Yearly Archives: 2016

FREE MATH LESSON – “How to Use a Protractor Freebie”

by Downeast Teach

4th – 6th Grade


How to Use a Protractor


Now that using a protractor is a Common Core skill for 4th grade, here is a little freebie to help your students, (and maybe you too, if it has been a while since you’ve had to use one!)

You get a large version of the poster which can be projected on your interactive white board or printed out poster-sized. There is also a page with a smaller version, which is great to print out for students to glue into their math notebooks.

Please check out my other geometry products, which go into more detail about how to use a protractor not only to measure angles, but to sketch specific angles.

Geometry SMARTBoard and Printables Bundle: Lines and Angles

Geometry SMARTBoard File: Lines and Angles

Geometry Printables: Lines and Angles

Geometry Polygon Resources:

Geometry SMARTBoard and Printables Bundle: Polygons

Geometry SMARTBoard File: Polygons

Geometry Printables: Polygons

Geometry Vocabulary Cards for Polygons







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Rhythm in Poetry Lesson


Rhythm in Poetry


This lesson includes Emily Dickenson’s “If I Could Not Stop for Death” as well as Pearl Jam’s “Last Kiss” lyrics to discover (hands on) the importance of rhythm in poetry. Often, Language Arts teachers are weaker in this area because it is a little more technical than merely looking at the language.

The lesson includes:
– a detailed lesson plan for the teacher
– student notes (the poems) and activities
– an annotated copy of the poems as well as a comprehensive answer key

The entire unit contains 6 pages and it will most likely take two periods to complete.

I hope you enjoy it!

This lesson is part of a more comprehensive bundle:

I hope you enjoy your purchase!

It’s teaching made easy!

For contests, promotions and other freebies, visit my Facebook page.

or visit my Pinterest at


LANGUAGE ARTS – “Open Syllable Bundle Packet”

Grades K-4

by Reading on Strawberry Lane

Open Syllable Bundle Packet-compressed

This reading bundle packet provides 106 pages of the open syllable type word lists, activities, and games. The open syllable words in this packet include words using each vowel in conjunction with one, two, or multi-syllable words. The activities are presented in a fun and basic way so that students can easily and quickly grasp the idea of open syllable words. After some practice, students will easily locate the open syllable in the words–whether at the beginning, middle, or end of a word.

Here’s a list of the activities/games in the packet
1. Bubble Yum Relay
2. Flower Power
3. Open Syllable Word Count, Sort & Write
4. Open Syllable Cut, Sort & Glue
5. Open Syllable Count & Divide
6. First or Last Syllable Open?
7. Fill Up the Jar
8. I Spy
10. First or Last Syllable Open Picture Sort
11. Hear, Write & Draw
12. Open Syllable Booklets
13. Dominoes
14. Try Spelling/Draw & Spell
15. Move the Cow to the Barn
Open Syllable Activites & Game Thumbnails2
Open Syllable Activites & Game Thumbnails1
Open Syllable Activites & Game Thumbnails3

FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Amazing Weather Facts”

by Diamond Mom

2nd – 6th Grade


Amazing Weather Facts


These are some amazing weather facts I learned about when teaching about weather 15 years ago. I created these posters for my classroom bulletin board using Appleworks. I rediscovered them a while back and felt they were worth reworking and sharing with others. I hope you enjoy them.

Charlene/Diamond Mom

Here are some more of my science products for you to check out.
Scientific Method
My Bean Plant Observation Journal
Plant Needs and the Plant Life Cycle
Animal Research Planning Template
Science Groups Posters
Plant Investigations Bundle

Click here to see my other science products all in one place.

Thank You for your purchase of this product. I hope you find it helpful.

Charlene/Diamond Mom
Diamond Mom’s Treasury
My TPT Store
[email protected]

This product is for single use in one classroom. If you wish to share, please purchase multiple licenses or direct others to purchase their own copies at my store.

Don’t Miss Out:

Leave feedback on this item to earn credit toward future TpT purchases!
I value your feedback greatly! It gives me the information I need to continue creating high-quality products for your classroom!

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Poetry Lesson on Sonnets – Shakespeare & Browning


Poetry Lesson on Sonnets (Shakespeare and Browning)



Lesson on Sonnets

This mini bundle includes a sonnet from William Shakespeare (#130) and a sonnet from Elizabeth Browning (How do I Love Thee?). In this activity, students will compare the different tones and forms from both poems. One is beautiful and romanticizes love, and the other sees love realistically (and a little meanly if you ask me). Students will identify the different types of sonnets, the figurative language found within their lines, and will have the opportunity to write their own.

Students get to see another side of Shakespeare from his sonnet. Students always love his realistic, yet sarcastic portayal of love.

The mini bundle includes:
– a detailed lesson plan for the teacher
– student notes (the poems) and activity
– an annotated copy of the poems as well as a comprehensive answer key.

The entire unit contains 4 pages.

For contests, promotions and other freebies, visit my Facebook page.

