Tag Archives : #readingactivities

Setting up Book Clubs in the Elementary Classroom

Book Club is an ELA activity that combines reading and discussion of “at level” books in an organized manner. Reading groups are determined by the student’s current reading levels and no more than six students are placed in each reading group to allow full participation by each member of the group. Modifications and adaptations can be made to make Book Club work in any classroom setting. Book Club was created to be used in grades 3rd-5th classrooms and was developedcwith the help of a Reading Specialist.

This 23 slide set includes all you need to set up a Book Club in your Elementary classroom. The set includes:

  • An explanation of what Book Club is
  • Job Assignment explanations
  • Worksheets for each Job Assignment
  • Job Assignment Labels
  • All documents in both an orange pattern print and in black/ white easy to print versions

For more information or to purchase please check out my TpT Store or click the image below:

Elementary Book Club Starter Set


Kris McWilliams

Mistakes Allow Thinking to Happen

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Flexible Seating: Stools, rockers, rugs, and seats…For READING??

Why flexible seating?

Hello My friends!

This is Wendy from 1stgradefireworks.

  I use flexible seating in my first grade classroom.

You will LOVE it!

I hope this post helps YOU!


When I was in elementary school

( Way back in the DINOSAUR days )  
flexible seating in the classroom
We sat in rows.
Many rows.
All of us looking straight ahead.
At the teacher, at all times!
No flexible seating, here.


flexible seating in the classroom

Classroom Seating in the 1950’s

We kept our hands & feet to ourselves.
We kept our books in our desks.
And we read QUIETLY to ourselves.
We read.
Some people enjoyed it.
Some people just pretended.
Most did what we were told.
We didn’t ask…WHY?

How to bring flexible seating options into my classroom?

Because at home…
I would lay on my bed and read for HOURS!

flexible seating

I would lay on my bed and READ for HOURS!

(picture by Dreamstime.com)
And that is how I  LOVE TO READ!
I want my students to LOVE to read!
So I have “changed it up!”
I have added flexible seating options in my classroom for kids to 
read in a comfortable, relaxed, enjoyable experience.
Every day after lunch my first graders do
If you have not read the book


The Daily 5

The Daily 5

from “The 2  SISTERS”
My first graders read to themselves.
Not to me,
Not to a partner,
Therefore…READ  TO  SELF!
I set the BIG TIMER!

online reading timer

Online Countdown Timer

I use THIS one.
We start the year at 6 minutes.  Read.
We work on increasing our reading STAMINA.
 Read longer.
Today, we are at 18 minutes!
18 minutes of uninterrupted reading 
of books THEY choose!
BUT there is MORE!
They don’t sit in rows.
They don’t sit at their desk.
We have flexible seating choices for reading.



flexible seating reading rockers

Reading Rockers for Read to Self



flexible seating stools

Tall Stools for Read to Self



flexible seating short stools

Short Stools for Read to Self



flexible seating chairs

Short chairs for Read to Self


flexible seating

Short chairs for independent Reading

CHAIRS  by themselves


flexible seating rugs

Reading rugs for Read to Self



flexible seating

Corner Nooks for Independent Reading



flexible seating floor

Student laying on the floor for Independent Reading

And when we are done?
Stools under the tables.
Rockers stacked in baskets.
Rugs in the tub.
And chairs stacked.


flexible seating stools

Stools under the table


flexible seating stools

Tall stools under the table


flexible seating guided reading stools

Guided Reading stools under the table


flexible seating reading rockers

Reading Rockers stacked in laundry basket


flexible seating chairs

Short chairs stacked

They MOAN when the timer goes off. 
They ask during other times of the day
to Read in the Rockers.
I have taught them to LOVE to READ..  
Flexible seating choices have made a HUGE difference
in the reading choices my students make.
They want harder books.
They want to read MORE!
It’s hard to walk into a first grade classroom
and hear…SILENCE.
But the “whispers” of reading are heard, daily!
More flexible seating CHOICES!
I won ..yes…won  these
4 AMAZING Stools at our recent
NorCAL Teachers Meet UP
in Pleasanton,CA!
Check out the fun at:

flexible seating storage ottomans

Ottomans for reading stacked up

I was the BIG..WINNER  WINNER! 🙂
Yes…I won ALL  4


flexible seating wooden rocking chairs

Reading Rocking Chairs

And these Bad boys…
They are wooden rocking chairs,, and they SQUEAK!
I love to hear the squeak, squeak as they rock & READ!
Thank You Donor’s Choose!
My “flexible seating” is complete!
Now to “arrange” it into 


                                                                    I absolutely LOVE IT!




Some of my “bloggy friends”
have also posted about
their experiences
with flexible seating.
Check them out.

How to fund and implement flexible seating

How to fund and implement flexible seating


10 things to know about flexible seating

10 things to know about flexible seating


flexible seating

flexible seating



If you want to learn MORE about reading
check out these blog posts:
                                                                 Join The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative at
and get THOUSANDS OF PAGE VIEWS for your TpT products!

Go to http://www.pinterest.com/TheBestofTPT/ for even more free products!

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “June Reading Comprehension Activities Freebies”

June Reading Comprehension Activities Freebies

by Sue Kayobie
Kindergarten, 1st grade


Are you looking for monthly Reading Comprehension Activities for your Kindergarten students? Look no further, and these monthly passages are perfect for beginning readers.

This freebies set comes in three formats. 2 pages of Reading Fluency, 2 pages of Reading fluency check cut and paste, and 2 pages of Reading Comprehension will suit the needs of your students. I have provided a copy of all those pages without the “dots” for tracking. These activities work well for a small group practice, fluency practice, class discussions, homework, and for assessment use.

Go to my TPT store to get more free monthly Reading Comprehension Activities.


Sue Kayobie

TPT Store


FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “July Reading Comprehension Activities Freebies”

July Reading Comprehension Activities Freebies

by Sue Kayobie
Kindergarten, 1st grade


Are you looking for monthly Reading Comprehension Activities for your Kindergarten students? Look no further, and these monthly passages are perfect for beginning readers.

This freebies set comes in three formats. 2 pages of Reading Fluency, 2 pages of Reading fluency check cut and paste, and 2 pages of Reading Comprehension will suit the needs of your students. I have provided a copy of all those pages without the “dots” for tracking. These activities work well for a small group practice, fluency practice, class discussions, homework, and for assessment use.


Go to my TPT store to get more free monthly Reading Comprehension Activities.


Sue Kayobie

TPT Store
