topics with guided writing prompts outlining the correct structure for essays. This resource is perfect for students that have not mastered writing 4 paragraphs and require scaffolding. Each topic has tips or ideas for what to write in each paragraph giving students guidance for writing their essays. This resource also includes a planning sheet and self-checking editing checklist for students to master their pre-writing skills before publishing.

Please note that this is a sample resource. The full version can be found here or as a BUNDLE. Click here to view.

You may also like:

Opinion Essay Writing Topics and Prompts for 5th, 6th and 7th Grade

Novel Study | The Three Little Pigs | Critical Thinking | 5th, 6th and 7th Grade

Essay Writing Prompts Bundle for 3rd, 4th and 5th Grade| Digital Notebooks

Digital Interactive Notebook| Narrative Writing| Grades 3-5

Digital Interactive Notebook| Descriptive Writing| Grades 3-5

If you like this resource, please rate my store and leave a review. You can earn TPT credit for every product review you leave.


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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Talk About Content Creation – Powerpoint and Google Slides – ESL for Adults”

by LessonSpeak
11th – 12th Grade

This 11-slide lesson will get your intermediate/advanced ESL conversational teenage/adult students to talk more! Content Creation is an interesting popular topic in the globalised world. With the included role play, this topic will simulate the environment that one will encounter when trying to create content! This topic helps ELL with vocabulary development, oral communication, and most importantly, it will give your students more speaking practice.

Lesson Length: 1 hour


– 11 non-prep JPEG images  & Google Slides link

– Editable PPT


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1) Coaches/Teachers:

  • Save time
  • Demonstrate authority & quality
  • Provide structured conversational lessons

2) Adult ESL Learners:

  • Learn to speak confidently
  • Discuss business in English
  • Encounter new perspectives


The easiest conversational lesson you’ll ever give! Simply follow these steps:

1.) Open the content

2.) Join video chat with student(s) & share screen

3.) Ask your student(s) to read directly off the slides & correct them where needed

4.) Watch the clock!

The LessonSpeak story: “I created LessonSpeak™ to help pass on my success to others who face the struggles of teaching on their own. When I stopped teaching as an English tutor at iTutorgroup, I struggled in transitioning from being an employee to being a freelancer. My biggest struggles at first were sourcing quality curriculum, finding clients, and charging enough to actually make a living. These obstacles are now a thing of the past.”

– Johnny Ilca (LessonSpeak founder)


PLEASE: My lessons are proof-read by me. If you find a mistake or feel that there is room for improvements, please let me know in the “Ask a Question” section (rather than rate the entire document badly), I promise to fix it immediately and you’ll have my deepest gratitude.

More LessonSpeak lessons:


Content Creation

Asking for Help



Every new product I post in my shop comes out at 20% off for the first 4 days!

To find out and grab it while it is still discounted, click the green star ★ on the top right-hand corner of any page and become a follower, or Click here

• You will also receive customized email updates about this store.


HOW TO GET TPT CREDIT FOR FUTURE PURCHASES: If you enjoy this product, please leave positive feedback to gain credits for future purchases!

Go to your “My Purchases” page. Next to each purchase, you’ll see: “Provide Feedback”. Click it and it will take you to a page where you can give leave a short comment about the product.

Each time you give feedback, TPT gives you feedback credits that you may use for future purchases. Please take the time – feedback is so important!



The products in this shop are all produced by me (Johnny Ilca), an entrepreneur who happens to teach. Inspiration for these products came from my own personal struggles as a freelance online English teacher. I used to work at iTutorGroup and when I left the company, I struggled in finding quality material to continue teaching in that way. I paid freelancers on Upwork to make some for me but they were of poor quality and had wayyyyy too many mistakes. That is when I took it upon myself to create the best resources not just for myself but for all online English teachers! I am my very first and most loyal customer so you know that these materials have been vetted. However, I am only one person and everyone makes mistakes…

UPDATE: As of March 19th, all future lessons will be in an Google Slides format! Editable PPT files are included only in bundles as bonus products.

Get a free product if you send me the errors to correct!

I hope this product delivers everything you hoped for and more.