Total Pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration
1 hour

LANGUAGE ARTS – “Scooping Words With One Closed Syllable & One Vowel-Consonant-e Syllable”

Grades 1-3

by Reading on Strawberry Lane

Scooping Closed and V-C-e

Scooping a word is the same as dividing the word into syllables.

Syllables can be divided by saying them orally or by using a pencil and paper. If we orally divide a word into syllables, we usually clap the word out. For example, if we orally divided the syllables of dislike, we would clap out ‘dis’ and ‘like,’ and that would be two claps. If we divided the syllables on paper, we would place a slash between the ‘s’ and ‘l’ in

the word ‘dis/like.’

So rather that placing a slash, there is another way to show the number of syllables in a word, and that is to scoop the syllables. This is how that would look: d i s I I k e. Not dividing the word with a slash avoids the look of an extra letter in the word, and it also avoids the idea of students thinking the word has only one syllable since there is just one slash. With the idea of scooping with the finger or with a pencil, students

can feel and see the scoops which in turn matches the number of syllables.

This packet contains 64 task cards that allow students to practice scooping words with one closed syllable and one vowel-consonant-e syllable.

Scooping Closed and V-C-e 2Scooping Closed and V-C-e 3

Poetry and Imagery – Langston Hughes

Poetry and Imagery - Langston Hughes


This mini bundle includes the poems of Langston Hughes and has a focus on the importance of imagery. More specifically, the lesson is based on two poems: A Dream Deferred and Mother to Son.

The mini bundle includes:

– a detailed lesson plan for the teacher
– student notes (the poems) and activity
– an annotated copy of the poems as well as a comprehensive answer key.
The entire unit contains 8 pages.

This lesson is part of a more comprehensive bundle:

I hope you enjoy your purchase!

It’s teaching made easy!

FREE MISC. LESSON – “Hallway Song”

by Teaching With Style

Pre-Kindergarten – 3rd Grade


Hallway Song


Having a hard time getting your class to walk quietly in the hallway? Ever feel like you have to constantly stop and wait for everyone to be standing in a straight line? Here you will find fun songs to sing or chant with your class to get them ready to walk quietly and respectfully in the hallway.

Included are small posters to create a book. I hole punch mine in the top left corner and attach with a binder ring. There are also large page-sized posters that you can laminate and post by your door. Lots of options to help your class be successful in the hallway!

Visit my blog Teaching With Style for more ideas, lessons, freebies, and giveaways!







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LANGUAGE ARTS – “75 Games & Activities for Teaching the Six Syllable Types of Reading”

Grades K-4
by Reading on Strawberry LaneScreen Shot 2015-07-10 at 1.10.59 PM

The bundle packet includes 75 games and activities that all target teaching the 6 types of syllables in reading: Closed Syllables, V-C-e Syllables, r-Controlled Syllables, Open Syllables, Vowel Digraph & Diphthong Syllables, and Final Stable Consonant Syllables.
The basic overall purpose of learning syllable type reading is to give students 6 reading strategies to aid them in chunking longer words into short, readable parts. Learning to read by identifying the type of syllable is the most consistent method to teach reading to your students, and the easiest way for your students to learn to read.These 75 activities/games can be placed in language stations, or they can be played during small groups. So enjoy as your students learn another way to break the code to reading!At the present, I am creating my last packet of game and activities to go with the final stable syllable type, and once I complete it, I will make it available. Also, if you would like to preview what is in the packet, just click on the preview tab and you can see a sample of some (not all of them) of the games in the packet.
The Closed Syllable Packet includes the following games:
1. Bubble Bath Mats
2. Bubble Yum Mats
3. Scrambled Eggs
4. Bag the Odd Word
5. Morph the Word
6. Flower Power
7. My Closed Syllable Word Book
8. Closed Syllable Sorting Mats
9. Roll a Word
10. Spin a Word
11. Puzzle Words
12. Hangin’ Out the Laundry
13. Map Out the Treasure
14. Connect 4
15. Beat the ClockThe
V-C-e Syllable packet includes the following games/activities:
1. Move the Spider to His Web
2. Syllable Type Organizers
3. Connect 4
4. Color the Snail’s Shell
5. Graph Your Total
6. Dominoes
7. It’s Raining V-C-e Words
8. Burst a Balloon
9. Flower Power
10. V-C-e Booklets
11. Flip-Flop Match-Up
12. A Walk Around the Block
13. Skunk
14. Building Words
15. Snake & Ladders
The r-Controlled Syllable packet includes the following games/activities:
1. Climb a Tree
2. Grow a Centipede
3. Football Frenzy
4. Uno
5. Clear the Board
6, Snail Shell
7. Wild Animal Race
8. Checkers
9. Circle Out
10. Dominoes
The Open Syllable packet includes the following games/activities:
1. Bubble Yum Relay
2. Flower Power
3. Open Syllable Word Count, Sort & Write
4. Open Syllable Cut, Sort & Glue
5. Open Syllable Count & Divide
6. First or Last Syllable Open?
7. Fill Up the Jar
8. I Spy
9. ‘y’ says ‘i’ or ‘e’
10. First or Last Syllable Open Picture Sort
11. Hear, Write & Draw
12. Open Syllable Booklets
13. Dominoes
14. Try Spelling/Draw & Spell
15. Move the Cow to the Barn
The Vowel Digraph & Diphthong Syllable packet includes the following games/activities:
1. Color the Rainbow
2. Ghost OUT
3. Move the Mouse to the Cheese
4. Guess the Word
5. Shark
6. Go Fish
7. PIG
8. Old Maid, Old Man
9. Skunk
10. Thirteen Digraph/Diphthong Booklets
The Final Stable (-le) Syllable packet includes the following games/activities:
1. Syllable Match-Up
2. Which Final Stable Syllable Sound?
3. Final Stable Syllable Booklets
4. Syllable Divide
5. Riddle Riddles
6. Syllable Picture Sorts
7. Daub the Final Stable Syllable
8. WAR
9. Got It!
10. Sweet Shop Hop

