Yearly Archives: 2018

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Common Core Standards Posters: Reading Foundations Grade 2”

by Carrberry Creations

2nd Grade



These are student learning objectives posters for the Reading foundations common core standards for grade2. Please check out my other standards posters.








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Thesis Writing Activity


Thesis Writing Activity



Product Description

We all know that the thesis statement is the most important part of the essay. This is also the part of the essay with which students have the most difficulty.

When you are able to identify the strengths and weaknesses of a work, you are able to write better yourself.

Topic: Is knowledge good or destructive? The subject is interesting, and can be used along with many different types of literature, or on its own.

In this bundle, I’ve included an interactive PowerPoint presentation that includes the following:

-The definition of a thesis statement
-How to write a thesis statement (and the steps to take leading up to the thesis)
-5 examples of thesis statements, where students must identify both the weaknesses and the strengths
-10 slides explaining the strengths in the examples and the weaknesses in the examples
-1 example of a well-written thesis statement, and an explanation about why it’s good.

To accompany the PowerPoint presentation, I’ve included a student activity sheet with a list of all of the examples written in the PPT. (PDF format) 

Also included is a lesson plan with details regarding the PowerPoint and activity sheet.

As a bonus, I’ve also included 2 posters listing the 7 essential steps to writing a great thesis. I’ve included an image format and a PDF format for easy printing. 

-the first poster measures 70 cm (27.6 inches)
-the second poster, which students can actually read from far away, measures 97 cm (38.2 inches)

You may also be interested in these products as well: 
– Grammar Cheat Sheet
– Rubrics: Self-Evaluation Sheets and Teacher Assessment Rubrics
– Essay Evaluation Comments with Drop Down Boxes

It’s teaching made easy!


Total Pages
22 slides, 1 page, 1 poster
Answer Key
Teaching Duration


FREE MATH LESSON – “GO Math! 2nd Grade CHAPTER Essential Questions/Learning Objectives (Freebie)”

by Evenings With Drake

2nd Grade



This teacher resource contains a set of Chapter Essential Questions and Chapter Learning Objectives for the 2nd Grade California Edition of the 2015 Houghton Mifflin Harcourt GO Math! Mathematics Program.

What’s Included?
*Eleven (11) CHAPTER Essential Question posters (one for each chapter)
*Eleven (11) CHAPTER Learning Objective posters (one for each chapter)
*One (1) Anchor Chart for CHAPTER Essential Questions
*One (1) Anchor Chart for CHAPTER Learning Objectives

Gentle Suggestions/Tips/Reminders:
*INK SAVER ALERT! This resource has been formatted using only black, white, and gray ink. Feel free to copy the posters and anchor charts on bright colored paper for a look that “pops!”
*All posters and anchor charts have been produced using the “landscape” orientation (11 x 8.5).
*REMINDER: This poster set is for the CHAPTER essential questions and CHAPTER learning objectives only.
*Feel free to hang these posters on whiteboards, classroom doors, a math focus wall, or any other prominent place where they can be easily seen and utilized.
*SUGGESTION: Copy the posters back-to-back (2-sided) to make a lesson objectives or essential questions “book” for your kiddos. TIP: Add lined or blank paper between posters so that students may write or sketch pictures about what they’ve learned after the instruction of each chapter.

Happy teaching and learning 2nd grade math! 🙂

–Evenings With Drake
Thanks so much for your interest in this freebie!

Interested in math? Click the link below, then scroll down to view more math resources:

Math Practice

Looking to save on costly ink? Check out more ink-friendly resources here:

Ink is my BFF Series 🙂

**I love new followers! Click that little green star below my store name and become one! You’ll be notified about new product uploads, sales, freebies, and more! 🙂







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The Elevator Short Story Mini Unit


The Elevator Short Story Mini Unit


Product Description

“The Elevator” Short Story Mini-Unit is a one-stop-shop for teaching the short story. Other than photocopies, all of the work has been done for you.

This mini-unit is suitable for grades 7 through 10 and includes: 
-a copy of the short story
-questions for comprehension
-a plot chart organizer
-activity to help students discover the author’s purpose for writing
-an instructional sheet on how to develop themes (with a practical example)
-an instructional sheet on how to develop a theme in paragraph form
-a graphic organizer to help students organize their paragraphs
-an example of a completed graphic organizer to plan the paragraph
-an example of a paragraph for “The Elevator.”
-a comprehensive answer key for all handouts
-a three-day lesson plan to accompany the story

It’s teaching made easy!

