Tag Archives : free

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Fall Centers Free Autumn Activity Letter Order No Prep”

by Lodrew’s Hands-On Learning
Pre-Kindergarten – Kindergarten

Pumpkin Patch Freebie

Letter Order – Color, Cut, Paste

5 No Prep Pages Included

Free for prek, preschool, kindergarten, toddler curriculum, SPED, child care, homeschool, or any early childhood setting.


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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Les moyens de transport (vocabulaire illustré)”

by LeFrancaisAvecLesMachin
2nd – 12th Grade

Ce fichier PDF contient un petit exercice qui permet de travailler le vocabulaire sur les moyens de transport (24 mots à apprendre). Le corrigé est inclus.

Niveau A1 / A2


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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Meditation”

by English with Ease
2nd – 12th Grade

Enjoy this free printable meditation, positive visualization and inspirational writing prompt activity for kids or adults of any age to practice meditation, mindfulness and journaling.

Pair this stress-reducing activity with my first children’s book, One Wave.

CLICK HERE to buy the book or read it for FREE as a Kindle Unlimited user!


My book, One Wave, and this accompanying activity teaches children:

“Just as a wave is one withe the ocean, you are one with the universe.”

One Wave will bring joy and understanding to kids who have lost a loved one, and inspire others to live with purpose without having to first learn the hard way through trauma and grief. The book and accompanying activity can also be used as an easy way to introduce conversations about death, loss, spirituality, mindfulness, meditation and manifestation, or a simple no prep positive visualization, meditation, and inspirational writing prompt classroom activity for students from elementary, middle to high school.

One Wave by Lauren Martin

Text copyright © 2022 by Lauren Martin.

Illustrations copyright © 2022 by Lauren Martin.

All rights reserved.

No part of this product may be used, reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

For all permission requests, write to the author, addressed “Copyright Permissions,” at:

[email protected].



Why wait? Enjoy this free meditation, positive visualization and inspirational writing prompt activity for kids or adults of any age to practice meditation, mindfulness and journaling.


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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Halloween Emergent Reader – Free”

by Once Upon A Classroom
Kindergarten – 1st Grade

This halloween themed emergent reader (I, see, the) is perfect for new Pre K-1 and ESL readers. Use the colored version as a whole class read aloud and the b&w version for guided reading. Your students will love drawing themselves at the end of the book in their own costume!
**I’ve included Canadianized covers at the end of the resource.

Your comments always brighten my day 🙂
Happy Teaching!

Erin Palleschi
Once Upon A Classroom


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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Yes No Questions Worksheets | Speech Therapy Fall Activity FREE”

by Angie S
Pre-Kindergarten – 1st Grade

These are awesome freebie printables to target basic yes/no questions, good for students with autism and special needs.

There are 5 pages to be printed on photo paper and laminated. Have the students answer the questions and circle the correct answer. Use dry erase markers to write on the cards.

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Dear buyer, I wanted to remind you about the fact that you can build up TPT credit by leaving feedback on my products. You can submit feedback at the time of purchase or go to My Purchases for a list of what you have bought in the past. Next to each title you`ll find a Leave Feedback button. If you click and leave a rating and comment you`ll receive the credit. Then go to TPT Credits to learn how to redeem your credits on future purchases!


Being a follower of my store you`ll learn about my new products, sales, and discounts! Become my follower by clicking on the green star on any of my pages and receive email updates in your TPT inbox.


Yes No Questions

Yes No Questions – Farm Animals

Yes No Questions (Do You…)

Yes No Questions- Body Parts

Fall Photo Flash Cards

Thanksgiving Vocabulary Cards

Back to School Flash Cards

What Questions

Which One Does Not Belong?

Yes No Questions – Fruits


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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Sensationally Spooky Words – Halloween Word List”

by Core Inspiration by Laura Santos
4th – 8th Grade

A word list filled with spooky words. Great for writing projects during the Halloween season.

Easy to print and add to any writer’s notebook, personal dictionary or word collector’s notebook.

The adorable festive design also makes this an ideal display for your classroom writing center.