Mother’s Day Pop-Up Cards

by Victoria Leon

Kindergarten – 6th Grade

Mother’s Day Pop-Up Cards

Create Mother’s Day cards using nine pop-up templates, thirteen pattern pieces, and six covers.  Mix and match the materials to make a variety of handmade Mother’s Day cards.

Kindergarten – sixth grade students will be able to use the step-by-step directions and photographs to assemble the pop-up cards.  Pop-Up Card #1 is the easiest to make since it only has one pattern piece.  Pop-Up Card #2 has two pattern pieces.  Pop-Up Card #3 has three or more pattern pieces.  

Copy the pages on construction paper or card stock.  Decorate the pattern pieces and covers with crayons, colored pencils, markers, or drawing chalk.  Glue the pattern pieces to the pop-up templates.  Your students will create an inexpensive DIY Mother’s Day card which will be treasured for a lifetime.  

Frankenstein Complete Unit – No Prep Teaching


Frankenstein complete unit


FRANKENSTEIN UNIT (Improved and revised)


This unit has been created with the teacher in mind. The material is geared toward senior students with a focus on the construction of arguments. It also teaches the importance of historical context as well as literary allusions in the development of themes.

The thinking has all been done for you. The lesson plans are detailed and comprehensive. The student guide is visually appealing and facilitates the teacher’s job. In addition, the answer key is comprehensive and detailed. All the teacher needs to do is to purchase this unit and photocopy it.

Take a look at the preview for more information.

What the unit contains:

1) The Teacher Package (17 pages)

-contains 21 detailed lessons (60-90 minute lessons)
-leading discussion questions and skill building activities (with detailed instructions for the teacher)
-important chapter notes on analysis
-the teacher package helps the teacher stay on task and stay organized because the planning has been done for you.

2) The Student Package (11 pages)

-pre-reading activity
-study guide questions
-a fact sheet regarding the Prometheus myth
-an activity on the use of nature in romantic literature
-an activity based on the symbols in the novel
-several activities that teach argument development
-an activity on theme development

3) A comprehensive answer key (25 pages)

-detailed answers for ALL student activities and work
-an annotate copy of the poem “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” and activity answer key.

4) Also included:

-a PowerPoint introducing the novel’s historical context and the author
-class posters with key elements in the novel
-a copy of “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”

– Test on letters 1-4 and chapters 1-10 (choice between multiple choice OR development questions)
-Test on chapters 11-18 (choice between multiple choice OR development questions)
-Unit evaluation (Choice between and essay (serveral different versions), a debate, a unit test – all work process is included)

*As a bonus, I have included two automatic comment generators for Word documents (with drop down boxes.)

E-MAIL ME at [email protected] . Be sure to include your e-mail address and buyer’s name. I will send you an attachment directly to your e-mail address.

FREE MATH LESSON – “Ordinal Words and Numbers Word Wall, Matching Cards, and Puzzles”

by Marcia Murphy

Kindergarten – 2nd Grade


Ordinal Words and Numbers Word Wall


Ordinal Words and Numbers Word Wall, Matching Activity Cards, and Puzzles

This file contains:

~ Ordinal Words and Numbers (1-10) Word Wall Cards plus a Title Card
~ Ordinal Words and Numbers (1-10) Matching Activity / Concentration Game Cards
~ Ordinal Words and Numbers (1-10) Self-Correcting Puzzles

These cards could be printed on card stock or photo paper and laminated if desired.


**** To view more of my Math products, please click on the links below.

Ten Frames Posters and Activities

Counting Puzzles

Addition Activities

Math Word Wall Cards

Math Posters

Tally Marks Products

Fraction Resources

Happy Teaching!







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LANGUAGE ARTS – “A Mega Bundle Packet of Reading Syllable Type Word Lists and Games/Activities”

Mega Reading & Game Cover

Grades K-4

by Reading on Strawberry Lane

The mega bundle packet includes 400+ words lists and 70+ games and activities!!!

