Daily Archives: May 10, 2017

5 Best Takeaways from NCTM’s Annual Conference

Welcome Back Friends!

Last month I was so excited to attend this year’s annual NCTM math conference. The best part—it was in San Antonio, Texas (about 100 miles from me)! Now, while some of you are thinking, “What’s so exciting about that,” I’m thinking 1.) It was a mini-vacay in the middle of the spring semester (Raise your hand if you could use one of those!); 2.) I got the chance to spend time with professors and colleagues who I hardly ever see; 3.) I got to share the same space with some of my math idols. Yes, I totally know that I am a math geek, but I thought that’s what you loved most about me!!

All kidding aside, attending this conference is a big deal. It’s an opportunity to learn from math teachers and authors across the country. Sessions are filled with presentations by people like Jo Boaler, Dan Meyer, Graham Fletcher, Kathy Richardson, and many others. It’s also a unique experience and a chance to hear what other teachers are doing to create strong mathematicians from states across the nation. With this in mind, I want to take this opportunity to share five of my biggest take-a-ways with you.

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Free Classroom Rules Poster and Instructions




Product Description

Free Classroom Rules Poster and Instructions

It sounds very idealistic to say this, but it’s true. From personal experience, I assure you that simplifying your rules will simplify your life.

At the beginning of the school year, when it’s time to introduce the class rules I show students this poster and read the three words. Then, using the Socratic method of questioning I go through the rules one by one and discuss the implications of those rules (which is the reason you don’t need many.)

Total Pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration
30 minutes

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Sunny Day – An “Easy-art” Craftivity”

by ART ACTION -Laurie Carpenter

1st – 4th Grade



PDF Lesson Plan
Motivational questions
Suggested reading
Supply list
Preparation required
To provide the elementary student with a fun classroom activity combining language arts and visual arts into the same creative experience. This project is easy adapted in difficulty for various developmental levels. The experience includes group discussion and interaction, development of writing skills, and a 3-dimensional craftivity developing artistic abilities. If you like this, take a look at “Spring Swing” -An Easy-art Craftivity
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