For problems and questions, suggestions or idea sharing, I would LOVE to hear from you – contact me at: [email protected]

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “FREE Christmas Word Match Activity from Clever Classroom – 5 pages”

by Clever Classroom
Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

FREE Christmas Word Match Activity – PDF file

This is a free, 5 page resource, plus guide page and a cover page.

Your file includes a 2 students record worksheets for your children to complete after the match activity.

Match the Christmas object images with corresponding text.

Children will learn how to read various Christmas symbols through matching text.

Print off two copies for pair work.

Designed by Clever Classroom, 2012.

Cloud image not included in file.

Clip art by Scrappin Doodles and Erin Bradley Designs.

You might also like to follow us on Facebook to learn about new resources, fun ideas, photos of good ideas, great links, competitions and more.

For more Christmas resources, click here.

You may also like our:

New Year’s Vocabulary Charts and 8 Writing Tasks – 5 pages

100th Day of School Worksheets – 100 Days of School – 40 pages


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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Christmas set – clipart”

by London Calling Designs
Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade

There are seven images in the set. You can see all of them in the preview. All images are high resolution and are 300dpi.

In the set:

* ornament 1

* ornament 2

* ornament 3

* Christmas tree

* box 1

* box 2

* snowman

Terms of Use

*You may use this clipart in your commercial projects as long as you provide a credit back to my store.

* You may not sell this clipart.


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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Flip Books, Pocket Chart Cards, and More {at/an} FREEBIE”

by Christina Mauro
Pre-Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

Enjoy this freebie!

You can use these pages in several different ways:
– Students can do the flip book to sort the pictures individually
– The flip book can be put in a literacy station to review the sounds
– The colored picture cards can be copied and laminated for students to sort in a station and then do the flip book to show the way they sorted
– Students can draw their own pictures that go with each word family
– Students will use the color code to color the pictures based on the word family

Please leave feedback and make me smile! 🙂

Christina Mauro

Here are the words/pictures included in this product:
-at cat, bat, fat, hat, mat, rat
-an fan, tan, can, man, van, pan

If you are interested in some more short a words check this out:
Flip Books, Pocket Chart Cards, and More {Short a Word Families}


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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Free! Santa Express Geometric Christmas Train 2D Shapes”

by Christine Maxwell Hand to Heart
Pre-Kindergarten – 3rd Grade

There are so many great stories about trains for children! A very special story for the holiday season is the classic “The Polar Express” by Chris Van Allsburg’s. This fun product incorporates 5 geometric 2D shapes into the building of a train engine, plus a creative literacy activity.

There are 3 complete train engine choices; 1 has red and green colors, 1 is grayscale colored, and the last is black and white. The train can be made as a stand-alone, but that is better printed on heavy paper. It can also be made by gluing the pieces down on another piece of paper.

This project is excellent practice for the fine motor skills of cutting and gluing. ****Do watch to make sure they cut the four wheels as circles. It is a good idea to give each child a baggie to hold their cut pieces until they have glued them all.

Introduce or review the five shapes; circle, square, triangle, rectangle, and hexagon. Decide if posting the picture of the finished Key that is included, so the children may use it for reference. When doing the black and white or grayscale engines, the children can color or decorate them when finished.

This activity can also be used in a center, but it is better if the pieces are laminated first. Some of the pieces are small so a baggie helps to keep any from getting lost.

These 5 shapes are Common Core aligned for Kindergarten Geometry 2D shapes, but the activity can be used for several ages and grades.

The literacy activity has a black and white train paper with lines for writing and reading their creative stories. There is a cover sheet to make these stories into a class share book the students can read and reread again and again.

Download the Product to see and get the complete activity.

I have another train product that can also be a Christmas train activity, but can be used at other times of the year too.
Christmas Train Do Together Parent/Child Homework Activity

********************Please leave feedback and enjoy!********************
Please go to your My Purchases page (you may need to login). Beside each purchase you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Simply click it and you will be taken to a page where you can give a quick rating and leave a short comment for the product. Thank you for your feedback.

There are many other geometric activities and money saving geometric bundles in my store.
Geometric Activities

Also See:
Free Products
Christmas Activities
Winter Activities
Shape Activities
Color Activities
Puzzles & Games

Follow Me to receive customized email updates about my store discounts, free activities and product launches. Look for the green star near the top of any page in my store and click it to become a follower.

