by Mrs Ds Corner
1st – 3rd Grade

This activity was created to accompany my students on our Thanksgiving Curriculum Based Instruction (CBI) trip.
Here is how I used it:
– First, print the pages on card stock and laminate. Cut them out and Velcro the backs of the small aisle pieces. This makes it easy for students to graph the data in the grocery store, rather than writing it down.
– When you are in the grocery store, each student will get 1-4 pieces of the larger pictures of food to locate inside the grocery store. I laminate these and use a key ring to hold them together.
– As students are locating the items in the grocery store, have them take note of what aisle or where they found the items. I, also, have students write the prices of the items, or at least say the price and I will keep track of the record of prices.
– When the CBI is finished and we are back at school (same day or next day), we sequence the day. Then we take a look at where we found each item. We make a graph to see if we found any of the items in the same aisle or department of the store.
– We then look at the prices of each food. I have students make a hypothesis of what they think our Thanksgiving meal would cost to purchase. We use our estimating/rounding skills to get a general idea of how much money it would be. We, then, use calculators (I teach Life Skills) to add up the cost.
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