You may also be interested in the following products: 

Rain, Rain, Go Away Short Story Mini Unit

Super Hero Themed Parts of Speech Posters (FREE)

FREE Parts of Speech Grammar Circles (Superhero Themed)

Sentences – Grammar Circles for easy and effective grammar

Spelling Flip Book

Rubrics Self-Evaluation

Fish Bowl Evaluation Bundle

Opinion Piece Bundle

How to Write a Paragraph

ELA Literature Study Unit to Use with ANY Work of Literature

Total Pages
16 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “FREE Sight Word Practice Cut and Paste – 1st Grade”

by Winnie Kids

Kindergarten – 1st Grade



FREE Sight Word Practice Cut and Paste will engage your students.
This is great for Morning work, word work, homework, literacy centers and more.
Each page includes a read it, color it, trace it, spell it, highlight it and build it.

Included 3 words are:
after, could, every.

If you like this freebie, take a look at the full packet:


Sight Word Practice Cut and Paste – 1st Grade


Check out Pre-Primer and Primer edition:

Sight Word Practice Cut and Paste – Pre Primer

Sight Word Practice Cut and Paste – Primer

If you have any questions, please email me at:

[email protected]

Thank you for stopping by and enjoy.

Winnie Kids 2017.







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Paragraph Writing Activity in conjunction with Frankenstein


Paragraph Writing Activity in conjunction with Frankenstein


Product Description

Paragraph Writing Activity in conjunction with Frankenstein

Very often, students have difficulty with the analysis process involved in literature. Where they not only have to analyse, but now have to apply their newfound skills to a well-developed paragraph, some students become overwhelmed with the process.

This particular activity will focus on both the analysis and writing a paragraph using the PEEL method. 

Paragraph writing and analysis are two essential components in essay writing. To facilitate this process, I have created a lesson where students can become more comfortable with the revision process through modelling the proper steps from beginning to end. The lesson includes a modelling of the writing process from understanding the topic to the final draft. See preview for details

This lesson can only be used after students have read chapter 19 from the novel Frankenstein. 

5 pages total

You may also be interested in the following products: 

Frankenstein (No prep – Complete Unit)

Thesis Writing Activity with PowerPoint Presentation

Teaching The Essay Package

Essay Evaluation Comments with Drop Down Boxes

Lord of the Flies Unit (No prep required)

Hamlet Unit (No prep – Complete Unit)

Death of a Salesman (No prep required)

Poetry Unit for Senior Students (NO PREP)

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
5 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “ADVENTURES! (20 Fun Printable Activities, Common Core, 54 PP)”


2nd – 5th Grade



This is what may be the first in a series of “Adventures” stories. The basic plot is that some special needs students get to enjoy a series of adventures with a little extra help from accompanying parents and teachers.

In this first story they board a big red bus and two vans then journey from Olathe, Kansas, up to Nipigon, Ontario, in Canada, enjoying a series of adventures in sightseeing and learning along the way.

Of course, in the process readers get to learn a lot in regard to general social studies, geography of the U.S. and Canada, cultural differences and appreciation etc.

Besides the story there are ten half page fun, educational word searches (aka wordfinds) and ten full page ones—short ones for younger students in particular, long ones for older students or higher level readers.

The price and time are right, and your kids will enjoy this learning pack a lot, so consider getting it now, BUT if cash-strapped and able to wait some, consider these money-savers:

HOW TO GET $ALE$ $AVING$: If you have time to wait, simply click the tiny green star or Follow Me to get a newsletter sent only once a month by me telling of new products, sales (usually on some weekends), etc.

HOW TO ALSO $AVE MONEY BY BONUS POINTS: TpT says “After you make a purchase, rate and comment fairly on the product page of your purchased item. You need to do both to earn your credits. But you don’t have to rate and comment right away. You can do so after you’ve had a chance to use the product. Just return to the product page when you’re logged in to TpT. For every dollar you spend on TpT, you’ll earn 1 credit—and we’ll round up for you, too! If you provide fair feedback on a $4.75 item, you will earn 5 credits. Every 20 credits you earn equals $1 to apply toward future TpT purchases.”

Thanks for considering a purchase; please come again.







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Lord of the Flies Unit (No prep required)


Lord of the Flies Unit (No prep required)



Product Description

This Lord of the Flies Unit has everything required to teach this unit. All of the thinking and preparation has been done for you.

Everything you need to teach The Lord of the Flies by William Golding is found in this unit.

• Includes journal prompts to further students’ understanding and to understand thematic development in the novel further.
• PowerPoint presentation with historical context and background information
• (Optional) PowerPoint presentation about the origins of evil furthering understanding of Golding’s themes
• Guess Who? Game to help students trace character development in a fun and practical way
• Student workbook with all of the photocopies, student activities, comprehension and thematic questions, etc… (Photocopy the booklet once and you don’t have to think about it for the rest of the unit.)
• Links to audiobooks for easy chapter reading.
• The Answer Key for all student work.
• Includes comprehensive chapter notes to help with reviewing chapters previously read and allowing students to take notes concerning important information.

All tests have two versions – which is nice when you teach more than one group at a time.

• Test on the first seven chapters (2 different versions – both in a Word document for easy modifications. Answer keys provided for both evaluations.)