How to get TPT credit to use on future purchases:
Please go to your My Purchases page (you may need to login). Beside each purchase you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Simply click it and you will be taken to a page where you can give a quick rating and leave a short comment for the product. Thank you for your feedback.

The Geometric Train can be used for other stories about trains.

Some examples are:
1. Smokey by Bill Peet
2. Crack in the Track (Thomas the Tank Engine Story)
3. Little Train by Lois Lenski
4. The Little Engine that Could by Watty Piper
5. Steam, Smoke, and Steel: Back in Time with Trains by Patrick O’Brien
6. Big Book of Trains by DK Publishing
7. The Goodnight Train by June Sobel
8. The Potty Train by David Hochman
9. Dinosaur Train by John Steven Gurney
10. Freight Train by Donald Crews


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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Moveable Push Play Icons”

by One Room Schoolhouse
Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade

This set of icons can be used in any print or digital resource. These icons can be used to signal to your students they need to listen to directions, watch a video, or anything you want them to ‘play’.

***These pieces can be used in Google Slides and other digital products as moveable pieces.*** (Please link to my store or use my graphic on your credits page. Super simple terms.)


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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Shakespeare Writing Prompts”

by Juggling ELA
7th – 12th Grade

Are you starting a Shakespearean play? Perhaps you just ended one or you’re in the middle of teaching one. Maybe you just want to do something for The Bard’s birthday.

I’ve come up with 10 Shakespeare Writing Prompts that can be used with any of the plays. These writing prompts will help students think outside the box. You can use these for a “do now” or a homework assignment. Either way it will get their pens moving.

If you have any questions feel free to ask.


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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Train Writing Papers with Prompt Ideas – Supplement to Old Tracks, New Tricks”

by Mrs Magee
Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

Four versions of train themed writing paper are included in this download. Two versions with primary handwriting lines and two versions with standard writing lines. Several writing prompt ideas are also included. These writing pages can be used with the book Old Tracks, New Tricks by Jessica Petersen.

PRINTING: When printing, make sure to select “Fit to Page” or “Scale to Fit” to ensure that all borders, text, and graphics print correctly and on one page.

About the Book Old Tracks New Tricks: When three creative train tracks join an old wooden train set, the bossy engines blare orders, and the bored tracks snore on the floor. Can the three little tracks show the whole train set how to work together and invent new fun? Part fun, rhyming story, part activity idea book, Old Tracks, New Tricks shows kids how to create new ways to play with their favorite toys.


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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Dichotomous Keys Scribble Notes Freebie”

by The Lab with Liezel Pienaar
7th – 10th Grade

This Dichotomous Keys Scribble Note is a great introduction to your Taxonomy unit! Scribble Notes are a great way to help your students with note-taking. Students can color, doodle and be creative whilst taking notes.

In this freebie students get to create notes on creating dichotomous keys and then practice this skill by creating their own key.

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How to get TPT credit to use on future purchases:

  1. Please go to your My Purchases page (you may need to log in).
  2. Beside each purchase you’ll see a Provide Feedback button.
  3. Simply click it and you will be taken to a page where you can give a quick rating and leave a short comment for the product.

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Look for the green star next to my store logo and click it to become a follower.

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “FREE Thanksgiving Craft and Writing Activity”

6th – 9th Grade

Did you like this free sample of the Thanksgiving bundle with 70+ more activities?

Would you like to celebrate Thanksgiving in an innovative and exciting manner? Is one of your goals to inspire students by researching about this popular holiday? Would you be interested in implementing project based learning and other out of the box activities in your class?

If you found something that gave you all these benefits, would you want to get started with it right away?

Think about what a difference it would make if you started using this Thanksgiving bundle with 70+ activities in your class! It includes:

 Thanksgiving Activities – 15 Worksheets, Tasks, Crafts, Prompts

 Thanksgiving Craft and Writing Activity – The Gratitude Pizza

 Thanksgiving Unit – Bell Ringers, Paired Texts (informational article, poetry, short story) with activities, Writing Prompts (argumentative, narrative, informative)

⭐ Thanksgiving Poetry Writing Activities – 7 Poem Templates

⭐ Thanksgiving Picture Writing – 30 Prompts Inspired by Festive Photos

  • Printable and Google Slides version for all resources except the Gratitude Pizza

The activities are easy to share and require almost no prep so you can use them in any format you want which means saving precious time during the Thanksgiving season.