There are 6 syllable types in reading. The basic overall purpose of learning syllable type reading is to give students 6 reading strategies to aid them in chunking longer words into short, readable parts. Learning to read by identifying the type of syllable is the most consistent method to teach reading to your students, and the easiest way for your students to learn to read. All of the words lists incorporate patterns using all the vowels. The closed syllable and V-C-e syllable target words using common phonograms.

This packet of activities and games give students a fun way to learn the syllable types. The activities/games can be placed in language stations, or they can be played during small groups. So enjoy as your students learn another way to break the code to reading!

If you would like to preview what is in the packet, just click on my individual bundle packets for each syllable type to preview the materials included in this mega bundle.

The Closed Syllable Packet includes the following games/activities:
1. Bubble Bath Mats
2. Bubble Yum Mats
3. Scrambled Eggs
4. Bag the Odd Word
5. Morph the Word
6. Flower Power
7. My Closed Syllable Word Book
8. Closed Syllable Sorting Mats
9. Roll a Word
10. Spin a Word
11. Puzzle Words
12. Hangin’ Out the Laundry
13. Map Out the Treasure
14. Connect 4
15. Beat the Clock

The V-C-e Syllable packet includes the following games/activities:
1. Move the Spider to His Web
2. Syllable Type Organizers
3. Connect 4
4. Color the Snail’s Shell
5. Graph Your Total
6. Dominoes
7. It’s Raining V-C-e Words
8. Burst a Balloon
9. Flower Power
10. V-C-e Booklets
11. Flip-Flop Match-Up
12. A Walk Around the Block
13. Skunk
14. Building Words
15. Snakes & Ladders

The r-Controlled Syllable packet includes the following games/activities:
1. Climb a Tree
2. Grow a Centipede
3. Football Frenzy
4. Play Uno
5. Clear the Board
6, Snail Shell
7. Wild Animal Race
8. Checkers
9. Circle Out
10. Dominoes

The Open Syllable packet includes the following games/activities:
1. Bubble Yum Relay
2. Flower Power
3. Open Syllable Word Count, Sort & Write
4. Open Syllable Cut, Sort & Glue
5. Open Syllable Count & Divide
6. First or Last Syllable Open?
7. Fill Up the Jar
8. I Spy
9. ‘y’ says ‘i’ or ‘e’
10. First or Last Syllable Open Picture Sort
11. Hear, Write & Draw
12. Open Syllable Booklets
13. Dominoes
14. Try Spelling/Draw & Spell
15. Move the Cow to the Barn

The Vowel Digraph & Diphthong Syllable packet includes the following games/activities:
1. Color the Rainbow
2. Ghost OUT
3. Move the Mouse to the Cheese
4. Guess the Word
5. Shark
6. Go Fish
7. PIG
8. Old Maid, Old Man
9. Skunk
10. Thirteen Digraph/Diphthong Booklets

The Final Stable (-le) Syllable packet includes the following games/activities:
1. Syllable Match-Up
2. Which Final Stable Syllable Sound?
3. Final Stable Syllable Booklets
4. Syllable Divide
5. Riddle Fiddles
6. Syllable Picture Sorts
7. Daub the Final Stable Syllable
8. WAR
9. Got It!
10. Sweet Shop Hop

FREE SOCIAL STUDIES LESSON – “FREE Landforms Dictionary (or Coloring Book)”

by Miss Martin

2nd – 4th Grade


Landforms Dictionary


FREE Landforms Dictionary (or Coloring Book)

This versatile set can be used as either a student Landforms dictionary or as a Landforms Coloring Book – it is your choice!

I have included a cover for each, so you can use it how it suits you best.

Your students will love putting together this Landforms Dictionary and using it as a resource during their Landforms Unit!

The landforms included in this set are:
• archipelago
• beach
• canyon
• cave
• glacier
• grassland
• hills
• island
• lake
• mountains
• plateau
• pond
• river
• valley
• volcano
• waterfall

If you have any additional questions about this product, please visit my “Ask Me a Question” tab on my TpT store. Thank you for looking!

This Landforms Dictionary is part of my
Complete Landforms Unit Bundle

Other Landforms Resources:
Landforms Flash Cards
Landforms Poster Pack
Landforms Writing Prompts
Color-a-Landform Dice Game







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Figurative Language and Poetic Devices Jeopardy Game


Figurative Language and Poetic Devices Jeopardy Game




Are you looking for a new way of introducing poetic devices in your class? This PowerPoint document is a great way to review poetic terms or to help students learn them.

I play this game from grade 9 to grade 12 and all of the students love them.

Directions on how to play the game are also included.

It’s teaching made easy!

LANGUAGE ARTS – “Closed Syllable Bundle Packet”

Grades K-3

by Reading on Strawberry Lane 

Closed Syllable Bundle Cover

Closed Syllables Bundle Packet-4Closed Syllable 1-Compressed

Closed Syllable 2 Compressed

Fifty percent of our English language is closed syllable type words. Once a student learns this syllable type, they have a great foundation upon which to build. So it is a well worth our efforts to invest our time teaching this syllable type if we are going to have successful readers.I created this packet for my students to have fun learning closed syllable type words. There are 6 syllable types, and closed syllable is the most basic type to teach. There are multiple word lists in the unit, ‘Reading Closed Syllables.’ This reading unit provides 158 word lists of the closed syllable type words. Also, a master list of all the words is included as a quick reference. The lists in this unit include words spelled using each vowel in conjunction with common phonograms. These lists of words will help students recognize the common patterns seen in closed syllables. Also, reading will become more manageable for students once they understand the different syllable types.

