Daily Archives: September 19, 2017

Adaptable Short Story Chart (adaptable to all works of fiction)



Adaptable Short Story Chart (adaptable to all works of fiction)


Product Description

Adaptable Short Story Chart

This short story chart is perfectly adapted to all fiction (short stories, novels, plays….)

The document includes an explanation page as well as pages for students to complete.

It is excellent way to have students identify the different parts of plot.

It includes the following elements:
-Plot (initial situation, climax…)
-Memorable quotes

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
3 pages
Answer Key
Does not apply
Teaching Duration

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Halloween Word Work – Making Words”

by Caitlin Howald

1st – 3rd Grade



Use this activity as a fun Word Work Activity leading up to Halloween! Have students try to make as many words as they can using the letters in “Trick or Treat” and “Halloween”!

Please leave feedback and be sure to check out my store!









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