Because activities focus on creative writing, self-discovery, vocabulary, social emotional learning and personal response, you can have a meaningful lesson so your students will be motivated and engaged to give their best during class.

The catchy challenges and interactive prompts will help you evaluate the students’ ELA skills without putting any pressure on them so you will have an accurate picture of the places where they need intervention.

Just imagine how you will feel when you start to get the benefits and results from this resource right in your class!

Are you afraid that this Thanksgiving activity pack will not match the needs of your students? I understand exactly what you feel. Don’t worry! Just try it and if you find this resource not suitable for your class, just email me at [email protected] and I’ll get you a full refund.

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Ema T. has tried the Thanksgiving activities in her class and said, “Oh, I love this! So versatile as I can place it in several spots within a unit, and great quality content. Thank you so much!”

Why don’t you give it a try? Click on the “Add one to cart” green button and you can use it right away!


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FREE MATH LESSON – “Commutative Property of Multiplication Digital Practice, Task Cards, & Quiz”

by Tessa Maguire
3rd Grade

Introduce the commutative property of multiplication with these engaging digital resources that supplement your core instruction. Three components are included: a lesson that introduces vocabulary and moves from concrete to abstract, digital task cards that give students practice with different models, and an easy-grade quiz on the commutative property portion of 3.OA.5.

Students will build their understanding of the commutative property of multiplication and as a strategy to solve unknown multiplication equations, will learn content vocabulary, practice applying the skill, answer open-ended questions, and complete a quick formative assessment on 3.OA.5 to show their learning. These digital resources designed with Google Slides and Google Forms seamlessly integrate with Google Classroom or your school’s learning management system.

These resources are designed to support your basal curriculum. They complement your instruction, providing everything you need for students’ independent practice- just assign and go! They save you time and energy from finding supplements each week. Since they’re designed to meet the rigorous demands of the state assessment, you can be confident in giving your students the support and instruction they need for success!


  • Commutative Property of Multiplication Digital Lesson on Google Slides and Answer Key
  • Commutative Property of Multiplication Digital Task Cards on Google Slides and Answer Key
  • Commutative Property of Multiplication Quiz on Google Forms
  • Using Google Slides help file
  • Using Google Forms help file

Using digital resources allows you to work with other students while students get valuable practice. These are perfect for centers, flipped classrooms, E-Learning days, or other independent practice times. These no-prep resources allow your students to independently apply the content vocabulary using the lesson. The next day, or after as an exit ticket, students can apply their learning by completing the digital task cards independently. Finally, students demonstrate their learning with an easy online assessment. This is a perfect pretest or end of lesson assessment.


☆ Multiplication & Division Word Problems Digital Resources

☆ Understanding Multiplication Digital Resources

☆ Introduction to Division Digital Resources

☆ Multiplication & Division Fact Families Digital Resources

☆ Elapsed Time Digital Resources

☆ 3rd Grade Fractions Digital Resources

☆ 3rd Grade Geometry Digital Resources


☆ Introduction to Multiplication Digital Resources

☆ Digital Multiplication Bump Games Freebie

☆ Digital Multiplication Bump Games Factors to 10

☆ Digital Multiplication Bump Games Factors to 12

☆ Multiplication & Division Games: 5 in a Row Fact Fluency Bundle

☆ Multiplication with Manipulatives- Halloween Spider Math

☆ Multiplication & Division Task Cards Bundle

★ 3rd Grade Geometry Digital Lessons Bundle

★ 3rd Grade Problem of the Day Story Problems Bundle
★ 3rd Grade CCSS Daily Math Warm Ups
★ 3rd Grade Story Problems Task Cards Bundle

★ Multiplication & Division Task Cards Bundle

CLICK HERE to follow me and be notified of future products as soon as they are posted.


Copyright © Tessa Maguire.

Purchase is for single classroom use only. Please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product with colleagues.