The unit, ’15 Games & Activities Teaching Closed Syllables’ include 15 fun games and activities that can be placed in literacy centers for the students to enjoy. The following games are included in this packet:

1. Bubble Bath
2. Bubble Yum Relay
3. Scrambled Eggs
4. Bag the Odd Chip
5. Morph the Word
6. Flower Power
7. My Closed Syllable Word Book
8. Recording Sheet
9. Roll a Word
10. Spin a Word
11. Puzzle Words
12. Hangin’ Out the Laundry
13. Map Out The Treasure
14. Connect 4
15. Beat the Clock

FREE MISC. LESSON – “Mother’s Day Craft & Poem FREEBIE!”

by Jennifer Drake

Pre-Kindergarten – 3rd Grade


Mother's Day Craft


Your student’s Moms/Mums/Grandmas/Aunts & Special Ladies are going to LOVE their very first ‘diamond’ necklace made by their child! And you are going to LOVE the feedback and smiles on everyone’s faces!

I have been making these in my classroom for years and I have Moms come back years later raving about their first ‘diamond’ necklace and how it is still their most prized piece of jewelry!

This Pack Includes:
*Photos of how to make the ‘diamond’ necklace

*Recipe for flour/salt dough w/ directions

*Alternative suggestion to using flour/salt dough with photos

*Necklace poem- 4 frames- for Mom

*Necklace poem- 4 frames- for Mum

*Necklace poem- 2 frames for Grandma, 1 for Aunt & 1 for ‘Special Lady’

~Copy on colored paper and wrap or present with the necklace!
I have included poems for Mom/Mum/Grandma. If you need something else, please contact me!

All you need is some flour, salt, water & dimes! Add some paint, ribbon & beads and you are all set for a gift that will put a ‘sparkle’ in mom/mum/grandma’s eyes and heart!

Looking for more fun Mother’s Day Fun?
Mother’s Day Craftivity ~Recipe For A Great Mom!
Mother’s Day Craftivity & Foldable Reader
Mother’s Day Foldable Readers ~3 Versions~

Looking for more fun and innovative ways to motivate children while learning?
Click Here To Access My TpT Store
Or the direct link for spring/spring holiday resources:
Click Here For Spring Resources

Feedback on this freebie is greatly appreciated! I would love to hear how the Moms/Mums/Grandmas/Aunts & Special Ladies in your class loved this!!

Be sure to visit me on Facebook and on my blog for more great ideas!

Happy Mother’s Day Craft & Poem Free Fun!







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Poetry Unit for Intermediate Students


poetry unit for intermediate students



2 weeks of thinking done for you. This unit is appropriate for grades 8-10

Looking for a meaningful and effective way to teach poetry? This unit is a fun way to learn and experiment with figurative language. It uses a mixture of contemporary songs and traditional poetry to teach students about themes and to help them learn the various forms of poetry. The creative, hands-on activities also focus on the importance of having a voice and using it properly.

The unit covers subjects such as: bullying, courage, standing up for yourself and for others, standing up for one’s convictions and discovering what is important to students.

This unit uses poetry to help students have a better understanding of themselves and to stand up for things they believe in.

The files are in PDF format and are zipped for convenience.

-1 set of « I HAVE, Who has? » cards to help students remember figurative language in a fun way. (1 set of instructions for the game)

-A comprehensive teacher guide with 11 complete and detailed lessons (no prep required) – (8 pages) – EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO TEACH THIS UNIT HAS BEEN DONE FOR YOU

-A student package that contains ALL notes, poems, and handouts students will need for the unit (18 pages)

-An end unit evaluation (with detailed evaluation rubrics and step by step instructions for students – one for the written component and one for the oral component). The end unit evaluation is in Word format along with the evaluation rubric for easy modifications. The final unit evaluation is a written poem and poetry reading, where students’ voices can be heard.

