Yearly Archives: 2018

FREE LESSONS and PRICED LESSONS By The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative


FREE – Atomic Structure – Build some atoms with dried beans or peas


These Slider Words follow the Jolly Phonics sound sequence!


FREE – Maker Space FREE Guide to Getting Started


100th Day QR Code Read Aloud Listening Centers


FREE – Free Valentine’s Day Lessons By The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative


To find these FREE LESSONS and PRICED LESSONS, go to The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative’s Facebook page at and click on the comments section.

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Anglo-Saxon (Old English) with Fun Learning Activities!”


6th – 12th Grade



This, as uploaded today 1/6/2016, begins with basic information about Anglo-Saxon which is also called Old English.

There’s a handy page with language background and pronunciation tips; a phrases/dialog section with: Hello, What’s your name?, I don’t understand, Again please, Thanks, What is that?, How much?, I want one, No , two, Yes, good; Where is a/the toilet?; Here, There; Goodbye.

Then come some additional extra vocabulary: woman, already, go, speak, in, house; man, see, much, food, and, water; hand, up, pain, medicine, money.

Next there is a grammar sketch as to word order, pluralization, articles. There are also handy links for finding additional vocabulary, grammar sketch, reference links;

A Concise Basic Dictionary Of Modern English and Anglo-Saxon (Old English);

Five fun, printable Word Search activities provide students plenty of practice with the targeted language and English. The Answer Keys are included;

Finally there are:

The Runic And Futhark Alphabets;

A Short Sample Of Anglo-Saxon Or Old English;

Some Numbers;

There are also two Matching Tests over Anglo-Saxon (Old English) with the Answers Keys included.

MANY OF the products in my TpT store mention and support educational standards such as are used in various states, districts and also the Common Core State Standards written and developed by the National Governors’ Association Center for Best Practices and Council of Chief State School Officers © Copyright 2010. The afore-mentioned do not endorse, sanction or approve this publication or any other publication/s by this author/publisher. Any use of “aligned with,” “aligned to” or the like simply mean in the supportive spirit of and again do not state or imply an endorsement.

REASONS TO CONSIDER PURCHASING FROM THIS STORE: 1. Tons of resources, 2. so much reusable over the years ahead, 3. buying it is more convenient than trying to make it yourself, 4. students enjoy the fun components they stay more on task learning, 5. most word searches have a format helping teach information with the words, 6. most resources’ have reading components tied into with other components making them more handy and helpful, 7. Attractive, professional looks, 8. Many resources with some Spanish to help ESL/ELL students to not be totally left out; 9. the prices are right; and, 10: you’ll love it your students stay busy learning like happy bees at the honey hive of knowledge, your classroom, even as they have in mine since these have been teacher and students-tested.

SPANISH used in some resources in my store is more the informal Latino Spanish actually used by most students from Latin America than the formal Castillian of Spain; so there are some differences in grammar, spelling and or vocabulary even as there are with American and British English.

TO $AVE, be notified of my FREE and NEW products, $ALE$ often at 20% or more, other savings and news items click the tiny star by Follow Me or Following up above.

Thanks for considering this, please come again and be telling friends of this store, its Freebies, etc.


J. Mason Emerson
Teacher-Author ☺

P.S. How to get TPT credit to use on future purchases: At your My Purchases page (you may need to login) by each purchase you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Simply click it and you will be taken to a page where you can give a quick rating and leave a short comment for the product. Your feedback helps me determine which products are most valuable for your classroom so that I can create more for you and others.







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Free Developing Themes in Literature

Developing Themes in Literature


Product Description

This handout has been created to help both teachers and students learn how to develop themes in literature properly. This can be such an abstract concept for some students. Hopefully, this FREE handout will demystify theme development.

This handout includes step by step instructions on how to develop a theme in paragraph form.

I hope you enjoy it!

It’s teaching made easy!


E-MAIL ME at [email protected] . Be sure to include your e-mail address and buyer’s name. I will send you an attachment directly to your e-mail address.

You may also be interested in the following products: 

Thesis Writing Activity with PowerPoint Presentation

Teaching The Essay Package
Essay Evaluation Comments with Drop Down Boxes
Lord of the Flies Unit (No prep required)
Hamlet Unit (No prep – Complete Unit)
Death of a Salesman (No prep required)
Frankenstein (No prep – Complete Unit)
Poetry Unit for Senior Students (NO PREP)
Poetry Unit for Intermediate Students
Poetry Unit: The Art of Interpretation
Romeo and Juliet – A No Prep Unit

Total Pages
1 page
Answer Key
Teaching Duration



FREE MISC. LESSON – “Setting Semester Grade Goals”

by Mad Eye Moody Productions

8th – 12th Grade



Help your students stay motivated to earn good grades!

Every year I would have students who became discouraged and lost motivation after the first (or third) quarter because they had earned a low grade. They just gave up because they didn’t think there was any point to doing well the next quarter. I found that if I taught them how the district calculated the semester grades, I could help them make goals for themselves. For example, a student might have failed the first quarter, but once they realized they could still pass the semester, depending on how they did 2nd quarter and on the semester exam, their motivation skyrocketed.

This is a GREAT way to help students “own” their education and grades, and works wonders for low-performing students.

You MUST understand and be able to teach the method your district uses to calculate semester grades. If you are not comfortable with numbers and calculations, ask a math teacher at your site to either help you learn how to do it or to do this in their class. I had so many students use this lesson to set goals for themselves in other classes besides mine – it was amazing.