You may not redistribute, edit, sell, or otherwise post this product on the internetYou may, however, post a link for others to purchase themselves.


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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Thanksgiving Writing Activities FREEBIE”

by Pirate Queen Teaching Treasures
3rd – 5th Grade

Use this FREEBIE to review paragraph writing. Students will write a paragraph identifying people and things for which they are thankful. Graphic organizers are provided to help your students organize their thoughts.

In addition there is a poetry activity based on the picture book, THANKFUL, by Eileen Spinelli.

Also included:

  • Paragraph sample
  • Revision checklist
  • Editing checklist
  • Final copy sheets
  • Teaching tips

Sail to my store for more teaching treasures.


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FREE SOCIAL STUDIES LESSON – “The Romans Knowledge Harvest Lesson”

by The Ginger Teacher
2nd – 4th Grade

The Romans Knowledge Harvest Lesson

This download is a complete lesson on introducing the Romans with a knowledge harvest. It is the perfect lesson to start a topic on the Romans.


* Full lesson plan

* Example knowledge harvest

* Big Question


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FREE MATH LESSON – “Gobble Gobble Bump Dice Game”

by KinderKay
Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

Students use Unifix and dice to capture and bump numbers on and off of a Thanksgiving game board. The player who captures the most numbers wins!


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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Phonics and Common Exception Words Record”

by Zoe Did That
Kindergarten – 5th Grade

Make keeping track of your Learners’ progress in Phonics a breeze with these phonics and common exception word trackers.

Common Exception Words are also know as Tricky Words, Red Words and Sight Words.

This packet is divided into English National Curriculum assigned Year Groups:

•EYFS and Year 1

•Year 2

•Lower Key Stage 2, Years 3 and 4

•Upper Key Stage 2, Years 5 and 6

Use by colour coding your records with 3 check dates catered for.

Ready to print and use!

#reading #phonics #eyfs #ks1 #ks2 #primary #teacherrecords

Love this resource? Also check out:

Read and draw a dog

Read and draw a snowman

Read and draw a flower

Christmas Hot Chocolate writing

Twelve Days of Christmas – Spot the Expanded Noun Phrase

Twelve Days of Christmas wordsearches

Don’t forget to review this purchase to get FREE TpT credits towards your next purchase!

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FREE MATH LESSON – “FREE: Thanksgiving Math: PPT for making 10”

by Brenda Tejeda
Kindergarten – 1st Grade

thanksgiving free, thanksgiving math

**Thanksgiving PowerPoint presentation for making the number 10!**

Students figure out how many more are needed to complete the ten-frame. Click on each slide to reveal the hidden foods!

Perfect for use after reading There Was an Old Lady who Swallowed a Pie by Alison Jackson!
Click here for a fun resource pack:
Old Lady who Swallowed a Pie Cross-Curricular Pack

Please note there are 2 files included. A PDF that includes credits and sample slides, and the actual PPT file to use with your students. Enjoy!

Happy Thanksgiving!
Brenda Tejeda – Tejeda’s Tots


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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Getting Started with Google Classroom | Quick Start Guide”

by Stress-Free Teaching
4th – 5th Grade

If you are ready to start using Google Classroom but are not quite sure where to start, don’t worry. This Quick Start Video Guide will teach you the basics and have you up and running in no time.

You will learn and/or review:

  • How to create a Google Classroom
  • How to add students
  • How to create assignments
  • How to grade assignments

This resource includes:

  • 4 videos
  • 2 bonus resources

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You may also like:

Customer Tips:

How to get TPT credit to use on future purchases:

• Please go to your My Purchases page (you may need to login). Beside each purchase you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Simply click it (or the resource icon on the Credits page of my resource) and you will be taken to a page where you can give a quick rating and leave a short comment for the resource. Each time you give feedback, TPT gives you feedback credits that you use to lower the cost of your future purchases. I would love to hear your feedback because it helps me determine which resources you value, so that I can create more. ☺


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FREE MATH LESSON – “Thanksgiving Place Value Activities”

by Teaching Second Grade
1st – 3rd Grade

Thanksgiving Place Value – Your students will love this fun and engaging activity where they can practice their place value skills. Skills included are +10, -10, +100, -100, expanded form, and base 10 blocks,

This packet is perfect for:

  • Morning work
  • Independent work
  • Homework
  • Extra practice
  • Higher 1st grade and lower 3rd-grade students as well
  • Early and Fast Finishers
  • Math Centers
  • Sub Folder – Binder

I have included a sheet that has all of the skills (feathers) on one page. I also included pages that have 1 skill per page in case you would like to make each feather a different color.