-A detailed Answer Key with notes, annotated poems, and answers to questions and activities. (8 pages)

Poems studied include:
– Song lyrics – Jessie J’s “Domino” (Goal : review figurative language and analyze messages found in popular media.)
– Jonathan Reed’s “The Lost Generation”
– Selena Matis’ “Ability”
– Robert Frost’s “The Road not Taken”
– Robert Hayden’s “ Those Winter Sundays”
– Song lyrics “True Colors”
– Emily Dickenson’s “Hope is the Thing with Feathers”
– Rudyard Kipling’s “If”
– Maya Angelou’s “Phenomenal Woman”
– There are also video links added to the unit to enhance learning in the classroom

LANGUAGE ARTS – “8 Sight Word (Pre-primer) Booklets”

Grades K-2
by Reading on Strawberry Lane
Preprimer Bundle CoverThese 8 interactive sight word booklet teaches all the preprimer words. Each booklet teaches 5 words. Assemble the booklet by running the copies front and back and cutting in half and then stapling. There are 14 interactive tasks in each booklet:
1. Unscramble the Words
2. ABC Order
3. Spy & Highlight
4. Count & Graph
5. Color the Words
6. Solve the Clues
7. Fill in the Missing Letters
8. Write a Sentence
9. Try Spelling
10. Connect the Dots
11. Roll & Read
12. Proofread
13. Pyramid Spelling
14. Illustrate a Sight Word (on the last page of the booklet

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Types of Sentences – free”

by Erica Warren

2nd – 5th Grade


Types of Sentences


This free, sentences type download offers a sampling of two great products that review the 4 kinds of sentences. Hand-drawn cartoon-like characters introduce each sentence type. This product integrates memory strategies – both visual and auditory. It can be purchased as a powerpoint presentation or as a comprehensive handout that also includes multisensory activities and game ideas.







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Romeo & Juliet Bundled Unit


romeo and juliet




This bundled unit has been designed to make life easier for the Language Arts teacher. It contains a teacher guide with detailed lessons, a student guide with all of the notes required by students, an answer key for students’ work, and 3 evaluations (answer keys and evaluation rubrics included). All you need to do is print and begin teaching.

This purchase includes:

•A comprehensive Teacher guide with 15 detailed lessons (7 pages)
•A student guide with guiding questions and activities (focus on characterization, themes, figurative language, irony, etc…) -10 pages
•A Scavenger Hunt activity to introduce students to Shakespeare and his times (includes 8 colorful cards and a PowerPoint with answers.)
•A detailed answer key for students’ work (10 pages)
•A quiz on Acts 1 and 2 – answer key included
•Oral presentation on Irony – evaluation rubric included
•Culminating activity – Students write a children’s story based on the themes in the play. Evaluation rubric as well as work process sheets included (7 pages)

There are a total of 47 pages included in this unit.

The unit will last between 17 to 20 periods. (3 – 4 week unit)

All that’s left is to teach. I hope you enjoy this unit.

It’s teaching made easy!

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E-MAIL ME at [email protected] . Be sure to include your e-mail address and buyer’s name. I will send you an attachment directly to your e-mail address.

Total Pages
Answer Key
Included with Rubric
Teaching Duration
2 Weeks

LANGUAGE ARTS – “Open Syllable Bundle Packet”

Grades 1-4

by Reading on Strawberry Lane

Open Syllable Bundle Packet-compressed

This reading bundle packet provides 106 pages of the open syllable type word lists, activities, and games. The open syllable words in this packet include words using each vowel in conjunction with one, two, or multi-syllable words. The activities are presented in a fun and basic way so that students can easily and quickly grasp the idea of open syllable words. After some practice, students will easily locate the open syllable in the words–whether at the beginning, middle, or end of a word.

Here’s a list of the activities/games in the packet
1. Bubble Yum Relay
2. Flower Power
3. Open Syllable Word Count, Sort & Write
4. Open Syllable Cut, Sort & Glue
5. Open Syllable Count & Divide
6. First or Last Syllable Open?
7. Fill Up the Jar
8. I Spy
10. First or Last Syllable Open Picture Sort
11. Hear, Write & Draw
12. Open Syllable Booklets
13. Dominoes
14. Try Spelling/Draw & Spell
15. Move the Cow to the Barn
Open Syllable Activites & Game Thumbnails2
Open Syllable Activites & Game Thumbnails1
Open Syllable Activites & Game Thumbnails3

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Mother’s Day Writing: Top 10 {**FREEBIE**}”

by Abc123is4me

1st – 3rd Grade


Mother's Day Writing Top 10


Looking for Mother’s Day themed independent writing idea for your students? Look no further! Mother’s Day Writing: Top 10 is a writing assignment that your students will have fun doing! It’s an excellent idea for a literacy center! Don’t worry– I didn’t forget how important stepmoms are! Included with the top 10 mom template is the top 10 stepmom template. I hope you enjoy and please leave feedback :).







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Poetry Unit: The Art of Interpretation


poetry unit two weeks


Poetry: The Art of Interpretation – is designed to teach students how to interpret, appreciate, and analyse poetry.

There are 9 complete lessons (estimated to last approximately 60 minutes), therefore 2 weeks of lessons.

This complete, no prep unit is a great way to start! This unit includes a student guide, 9 detailed lesson plans, 2 multimedia presentations (no internet connection required), a detailed answer key with annotated poems and answers, and an end of the unit evaluation with rubric, and answer key.

Just print it and teach it.

Poetry is a very subjective form of art. Some poems you love and others, you hate. What we need to realize is that this is the beauty of poetry. Poetry is not a mystery to be solved. Rather, it is the masterful manipulation of language that has the power to transform the ordinary and to immerse its reader into the world created by the author.