Customer Tips:How to get TPT credit to use on future purchases:
• Please go to your My Purchases page (you may need to login). Beside each purchase you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Simply click it and you will be taken to a page where you can give a quick rating and leave a short comment for the product. I value your feedback greatly as it helps me determine which products are most valuable for your classroom so I can create more for you. ☺

Be the first to know about my new discounts, freebies and product launches:
• Look for the green star near the top of any page within my store and click it to become a follower. Voila! You will now receive customized email updates about this store. ☺


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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Halloween Quiz PowerPoint Editable Template FREE”

by Sweet Integrations – Sandy Cangelosi
1st – 6th Grade

FREE Halloween Quiz PowerPoint Editable Template

Welcome to Sweet Integrations.

What a fun way to review for tests or units studied! Your students will enjoy learning about Halloween or any subject you choose. I’ve provided an editable PowerPoint template with 10 questions. Students will click on the numbers on the haunted house and it will link to the question. If correct, students will receive the message “Good Job.” If wrong, the message is “Try Again.”

**Images have been flattened.**

Please continue to visit my store for more informational text units.
PowerPoint Game Template – iPad Theme

PowerPoint Game Template – Detective Theme

Customer Tips

Earning TPT Credits

TpT credits are points, which can be applied to future purchases which will save you money. For every dollar you spend on TpT, you’ll earn 1 credit.

After you make a purchase, rate and comment fairly on the product page of your purchased item. You need to do both to earn your credits. I value your feedback so I can create quality products for your classroom.

If you become a follower, you’ll be the first:

– To know about new sales and discounts,
– Free products,
– And new product launches

You will now receive email updates about my store.

Drop by my blog, Sweet Integrations for more ideas for your classroom!

Key Words: Halloween, Autumn, Fall Quiz, PowerPoint, Review, Editable, first grade, second grade, third grade, fourth grade, fifth grade, sixth grade


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FREE MATH LESSON – “Halloween Themed Counting To 10 Activity.”

by 123 Math
Pre-Kindergarten – 1st Grade

An interactive whiteboard counting to 10 activity. Count the pumpkins before matching/naming the correct numbers. Find the correct number from a choice of 3.

Halloween Themed Counting to 10 Activities Halloween AdditionHalloween Addition And Subtraction

Halloween Counting and Sorting Worksheet Halloween Sorting And Counting Activity

Halloween Themed Numberline Activity Halloween Coordinates Halloween 2 digit Addition and Subtraction


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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Touching Spirit Bear: Free Graphic Organizer for Writing”

by Margaret Whisnant
6th – 8th Grade

This free graphic organizer is from my Touching Spirit Bear Novel Teaching Pack.

This handout is a whole-book, post-reading activity. Entitled “The Fourth Character,” it helps students organize story facts that show how the island where Cole was banished took on the role of a fourth main character, and along with Garvey, Edwin, and Cole himself, how it was influential in Cole’s transformation.

See the full Teaching Pack here:
Touching Spirit Bear: A Novel Teaching Pack


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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Yearbook Pacing Guide, Curriculum Map, Digital Format”

by Julie Faulkner
9th – 12th Grade

This resource is designed to serve as a suggested pacing guide for an entire curriculum for a Yearbook/Journalism course. 

With each unit that progresses through the creation of a yearbook publication, you will find links to ready-to-go resources that I’ve created and sell, although I’m offering this guide completely free.  Whether you select my materials or not, this guide can help you make your own selections and curriculum for teaching/creating a yearbook.

This guide also works with any publisher.

The pacing is based on a traditional time schedule; however, since it is completely editable, you can make changes as needed for other schedules.

Download the file to receive a “force copy” link that will guide you to storing the map right in your own Google Drive.

Get my full year Yearbook Curriculum here!

Find my entire British Literature Curriculum with ready-to-go resources here.

If you also teach American Literature, I have a curriculum map for that as well.

Be the first to know about my new discounts, freebies and product launches. Look for the green star next to my store logo and click it to FOLLOW ME. Voila! You will now receive email updates about my store.