I have included student goal-setting sheets as well as a chart that outlines grade combinations based on a 40/40/20 weighted grading system (40% quarter 1, 40% quarter 2, 20% semester exam grade).

File is in .pdf format.







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I Have, Who has? Game for Teaching Figurative Language and Poetry


I Have, Who has? Game for Teaching Figurative Language and Poetry


Product Description

The goal of this game is to help students memorize and understand FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE through the use of games. Playing rather than memorizing is a fun activity that will engage students in a classroom.

Included in this purchase is the MASTER SHEET, which contains the answers, attractive STUDENT CARDS, which you can print and cut out in colour (on card stock and laminate for sustainable use), and A SET OF RULES explaining how the game works.

This package contains 23 cards and 12 extra blank cards in case you have a bigger class.

It’s teaching made easy!

E-MAIL ME at [email protected] . Be sure to include your e-mail address and buyer’s name. I will send you an attachment directly to your e-mail address.

Total Pages

11 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Peer Reader’s Guidelines for Composition Class”

by Dianne Mason

10th – 12th Grade



This handout is a handy tool for students as they peer edit each other’s papers. It requires the reader to answer specific questions about thesis, organization, syntax, and use of evidence. The questions are designed to encourage discussions among the readers and writers.

This handout is included in the following products as well:
Expository Writing Unit
Expository Writing: 4 Revision Handouts
Expository Writing Process Stage 3: Revision

Click on this link to view and download free products from my store. These will give you an idea of the quality of my work. Dianne Mason’s Free Products

Click on the green star next to my picture on any of my product pages to follow me and receive a customized e-mail for the launch of any new product.

Earn TPT Credits
Thank you for visiting my store. Every time you make a purchase on Teachers Pay Teachers and leave feedback, you earn credit toward a future purchase. How does it work? After logging in, go to My Purchases and find the button beside each product. Leave a fair rating and a comment about the resource, and you’re done!







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Figurative Language and Poetic Devices Jeopardy Game


Figurative Language and Poetic Devices Jeopardy Game


Product Description

Are you looking for a new way of introducing poetic devices in your class? This PowerPoint document is a great way to review poetic terms or to help students learn them.

I play this game from grade 9 to grade 12 and all of the students love them.

Directions on how to play the game are also included.

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
28 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration


by Growing Smart Readers

Kindergarten – 3rd Grade



Have students write a thank you for being a friend, or a letter to tell someone why they are special. Writing a Valentine letter is a great alternative to a store-bought card.

Make it ANY day letter writing, Not just Valentine’s Day!
These brief letter template letters are versatile and applicable for ANY day to write and send.

They are not necessarily Valentine specific! But the bows and hearts do make it a Valentine-theme.

There are just a few lines for the body, but that’s so the kids just get the gist of the parts of a letter.

* 1 page for “parts of a friendly letter”
* 3 letter writing frames (with sentence stems)
* 6 stationery pages (no words) with lines for the 5 parts of a letter.
* Some have colored graphics, some are black and white.

Great for struggling writers who WANT to write, but have difficulty getting started.

Include in your writing center–Or teach the parts of a friendly letter, and hand this out for homework.

Younger children may even want to write a letter to a favorite stuffed toy! 🙂 Great practice even if they do not send their letters!

Thanks for stopping by! Please let me know if this was just what you were looking for!

Also, if you like this, you may want to check out these:

Valentine Heart Friends

Friendly Letter Writing

Thank you for your interest!







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Comment Bank


Comment Bank



Product Description
Do you run out of meaningful criticism for your students’ high school papers and work? 

I created this comment bank because I had the same problem. After a little while, you don’t know what to write on a student’s test.

The Comment Bank has been constructed to save the Language Arts teacher time when offering constructive and helpful comments on students’ evaluations. Marking papers in any Language Arts class is always a lengthy process. Increasingly, teachers are being asked to write more detailed comments to highlight students’ strengths and weaknesses, and sometimes we run out of ideas. Being the vigilant teachers we are, and wanting to help our students achieve their potential is and will always be one of our priorities. To this end, when marking students’ papers, writing down everything we want to say to them about their papers would be a very lengthy process. I have decided to share my personal comment bank with you.

The bank comments on the following areas: 

-The next step

The package contains 7 pages of comments, which are divided by levels of accomplishment A, B, C and D. (levels 100 to 50)

Included in this package are over 120 comments for students. You can get inspiration from these pages to handwrite your comments, or you can do what I do and copy/paste your comments into a word document, print, and staple the comment to the students’ evaluations. This is a real time saver. Parents, students, and school administration LOVE this method of feedback. And, this way, it takes much less time to be much more efficient. I hope you enjoy it!

Total Pages
7 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration


FREE SOCIAL STUDIES LESSON – “Chinese New Year Freebie”

by Teaching Treks

3rd – 6th Grade



Chinese New Year freebie contains the following printable activities: a webquest, two fun thinking trek task cards, a Legend of Nian storyboard and Chinese New Year vocabulary on 5 Word Cards. The cards are suitable for Word Walls and associated learning activities.

2018 is the Year of the Dog!

Visit to find a Chinese New Year pathfinder for kids.

The freebie is a sample of my Chinese New Year Teaching Trek, which contains Thinking Treks – 24 thinking task cards and a student Trek Tracker to keep track of activities completed, mapping/art printables, 50 word cards, printable posters and no prep student worksheets.