This unit incorporates art to help students understand and appreciate the beauty within words. In addition, students will learn how to analyse themes in poetry though paintings and art work.

This HUGE bundle includes:

Each lesson focuses on a different skill set including:
– Knowledge and manipulation of figurative and poetic language
– How to read and understand (appreciate) poetry
– How to analyse poetry
– How to annotate poetry
– How to paraphrase effectively
– How to use symbols
– How to effectively develop themes from poetry
– Creative writing
– Creative activities to learn how to analyse

The unit includes a student packet (20 pages), a teacher packet (with 9 complete lessons), and a comprehensive answer key with annotations to poem (with 17 pages). See preview for more details.

Poets studied include: (8 poems total)
– Billy Collins – “Introduction to Poetry”
– Anne Marriott – “As You Come in”
– Phyllis Gotlieb – “First Person Demonstrative”
– Edgar Allan Poe – The Raven
– Robert Frost – “Nothing Gold can Stay”
– John Crowe Ransom -“Janet Waking”
– Woodruff – “I am a Poem that Tells a Lie”
– Tennyson – “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”

The unit also includes:

1 – The teacher guide (Contains 9 comprehensive lesson plans to teach the poems included in the unit. EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO TEACH THIS UNIT HAS BEEN DONE FOR YOU. )

2 – The student package (Contains students’ notes , poems, and questions) (20 pages)

3 – The answer key includes annotated poems and answers to all student activities (saving you time – 18 pages).

4 – Included is a test with multiple choice questions as well as a development question. All answers are included. (Word format for easy changes)

5 – 2 PowerPoint presentations – one multimedia presentation to introduce the unit (17 slides) and the second to reinforce the use of imagery and symbolism (19 slides) – NO INTERNET CONNECTION REQUIRED

6 – Images to project or print

7- An end of the unit creative evaluation, which includes clear and concise directions and rubric. (In a Word document for easy modifications)

– An interactive multimedia Jeopardy game to review figurative language and poetic devices (PowerPoint – no internet required)

– A multimedia PowerPoint on how to read and interpret poetry

– A PowerPoint presentation on how to interpret symbols and imagery in literature (19 slides)

– A final culminating evaluation with evaluation rubric (left in Word format for easily made modifications)

The unit has been created in such a way as to simplify the teacher’s life. Photocopy the 3 packages included and don’t worry about it for the rest of the unit. You literally can begin teaching it without any other preparation.

A total of 43 pages + 64 slides are included in this package.

This unit is complete, and does all of the thinking for you. All you need to do is to print out and photocopy the student package and you’re set.


LANGUAGE ARTS – “Scooping Words With One Open Syllable & One Vowel-Consonant-e Syllable”

Grade 1-3

by Reading on Strawberry Lane

Scooping One Open and One V-C-eScooping One Open and One V-C-e -2

Scooping a word is the same as dividing the word into syllables.
Syllables can be divided by saying them orally or by using a pencil and paper. If we orally divide a word into syllables, we usually clap the word out. For example, if we orally divided the syllables of beside, we would clap out ‘be’ and ‘side,’ and that would be two claps. If we divided the syllables on paper, we would place a slash between the ‘e’ and ‘s’ in the word ‘beside.’

So rather that placing a slash, there is another way to show the number of syllables in a word, and that is to scoop the syllables. This is how that would look: b e s i d e. Not dividing the word with a slash avoids the look of an extra letter in the word, and it also avoids the idea of students thinking the word has only one syllable since there is just one slash. With the idea of scooping with the finger or with a pencil, students can feel and see the scoops which in turn matches the number of syllables.

This packet contains 64 task cards that allow students to practice
scooping words with one open syllable and one vowel-consonant-e
syllable. You will notice that quite a few prefixes are open syllables.

FREE MATH LESSON – “Common Core Aligned Bug Multiplication Task Card Set FREEBIE 4th 5th Grades”

by Lopez Land Learners

4th – 6th Grade




24 multi-digit multiplication task cards for your students to use at a center or in groups to practice multiplication. This set includes an answer key and answer sheets. Perfect practice for mastery of Common Core Standards 4.NBT.B.4 & 5.NBT.B.5 multiplying multi-digits.







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Death of a Salesman Unit


death of a salesman



Death of a Salesman Bundled UnitLevel : grades 11 and 12

This unit has been conceived with the teacher in mind. It contains a Student Guide, a Teacher Guide, and a comprehensive Answer Key. All you have to do is print the packages and teach them. It’s as easy as that! I’ve also included two different options for end unit evaluations, which both contain evaluation grids and answer key.

The unit is, in my opinion, visually appealing and the contents teach analysis of literature.

The bundle contains: (The documents, except for the evaluations, are in PDF format.)