For more ideas and inspiration:

Faulkner’s Fast Five Blog

Julie’s Classroom Stories on Instagram

Julie’s Classroom Stories on Facebook

Teaching Middle and High School English Facebook Group

Yearbook and Journalism Facebook Group


Terms of Use: Created by Julie Faulkner, 2020

Please, one classroom use only. This license is nontransferable. Not eligible for online environments unless password protected. Posting openly online is prohibited. No part of this resource can be used for commercial purposes, altered, or resold. This work is my original work, and taking portions of it to create something else for resale is prohibited.


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by Sailing into Second with Aris
1st – 3rd Grade

Need a quick and easy activity to help you teach synonyms? I’ve got you covered with this FREE Halloween themed synonym activity! Just print and go!

synonym matching cards
recording sheet

Thank you and please take a minute to leave me some feedback! 🙂


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FREE MATH LESSON – “Monster Math subtraction problems FREEBIE!!”

by Elementary Creations
Kindergarten – 1st Grade

These are two monster math subtraction problems that your students will enjoy to do. Enjoy!
Please provide feedback!!


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FREE SOCIAL STUDIES LESSON – “History of Ancient Egypt”

by History with Eve
6th – 12th Grade

Interactive power point presentation about Ancient Egypt History, useful for teaching general information about Ancient Egypt.

Key Features:

* Easy to use

* Facilitates communication with pupils

* Save hours on making presentation

* Attractive charts and diagrams

* Reasonable price

* 33 Slides

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Customer Tips:

How to get TPT credit to use on future purchases:

• Please go to your My Purchases page (you may need to login). Beside each purchase you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Simply click it and you will be taken to a page where you can give a quick rating and leave a short comment for the product. Each time you give feedback, TPT gives you feedback credits that you use to lower the cost of your future purchases.

value your feedback greatly as it helps me determine which products are most valuable for your classroom so I can create more for you.


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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Ukulele Chord Charts – C, G7, G, Em, Am, F, D”

by Becca Adams Studio
6th – 12th Grade

Includes ukulele chord charts for G7, G, D, Em, Am, C, F with finger numbering. Easy print and go!


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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Freebie! Halloween Hermie Frames Square Rectangle Line Art”

by KB Konnected
Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade

Freebie! Halloween Hermie Frames

Create newsletters, cool resources and eye-catching products.

2 color frames

2 line art frames

Square and rectangle frames.

4 png images


White centers.

Check out my newest

Halloween Clipart sets

KB Konnected TOU

1. May not be sold as clip art, frames, borders, or digital papers.

2. All your commercial products/freebies using KB…Konnected clip art/frames/papers/graphics must include my credit button (included in file) with a link to my store.

3. All your printable products/freebies must be in a flattened (locked) format such as PDF.

4. KB…Konnected retains all copyrights to images/graphics and you may not claim them as your own.

5. ⭐ NEW TOU UPDATE! ⭐ All KB Konnected Clip Art may be used as moveable images for digital products, Smartboards, interactive whiteboards, PowerPoints, Google Slides, Boom Cards, etc. Credit must still be included in your product.


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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Skill-Related Fitness Components Practical Worksheet”

by PE Buddy
7th – 12th Grade

This practical worksheet develops students understanding of the skill-related fitness components. It includes a demonstration video and room for students to record their test scores.


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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Fall Themed Follow the Lines with Leaves, Acorns, Pie and More (FREE)”

by Lewis Creative
Pre-Kindergarten – 1st Grade

A fall themed follow the lines with 3 pages of line tracing activities:
– Connect the leaves
– Pie, Acorns & Sunflowers
– Leaves Falling from a Tree

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Other Resources You Might Enjoy:

Get even more deals on our website at: lewiscreative.ca

#fall #halloween #teachingprint #thanksgiving #leaves #leaf #fallingleaves #pumpkin #sunflower #apples #corn #tracing #oaktree #tracinglines #linetracing #lines #printable


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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Introduction to Rhyme Scheme and Rhythm in Poetry”

by Educate and Create
4th – 7th Grade

A Powerpoint which provides a brief overview of rhythm and rhyme scheme using poetry. I’ve used this as an introduction to poetry and pair this up with a poem in which students must find the rhyme scheme. It can be used with any poem.