You can find it here: Chinese New Year

You may also like: St. Patrick’s Day

or Australian Geography

Get your students thinking about Chinese New Year!







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Poetry Unit for Intermediate Students


Poetry Unit for Intermediate Students


Product Description

2 weeks of thinking done for you. This unit is appropriate for grades 9 & 10

Looking for a meaningful and effective way to teach poetry? This unit is a fun way to learn and experiment with figurative language. It uses a mixture of contemporary songs and traditional poetry to teach students about themes and to help them learn the various forms of poetry. The creative, hands on activities also focus on the importance of having a voice and using it properly.

The unit covers subjects such as bullying, courage, standing up for yourself and others, standing up for one’s convictions and discovering what is important to students.

This unit uses poetry to help students have a better understanding of themselves and to stand up for things they believe in.

The files are in PDF format and are zipped for convenience.

-1 set of « I HAVE, Who has? » cards to help students remember figurative language in a fun way. (1 set of instructions for the game)

-A comprehensive teacher guide with 11 complete and detailed lessons (no prep required) – (8 pages) – EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO TEACH THIS UNIT HAS BEEN DONE FOR YOU

-A student package that contains ALL notes, poems, and handouts students will need for the unit (18 pages)

-An end unit evaluation (with detailed evaluation rubrics and step by step instructions for students – one for the written component and one for the oral component). The end unit evaluation is in Word format along with the evaluation rubric for easy modifications. The final unit evaluation is a written poem and poetry reading, where students’ voices can be heard.

-A detailed Answer Key with notes, annotated poems, and answers to questions and activities. (8 pages)

Poems studied include:
– Song lyrics – Jessie J’s “Domino” (Goal: review figurative language and analyze messages found in popular media.)
– Jonathan Reed’s “The Lost Generation”
– Selena Matis’ “Ability”
– Robert Frost’s “The Road Not Taken”
– Robert Hayden’s “ Those Winter Sundays”
– Song lyrics “True Colors”
– Emily Dickenson’s “Hope is the Thing with Feathers”
– Rudyard Kipling’s “If”
– Maya Angelou’s “Phenomenal Woman”
– There are also video links added to the unit to enhance learning in the classroom

You may also be interested in these poetry units as well:
Poetry Unit (for senior students)
Poetry Unit : The Art of Interpretation No Prep

Total Pages
40 pages
Answer Key
Included with rubric
Teaching Duration
2 Weeks

FREE MISC. LESSON – “Valentine Monster Clipart”

by Elementary Creations

Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade



FREEBIE!! This will be free for this weekend only!
These are fun and colorful monster clipart that can be used for Valentine’s day. You can use them for personal or commercial use. There are 5 silly monsters plus there BW set for a total of 10 monsters. All graphics are saved in a PNG format and have high resolution. If you distribute the graphics for a fee or for free I do ask that you give credit back to me. Simple add my store logo or my link to your product.
Thank you for stopping by! Don’t forget to leave me feedback, so you can get your TPT credit!!







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Hamlet Unit (No prep – Complete Unit)


Hamlet Unit (No prep - Complete Unit)


Product Description

NEW: You can now download this unit in Word format to customize and save it. All documents are available in PDF and Word formats.

One entire month of planning done for you – I dare you to enjoy Shakespeare.

I love teaching Shakespeare’s plays, and I want you to love it too. I’ve been teaching and improving this unit for over ten years. I have done all the thinking for you.

This unit has everything a teacher needs to teach Hamlet. I’m aware that not everyone is comfortable with Shakespeare. Because of this, I have created this unit from my years of experience teaching the play, so all of the thinking has been done for you. Just photocopy and teach. Seriously it’s that easy.
There’s no longer a need for hours of research and piecing together bits of information and activities found to teach the play.
This is a whole, complete unit, from scene summaries, important notes and annotations notes to help students understand what they are reading. I have also included an introduction to the play, a student guide, a teacher guide, quizzes, a creative assignment, and tests (all with answers and evaluation grids), and a comprehensive answer key. Everything has its place and teaches a specific skill.

The unit is appropriate for students in grades 10, 11 and 12.

The unit includes :

– An attractive, interactive, multimedia PowerPoint presentation introducing the play (17 slides)

-A Student Study Guide (with activities, Act and scene questions…) and various activities (14 pages)

-A Teacher Guide (with detailed, comprehensive lessons, unit plan, and additional notes to guide students.) -9 pages and 16 complete lessons. The teacher Guide also includes links to the audiobook (the exact time to cue the audio), AND it includes a list of speaking roles if reading out loud in class)to help with time management and organization.

-18 pages of comprehensive scene summaries and important notes for each scene (annotations for each scene)***THIS IS A TEACHER FAVORITE!

A creative Hamlet Guess Who? Game to help students understand the characters. (What’s fun about this game is that it can be played from the beginning of the play right to the end, and students’ answers will change depending on the act they are reading.) LOTS OF FUN!

-A comprehensive answer key for all questions and activities. (24 pages)

-Comprehension quiz on Acts 1 and 2 in Word format for easy modifications (with evaluation grid) and answer key.

-Mid-play evaluation – The Parody – creative writing and analysis (in Word format for easy modifications – with evaluation grid)

-Summary guide (highlighting the significant events from each scene with important analytical information) – Throughout my years of teaching this play, I have amounted excellent notes and annotations, listing the most significant actions throughout each scene. I have retyped these annotations to help you teach the play, so your students will understand it (and so will you). (18 pages)

-The culminating evaluation includes three different versions of the final unit test with evaluation grid and answer key (in Word for easy modifications)

Includes a total of 109 pages.