• Final evaluation includes two different options. Option 1: 2 different unit test versions (two different tests – answer keys for both are included), Option 2: an Essay with all materials included (evaluation grid, outline package, etc.…)

• 17 complete and detailed lesson plans to guide and orient your students. Journal prompts with ideas to further discussion, step by step instructions… This makes for super easy planning.
• A Jeopardy Game (on PowerPoint) to review the novel and to prepare for the final evaluation

The unit includes 103 pages and 76 slides.

Guide to lessons’ focus points:
Lesson 1: Introduction to the background and historical context
Lesson 2: Focus on leadership
Lesson 3: Introduction to the symbolism in the novel
Lesson 4: Characterization
Lesson 5: Writing exercise (paragraph and argument development)
Lesson 6: Reading period
Lesson 7: Civilization vs. Savagery (Includes cyberbullying and dangers of social media, etc.…) Practical applications of the novel.
Lesson 8: Review analysis skills
Lesson 9: Test on chapters 1-7 (Choice of multiple-choice questions or development questions)
Lesson 10: Reading period
Lesson 11: Thematic Meaning activity
Lesson 12: Characterization (character development)
Lesson 13: Literary conflicts in the novel
Lesson 14: Symbolism
Themes: 15: Themes
Lesson 16: Novel review and Jeopardy game
Lesson 17: Evaluation (Choice of two unit tests or an essay)

You’ll never have to worry about what you will be teaching on any given day, and the unit is modifiable for your convenience.

It’s teaching made easy!

I will be adding to this resource. Click on the Follow Me section at the top of my store page and you will be notified when I have revised this product or when a product is on sale. Of course, downloading the revised version will be free.

You may also be interested in the following products: 
Poetry Through Song Unit
Lord of the Flies Unit (No prep required)
Hamlet Unit (No prep – Complete Unit)
Death of a Salesman (No prep required)
Frankenstein (No prep – Complete Unit)
Poetry Unit for Senior Students (NO PREP)
Poetry Unit for Intermediate Students
Poetry Unit: The Art of Interpretation

Total Pages
103 pages and 76 slides
Answer Key
Teaching Duration
1 month


FREE MISC. LESSON – “Twenty Study Tips to Help Students Succeed in School”

by Scipi – Science and Math

7th – 12th Grade



This resource lists 20 study skills intended to help students succeed in school. It is especially helpful for students taking math since math courses are unlike other courses. To pass most other subjects, a student must read, understand, and then recall the subject matter. However, to pass math, an extra step is required: a student must use the information they have learned to solve math problems correctly.

This resource may be used as a journal topic, as a student guide, a goal setting starting point or copy it and make it into a poster for the classroom..

You might also like these resources:

Lesson Plan Templates (3) that are Simple and Easy to Use

Writing Math Lesson Plans – Going from the concrete to the Abstract

Writing Measurable Lesson Plan Objectives the Easy Way







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Flexible Seating: Stools, rockers, rugs, and seats…For READING??

Why flexible seating?

Hello My friends!

This is Wendy from 1stgradefireworks.

  I use flexible seating in my first grade classroom.

You will LOVE it!

I hope this post helps YOU!


When I was in elementary school

( Way back in the DINOSAUR days )  
flexible seating in the classroom
We sat in rows.
Many rows.
All of us looking straight ahead.
At the teacher, at all times!
No flexible seating, here.

flexible seating in the classroom

Classroom Seating in the 1950’s

We kept our hands & feet to ourselves.
We kept our books in our desks.
And we read QUIETLY to ourselves.
We read.
Some people enjoyed it.
Some people just pretended.
Most did what we were told.
We didn’t ask…WHY?

How to bring flexible seating options into my classroom?

Because at home…
I would lay on my bed and read for HOURS!
flexible seating

I would lay on my bed and READ for HOURS!

(picture by
And that is how I  LOVE TO READ!
I want my students to LOVE to read!
So I have “changed it up!”
I have added flexible seating options in my classroom for kids to 
read in a comfortable, relaxed, enjoyable experience.
Every day after lunch my first graders do
If you have not read the book


The Daily 5

The Daily 5

from “The 2  SISTERS”
My first graders read to themselves.
Not to me,
Not to a partner,
Therefore…READ  TO  SELF!
I set the BIG TIMER!
online reading timer

Online Countdown Timer

I use THIS one.
We start the year at 6 minutes.  Read.
We work on increasing our reading STAMINA.
 Read longer.
Today, we are at 18 minutes!
18 minutes of uninterrupted reading 
of books THEY choose!
BUT there is MORE!
They don’t sit in rows.
They don’t sit at their desk.
We have flexible seating choices for reading.