Thanksgiving Products:







November Daily Sets:












Go to your My Purchases page. Next to each purchase you will see a “Provide Feedback” button. Click on that button and it will take you to a page where you can leave a rating and a comment about the product.

Every time you provide feedback, you will earn TPT credits. These can be applied to future purchases to save you money! Yay!


Click the green star beside my name at the top of this page OR at the top of my store page. By doing this, you will see when I add a new products or have upcoming sales!

I hope your students enjoy these activities! I would really appreciate your feedback:)


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FREE MATH LESSON – “FREE Order of Operations Matching Game (with Exponents) | Math Activity”

by Smith Curriculum and Consulting
6th – 8th Grade

A new and engaging matching activity using Order of Operations with powers perfect for ANY classroom!

Included in this FREEBIE:

– Teacher Preparation Directions

– Student Directions for the Activity

– Numerical ExpressionCards in Black and White for ink-saving printing

– Answer Cards in Black and White for ink-saving printing

– Answer Key for students to be able to check their answers

Aligned to TEKS 6.7a and Common Core State Standards (CCSS) 6.EE.2c.

Personal Copyright: The purchase of this product allows you to use these activities in your personal classroom for your students. You may continue to use them each year but you may not share the activities with other teachers unless additional licenses are purchased. Please contact me via email for additional licenses. Site and District Licenses are also available.


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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Thanksgiving Challenge Scavenger Hunt Type Activity Print or TpT Digital”

by Rachel Lynette
3rd – 6th Grade

Here is a fun little activity for you to use in class or to send home with your students for the long weekend. This activity is a blend of creative and critical thinking, research, and even a little math. Answer key included.

Distance Learning:

There is also a digital version using TpT’s new digital tool. After purchase, click the white “Open in Easel” button on this page. This will give you access to a digital overlay where students can type in their responses and use a pen tool to solve the word search. You can edit the digital overlay or use it as is. You can even assign it in Google Classroom!

Terms of Use

This resource was created by Rachel Lynette for Minds in Bloom INC., all rights reserved. It may be used by the original purchaser for single class use only. Teachers may distribute this product in email, through google classroom or over the Internet to their students (and parents) as long as the site is password protected. In other words, you may distribute it to your own students but may not put it on the Internet where it could be publicly found and downloaded. If you want to share this resource with colleagues, please purchase additional licenses from TpT. Thank you for respecting these terms of use. 🙂

This product is happily brought to you by Rachel Lynette and Cassi Noack of Minds in Bloom


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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Editable Review Game Template: Go Fish!”

by Betsey Zachry
Pre-Kindergarten – 5th Grade

Go Fish! is a quick, fun review game that is perfect for a Classroom Center, Virtual Classroom Activity or an in-Class activity. The game can be played individually or in teams.

The game is very easy to set up. Just add 12 of your questions and answers to the prepared hyperlinked slides and your students are ready to play Go Fish! Save a blank template to use over and over again.

The object of the game is for your students to answer your review questions correctly. If the question is answered correctly, the player/team earns 1 point and has the opportunity to earn an extra point by playing the carnival game, Go Fish! The player/team will select 1 of 2 fishing poles to Go Fish. The player/team has a 50/50 chance of catching a fish or a tennis shoe. If the player/team catches the fish, they earn an extra point.

Go Fish! is one of the featured games in Carnival Games 2. Click on the link to see all of the games featured in Carnival Games 2.



Due to animations, this game does not work on Google Slides.

Click here to subscribe to my email list and receive a FREE game!

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Thank you for considering Go Fish! Digital PowerPoint Game Template. Click here to take a look at additional products from Betsey Zachry and Zachry’s Game Room.

