Daily Archives: September 12, 2017

Historical Context of Lord of the Flies



Historical Context of Lord of the Flies


Product Description

This PowerPoint presentation is a great way to introduce Golding’s Lord of the Flies.

This PowerPoint is devised to contextualize Golding’s novel in order to help students better understand and appreciate the novel.

There are 14 slides in total. 

Included in this activity is:

– Introduction about the author
– A short film clip about the war and the fear it evoked
– Information about the story
– Information about Golding’s message
– Information about themes
– Information about the significance of the title
– Group discussion questions to serve as a pre reading guide
– Important elements in the novel

There are no spoilers for students in this presentation. The information prepares them for what they will read in order to better appreciate it and to develop themes later on.

See preview for more details.

This activity is also part of a larger Lord of the Flies unit:
Click here to preview the Lord of the Flies Unit (No prep required)

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
14 slides
Answer Key
Teaching Duration

FREE MATH LESSON – “Numbers 0-20 5 in a Row: No Prep Game & Powerpoint”

by Tessa Maguire

Kindergarten – 1st Grade



Practice number identification on numbers 0-20 with this 5 in a Row Game. This no-prep blackline game is ready for playing. Just print, cut, and play, or copy on colored paper and laminate for future use. The corresponding Powerpoint file manages the game all on its own. Click the button to randomize the order and push start, and it will play and display. It can be randomized for every play, keeping the game fresh and fun for students. With only 15 numbers on the game card, students can quickly find and identify the numbers. There are 30 different game cards included so you can even use them in large class sizes. Complete setup directions are included.

Please note: This may not work with Powerpoint compatible programs. Please only purchase it if you have Powerpoint. It will not work on Powerpoint 2008 for Macs.








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