flexible seating reading rockers

Reading Rockers for Read to Self



flexible seating stools

Tall Stools for Read to Self



flexible seating short stools

Short Stools for Read to Self



flexible seating chairs

Short chairs for Read to Self

flexible seating

Short chairs for independent Reading

CHAIRS  by themselves


flexible seating rugs

Reading rugs for Read to Self



flexible seating

Corner Nooks for Independent Reading



flexible seating floor

Student laying on the floor for Independent Reading

And when we are done?
Stools under the tables.
Rockers stacked in baskets.
Rugs in the tub.
And chairs stacked.


flexible seating stools

Stools under the table


flexible seating stools

Tall stools under the table


flexible seating guided reading stools

Guided Reading stools under the table


flexible seating reading rockers

Reading Rockers stacked in laundry basket


flexible seating chairs

Short chairs stacked

They MOAN when the timer goes off. 
They ask during other times of the day
to Read in the Rockers.
I have taught them to LOVE to READ..  
Flexible seating choices have made a HUGE difference
in the reading choices my students make.
They want harder books.
They want to read MORE!
It’s hard to walk into a first grade classroom
and hear…SILENCE.
But the “whispers” of reading are heard, daily!
More flexible seating CHOICES!
I won ..yes…won  these
4 AMAZING Stools at our recent
NorCAL Teachers Meet UP
in Pleasanton,CA!
Check out the fun at:
flexible seating storage ottomans

Ottomans for reading stacked up

I was the BIG..WINNER  WINNER! 🙂
Yes…I won ALL  4


flexible seating wooden rocking chairs

Reading Rocking Chairs

And these Bad boys…
They are wooden rocking chairs,, and they SQUEAK!
I love to hear the squeak, squeak as they rock & READ!
Thank You Donor’s Choose!
My “flexible seating” is complete!
Now to “arrange” it into 


                                                                    I absolutely LOVE IT!




Some of my “bloggy friends”
have also posted about
their experiences
with flexible seating.
Check them out.
How to fund and implement flexible seating

How to fund and implement flexible seating

10 things to know about flexible seating

10 things to know about flexible seating

flexible seating

flexible seating



If you want to learn MORE about reading
check out these blog posts:
                                                                 Join The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative at
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Opinion Piece Bundle


Opinion Piece Bundle


Product Description

How to write an effective Opinion Piece Bundle includes:

-notes for students (What is an opinion piece? How do we write an opinion piece?…)
-work process sheets to help students organize their ideas
-an example of an effective opinion piece (an effective tool for teaching)
-a student self-evaluation and teacher evaluation

I will be adding to this resource. “Follow me” at and you will be notified when I have revised this product. Of course, downloading the revised version will be free.

Total Pages
6 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration

FREE MATH LESSON – “Regrouping Practice Sheet Freebies”

by Dragons Den

2nd – 4th Grade



Are you tired of the same old regrouping practice sheets? Put a little fun into your students’ practice with these three practice sheet freebies. There is one regrouping subtraction sheet each for tens, hundreds and thousands. Each sheet has a grading key.;

Each sheet has 12 problems, which is enough to reinforce the concept, but not enough to overwhelm students. The opportunity to color after the computation is done, helps to ease the stress that often comes with regrouping.

The resource addresses Common Core standards: 2.NBT.B.5, 2.NBT.B.7, 3.NBT.A.2, 4.NBT.B.4

These freebies are taken from a larger resource called “Dragon Eggs: A Regrouping Math Story Unit. To check it out go to:
Dragon Eggs-A Regrouping Math Story Unit

To receive 1/2 off on all future resources during the first 48 hours of launch, be sure and follow me at the green star above.







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English Grammar Cheat Sheet


English Grammar Cheat Sheet


Product Description

This “Cheat Sheet” was designed to help students while writing in English. This at a glance 2 page sheet is colorful and has an easy to find layout to help students remember certain important things while they write.

I allow my students to use this in class when writing a test. This is not a grammar lesson, but it will remind students about the grammar they’ve learned in the past.

Some of the reminders included:

– parts of speech
– transitional words
– quotation marks (how and when to use them)
– basic sentence structure
– spelling tips (plurals of nouns and IE rule)
– puncutaion rules (apostrophe, colon, semicolon

The other side of the page has comma rules:
– with coordinate conjunctions
-with introductory elements
– with other elements (dates, parenthetical expression, nouns in a direct address)
– with adjectives
-with appositives

It also contains tips on things to avoid, such as writing a paragraph shorter than 4 sentences. And, it contains a list of things to do, such as make sure that your paragraphs contain at least 2 pieces of evidence.

It’s teaching made easy!

I will be adding to this resource. “Follow me” at and you will be notified when I have revised this product. Of course, downloading the revised version will be free.

Total Pages
2 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration

Language Arts Lesson – ” Sight Word Coloring Practice, The Bundle”

By Sue Kayobie

Pre-K – 1st Grade

Easy and fun for your students to learn sight word and also your students have to color by the sight words.