Check out my other no prep novel units:

Frankenstein (No prep – Complete Unit)

Lord of the Flies Unit (No prep required)

Death of a Salesman (No prep required)

It’s teaching made easy!


E-MAIL ME at [email protected] . Be sure to include your e-mail address and buyer’s name. I will send you an attachment directly to your e-mail address.

Total Pages
109 pages
Answer Key
Included with rubric
Teaching Duration
1 month

FREE Valentine’s Day Weight Logic Pack!



Want to bring a little Valentine’s Day fun to your classroom? 

Developing solid critical thinking and problem solving skills in the early grades is essential to support higher-level mathematics in the later ones. This pack provides three holiday-themed weight logic puzzles that are sure to engage your students’ strategic thinking and problem solving skills.
This holiday pack includes 3 sets of weight logic puzzles. Each set includes:
• a blackline master for student use
• a solution guideTo complete each puzzle, students use their strategic thinking skills to determine the value of each symbol based on the weight on each scale.
Click here or on the image above to grab a free copy of my “Valentine’s Day Weight Logic” pack. 
Want to know more? 

Head on over to The Routty Math Teacher website and check out my Solve It! Friday page where you can find a new task, similar to the one above, each week. You can even get free access to my library of nearly 100 problems. Find it here!



FREE MATH LESSON – “Probability and Chance Posters”

by Keep Calm and Teach

4th – 8th Grade



These two posters show the difference between probability and chance.
The chance poster includes a percent symbol and a number line to show how certain, likely, unlikely, and impossible an event is based on the percent of it happening.
The probability poster includes a fraction symbol and a number line to show how certain, likely, unlikely, and impossible an event is based on the percent of it happening.

More Math Resouces and Games:
Geometry Math Game Set: Three Dimensional Shapes
Lines and Angles I Have, Who Has Games
Candy Math: Fractions, Decimals, Graphing, …
Triangle Poster Set
Properties of Multiplication Set
Transformation Posters
Place Value Poster with Decimals
St. Patrick’s Day Math: Fractions, Decimals, Percent

Thanks for stopping by!







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Lord of the Flies Unit (No prep required)


Lord of the Flies Unit (No prep required)


Product Description

This Lord of the Flies Unit has everything required to teach this unit. All of the thinking and preparation has been done for you.

Everything you need to teach The Lord of the Flies by William Golding is found in this unit.

• Includes journal prompts to further students’ understanding and to understand thematic development in the novel further.
• PowerPoint presentation with historical context and background information
• (Optional) PowerPoint presentation about the origins of evil furthering understanding of Golding’s themes
• Guess Who? Game to help students trace character development in a fun and practical way
• Student work book with all of the photocopies, student activities, comprehension and thematic questions, etc… (Photocopy the booklet once and you don’t have to think about it for the rest of the unit.)
• Links to audiobooks for easy chapter reading.
• The Answer Key for all student work.
• Includes comprehensive chapter notes to help with reviewing chapters previously read and allowing students to take notes concerning important information.

All tests have two versions – which is nice when you teach more than one group at a time.

• Test on the first seven chapters (2 different versions – both in a Word document for easy modifications. Answer keys provided for both evaluations.)

• Final evaluation includes two different options. Option 1: 2 different unit test versions (two different tests – answer keys for both are included), Option 2: an Essay with all materials included (evaluation grid, outline package, etc.…)

• 17 complete and detailed lesson plans to guide and orient your students. Journal prompts with ideas to further discussion, step by step instructions… This makes for super easy planning.
• A Jeopardy Game (on PowerPoint) to review the novel and to prepare for the final evaluation

The unit includes 103 pages and 76 slides.

Guide to lessons’ focus points:
Lesson 1: introduction of background and historical context
Lesson 2: Focus on leadership
Lesson 3: Introduction to the symbolism in the novel
Lesson 4: Characterization
Lesson 5: Writing exercise (paragraph and argument development)
Lesson 6: Reading period
Lesson 7: Civilization vs. Savagery (Includes cyber bullying and dangers of social media, etc.…) Practical applications from the novel.
Lesson 8: Review analysis skills
Lesson 9: Test on chapters 1-7 (Choice of multiple-choice questions or development questions)
Lesson 10: Reading period
Lesson 11: Thematic Meaning activity
Lesson 12: Characterization (character development)
Lesson 13: Literary conflicts in the novel
Lesson 14: Symbolism
Themes: 15: Themes
Lesson 16: Novel review and Jeopardy game
Lesson 17: Evaluation (Choice of two unit tests or an essay)

You’ll never have to worry about what you will be teaching on any given day, and the unit is modifiable for your convenience.

It’s teaching made easy!


E-MAIL ME at [email protected] . Be sure to include your e-mail address and buyer’s name. I will send you an attachment directly to your e-mail address.

Total Pages
103 pages and 76 slides
Answer Key
Teaching Duration
1 month

FREE MISC. LESSON – “Valentine Cards {FREEBIE}”

by Innovative Teacher

Pre-Kindergarten – 1st Grade



Make Valentine’s Day memorable with these cute and easy to use Valentine Day Cards. Included are 6 hearts that your students can cut out, color, and practice writing their friends names on them. Then exchange for Valentines.


Valentine Cards by Melissa Craig is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.







