Engaging and ready-to-go project that provides excellent support to the history, writing, and literacy curriculum to engage students and motivate students for learning. Tie in black history / women’s history month, President’s Day, or created your theme for this wax museum. Students can write a 5 paragraph research report or the graphic organizer can be used in place of the report for differentiated instruction. Choose what you want and then print!
<strong>***UPDATED July 2017***</strong>
✓ Updated some new backgrounds and frames
✓ Added an EDITABLE packet cover and rubric
Clip art and background cannot be edited.
There are 6th-8th and 9th-12th versions available!
<a href=”https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Wax-Museum-Biography-Research-6-8-CCSS-Aligned-with-Differentiated-Options-2924233″>Wax Museum Biography Research 6-8 CCSS Aligned with Differentiated Options</a>
<a href=”https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Ancient-History-Wax-Museum-9-12-CCSS-Aligned-with-Differentiated-Options-2928554″>Wax Museum Biography Research 9-12 CCSS Aligned with Differentiated Options</a>
<strong>Included in this resource:</strong>
✓How I Use This Resource
<strong>Wax Museum Student Choice Version: Scene Backdrop/Character Representation/PowerPoint/Tri-fold</strong>
✓Packet Cover
✓Requirements Pg. 1 (with CCSS Listed)
✓Requirements Pg. 1 (without CCSS Listed)
✓Requirements Pg. 2
✓Requirements Pg. 3
✓Requirements Pg. 4 & Parent Signature Form
✓Key Word List
✓Graphic Organizers
✓Character Research Outline
✓Last Outline Page with MLA Works Cited Examples
✓Last Outline Page with APA Reference Examples
✓Last Outline Page with CMS Bibliography Examples
✓Character’s Internet Homepage
✓Speech Outline
✓Peer Evaluations
✓Character Research Report Rubric/Wax Museum Rubric
✓Wax Museum Scene Backdrop/Character Representation/ PowerPoint/Tri-fold Rubrics
✓Alternate Rubric 1
✓Alternate Rubric 2
✓Alternate Rubric 3
✓Student Choice Vote
<strong>Optional Scene Backdrop Version Replacement Pages:</strong>
✓Packet Cover
✓Requirements Pg. 1 (with CCSS Listed) (Same as Page 5)
✓Requirements Pg. 1 (without CCSS Listed) (Same as Page 6)
✓Requirements Pg. 2 (Pages 2 & 3 were combined)
✓Requirements Pg. 4 & Parent Signature Form (Same as Page 9)
✓Character Research Report Rubric/Wax Museum Rubric
✓Wax Museum Scene Backdrop Rubric
✓Student Choice Vote
✓Alternate Rubric 2
<strong>Optional Tri-fold or PPT Version Replacement Pages:</strong>
✓Packet Cover
✓Requirements Pg. 1 (with CCSS Listed) (Same as Page 5)
✓Requirements Pg. 1 (without CCSS Listed) (Same as Page 6)
✓Requirements Pg. 2 (Pages 2 & 3 were combined)
✓Requirements Pg. 4 & Parent Signature Form (Same as Page 9)
✓Character Research Report Rubric/Wax Museum Rubric
✓Wax Museum Tri-fold/PowerPoint Rubric
✓Student Choice Vote
✓Alternate Rubric 2 for Tri-fold
✓Alternate Rubric 2 for PPT
<strong>Differentiated for Diverse Learners Students Choice Version Additional/Replacement Pages:</strong>
✓Packet Cover
✓Requirements Pg. 1 (with CCSS Listed
✓Requirements Pg. 1 (without CCSS Listed)
✓Requirements Pg. 2 (Same as Page 7)
✓Requirements Pg. 3 (Same as Page 8)
✓Requirements Pg. 4 & Parent Signature Form
✓Character Graphic Organizer Page 1
✓Character Graphic Organizer with Rubric Page 2
<strong>Differentiated Optional Scene Backdrop Version Replacement Pages:</strong>
✓Packet Cover
✓Requirements Pg. 1 (with CCSS Listed)
✓Requirements Pg. 1 (without CCSS Listed)
✓Requirements Pg. 2 (Pages 2 & 3 were combined) (Same as Page 41)
✓Requirements Pg. 4 & Parent Signature Form
✓Character Graphic Organizer Page 1 (Same as Page 53)
✓Character Graphic Organizer with Rubric Page 2
<strong>Differentiated Optional Tri-fold or PPT Version Replacement Pages:</strong>
✓Packet Cover
✓Requirements Pg. 1 (with CCSS Listed)
✓Requirements Pg. 1 (without CCSS Listed)
✓Requirements Pg. 2 (Pages 2 & 3 were combined) (Same as Page 32)
✓Requirements Pg. 4 & Parent Signature Form
✓Character Graphic Organizer Page 1 (Same as Page 53)
✓Character Graphic Organizer with Rubric Page 2
✓Optional Brainstorming Webs
✓Optional Informative/Explanatory Graphic Organizers
✓Terms of Use
✓Graphics and Fonts Credit
<strong>Primary and Secondary Sources PowerPoint</strong>
✓5 pages of <strong> Editable </strong> definitions, examples, and a question slide
<strong>Teaching Picture Examples</strong>
✓Larger pictures of the character/person representation
*3-5th Grade Common Core Aligned.
*You can choose with or without Common Core State Standards on your requirements page.
*There are reference choices for MLA, APA, and CMS formats.
*There are <strong> student choice, scene backdrop, and tri-fold versions</strong> as options for this project.
*Great for mixed or leveled classes to give students differentiated instruction.
*Requirements and guidelines are detailed and organized.
*Students know exactly what to research with the outline.
*Students will write a 5 paragraph research report.
*Gives students a choice for their character representation.
*Practical and easy to understand rubrics for teachers, parents, and students.
*Permission slip to inform parents.
*Easy scoring on a 10 points each category out of 100 points for the rubrics. Or the rubric totals up to 100 points.
*Zip folder contains 2 PDFs and 1 PowerPoint.
*Aligned with Common Core State Standards.ELA-LITERACY.SL.3-5.4,SL.3-5.5,SL.3-5.6, W3-5.2, W.3-5.7,W.3-5.8
<strong>The way I use it…</strong>
Students enjoy this project! This is a 2-3 month project. Each class is different and each year is different; therefore, I can’t do everything the same each time I teach the same subject. I give each student a three pronged folder with the packet inside. As I scaffold and model the information to my students, I have students write in the due dates. I make this an at-school project and have students keep their research folder in a designated location. Also, you can choose themes for your project such as children’s authors, presidents, Native Americans, American Revolution historical figures, American heroes, African Americans, famous people/Americans, scientists/inventors, composers, or historical figures from your state. The choice is yours!
I decided to keep the requirement pages for the variations/differentiation choices grouped together in each category. I thought this would be less confusing for the teacher when deciding what to print out for his or her students. It will state “Same as page #” next to the page description in the table of contents.
Happy Teaching!
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