This Bundle Include :
* 25 Pages Dolch Pre Primer
* 27 Pages Dolch Primer
* 25 Pages Dolch First Grade

Here are the individual products:)
Sight Word Coloring Practice Pre-Primer
Sight Word Coloring Practice Primer
Sight Word Coloring Practice 1st Grade

Follow my TPT store for notifications, sale, and freebies.

Sue Kayobie’s TPT Store

Sue Kayobie’s Pinterest

Sue Kayobie’s Instagram

Thank You!


FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “How to Survive as a Firefly Vocabulary Posters”

by My Happy Place

Kindergarten – 2nd Grade



This freebie includes five vocabulary posters that supplement the book How to Survive as a Firefly by Kristen Foote (illustrated by Erica Salcedo). The posters include photographs, definitions, and examples of vocabulary words from the book. The posters are also included in a smaller (quarter page) flashcard size.

The included vocabulary words are: metamorphosis, nocturnal, bioluminescence, insect, and predator.These vocabulary resources are useful for inclusion in a science center or as part of a unit on insects or life cycles.

About the Book

How to Survive as a Firefly is an entertaining and educational picture book that combines cartoon-like illustrations, humor, and lots of facts about fireflies. This book is full of tidbits of knowledge that range from simple facts to more complicated scientific details.

Book images created by Erica Salcedo are used with permission from The Innovation Press.

If you have any questions, you can use the “Ask a Question” feature on my store page or email me at [email protected].

I would love to have you as a follower! Click the green star to be the first to know about new products and freebies!  

Thank you for shopping!
Susan Jennings (My Happy Place)







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Frankenstein Unit (No prep)


Frankenstein Unit (No prep)


Product Description

FRANKENSTEIN UNIT – Complete with no prep for you.

This unit is created using the 1831 edition of the novel.

This unit has been created with the teacher in mind. The material is geared toward senior students with a focus on the construction of arguments. It also teaches the importance of historical context as well as literary allusions in the development of themes.

I am a strong believer that when students work with a specific purpose in mind, they become better learners. That’s why my units contain only quality and worth-while activities. You will find no busy work here. Every lesson focuses on teaching students analytical and essay writing skills.

All of the thinking and planning are done for you. The lesson plans are detailed and comprehensive. The student guide is visually appealing, and so the teacher put efforts where they need to be. The answer key is complete and detailed. All you need to do is to purchase this unit and photocopy it.

Take a look at the preview for more information.

The unit includes:

1) The Teacher Package 
-contains 23 detailed lessons (60-90 minute lessons)
-leading discussion questions and skill-building activities (with detailed instructions for the teacher)
-important chapter notes on analysis
-the teacher package helps the teacher stay on task and stay organized because the planning has been done for you.

2) The Student Package (19 pages) 

-pre-reading activity
-study guide questions (*improved with more thinking questions for students)
-a fact sheet regarding the Prometheus myth
-Activity on the use of nature in romantic literature
-an activity based on the symbols in the novel
-several activities that teach argument development
-Activity on theme development
-an activity on characterization to bring about themes (*NEW) 

3) A comprehensive answer key (32 pages) 

-detailed answers to ALL student activities and work
-an annotated copy of the poem “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” and activity answer key.

4) Also included: 

-a PowerPoint introducing the novel’s historical context and the author
-class posters with key elements in the novel
-a copy of “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner.”

5) A paragraph writing activity to revises the proper way to structure an argument in paragraph form, while teaching the themes in the novel.


– Test on letters 1-4 and chapters 1-10 (choice between multiple choice OR development questions)
-Test on chapters 11-18 (choice between multiple choice OR development questions)
-Unit evaluation (Choice between an essay (several different versions), a debate, a unit test – all work process is included)


*As a bonus, I have included two automatic comment generators for Word documents (with drop down boxes.)

Documents are downloaded as PDF files (except for evaluations and paragraph writing exercise.)

You may also be interested in the following products: 

Poetry Through Song Unit
Lord of the Flies Unit (No prep required)
Hamlet Unit (No prep – Complete Unit)
Death of a Salesman (No prep required)
Frankenstein (No prep – Complete Unit)
Poetry Unit for Senior Students (NO PREP)
Poetry Unit for Intermediate Students
Poetry Unit: The Art of Interpretation

It’s teaching made easy!

I will be adding to this resource. Click on the Follow Me section at the top of my store page and you will be notified when I have revised this product or when a product is on sale. Of course, downloading the revised version will be free.

E-MAIL ME at [email protected] . Be sure to include your e-mail address and buyer’s name. I will send you an attachment directly to your e-mail address.

Total Pages
125 pages
Answer Key
Included with rubric
Teaching Duration
1 month

Language Arts Lesson – “Dolch Sight Word Fluency, The Bundle”

By Sue Kayobie

Pre-K – 1st Grade

This Bundle Include :
* 40 Pages Dolch Pre Primer
* 52 Pages Dolch Primer
* 41 Pages Dolch First Grade

Try the Freebie:)
Free Dolch Sight Word Fluency 

Here are the individual products:)
Dolch Sight Word Fluency Pre-Primer
Dolch Sight Word Fluency Primer
Dolch Sight Word Fluency First Grade

Follow my TPT store for notifications, sale, and freebies.