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Poetry Unit (for senior students)

Poetry Unit (for senior students)


Product Description

Poetry Unit for Senior Students (Bundled)

Many teachers hate teaching poetry because they don’t know where to begin. This unit will make you and your students love poetry. This complete, no prep unit is an excellent way to start! This 2 and a half week unit includes a student guide, 12 detailed lesson plans, two multimedia presentations (no internet connection required), a complete answer key with annotated poems, and an end of the unit evaluation with answer key.

Just print it and teach it.

This HUGE bundle includes individual lessons devised to teach students the importance of:

• Figurative language (its uses and effects)
• How to read poetry
• How to understand and apply symbolism and imagery
• The importance of rhythm
• The importance of tone and attitude in a poem
• Types of poetry
• How to analyze poetry
• How to appreciate poetry (even when you don’t understand it)
• Includes some Canadian poetry

This unit’s focus is the analysis of poetry and teaches students how to make inferences, which is a skill they must learn for their other subjects as well.

Poems include authors such as Emily Dickenson, Dorothy Parker, Maya Angelou, Thomas Gray, Lord Alfred Tennyson, Alfred Noyes, T.S. Eliot, Shakespeare, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Robert Frost, Pearl Jam, Langston Hughes, Margaret Atwood, and Walt Whitman. The Unit includes 21 different poems.

The unit has been conceived to last 15 days – with 65 minute periods (although they are easy to modify).

The unit includes:

1 – The teacher guide (Contains 12 comprehensive lesson plans to teach the poems included in the unit. EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO TEACH THIS UNIT HAS BEEN DONE FOR YOU. )

2 – The student package (Contains students’ notes, poems, and questions) (28 pages)

3 – The answer key includes annotated poems and answers to all student activities, as well as an example of paragraph developing a theme in poetry (saving you time).

4 – Included is a test with multiple choice questions as well as one development question. All answers are included. (Word format for easy changes)

5 – 2 PowerPoint presentations – one multimedia presentation to introduce the unit (17 slides) and the second to reinforce the use of imagery and symbolism (19 slides) – NO INTERNET CONNECTION REQUIRED

A total of 68 pages + 36 slides are included in this package.

This unit is complete and does all of the thinking for you. All you need to do is to print out and photocopy the student package, and you’re set.

It’s teaching made easy!


E-MAIL ME at [email protected]. Be sure to include your e-mail address and buyer’s name. I will send you an attachment directly to your e-mail address.

You may also be interested in the following products: 

Thesis Writing Activity with PowerPoint Presentation

Teaching The Essay Package

Essay Evaluation Comments with Drop Down Boxes

Lord of the Flies Unit (No prep required)

Hamlet Unit (No prep – Complete Unit)

Death of a Salesman (No prep required)

Frankenstein (No prep – Complete Unit)

Poetry Unit for Intermediate Students

Poetry Unit: The Art of Interpretation

Romeo and Juliet – A No Prep Unit

Total Pages
68 pages
Answer Key
Included with rubric
Teaching Duration
3 Weeks

FREE MISC. LESSON – “FREE Valentine Card”

by Barnett’s School House

6th – 12th Grade



Here’s something a little different for all you TpT sellers out there! Enjoy this funny, yet perfect Valentine Card for your special someone. If you truly enjoy sitting side by side and scrolling through your phone, then this card will be perfect!


– 2 Jpg files 5×7 and 8×10 format
– 1 PDF file
– high-resolution: 300 dpi for perfect printing quality

-use this for your significant other
-share this on your blogs with a link back to my store

These designs are copyrighted by Barnett’s School House, you may not resell, redistribute or share these templates in whole for any reason.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions!!

As always, please ask any and all questions prior to purchasing!







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Frankenstein Unit (No prep)


Frankenstein Unit (No prep)


Product Description

FRANKENSTEIN UNIT – Complete with no prep for you.

This unit has been created with the teacher in mind. The material is geared toward senior students with a focus on the construction of arguments. It also teaches the importance of historical context as well as literary allusions in the development of themes.

I’ve done all of the thinking for you. The lesson plans are detailed and comprehensive. The student guide is visually appealing and facilitates the teacher’s job. Also, the answer key is complete and detailed. All the teacher needs to do is to purchase this unit and photocopy it.

Take a look at the preview for more information.

The unit includes:

1) The Teacher Package (18 pages) 
-contains 23 detailed lessons (60-90 minute lessons)
-leading discussion questions and skill-building activities (with detailed instructions for the teacher)
-important chapter notes on analysis
-the teacher package helps the teacher stay on task and stay organized because the planning has been done for you.

2) The Student Package (16 pages) 

-pre-reading activity
-study guide questions
-a fact sheet regarding the Prometheus myth
-Activity on the use of nature in romantic literature
-an activity based on the symbols in the novel
-several activities that teach argument development
-Activity on theme development
-an activity on characterization to bring about themes (*NEW) 

3) A comprehensive answer key (30 pages) 

-detailed answers for ALL student activities and work
-an annotated copy of the poem “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” and activity answer key.

4) Also included: 

-a PowerPoint introducing the novel’s historical context and the author
-class posters with key elements in the novel
-a copy of “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner.”


– Test on letters 1-4 and chapters 1-10 (choice between multiple choice OR development questions)
-Test on chapters 11-18 (choice between multiple choice OR development questions)
-Unit evaluation (Choice between an essay (several different versions), a debate, a unit test – all work process is included)


*As a bonus, I have included two automatic comment generators for Word documents (with drop down boxes.)

Also, I’ve used the 1831 edition of the novel to create this unit.