The Student Guide has 16 pages:
-Notes on the American Dream
-An anticipation guide
-An in-depth look at success as it pertains to the lives of the students (which will later on be used to relate to the play’s themes.)
-Thematic comprehension questions for each act
-Activity on motifs and symbols used in the play
-Activity on characterization
-Poem association (Langston Hughes)
-Notes on tragedy (Aristotle’s definition and modern definition)
-Review notes for students

Answer Key contains 29 pages:
-Answers to ALL of the students’ work
-Introduction to Arthur Miller
-Scene guide -Teacher’s comprehensive notes on the play (to help review and to fill students in on signifant symbols….)
-List of themes and how they are developed

Final evaluation contains two different options:
1) A unit test with answer key. Contains 3 essay type questions.
2) An essay. Contains essay topics, work process (steps 1…..), an outline guide, and an evaluation grid.


The Teacher Guide contains 5 pages:
-Includes 8 complete lessons that leave the teacher nothing to do, but to teach.
Lesson 1: Historical context and pre-reading
Lesson 2: Setting and reading (there are specific pages assigned to each lesson)
Lesson 3: Symbols, Motifs and reading
Lesson 4: Character chart and reading
Lesson 5: Reading
Lesson 6: Reading and a look at the difference between modern and classic tragedy
Lesson 7: Theme development and review
Lesson 8: Evaluation (Option 1 – test (answer key included), Option 2 – Essay (evaluation grid, work process, outline included)

It’ teaching made easy.

For contests, promotions, give aways, and other freebies, visit my Facebook page.

E-MAIL ME at [email protected] . Be sure to include your e-mail address and buyer’s name. I will send you an attachment directly to your e-mail address.

Total Pages
Answer Key
Included with Rubric
Teaching Duration
1 Week

LANGUAGE ARTS – “BINGO with Vowel Digraph & Diphthong Words”

Grades 1-4

by Reading on Strawberry Lane

This fun game of BINGO gives students practice differentiating between vowel digraphs and vowel diphthong syllables. A vowel digraph is a syllable that has two vowels glued together whose sound will say one of the vowel sounds. A vowel diphthong is two vowels glued together or one vowel glued to the left of the letter -w whose sound will be unique to the combination of the two letters. After playing a few times, the students will catch on to these two different syllable types and will begin to quickly identify them and their sounds. There are two different bingo cards for the students, and there are 96 word cards–48 vowel digraph words and 48 vowel diphthong words.

Hamlet: Complete Unit (No Prep)


Hamlet Unit


One entire month of planning done for you – I dare you to enjoy Shakespeare.

I love teaching Shakespeare’s plays and I want you to love it too. I’ve been teaching and improving this unit for over 10 years. I have literally done all the thinking for you.

This unit has everything a teacher needs to teach Hamlet. I’m aware that not everyone is comfortable with Shakespeare. Because of this, I have created this unit from my years of experience teaching the play so all of the thinking has been done for you. Just photocopy and teach. Seriously it’s that easy.
There’s no longer a need for hours of research and piecing together bits of information and activities found to teach the play.
This is a whole, complete unit, from scene summaries, important notes and annotations notes to help students understand what they are reading. I have also included an introduction to the play, a student guide, a teacher guide, quizzes, a creative assignment, and tests (all with answers and evaluation grids), and a comprehensive answer key. Everything has its place and teaches a specific skill.

The unit is appropriate for students in grades 10, 11 and 12.

The unit includes :

– An attractive, interactive, multimedia PowerPoint presentation introducing the play (17 slides)

-A Student Study Guide (with activities, act and scene questions…) and various activities (14 pages)

-A Teacher Guide (with detailed, comprehensive lessons, unit plan, and additional notes to guide students.) -9 pages and 16 complete lessons. The teacher Guide also includes links to the audiobook (the exact time to cue the audio) AND it includes a list of speaking roles if reading out loud in class)to help with time management and organisation.

-18 pages of comprehensive scene summaries and important notes for each scene (annotations for each scene) ***THIS IS A TEACHER FAVORITE!

-A creative “Guess Who?” game to help students understand the characters. (What’s fun about this game is that it can be played from the beginning of the play right to the end, and students’ answers will change depending on the act they are reading.) LOTS OF FUN!

-A comprehensive answer key for all questions and activities. (24 pages)

-Comprehension quiz on Acts 1 and 2 in Word format for easy modifications (with evaluation grid) and answer key.

-Mid-play evaluation – The Parody – creative writing and analysis (in Word format for easy modifications – with evaluation grid)

-Summary guide (highlighting the significant events from each scene with important analytical information) – Throughout my years of teaching this play, I have amounted excellent notes and annotations, listing the most significant actions throughout each scene. I have retyped these annotations to help you teach the play so your students will understand it (and so will you). (18 pages)

-The culminating evaluation includes three different versions of the final unit test with evaluation grid and answer key (in Word for easy modifications)

Includes a total of 109 pages.

It’s teaching made easy!

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Mother’s Day Secret Message”

by D Conway

Kindergarten – 3rd Grade


Mother's Day Secret Message


Celebrate Mother’s Day with this secret message puzzle. Using the picture code (made of beautiful flowers for mom,)students will uncover the mystery message – “Mother’s Day is on the second Sunday in May.” A great way to combine literacy with social studies. If you enjoy this download, check out my other Mother’s Day items!







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