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Pirate Treasure Hunt PowerPoint Game Template

Up, Up and Away! PowerPoint Game Template

Make a Banana Split Interactive PowerPoint Class Activity Template

Super Sleuth Interactive PowerPoint Game Template

Ice Cream Sundae Party Interactive PowerPoint Game Template

All Star Baseball Interactive PowerPoint Game Template

Haunts, A Frightfully Fun Interactive PowerPoint Game Template

Bulls-Eye Interactive PowerPoint Game Template

3-2-1 Liftoff Interactive PowerPoint Game Template

Lucky Draw Interactive PowerPoint Game Template

Hoops Star! Basketball PowerPoint Game Template

Last Ship Sailing Interactive PowerPoint Game Template


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by Elementary on the Eastside
Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

To celebrate the end of the year we’re doing 5 freebies this week ! Hit the follow button to get an update when each freebie is posted. Enjoy!


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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Thanksgiving Movie Guide – The Hoboken Chicken Emergency”

by HappyEdugator
4th – 7th Grade

Watch the classic Thanksgiving movie based on the book the Hoboken Chicken Emergency by Daniel Pinkwater. Your students will probably recognize Peter Billingsley, the little boy from the movie A Christmas Story! Use this viewer’s guide for before the movie discussion questions, during the movie comprehension questions, and a writing activity after viewing. A fun Thanksgiving activity to do on the week or day before the holiday. Key included.

UPDATE: This resource has become outdated now that the movie is no longer readily available. (There are still some VHS copies available on Ebay and Amazon, but the movie is no longer available online or on DVD.) I was going to deactivate it, but in case someone has an old copy of the movie and wants to use it, I am going to make it a free resource.

Thank you!

Follow me HERE to get notified of updates, sales, free resources, and new products. All new products are 50% off for 48 hours.

© Deborah Hayes aka HappyEdugator. For classroom and homeschool use. Your purchase buys one license. You may purchase extra licenses at a discount.


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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Being a Good Friend to Someone Who is a Refugee: War in Ukraine”

by Whimsy in School Counseling
7th – 12th Grade

This download supports adults in talking with tweens and teens about how to be a good friend to new students who are refugees. It can be used on its own or with other free #StandWithUkraine resources in my shop for this age group.

Social/emotional freebies to support the young folk in our lives during the War in Ukraine:

My Sunflower Bravery Coloring Page

When Became Refugee: Trauma Informed Storybook (grades 2-12)

My New Friend is a Refugee: A Social Story (grades K-3)

My New Friend is Refugee: Social Story (grades 4-6)

Explaining What it Means to be Refugee (grades 7-12)

Being Good Friend to Someone Who is Refugee (grades 9-12)

Pro Tips for Parents: Answering Questions About War

Explaining War to Older Teens (grades 9-12)

Explaining War to Younger Teens (grades 6-8)

Explaining War to Older Children (grades 3-5)

Explaining War to Younger Children (grades k-2)


Thank you Pigknit for the adorable clipart on the cover of this listing!


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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “I Am Thankful poem template”

by Diamond Mom
1st – 3rd Grade

This poetry scaffold is helpful for students who may have difficulty getting started. This is a template for a poem about being thankful. I use it for generating ideas about the many things we have that we can be thankful for. It is a great framework for Thanksgiving.

Here are some of my other Fall themed and Thanksgiving products.

Pumpkin Glyphs

Turkey Glyphs

Give Thanks Math and Language Activities

Math Addition Task Cards

I Was So Scared

Seasonal Interlined Templates

Thank You for your purchase of this product. I hope you find it helpful.

Charlene/Diamond Mom

Diamond Mom’s Treasury

My TPT Store



[email protected]

This product is for single use in one classroom. If you wish to share, please purchase multiple licenses or direct others to purchase their own copies at my store.

Don’t Miss Out:

Leave feedback on this item to earn credit toward future TpT purchases!

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Fall Centers Free Autumn Activity Letter Order No Prep”

by Lodrew’s Hands-On Learning
Pre-Kindergarten – Kindergarten

Pumpkin Patch Freebie

Letter Order – Color, Cut, Paste

5 No Prep Pages Included

Free for prek, preschool, kindergarten, toddler curriculum, SPED, child care, homeschool, or any early childhood setting.


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