Sue Kayobie’s TPT Store

Sue Kayobie’s Pinterest

Sue Kayobie’s Instagram

Thank You!


FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “I Am The Messenger Infographic”

by Connie

10th – 12th Grade



This visual summary reveals some of the major concepts of Markus Zusak’s realistic and honest coming-of-age novel, ‘I Am The Messenger.’ It includes Theme Topics, Symbols, Main Characters, Conflicts, Literary Elements, and two of Zusak’s profound word pictures. For more details,follow this link to checkout my coordinating 78-page unit plan for this novel:
I Am The Messenger Unit Plan







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Language Arts Lesson – “Alphabet Fine Motor Skills, The Bundle”

By Sue Kayobie

Pre-K – 1st Grade

This Bundle Include:
52 Pages of Alphabet Fine Motor Skills Set 1
26 Pages of Alphabet Fine Motor Skills Set 2
26 Pages of Alphabet Fine Motor Skills Set 3

Here are the individual products:
Alphabet Fine Motor Skills Set 1 
Alphabet Fine Motor Skills Set 2 
Alphabet Fine Motor Skills Set 3 

If you like this product, you might also like these products below:
Alphabet Activities 
Alphabet Recognize & Color
Alphabet Trace & ColorAlphabet Cut & PasteAlphabet Writing Practice

Follow my TPT store for notifications, sale, and freebies.

Sue Kayobie’s TPT Store

Sue Kayobie’s Pinterest

Sue Kayobie’s Instagram

Thank You!


Free Poetry Lesson: Analyzing Poetry (NO PREP)


Free Poetry Lesson: Analyzing Poetry (NO PREP)


Product Description

FREE LESSON – This mini unit on Walt Whitman’s” I Heard the Learned Astronomer” and “A Noiseless, Patient Spider,” teaches students how to analyze poetry. Students must learn to observe, connect, make inferences, and draw conclusions on themes.

This mini guide includes:

-a detailed lesson plan for the teacher
-poems for students
-answer key and poetry annotation

This mini-guide includes six pages. I hope you enjoy it.

This is also part of a bundled poetry unit. Check it out at my store or by using the link below

You may also be interested in the following products: 
Poetry Through Song Unit
Lord of the Flies Unit (No prep required)
Hamlet Unit (No prep – Complete Unit)
Death of a Salesman (No prep required)
Frankenstein (No prep – Complete Unit)
Poetry Unit for Senior Students (NO PREP)
Poetry Unit for Intermediate Students
Poetry Unit: The Art of Interpretation
Romeo and Juliet – A No Prep Unit

It’s teaching made easy!

I will be adding to this resource. Click on the Follow Me section at the top of my store page and you will be notified when I have revised this product or when a product is on sale. Of course, downloading the revised version will be free.


E-MAIL ME at [email protected] . Be sure to include your e-mail address and buyer’s name. I will send you an attachment directly to your e-mail address.

Total Pages
6 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration
90 minutes

FREE MATH LESSON – “Solving Word Problems: Math Posters and Graphic Organizer”

by Runde’s Room

3rd – 10th Grade



A set of 7 math posters for your classroom that show students step-by-step how to decode and solve word problems. The problem-solving graphic organizer that correlates with these posters is also included. Use these posters and examples of student solutions using the graphic organizer to create a problem-solving bulletin board in your classroom.







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MATH LESSON – “Number 1 – 20, The Bundle”

By Sue Kayobie

Pre-K – 1st Grade

Number 1 – 20, The Bundle

This packet is designed to offer a fun, engaging and educational way to work on number recognition and counting skills during your school year. 

Here is the individual product:
Number 1 – 20 Count & Dab
Number 1 – 20 Find & Count
Number 1 – 20 Read & Trace

If you like this Product, you might like these products too. :
Number 0 – 20 Writing Practice
Number 0 – 20 Trace & Color
Number 0 – 20 Color & Sort
Number 1 – 20 Count & Match

Follow my TPT store for notifications, sale, and freebies.

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Teaching the Essay Package


Teaching the Essay Package


Product Description


The Teaching the Essay package has been devised as a resource to help guide students develop their essay writing skills. This comprehensive package includes details on how to structure an essay as well as how to develop arguments. This visually attractive handout contains practical examples and guides students with revision questions to keep them on track.

The package focuses on: (Package contains 13 pages)

– Format (Introduction – thesis, development, conclusion)
– Developing arguments
– Tips for writing
– Practical examples
– Quote insertion and selection
– Comprehensive transitions list
– How to analyse
– Paragraphing and how to format arguments within the paragraphs
– Style and flow (transitions)
– Revision questions
– Practical essay analogy
– Strategies in writing

I have been using and revising this document for over 10 years and it has proved to be a most useful tool for teaching the essay.