Documents are downloaded as PDF files (except for evaluations)

You may also enjoy these free activities (also included in this bundle):
Frankenstein Activity
FREE Frankenstein Debate

Check out my other NO PREP novel units:

Lord of the Flies Unit (No prep required)

Hamlet Unit (No prep – Complete Unit)

Death of a Salesman (No prep required)

It’s teaching made easy!

E-MAIL ME at [email protected] . Be sure to include your e-mail address and buyer’s name. I will send you an attachment directly to your e-mail address.

Total Pages
70 pages
Answer Key
Included with rubric
Teaching Duration
1 month

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Free AB Word Family Activity/Project Set with Bubbles theme”

by Spelling and Technology

Kindergarten – 3rd Grade



Bubbles, Bubbles – AB Word Family Activity/Project Set

Contents Included (6 pages):
1. Bubble sheet for gluing
2. Square sheet to cut out
3. What words did you make? sheet with blanks
4. What words did you make? sheet with traceable words.
5. Read, trace, write sheet.
6. Bubble flash cards.

We have a variety of word family exercises, click here to view a full listing.


Create your own spelling packets with this software here.

Common Core: Phonological Awareness: CCS.

These worksheets align with the following Common Core Standard:

Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables and sounds (phonemes)
c. Blend and segment onsets and rimes of single-syllable spoken words.
e. Add or substitute individual sounds (phonemes) in simple, one-syllable words to make new words.

To learn about my products, please visit If you enjoy this learning file, please consider rating the file and leaving me your feedback. Thank you!

Click to view all our SpellingTowers(TM) activities available on TpT.







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FREE LESSONS & PRICED LESSONS – The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs

Click on the links below to see the free lessons, priced lessons, sales, promotions, and articles by the best teacher entrepreneurs on the Internet!

The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative


The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs
  1. Save Those Sports Photos
  2. FREE Operation Situations Printable for Analyzing …
  3. FREE MISC. LESSON – “Valentines Cards FREE”
  4. Musical Math – Engaging and Interactive Math Game
  5. FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Nightly Reading Track…
  6. FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “How to Make a Valenti…
  7. FREE LESSONS & PRICED LESSONS By The Best of Teach…
  8. FREE MATH LESSON – “Common Core: Spring Fling, Cou…
  9. FREE MATH LESSON – “Let’s Learn Our Numbers 1-10 {…
  10. FREE MISC. LESSON – “Entomophagy Bug Bistro Menu”
  11. Wednesday Weekly 5 Under $5 – 1/10/18
  12. ?Martin Luther King Word Wall Cards?
  13. FREE MATH LESSON – “Smartboard Valentine’s Day Fre…
  14. January Teacher Talk
  15. FREE MATH LESSON – “Math About Me!”
  16. FREE LESSONS & PRICED LESSONS – The Best of Teache…
  17. FREE MISC. – “Free Social Skills Sampler”
  18. FREE MISC. LESSON – “Valentine’s Day Freebie”
  19. FREE MATH LESSON – “Math Worksheets Grade K-2 Numb…
  20. PARCC Prep Grades 3-5
  21. FREE MATH LESSON – “Free Winter Center Snowflake C…
  22. Chinese New Year Activity Set
  23. FREE MISC. LESSON – “Homework And Study Log”
  24. Wednesday Weekly 5 Under $5 – 1/3/18
  25. New Year’s Resolution
  26. FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Phonics Reading Passa…
  27. FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “2nd Grade Journeys Hi…
  28. Happy New Year from Fun To Teach!
  29. FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Snow Day Flipbook FRE…
The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs II
  1. Place Value Task Cards- Detective theme
  2. FREE MISC. LESSON – “Valentine’s Day – Class List …
  3. FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Winter Sport Ordinals…
  4. FREE MATH LESSON – “Free Errorless Cut and Paste M…
  5. Color your own VALENTINE DAY CARDS! It’s a BUNDLE…
  6. 3rd Grade Math for February
  7. FREE MATH LESSON – “Make 10 BUMP”
  8. 3rd Grade Math for February- FREEBIE
  9. FREE MISC. LESSON – “Common Core Morning Work – Gr…
  10. FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Review Initial and Fi…
  11. Multiplication Array Task Cards- Valentine’s Day T…
  12. FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “February Writing Prom…
  13. Wednesday Weekly 5 Under $5 – 1/10/18
  14. Fraction Task Cards- (Parts of a Whole) Groundhog …
  15. FREE SOCIAL STUDIES LESSON – “Black History Word S…
  16. January Teacher Talk
  17. Subtraction with and without regrouping -FREEBIE S…
  18. FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Valentines Adjectives…
  19. FREE LESSONS & PRICED LESSONS – The Best of Teache…
  21. Word Wall BUNDLE (12 sets!)
  22. FREE MISC. LESSON – “Amazeing Valentine Cards”
  23. Valentine’s Day Multiplication Color by Number- 2’…
  24. FREE MISC. LESSON – “Self-Awareness Mini Posters -…
  25. Division Task Cards (Valentine’s theme)- FREE!
  26. FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Persuasive/Opinion Wr…
  27. Water Pollution Experiment
  28. FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Narrative Writing for…
  29. Wednesday Weekly 5 Under $5 – 1/3/18
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  31. FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Summary Graphic Organ…
  32. 2D and 3D Task Cards (Penguin Theme)
  33. FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Inference Charts for …
The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs III
  1. FREE MATH LESSON – “Long Division with Remainders …
  2. FREE MATH LESSON – “Valentine’s Day Riddle – Solvi…
  3. FREE MISC. LESSON – “Valentine Cootie Catchers – F…
  4. FREE MISC. LESSON – “Valentine’s Day Clip Art Ribb…
  5. Country Research Project 6-8 CCSS Aligned with Dif…
  6. FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Free!!! Winter Sports…
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  8. FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Assessment for RL2.9”…
  9. Wednesday Weekly 5 Under $5 – 1/10/18
  10. Editable City, State, Country, & Continent Travel …
  11. FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Valentine’s Day Main …
  12. Informative/Explanatory Writing Rubrics and Outlin…
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  15. FREE LESSONS & PRICED LESSONS – The Best of Teache…
  16. FREE LESSONS & PRICED LESSONS – The Best of Teache…
  17. FREE Coupon Reward/Incentive Tickets/Coupons for C…
  18. FREE MISC. LESSON – “Valentine’s Day Task Cards”
  19. FREE MISC. LESSON – “Free Preview! Trauma Informed…
  20. Wax Museum Biography Research 3-5 CCSS Aligned wit…
  21. FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Word Fun with Winter …
  22. FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Poetry Analysis Works…
  23. Wednesday Weekly 5 Under $5 – 1/3/18
  24. Valentine Notes for Students FREEBIE
  25. FREE MISC. LESSON – “Free Progress Chart: Sweet Pr…
  26. Writing Conference Guide and Forms
  27. FREE MATH LESSON – “FREE: MATH Common Core State S…
  28. FREE MISC. LESSON – “Winter Girl – FREE (Commercia…
The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs IV