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FREE MATH LESSON – “Free Halloween Comparing Numbers | Greater Than Less Than | Boom Cards”

by Disha Digital School
Pre-Kindergarten – 1st Grade

We all want our kids to enjoy learning about numbers, don’t we? Let’s make this Halloween memorable for them by playing these numbers compare games. This free math game will help your child to identify and recognize the numbers. They can then compare the numbers of objects and drag the correct symbols into the box. This will boost your preschooler’s numerical skills, so they can better understand math concepts in their future.

Also include TPT EASEL Exercise

✦Want to see this deck in action? Click on the link below to play!

☛ Halloween Comparing Numbers

New to BOOM CARDS? Here’s what you need to know..☀️

▶Boom Cards live in the cloud. They can’t be printed. They play on most modern browsers, Android, iPads, iPhones, and Kindle Fires. You open a Boom Learning account to play them (to protect the children). Create Fast Play pins to assign your Boom Cards to students.

►Boom Learning also has premium accounts. Premium accounts offer advanced assignment tools, individual and whole class performance tracking, and more. If you are a new Boom Learning customer, when you redeem your Boom Cards purchase you get 90-day free trial of a premium account. When your trial ends, you can renew or move to a free account. You may upgrade, downgrade or cancel at any time. Free accounts use purchased Boom Cards with Fast Play pins.

►PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this deck, you will be given a LINK to download your BOOM CARD purchase. You will NOT be given a set of cards in pdf format.

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Related Products

⭐ Halloween Theme Sentences Completion | Reading Sentences | Boom Cards

⭐ Fun Halloween Activities Matching Game Boom Cards

►If you have any question, please email me before you purchase at [email protected]

►Be sure to follow my store to be alerted of new products ➪ click here!

◼️How to get TPT credit to use on future purchases:

Please go to your My Purchases page (you may need to login). Beside each purchase you will see a Provide Feedback button. Simply click it and you will be taken to a page where you can give a quick rating and leave a short comment for the product. Each time you give feedback, TPT gives you feedback credits that you use to lower the cost of your future purchases. I value your feedback greatly as it helps me determine which products are most valuable for your classroom so I can create more for you.


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FREE MATH LESSON – “Doubles Addition Facts Fluency Game – Math Game FREE – Zombie”

by Primary Planet by Hilary Gard
1st – 2nd Grade

Help your students become fluent at doubles addition math facts with this super fun, hands-on Zombie Addition Game! This doubles addition facts game also includes a worksheet to practice the addition double facts for fluency!

Your students will love playing Zombie! It is a “Bang” type game, where students choose a card and answer the problem. If they get it correct, they keep the card. If they answer the addition fact incorrectly, they put their card back. If they draw a ZOMBIE! card, they put ALL of their cards back. Whoever has the most cards at the end WINS! This addition facts game can be played with 2 or more players! Perfect for small group math activities and math centers!

Check out the previews to see more!

Here’s what you get in the Zombie Addition Game:

✔️Teacher directions

✔️Student directions

✔️Doubles Addition Math Fact Cards

✔️Brains (for the backs of ALL the cards)

✔️1 page of Zombie Cards!

✔️Doubles Addition Math Facts Worksheet

My students LOVE this game and played it YEAR ROUND! I laminated the cards after printing to make them more durable as my students asked to play this game all the time! Even during inside recess! WIN-WIN!

Love this game and want to play some more:

⭐️Zombie: Addition Game – Math Game – Addition Facts Fluency

I positively adore feedback! Don’t forget that leaving feedback earns you points toward FREE TPT purchases.

Do you want to save 50% on all of my new products? Follow me to be notified of new products! They are 50% off for the first 24 hours (or longer if I forget to change them) after they are posted! You don’t want to miss out on that!

~Happy Teaching!



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FREE MATH LESSON – “Rocket Blast Off Sums to 10 Common Core K.OA.4”

by 123kteach
Pre-Kindergarten – 1st Grade

Students can use two sided counters or two colored manipulatives to solve problems and discover ways to make sums to ten.
It assesses the Kindergarten Common Core math standard K.OA.4


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FREE MATH LESSON – “Pumpkin Ten Frame Match-Up”

by Laurie Taylor
Kindergarten – 3rd Grade

I created this matching activity to help my students to practice their subitzing. They need to match the number to it’s correct ten frame. This activity is a great activity to add to your centers, or small groups, and as an assessment.


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FREE SOCIAL STUDIES LESSON – “U.S. History Bell Ringers, Discussion Questions & Writing Prompts Sample”

by Impossible Things Learning
7th – 12th Grade

This set of ten sample prompts from my Brain-Stretcher collection is tailor-made for U.S. History and works equally well as writing prompts, bell ringers, or discussion questions. They get students thinking about topics that they will be exploring in class, finding relevance in the past, and reflecting on what they have learned. These Brain-Stretchers are truly versatile and are an absolute lifesaver in the classroom!

The questions in each prompt are purely opinion based (no right or wrong answers) so they are accessible to all students. Each individual Brain-Stretcher is neatly spaced onto its own pdf page (that displays nicely in full screen mode) and is between two to five sentences long. To help students focus on the main idea of each prompt, one key sentence is in bold font.

This sample set contains five prompts from the “U.S. History Brain-Stretchers: Colonization to 1865” set and five prompts from the “U.S. History Brain-Stretchers: 1865 to Present” set. If you like this sample, be sure to click on the links below to take a closer look at each full set:

U.S. History Brain-Stretchers: Colonization to 1865

U.S. History Brain-Stretchers: 1865 to the Present

Whether you use these prompts to spark a lively debate, promote literacy in your classroom, or as “bell-ringers”, they are sure to make your classroom more engaging and purpose driven!

Wondering why I call them “Brain-Stretchers”? I like the idea of having students warm up their minds before we fully embark on our journey through the past in much the same way that athletes stretch their muscles before more vigorous exercise. As you can see from the positive student feedback that I have received, they are an ideal way to spark interest and get students thinking!

Looking for more great resources for teaching U.S. History? Be sure to check these out:

U.S. History: Famous Quotes Boom Cards™ Review Game

Heroes of the Civil Rights Movement Quotes Posters

“Would They Rather” Activities to Analyze Any Historical Figure

U.S. History: Unit Tests with Test Reviews BUNDLE (each test is also available individually)

U.S. History: Important People and Groups Boom Cards™ BUNDLE (each deck is also available individually)

CLICK HERE to follow Impossible Things Learning and be notified when I add new items to my store!

PS: The brain icon that I used was designed with resources from Freepik.com.


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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Free Lesson Storytelling Using Jigsaw Puzzle Pieces Halloween Theme”

by DramaMommaSpeaks
4th – 7th Grade

Free! Create stories using jigsaw puzzle pieces is a fun warm-up for your class for October using a Halloween theme. This activity gives students the opportunity to work cooperatively at a relaxed pace and use their creative problem-solving skills. Using the jigsaw puzzle pieces as a way to team up the students, they create a mini-story based on the pieces, write it and share it with the class. It can be adapted to many grade levels and subjects, but I recommend fourth through seventh.

Many grade levels and subjects use this warm up-drama, language arts, art, music, social studies, etc. Select postcards or make your own (most appropriate for your subject), turn them into puzzle pieces and go!

Time tested by veteran award-winning drama teacher of 38 years.

Do you follow me? If not I’d love it if you would! Follow me

Find more Dramamommaspeaks products at Dramamommaspeaks

Reviews of Dramamommaspeaks Products:

Lin Manuel Miranda Biography

“WOW! WHAT an AWESOME Resource!!!! Thanks for providing the questions, the links, a couple of different teaching options. This could be a great sub plan, but I know every teacher wants to do this lesson for themselves. Love that you finished with a great tweet from L M Miranda. Kids are gonna love THIS.”

It Could Always Be Worse

“This resource is a fantastic way to tie Social Studies into reading! Thank you!”

Costume Design Study with Fairy Tales

“This resource greatly added to my fractured fairy tale theatre unit! Thank you!”

Earning TPT Credits

• Do you want credit for future TPT purchases? Just provide feedback for resources you purchase. Click on the “provide feedback” button next to your purchases, rate the resource, and leave a short comment. (You need to do both to earn credits.)

You receive 1 TPT credit for each dollar you spend, and you can spend it just like cash on future Teachers Pay Teachers purchases.


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FREE MATH LESSON – “Free Halloween Activity – Multiplication Math Mystery Picture”

by Mrs Thompson’s Treasures
3rd – 4th Grade

⭐Your kids will love discovering the Halloween mystery picture (spooky house) as they practice their multiplication facts! Solve the problems, then use the key to color in the boxes and create the picture!

More Halloween math fun:

❤️ 120 Chart Mystery Pictures – Halloween Math Pack

❤️ Multiplication Mystery Pictures

❤️ Halloween Activities – Mystery Picture Graphs

Multiplication Mystery Pictures BUNDLE for the year:

❤️ Multiplication Mystery Pictures Math Bundle

Mrs. Thompson’s Treasures


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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Employment Application Life Skills Special Education PDF Worksheet”

by Adulting on the Spectrum
9th – 12th Grade

This simple Employment Application was created to teach first-time job seekers how to complete a job application. Don’t miss out on this free resource.

Benefits and Features

★ The job application is organized into logical sections such as personal information, education, references, and previous work history.

★ First-time job seekers can practice applying for jobs with this standard job application.

Continue to empower autistic teens and adults to develop independent living skills with these additional activities.

Job Related Life Skills Special Education PDF Worksheets for High School

Understanding your Pay Stub Autism Life Skills Special Education PDF Worksheet


  • Autistic preteens, teens, and adults working on developing independent living skills.

Do you know how to earn TpT Credits?

  • TpT rewards you with credits for future purchases when you leave feedback.
  • I value your feedback, helps me to improve the resources that I create for you!


  • Online: PDF Format
  • Online: Fillable PDF File
  • Print: Portrait Orientation
  • Print: 8.5″ x 11″ Letter

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Spooky Inference Riddles 2 – Halloween Printable for ELA”

by The Teacher Treasury
2nd – 4th Grade

1 sheet, 6 riddles

Directions: Solve the riddles by making inferences about the clues.

Riddle #1:

I am the color of darkness.

Some people say I’m bad luck.

Others say I have nine lives.

Witches keep me as their pet.

What am I?

Riddle #2:

I’m creepy.

I love to crawl around.

I have eight legs.

I trap bugs and eat them.

What am I?

Riddle #3:

I am part man and part monster.

I have a great sense of smell.

I love the full moon.

I howl at the night sky.

What am I?

Riddle #4:

I have no reflection.

I have no heartbeat.

I sleep during the day.

I drink blood at night.

What am I?

Riddle #5:

I’m a dead man walking.

I smell pretty bad.

I don’t walk very fast.

I’m all wrapped up.

What am I?

Riddle #6:

I am a monster created by man.

I have green skin.

I have bolts in my neck.

My friends call me Frank.

Who am I?


1. a black cat

2. a spider

3. a werewolf

4. a vampire

5. a mummy

6. Frankenstein

This is an extension of a fun little activity I did with my students as a warm-up to making inferences.

***Here’s the link to the first Spooky Inference Riddles (FREE)***

Hope this helps =)

Spooky Inference Riddles 2 by Felisa Williams is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Animal Adaptations Science Vocabulary Bingo Game Printable”

by Trail 4 Success
2nd – 6th Grade

Animal Adaptations Science Vocabulary Bingo Game Printable

This printable animal adaptations bingo game includes 16 vocabulary words that match most state’s science standards. Students write the animal adaptations vocabulary words in random order on their bingo form. Adaptation vocabulary clue cards with definitions are included along with complete instructions. Great for review before science assessment assessments about animal adaptations.

Comments from teachers who have used this game in their classroom:

“My class had so much fun playing this. I like how it incorporated new vocabulary as well as old.”

“Great activity. I used the vocab from the game as a guide for previewing and reinforcing during reading activities. Students then made vocabulary drawings in their notebook for the terms and then we played the bingo, it was a great support all through the unit.”

“This is marvelous – thank-you! So adaptable to all units! I will check out your store.”


Other Products You Might Like:

Animal Adaptations – Fact or Fiction? Interactive PowerPoint Lesson

Check out my animal adaptations reader’s theater entitled Ranger Lox and the Three Vores.

Check out my other animal adaptation activities:

Integrate reading and animal adaptations by having students create a pocket book!

Wacky Insect Adaptations Mini Book Webquest Research Activity

Animal Adaptations Task Cards – Set of 32 Science Brain Builders

Animal Adaptations “Busy Beaks” Fun Hands On Investigation Activity

Animal Adaptations Cards Printable Research Project Common Core

Real-Life Animal Adaptations PowerPoint + Printable Worksheet

Wacky Animal Adaptations Webquest Research Activity Common Core

Animal Habitats, Types of Eaters, Living Things, 3 Classification Color Wheels

I have other Science Bingo games too.

Science Ecosystems + Food Chains Bingo Game

Science Earth, Moon, + Sun Bingo Game

If you like this activity, check out my Science Brain Builders task card sets:

Seven sets – 244 cards in all, my complete bundle of Science Task Cards.

Earth, Moon, and Sun Science Task Cards

Heating Up! Heat Energy Science Task Cards

All About Electricity Science Task Cards

Fantastic Fossils Science Task Cards

All About Magnets Science Task Cards

Earth Day Task Cards


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Copyright© 2019 Trail 4 Success

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Permission to copy for single classroom use only.

Electronic distribution limited to single classroom use only. Not for public display.


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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Free Halloween Word Search Vocabulary No Prep”

by The Tools to Teach LLC
5th – 7th Grade

Free Halloween Word Search allows students to find key words specific to the holiday with little to no prep. This word search is targeted for upper elementary. Buyer said, “Great vocabulary! Thanks.”

Free Halloween Vocabulary Word Search and Key includes the words, apparition, gory, bogeyman, horrible, cauldron, howl, corpse, macabre, devilish, nightmare, enchant, tombstone, ogre, petrify, repulsive, frightful, wizardry, ghastly, shadowy, and zombie.

Why use word searches? Word searches have multiple uses because they promote an interactive way for students to practice vocabulary and review skills. Students discover topics together in a large group, small group and even independently. Now word searches are also helpful for sensory learners who benefit from a game style approach to learning.

Hurry! Be sure to follow my store because you will receive free UPDATES and occasionally secret free surprises. If you would like to see more of my resources, please follow me by clicking on the star near my name.

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The Tools to Teach LLC Teaching Resources | Teachers Pay Teachers educational and inspirational classroom decor and banners

The Tools to Teach LLC Teaching Resources | Teachers Pay Teachers who doesn’t love free stuff?

The Tools to Teach LLC Teaching Resources | Teachers Pay Teachers science products

Keywords: Halloween, vocabulary, word search, printable, free, apparition, gory, bogeyman, horrible, cauldron, howl, corpse, macabre, devilish, nightmare, enchant, tombstone, ogre, petrify, repulsive, frightful, wizardry, ghastly, shadowy, zombie


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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Pumpkin Readers, Free Guided Reader”

by Teacher Karma
Pre-Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

I See Fall Pumpkin Readers: Happy Fall TpT friends! I hope these Fall Pumpkin Readers will be a fun and useful addition to your guided reading resources this Halloween and Thanksgiving.

Differentiation will be a SNAP! There are multiple levels of support.

This reading FREEBIE includes the following:

  • Full color with all text included
  • Interactive: black and white so that the student can color and with the student writing in one word
  • Black and white with all words added


SOUND BOX: Pic Strip Kit #1

SOUND BOX: Pic Strip Kit #2

Blending Train for Smooth Reading

Little Foldable Readers: Nursery Rhyme Edition

Nursery Rhyme Poetry Notebook

Letter ID Activities with Nursery Rhymes

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Please visit my blog for additional learning activities and strategies:


Best Wishes!

Jen Bradshaw


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