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
13 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration


by Charity Preston

2nd – 6th Grade



Hey teaching friends! I was feeling particularly crafty today and thought I would whip up a fun freebie for you!

I know it is hard when you know your students might not be reading as much in the summer as you would like. Or worry that your incoming students will also suffer from the “summer slump” before returning to school in the fall.

Well, how about a fun little incentive that you could use to enforce the idea that reading is actually F-U-N??

Check out my Rocket Reader Summer Reading BINGO Card!

Read about reward ideas and implementation at THIS BLOG POST

Please be reminded that the files you have are to be used by ONE classroom teacher per copyright law. I really thank you for respecting my time and work.

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “August Hand Writing Practice Book Freebies”

By Sue Kayobie

Kindergarten, 1st Grade

Inside you will find:
– 3 pages of Hand Writing Practice BW version.
– 3 pages of Hand Writing Practice color version.

In this pack, your early writer will learn how to trace the words, trace the whole sentence and they have to copy the sentence. It’s fun and perfect for your early writer. These activities work well for fluency practice, homework, and for assessment use.

August Hand Writing Practice Book Freebies

 Here is the preview of this product.

Follow my TPT store for notifications, sale, and freebies.

Sue Kayobie’s TPT Store

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Thank You!


Poetry Unit : The Art of Interpretation No Prep


Poetry Unit : The Art of Interpretation No Prep



Product Description

Poetry: The Art of Interpretation – is designed to teach students how to interpret, appreciate, and analyze poetry.

There are nine complete lessons (estimated to last approximately 60 minutes), therefore two weeks of lessons.

This complete, no prep unit is a great way to start! This unit includes a student guide, nine detailed lesson plans, two multimedia presentations (no internet connection required), a detailed answer key with annotated poems and answers, and an end of the unit evaluation with a rubric, and answer key.

Just print it and teach it.

Poetry is a very subjective form of art. Some poems you love and others, you hate. What we need to realize is that this is the beauty of poetry. Poetry is not a mystery to be solved. Rather, it is the masterful manipulation of language that has the power to transform the ordinary and to immerse its reader into the world created by the author.

This unit incorporates art to help students understand and appreciate the beauty of words. Also, students will learn how to analyze themes in poetry through paintings and artwork.

This bundle includes:

Each lesson focuses on a different skill set including:
– Knowledge and manipulation of figurative and poetic language
– How to read and understand (appreciate) poetry
– How to analyze poetry
– How to annotate poetry
– How to paraphrase effectively
– How to use symbols
– How to effectively develop themes from poetry
– Creative writing
– Creative activities to learn how to analyze

The unit includes a student packet (20 pages), a teacher packet (with nine complete lessons), and a comprehensive answer key with annotations to the poem (with 17 pages). See the preview for more details.

Poets studied include: (8 poems total)
– Billy Collins – “Introduction to Poetry”
– Anne Marriott – “As You Come in”
– Phyllis Gotlieb – “First Person Demonstrative”
– Edgar Allan Poe – The Raven
– Robert Frost – “Nothing Gold Can Stay.”
– John Crowe Ransom -“Janet Waking”
– Woodruff – “I am a Poem that Tells a Lie.”
– Tennyson – “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”

The unit also includes: 

1 – The teacher guide (Contains nine comprehensive lesson plans to teach the poems included in the unit. EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO TEACH THIS UNIT HAS BEEN DONE FOR YOU. )

2 – The student package (Contains students’ notes, poems, and questions) (20 pages)

3 – The answer key includes annotated poems and answers to all student activities (saving you time – 18 pages).

4 – Included is a test with multiple choice questions as well as a development question. All answers are included. (Word format for easy changes)

5 – 2 PowerPoint presentations – one multimedia presentation to introduce the unit (17 slides) and the second to reinforce the use of imagery and symbolism (19 slides) – NO INTERNET CONNECTION REQUIRED

6 – Images to project or print

7- An end of the unit creative evaluation, which includes clear and concise directions and rubric. (In a Word document for easy modifications)

– An interactive multimedia Jeopardy game to review figurative language and poetic devices (PowerPoint – no internet required)

– A multimedia PowerPoint on how to read and interpret poetry

– A PowerPoint presentation on how to understand symbols and imagery in literature (19 slides)

– A final culminating evaluation with evaluation rubric (left in Word format for easily made modifications)

The unit has been created in such a way as to simplify the teacher’s life. Photocopy the three packages included and don’t worry about it for the rest of the unit. You literally can begin teaching it without any other preparation.

A total of 43 pages + 64 slides are included in this package.

This unit is complete and does all of the thinking for you. All you need to do is to print out and photocopy the student package, and you’re set.

You may also be interested in the following products: 
Poetry Through Song Unit
Lord of the Flies Unit (No prep required)
Hamlet Unit (No prep – Complete Unit)
Death of a Salesman (No prep required)
Frankenstein (No prep – Complete Unit)
Poetry Unit for Senior Students (NO PREP)
Poetry Unit for Intermediate Students
Poetry Unit: The Art of Interpretation
Romeo and Juliet – A No Prep Unit

I will be adding to this resource. Click on the Follow Me section at the top of my store page and you will be notified when I have revised this product or when a product is on sale. Of course, downloading the revised version will be free.

Total Pages
43 pages and 64 slides
Answer Key
Included with rubric
Teaching Duration
2 Weeks

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “FREE Guided Reading or Novel Study End of Book Project Choices”

by Wise Guys

4th – 6th Grade



This is a reading document that includes project choices for students when they finish a novel unit, guided reading book, or literature circle activity. It can be easily adapted for any story that your students read. It is a great way to assess comprehension and is fun too!

Make sure to check out our Guided Reading Super Bundle that contains over 125 pages of resources that are ready to use with your students! It is one of our top sellers!
Guided Reading Super Bundle

Visit our store for more great activities.
Visit Our Store

activity, project, handout, worksheet, guided reading, literature circle, novel study,







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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – ” July Hand Writing Practice Book Freebies”

By Sue Kayobie

Kindergarten, 1st Grade

Inside you will find:
– 3 pages of Hand Writing Practice BW version.
– 3 pages of Hand Writing Practice color version.

In this pack, your early writer will learn how to trace the words, trace the whole sentence and they have to copy the sentence. It’s fun and perfect for your early writer. These activities work well for fluency practice, homework, and for assessment use.

July Hand Writing Practice Book Freebies

 Here is the preview of this product.

Follow my TPT store for notifications, sale, and freebies.

Sue Kayobie’s TPT Store

Sue Kayobie’s Pinterest

Sue Kayobie’s Instagram

Thank You!


Poetry Through Song – A No Prep Unit


Poetry Through Song - A No Prep Unit


Product Description

Half price for a limited time only!

Teach the art of poetry through song lyrics

I love teaching poetry! I love it when my student like learning it too.

So many students dislike poetry that I wanted to create a unit just for them. This unit takes a different approach to teaching poetry all while allowing students to be critical of the songs they hear on the radio. This unit teaches the same skills as traditional poetry units do, but does it more lightly.

Take a look at what is included in this bundle:

An introductory video on how to approach poetry throughout the unit see video here Poetry Through Song Introduction Video

A Figurative Language Bingo Game to make learning and reviewing figurative language more fun.

The Teacher Guide includes 13 complete lessons focusing on and building on specific skills with each lesson

The Student Guide includes the following:

-notes on how to approach poetry

-notes on poetic devices and figurative language

– A copy of the following songs: Malibu, Roar, Scars to your Beautiful, Golden Leaves, Sound of Silence, There were Roses, The Cave, Something Just Like This, and Lost Boy. A wide variety of songs are included.

-Activities accompany every song (Theme and meaning, historical and literary allusions, the meaning of pronouns, Thematic connection exercises, video comparison activity, fun with allusions, fun with metaphors, fun with idioms, and much more.) See the preview for more details.

The Answer Key includes the answers to all questions and activities and comes with detailed annotations of each poem.

A Culminating Task with rubric included (in Word format for easy modifications)

140 pages included + 1 video 
See the previews of some of the lessons included in the bundle: 

You may also be interested in the following products: 
Lord of the Flies Unit (No prep required)
Hamlet Unit (No prep – Complete Unit)
Death of a Salesman (No prep required)
Frankenstein (No prep – Complete Unit)
Poetry Unit for Senior Students (NO PREP)
Poetry Unit for Intermediate Students
Poetry Unit: The Art of Interpretation
Romeo and Juliet – A No Prep Unit
Thesis Writing Activity with PowerPoint Presentation
Teaching The Essay Package
Essay Evaluation Comments with Drop Down Boxes

It’s teaching made easy!


E-MAIL ME at [email protected] . Be sure to include your e-mail address and buyer’s name. I will send you an attachment directly to your e-mail address.

I will be adding to this resource. “Follow me” at Teaching Made Easy 123and you will be notified when I have revised this product. Of course, downloading the revised version will be free.

Total Pages
140 pages
Answer Key
Included with rubric
Teaching Duration
2 Weeks

FREE MISC. LESSON – “Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs Menu Activity”

by SchoolBoxTreasures

2nd – 5th Grade



Use this handout as part of your lessons using the book Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs.

*Students have just been promoted to District Manager of the Cloud Cafeteria Express. District 9 over the town of ChewandSwallow have been complaining of off food choices and childhood obesity. It is the students job as district manager to create a menu for the town that focuses on the food pyramid.

Keywords: cloudy with a chance of meatballs, organizers, handouts, menu, health, nutrition, food pyramid, truthme, what’s the truth george







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