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FREE MATH LESSON – “Valentine’s Day Color by # *FREEBIE*”

by Josie’s Place

Pre-Kindergarten – 3rd Grade



Happy Valentine’s Day!

Enjoy this color by number for Valentine’s Day. Stop by my store for other free color by numbers and follow for more freebies.

Feedback is always appreciated!

You might be interested in taking a look at my entire EDITABLE Collection for your classroom organization and labeling needs:

EDITABLE Labels in Solid Colors- 30 colors to choose from!
Math Labels For Your Manipulatives * Editable Option Included
BACK TO SCHOOL EDITABLE Class Signs, Labels, Word Wall & Cards, Desk tag & More in Chevron
BACK TO SCHOOL EDITABLE Class Signs, Labels, Word Wall & Cards, Desk tag & More in Polka Dots
Create your own posters, signs, anchor charts and more! Editable
Monthly EDITABLE Newsletters
Class Job Posters EDITABLE
EDITABLE Class Signs
EDITABLE How Do I Get Home? Dismissal Tags, Charts and Notes 
EDITABLE Birthday Extravaganza







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Death of a Salesman Unit (Complete No Prep)


Death of a Salesman Unit (Complete No Prep)


Product Description
*NEW – All documents are now available in Word as well as PDF format for easy modification. Make it your own!

Death of a Salesman Bundled Unit description: (Now with a PDF version of the play)

Level : grades 11 and 12

This unit has been conceived with the teacher in mind. It contains a Student Guide, a Teacher Guide, and a comprehensive Answer Key. All you have to do is print the packages and teach them. It’s as easy as that! I’ve also included two different options for end unit evaluations, which both contain evaluation grids and answer key. The unit is, in my opinion, visually appealing and the contents teach analysis of literature.

The bundle includes: (The documents, except for the evaluations, are in PDF format. The evaluations are in Word for easy modifications.)

The Student Guide contain 16 pages:
-Notes on the American Dream
-An anticipation guide
-An in-depth look at success as it pertains to the lives of the students (which can later on be related to the play.)
-Thematic comprehension questions for each act
-Work on motifs and symbols used in the play
-Work on characterization
-Poem association (Langston Hughes’ poem)
-Notes on tragedy (Aristotle’s definition and modern definition)
-Review notes for students

Answer Key contains 29 pages:
-Answers to ALL of the students’ work
-Introduction to Arthur Miller
-Comprehensive notes on each scene of the play (to help students understand and appreciate literary techniques used by the author)
-List of themes and how they are developed – Review sheet

Final evaluation contains three different options:

1) A unit test with answer key. Contains 3 essay type questions.
2) A unit test – paragraph format
3) An essay. Contains essay topics, work process (steps 1…..), an outline guide, and an evaluation grid.


The Teacher Guide contains 5 pages:

-Includes 8 complete lessons that leave the teacher nothing to do, but to teach.
Lesson 1: Historical context and pre-reading
Lesson 2: Setting and reading (there are specific pages assigned to each lesson)
Lesson 3: Symbols, Motifs, and reading
Lesson 4: Character chart and reading
Lesson 5: Reading – exploring irony and the meaning of the title
Lesson 6: Reading and a look at the difference between modern and classic tragedy
Lesson 7: Theme development and review
Lesson 8: Evaluation

*A PDF version of the play is now included. (In the Public Domain)

Total of 70 pages.

It’s teaching made easy!


E-MAIL ME at [email protected] . Be sure to include your e-mail address and buyer’s name. I will send you an attachment directly to your e-mail address.

Total Pages
70 pages
Answer Key
Included with rubric
Teaching Duration
2 Weeks

Romeo and Juliet Unit – No prep required


Romeo and Juliet Unit - No prep required


Product Description


This bundled unit has been designed to make life easier for the Language Arts teacher. It contains a teacher guide with detailed lessons, a student guide with all of the notes required by students, an answer key for students’ work, and three evaluations (answer keys and evaluation rubrics included). All you need to do is print and begin teaching.

This purchase includes:

•A comprehensive Teacher guide with 15 detailed lessons (7 pages)

•A student guide with guiding questions and activities (focus on characterization, themes, figurative language, irony, etc…) -10 pages

•A Scavenger Hunt activity to introduce students to Shakespeare and his times (includes eight colorful cards and a PowerPoint with answers.)

•A detailed answer key for students’ work (10 pages)

•A quiz on Acts 1 and 2 – answer key included

•Oral presentation on Irony – evaluation rubric included

•Culminating Activity – Students write a children’s story based on the themes in the play. Evaluation rubric as well as work process sheets included (7 pages)

There are a total of 51 pages included in this unit.

The unit will last between 17 to 20 periods. (3 – 4 week unit)

All that’s left is to teach. I hope you enjoy this unit.

You may also enjoy:
Hamlet Unit (No prep – Complete Unit)

It’s teaching made easy!

E-MAIL ME at [email protected] . Be sure to include your e-mail address and buyer’s name. I will send you an attachment directly to your e-mail address.

Total Pages
89 pages
Answer Key
Included with rubric
Teaching Duration
2 Weeks

FREE MISC. LESSON – “Digital Paper- Chevron Retro Pack”

by Miss S’s Sixers

Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade



This is a set of 12 colorful chevron backgrounds perfect for any project…and it is FREE! I have had such wonderful feedback from people about my other background, that I have decided to make this one also free!

Size= 8.5″ by 11″— great for a PowerPoint Slide!

This digital paper is for personal or commercial use. Please just include my logo in the product you use it for.

Comes in a ZIP file

Other FREE Digital Papers:
Curvy Stripes
Colorful Stripes
Pastel Polka Dots







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FREE LESSONS & PRICED LESSONS By The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative


FREE – Valentine Flower Glyph and Craft

Snowy Day Create a Game – Editable Interactive Game for Google Slides

FREE – Reading Buddies: Free Valentine Cards

Measurement – Cups, Pints, Quarts, Gallons (24 Task Cards)

FREE – Synonym and Antonym Hearts

For more FREE LESSONS and PRICED LESSONS, go to The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative’s Facebook page at and click on the comments section.

Poetry and Imagery – Langston Hughes


Poetry and Imagery - Langston Hughes


Product Description
This is a lesson on poetry and imagery

This mini bundle includes the poems of Langston Hughes and has a focus on the importance of imagery. More specifically, the lesson is based on two poems: A Dream Deferred and Mother to Son.

This lesson is part of a larger poetry bundle:
Click here to preview the Poetry Unit for Senior Students

This lesson will take two full periods.

The mini bundle includes:

– a detailed lesson plan for the teacher
– student notes (the poems) and activity
– an annotated copy of the poems as well as a comprehensive answer key.
-an activity on PowerPoint to teach students about imagery

The entire unit contains 6 pages+ 19 PowerPoint slides

I hope you enjoy your purchase!

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
8 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration
2 hours

FREE MISC. LESSON – “FREE Valentine’s Day Center Activities {Short/long vowels and math}”

by Geaux First Grade

Kindergarten – 2nd Grade



Have fun this Valentine’s day with love letter sorts. There is a sort for ELA and one of Math.

ELA- Sort long and short vowel words. Also includes a recording sheet.

Math-Sort greater than, less, addition, subtraction, tens, and ones into whether it is true or false. Also includes a recording sheet.







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Sentences – Grammar Circles for easy and effective grammar


Sentences – Grammar Circles for easy and effective grammar


Product Description
Teach grammar in a creative and meaningful way. No more boring grammar. grammar

Simplify your life and make grammar fun and effective.

One of the biggest challenges I had in my English classes was how to fit in grammar with everything else I had to teach. I would give students grammar pages, and then we would correct them together. It was tedious, and it took forever! What’s more is that students were not learning the way I wanted them to. They wouldn’t apply what they had learned from the grammar pages and activities.

I found a solution!

Grammar Circles. Grammar Circles are very similar to literature circles in the sense that students are teaching one another grammar. It is a fun and functional way to teach and learn grammar. Although this may be done individually, it can also be completed as a group where students, through a specific process outlined in the package, teach one another grammar. They also correct the work together, so the teacher has very little to do.

The package includes:

1) A Student Packet – which contains the Literature Circle directions, the notes, directions, and activities, and a “Mark Calculation” page to keep track of their marks. (16 pages)
Activities included focus on:
-the logistics of the sentence (the basic parts)
-the prepositional phrase
-the adjective phrase
-the adverb phrase
-the verbal phrase
-the appositive phrase
-the independent and subordinate clauses
-subjects and predicates
-run-on sentences
-types of sentences

2) A teacher Guide with easy to follow instructions on how to organize the Grammar Circles.

3) The Answer Key – devised to allow students to correct their work and learn from one another.

For those who are from Ontario, Canada – this unit adheres to the Grade 9 English Curriculum (academic). The unit can be taught in any grade to about sentences.

(27 pages total for this unit)

You may also be interested in:
Parts of Speech Grammar Circles (Superhero Themed)

Super Hero Themed Parts of Speech Posters (FREE)

It’s teaching made easy!

E-MAIL ME at [email protected] . Be sure to include your e-mail address and buyer’s name. I will send you an attachment directly to your e-mail address.

Total Pages
27 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration