Yearly Archives: 2018

FREE Operation Situations Chart

Want to teach your students to analyze word problems for meaning? 

The use of keywords focuses on looking at the words of math word problems in isolation and not in the context of the problem. Focusing on the word problem as a whole allows students to become better at solving math word problems.

Tina Cardone, author of “Nix the Tricks,” a guide to avoiding non-conceptually developmental short-cuts, suggests having students think about the words of the problem as a whole and focus on what is happening in the problem in context. Students can accomplish this by visualizing the situation and creating a mental picture of the actions that are taking place. Once they understand the actions, students can then connect them to symbols.
After students have had experience with a variety of problem situations, some patterns will begin to emerge as students begin to recognize recurring themes, such as joining, part-part-whole, separating, comparing, equal groups, sharing, and measuring– the operation situations.

Click here or on the image above to grab a free copy of my “Analyze Word Problems with Operation Situations” chart. 
Want to know more? 
Head on over to The Routty Math Teacher website to read more about the dangers of keywords, the power of the operation situations, and strategies for how to help students visualize a word problem. Find it here!

FREE MATH LESSON – “Rounding Numbers – Playlist and Teaching Notes”

by Wisewire

4th Grade



Students explore standard 4.NBT.A.3 with this playlist. They will apply understanding of place-value in multi-digit numbers. Students will round multi-digit numbers to any place. Students also have the option to view instructional videos and complete practice quizzes or activities.

This product includes:
• 6 links to instructional videos or texts
• 8 links to practice quizzes or activities
• Definitions of key terms, such as target place and place value
• Visual examples of how to round using a number line
• An accompanying Teaching Notes file

The Teaching Notes file includes:
• A review of key terminology
• Links to additional practice quizzes or activities on certain parts of the standard, such as rounding multi-digit numbers
• Links to video tutorials for students struggling with certain parts of the standard, such as rounding numbers incorrectly when there is a 5 to the right of the target digit

Need more resources?
Round Decimals to Any Place – Playlist and Teaching Notes (FREE)

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Go to your My Purchases page (you may need to login). Beside each purchase you’ll see a Provide Feedback button that will take you to a page where you can rate and leave a brief comment. Each time you give feedback, TPT gives you feedback credits that you use to lower the cost of your future purchases. We greatly value your feedback to help us improve and create even more products.

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FREE MATH LESSON – “Valentine’s Day FREE”

by Teacher Tam

Pre-Kindergarten – 2nd Grade



FREE! Valentine’s Day Patterns and Skip Counting. Your littles will enjoy celebrating Valentine’s Day AND processing pattens and skip counting with this 5-page FREEBIE! It includes 2 pages of pattern coloring and 3 pages of skip counting. Students will color the Valentine’s Day items in patterns such as AB, AABB, ABC, and more. They will fill in the blanks to skip count by 2s, 5s, and 10s.







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Informative/Explanatory Writing Peer Editing Checklists CCSS Aligned for 3-5

Informative/Explanatory Writing Peer Editing Checklists CCSS Aligned for 3-5

The 4 peer editing checklists are very detailed (for a 3, 4, 5, & 7 paragraph essay) created for the progressing writer. Excellent for mixed or leveled classes to give students individualized instruction. Practical and easy to understand. Students will know what is expected of them and they will have opportunities to reflect on their work.

Included in this resource:
✓ How I Use This Resource
3, 4, 5, & 7 Paragraph:
✓ Peer Editing Checklist Half Page
✓ Peer Editing Checklist Full Page
✓ Terms of Use
✓ Graphics and Fonts Credit

Try part of the rubric/peer editing checklist bundle before you buy it right here…FREE Informative/Explanatory Writing Basic 3 Paragraph Rubric CCSS Aligned

*Checklists are created with variation to meet your classroom’s needs.
*Peer edits for students to share and learn from each other.
*It’s a very detailed checklist.
*For a 3, 4, 5, & 7 paragraph essay.
*Checklists are full & half page PDF format.
*Can print checklists front and back to save on paper.
*Practical and easy to understand for teachers and students.
*Great for mixed or leveled classes to give students individualized instruction.
*Add CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.3-5.6 by having students research the Internet and type up the essay to implement technology for a cross-curricular assignment.
*Add CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.3-5.7 & W.3-5.8 by having students conduct a research project by assigning a prompt. Have them gather relevant information through printed or digital sources. Be sure to have them add a bibliography.
*3-5th Grade Common Core Aligned.
*Can be used as enrichment for 2nd grade students.

The way I use this resource…
In writing, I scaffold and model information to my students. Each class is different and each year is different; therefore, I can’t do everything the same each time I teach the same subject. I start with the basic rubric and introduce 1-3 new concepts each essay. Once I introduce a concept, I hold students accountable for the concepts I taught. If it appears that the majority of the class does not understand the concept, I do not hold them accountable and I reteach the concept. I try not to stifle their creativity by focusing on spelling, capitalization, and punctuation during the first two terms of school depending on the class. I also can easily use the 6 traits of writing with the rubrics.

Additionally, depending on the class, I may start the school year off by requiring a 3 paragraph essay then work our way up to a 7 paragraph essay. Make sure you choose a topic that is relevant, relatable, and the reasons are researchable.

Next, I introduce the peer editing checklist. I have students pair up and exchange papers. I have clipboards students can use while they sit around the room for this activity. It’s important for you to model for the students how to peer edit. Many times students just want to be nice and not give feedback. However, this is a great opportunity for students to read each others essays and learn from each other. I try not to let the same students peer edit with each other every time in order for students to view a variety of styles over the school year.

Finally, you are able to print front and back! Then you can cut them in half to save on paper. For example, pages 4 and 5 are the same rubric. Simply print it from your computer or printer as two-sided. If this does not work for you, print the first rubric for a full page rubric.

Happy Teaching!


Teaching the Argument by Solving Mysteries


Teaching the Argument by Solving Mysteries


Product Description

Teaching the Argument by Solving Mysteries

This is a great introduction to any literature unit. It teaches students the proper approach to literary analysis, which can be used from grades 7 all the way to 12 in any levels of study.

This mini unit contains 8 lessons that teach students the proper way to form an argument. Many times students will use the right information, but they don’t quite know what to do with it. Through a series of crime scenes, students learn how to collect information (data), collect evidence, and explain how this evidence supports a logical conclusion, all while having fun. This unit teaches students skills that are needed in all literature units.
These lessons allow students to learn the importance of collecting data by taking careful notes, how to select only information that will help support a thesis (or a claim), and how to properly use the information by incorporating pertinent explanations to develop an irrefutable argument.

This is a fun way of learning the necessary skills for argumentation.
The unit contains:

A Student Guide with 12 pages of activities and notes
A Teacher Guide with 8 comprehensive lesson plans and activities
An answer Key with 13 pages of answers and sample texts to help model proper format for students
A downloadable Prezi Presentation introducing the argument and how to develop it.
An end unit evaluation with answer key and evaluation grid 6 pages
Material is available as both PDF and in Word format for easy modifications

Pages total 58 pages

You may also be interested in the following products: 

Thesis Writing Activity with PowerPoint Presentation

Teaching The Essay Package
Essay Evaluation Comments with Drop Down Boxes
Lord of the Flies Unit (No prep required)
Hamlet Unit (No prep – Complete Unit)
Death of a Salesman (No prep required)
Frankenstein (No prep – Complete Unit)
Poetry Unit for Senior Students (NO PREP)
Poetry Unit for Intermediate Students
Poetry Unit: The Art of Interpretation

It’s teaching made easy!


E-MAIL ME at [email protected] . Be sure to include your e-mail address and buyer’s name. I will send you an attachment directly to your e-mail address.

Total Pages
58 pages
Answer Key
Included with rubric
Teaching Duration
1 Week

FREE MISC. LESSON – “Valentine’s Day Reward Coupons”

by Lisa Frase

Kindergarten – 6th Grade



This file contains 12 different reward coupons for Valentine’s Day. Tuck a coupon in your student’s Valentines!

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The Three Paragraph Essay


The Three Paragraph Essay


Product Description

This is a great way to teach students how to structure their essay properly. 

The Three Paragraph Essay is a resource that is best used for novice essay writers. It is an excellent way to introduce the expository essay. The 2-page pdf document includes simple step-by-step instructions to teach students how to write an effective three paragraph essay.

I recommend using this material with students who are in grades 7-9. It is an efficient and simple way of learning how to write a proper introduction, a one paragraph development, and a conclusion that serves a purpose.

It’s teaching made easy!


E-MAIL ME at [email protected] . Be sure to include your e-mail address and buyer’s name. I will send you an attachment directly to your e-mail address.

You may also be interested in the following products: 

Thesis Writing Activity with PowerPoint Presentation

Teaching The Essay Package
Essay Evaluation Comments with Drop Down Boxes
Lord of the Flies Unit (No prep required)
Hamlet Unit (No prep – Complete Unit)
Death of a Salesman (No prep required)
Frankenstein (No prep – Complete Unit)
Poetry Unit for Senior Students (NO PREP)
Poetry Unit for Intermediate Students
Poetry Unit: The Art of Interpretation
Romeo and Juliet – A No Prep Unit

Total Pages
2 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Roll a Story : Valentine’s Day”

by Little Learner Toolbox

Kindergarten – 3rd Grade



Roll a Story is a great activity for engaging students and inspiring them to write! This a low prep activity will fill your students with creative ideas working individually or as part of a group. There are so many story possibilities decided with the roll of the die!

**Please consider leaving feedback if you like this product.**

Simply photocopy the sheets and provide a die (or several if you have several kids doing the activity) and you’re ready to go! It’s so easy to set up Roll a Story in your classroom!

This Roll A Story pack included two different options for each sheet, so you can choose what best suits the needs of your students.

This pack includes:
– Choose from A Roll Story Sheet with/without character pictures, or without.
– If your students are eager for an additional challenge there’s an ‘Extra Story Element’ they can roll and add to their story.
– Two different planning sheets are included (with and without the extra story element)
– And a sheet for writing the final story







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Editable City, State, Country, & Continent Travel Brochures-Checklists/Rubrics

Editable City, State, Country, & Continent Travel Brochures-Checklists/Rubrics

This is a NO PREP activity! Students gain and apply skills by working to create a travel brochure. There are EditableTrifold Brochures, Rubrics, & Checklists available to customize. There is a checklist (self eval & peer edit), template, and rubric for the city (capitals), state, country, continent, and template brochures. The graphic organizers, postcards, speech outline, or website homepage drawing can be added to enhance or for differentiated instruction.

Included in this resource:
✓How I Use This Resource
✓Editable City Checklist, Brochure, & Rubric
✓Editable State Checklist, Brochure, & Rubric
✓Editable Country Checklist, Brochure, & Rubric
✓Editable Continent Checklist, Brochure, & Rubric
✓Editable Template Checklist, Brochure, & Rubric
✓Postcards (12 choices)
✓Internet Homepage
✓Speech Outline
✓Peer Evaluations
✓Alternate Rubric
✓Key Words
✓Graphic Organizers
✓Terms of Use
✓Graphics and Fonts Credit

Clip art and backgrounds cannot be edited.

*Great for mixed or leveled classes to give students differentiated instruction.
*Requirements and guidelines are detailed and organized.
*Students know exactly what to research with the outline.
*Practical and easy to understand rubrics for teachers, parents, and students.
*Zip folder contains 2 PDFs, 2 PPT, & 2 PPTX.

The way I use it…
Students enjoy this project! This is a 1-2 week project. As I scaffold and model the information to my students, I have students write in the due dates on the checklist. I make this an at-school project and have students keep their brochure in a designated location.

Lastly, there are additional resources such as the checklist, postcards, key word list, or graphic organizers that are available to meet student needs. The homepage and speech are optional activities that you can use with your students.

Happy Teaching!


January Teacher Talk

Posted by Deann Marin of Socrates Lantern


It’s 2018. Time sure flies. WE have some great ideas for you in our January edition of Teacher Talk. So hurry on over to see what these creative educators are doing this month.
 If you’re interested in joining this unique group of teacher entrepreneurs, blogging buddies and/or our blog linky, sign up here….The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative. If you decide to join, be sure to mention one of our names.

Problem Students Got You Down? Begin the New Year Right, with These Discipline Tips

By Deann Marin of Socrates Lantern

Have you been struggling with Johnny or Sally since the beginning of the school year? Have you been racking your brain trying to come up with some creative ways to turn their unacceptable behavior around? Did you dread coming back to work in January? Well, I’ve been there and know exactly how you feel. If you said yes to any of these questions, I can give you a hand.

Lessons Learned With Miss Brooke

By Retta London of Rainbow City Learning

Musings on what I have learned from a long ago favorite teacher.


The Mini-Lesson: A Natural Scaffold For Struggling Learners
By Tracy Willis of Mossy Oak Musings

Would you rather attend a doctor’s appointment or your own autopsy? Mini-lesson structure helps teachers avoid an academic autopsy with end-of-unit assessments. It’s scaffolded instruction at its best


A How-To Guide on Writing Conferences
By Sally Hansen of Purposeful Plans

Just like when you scaffold and model the requirements for an essay in a mini-lesson, you do the same thing individually for each student through conferencing. Many students don’t need to hear the lessons you taught at the beginning of the school year. Conferencing will help you deliver differentiated instruction. Here are some tips of how you can implement writing conferences in your classroom.


The Five Best Reasons You Should Be Using Book Clubs as Part of Your Classroom Reading Program

By Marcy Howe of It’s a Teacher Thing

Book Clubs can be an essential tool for boosting rigor and engagement in your upper elementary or middle school classroom. Learn five reasons why you should consider Book Clubs as a regular part of your reading program.

What About Social Studies?
By Michelle Web of Teaching Ideas for Those who Love Teaching

Have Fun With Social Studies


Mentor Sentences – Teach It So They Remember It
By Alison Monk of the Literacy Garden

Effectively teach grammar skills in the context of authentic literature through the use of mentor sentences.


New Year, New Goals
By Kathie Yonemura of Tried and True Teaching Tools

 New Goals Happy New Year! The new year is always a great time to reflect back, set goals, and start fresh. Repurpose those NYE decorations for some fun health goal setting with your students!
Is Your Child Afraid of Going to the Doctor?
By Thia Triggs of Print Path

If your young child is fearful of going to the doctor, there are many things you can do to help them feel calmer and to prepare them for their next visit.

Sit back, relax and check out all the great advice  you’ll find on these blog posts from our seasoned educators.

Comprehension Questions and Answers for Lord of the Flies


Comprehension Questions and Answers for Lord of the Flies


Product Description

Comprehension /Questions for Lord of the Flies

These comprehension questions for students were devised to help them focus on the most important parts of the novel. In my experience, students hate answering these questions because there are usually so many of them and many of them aren’t even that important. In this document, there are questions for every chapter, but I’ve only included the most important ones to help students with character, symbol, and theme development. There are 50 questions in total.

Included is:

– Student question sheets (3 pages)
– Teacher’s answer sheets (9 pages)

See preview for more details.

This activity is also part of a larger Lord of the Flies unit:
Click here to preview the Lord of the Flies Unit (No prep required)

It’s teaching made easy!

E-MAIL ME at [email protected] . Be sure to include your e-mail address and buyer’s name. I will send you an attachment directly to your e-mail address.


Total Pages
13 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration


by The Lab

7th – 12th Grade



Perfect for Back to School. Let’s get organized!

Colorful forms to use while preparing for labs.
Includes 5 different colors and 1 B&W version. I use different colors for my different classes. Keep them on a mini clipboard for easy access.
How to get TPT credit to use on future purchases:

* Please go to your My Purchases page (you may need to login).
* Beside each purchase you’ll see a Provide Feedback button.
*Simply click it and you will be taken to a page where you can give a quick rating and leave a short comment for the product.

Each time you give feedback, TPT gives you feedback credits that you use to lower the cost of your future purchases. I value your
feedback greatly as it helps me determine which products are most valuable for your classroom so I can create more for you. ☺

Be the first to know about my new discounts, freebies and product launches:
* Look for the green star next to my store logo and click it to become a follower.

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FREE LESSONS & PRICED LESSONS – The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs

Click on the links below to see the free lessons, priced lessons, sales, promotions, and articles by the best teacher entrepreneurs on the Internet!

The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative


The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs
  1. FREE MATH LESSON – “Skip Counting by 2’s”
  2. FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Editable Word Work Me…
  3. FREE MISC. LESSON – “SMARTBoard Attendance File: W…
  4. FREE MATH LESSON – Converting and Simplifying Frac…
  5. PARCC Prep Grades 3-5
  6. FREE MISC. LESSON – “Voice Levels FREEBIE”
  7. Wednesday Weekly 5 Under $5 – 12/27/17
  8. FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Free Speaking and Lis…
  9. FREE MISC. LESSON – “Martin Luther King Jr. Poster…
  10. FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Free Paperless Journa…
  11. PARCC Prep Grades 3-5
  12. FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Speech Therapy Plans!…
  13. FREE MISC. LESSON – “New Year Conversation Starter…
  14. FREE MISC. LESSON – “Graphics: Scriptures related …
  15. Congratulations to the Winners of the THREE $100 G…
  16. FREE MATH LESSON – “Canadian Piggy Bank Freebie fo…
  17. Wednesday Weekly 5 Under $5 – 12/20/17
  18. FREE MISC. LESSON – “New Year Color By Number FREE…
  19. Introducing Teacher Talk’s Featured Author for Dec…
  20. FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Winter Holidays Flip …
  21. FREE MATH LESSON – “Hundreds Chart Art”
  22. PARCC Math Prep Grades 3-5
The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs II
  1. Fraction Task Cards ( BUNDLE of Comparing Fraction…
  2. FREE MATH LESSON – “FREEBIE Write To Explain Math …
  3. Fraction Task Cards (Parts of a Set) Winter
  4. FREE MISC. LESSON – “Adding Backgrounds and Frames…
  5. Multiplication Bump Games -2’s to 12’s (Winter the…
  6. FREE MATH LESSON – “FREEBIE First Grade Oklahoma A…
  7. 3 Digit Addition WITH Regrouping (24 Task cards)-F…
  8. FREE MATH LESSON – “Magic Math: Subtracting with 0…
  9. 2nd Grade Monthly Math GROWING Bundle (year-long!)…
  10. FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Writing Paper Freebie…
  11. Wednesday Weekly 5 Under $5 – 12/27/17
  12. Best FREE and Paid Resources for January!
  13. FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Check For Understandi…
  14. FREE MISC. LESSON – “Basket Weave Digital Papers (…
  15. FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Jan Richardson’s Sigh…
  16. FREE MISC. LESSON – “Reminder Cards for Gym Shoes …
  17. Sound Reference Desk Charts
  18. FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Picture Writing Promp…
  19. Two-Digit Addition and Subtraction Task Cards Bund…
  20. FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “New Year Interview”
  21. Gingerbread House- Roll, Draw, Write Activity
  22. Sound Cards – Easily identify, and use vowels, dig…
  23. FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Color By Letter Blend…
  24. Wednesday Weekly 5 Under $5 – 12/20/17
  25. Three-Digit Addition and Subtraction Task Cards Bu…
  26. FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Movie Handouts for th…
  27. Introducing Teacher Talk’s Featured Author…Deann…
  28. Two-Digit Addition and Subtraction Task Cards Bund…
  29. FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Graduated Cylinders & Displ…
  30. Pattern Task Cards (Christmas theme) FREE
  31. FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Paired Poetry Lesson,…
The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs III
  1. FREE MISC. LESSON – “Colored Snowflake Clipart Set…
  2. FREE MATH LESSON – “Rounding Games”
  3. FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Sentence Building Wor…
  4. FREE MATH LESSON – “Telling Time Freebie”
  5. FREE MISC. LESSON – “Chocolate Jesse y Joy Cloze A…
  6. Wednesday Weekly 5 Under $5 – 12/27/17
  8. FREE MATH LESSON – “Kindergarten Winter Olympics M…
  9. FREE MISC. LESSON – “FREE Digital Papers: Polka Do…
  10. FREE SOCIAL STUDIES LESSON – “Texas Symbols Clip A…
  11. FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “The Veldt Anticipatio…
  12. FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Reading Strategy Post…
  13. FREE MISC. LESSON – “Clip Art Freebie – Happy New …
  14. Wednesday Weekly 5 Under $5 – 12/20/17
  15. FREE MISC. LESSON – “PK/Kindergarten Homework Cale…
  16. Introducing Teacher Talk’s Featured Author…Deann…
  17. FREE MISC. LESSON – “Making New Year’s Resolutions…
  18. FREE MISC. LESSON – “FREE Math and Literacy Activi…
The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs IV


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Country Research Project 6-8 CCSS Aligned with Differentiated Options

Country Research Project 6-8 CCSS Aligned with Differentiated Options

This is a NO PREP project! Students gain and apply skills by working on a long project. They complete an in-depth inquiry into a specific topic. Students love the choice option! Students can write a 7 paragraph research report or the graphic organizer can be used in place of the report for differentiated instruction.

*6-8th Grade Common Core Aligned.
*You can choose with and without Common Core State Standards on your requirements page.
*There are reference choices for the MLA, APA, and CMS formats.
*There are representation/dress up/artifact, tri-fold, and float versions as options for this project.
*Great for mixed or leveled classes to give students differentiated instruction.
*Requirements and guidelines are detailed and organized.
*Students know exactly what to research with the outline.
*Students will write a 7 paragraph research report.
*Gives students a choice for their artifact.
*Practical and easy to understand rubrics for teachers, parents, and students.
*Permission slip to inform parents.
*Easy scoring on a 10 points each category out of 100 points for the rubrics. Or the rubric totals up to 100 points.
*Zip folder contains 3 PDFs and 1 PowerPoint.
*Aligned with Common Core State Standards.ELA-LITERACY.WHST.6-8.2, WHST.6-8.4,WHST.6-8.5,WHST.6-8.6,WHST.6-8.7,WHST.6-8.8,WHST.6-8.9, SL.6-8.4,SL.6-8.5,SL.6-8.6, RH.6-8.1,RH.6-8.7,RH.6-8.8,RH.6-8.9, W.6-8.2, W.6-8.7,W.6-8.8

The way I use it…
Students enjoy this project! This is a 2-3 month project. Each class is different and each year is different; therefore, I can’t do everything the same each time I teach the same subject. I give each student a three pronged folder with the packet inside. As I scaffold and model the information to my students,

Additionally, for the modified Country Project, choose what you need to use from the selection. All the resources in the PDF are not duplicates. They are additional resources or have been modified to meet student needs.

Happy Teaching!


Senior Language Arts Learning Goals Posters


Senior Language Arts Learning Goals Posters


Product Description
Senior Language Arts Learning Goals Poster

Learning goals are important for our students’ education and learning. When we have a goal in mind when teaching, everything else serves a specific purpose, and everything seems to fall into place. As teachers, we are asked to display these learning goals in our classroom, but for me, this wasn’t possible.

With 30 plus students in my class, I didn’t have time to write my learning goals on chart paper or display them on the board. Hmmm… what’s a girl to do?

I created these posters to make my life, as well as yours, easier. This bundle offers ALL of the senior, (grade 12) goals and is in line with the Common Core as well as the Canadian curriculums.

The bundle includes: 

A 14-page checklist of all of the learning goals, which can help the teacher keep track of what’s been covered and what hasn’t.

55 Learning Goal posters (8×11) that can easily be posted on the bulletin board or the chalkboard at the front of the class.

These posters allow students to track learn the focus of the lesson.

Three strands are covered: (with the focus of each poster clearly indicated) 
1) Reading and Interpretation
2) Writing and Representation
3) Oral and Oral-Visual Communication

It’s teaching made easy!

You may also be interested in the following products: 

Thesis Writing Activity with PowerPoint Presentation

Teaching The Essay Package
Essay Evaluation Comments with Drop Down Boxes
Lord of the Flies Unit (No prep required)
Hamlet Unit (No prep – Complete Unit)
Death of a Salesman (No prep required)
Frankenstein (No prep – Complete Unit)
Poetry Unit for Senior Students (NO PREP)
Poetry Unit for Intermediate Students
Poetry Unit: The Art of Interpretation


E-MAIL ME at [email protected]. Be sure to include your e-mail address and buyer’s name. I will send you an attachment directly to your e-mail address.

Total Pages
64 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration

FREE SOCIAL STUDIES LESSON – “The Doctor with an Eye for Eyes Patricia Bath Book Activity”

by My Happy Place

Kindergarten – 2nd Grade



This follow-up activity to Julia Finley Mosca’s The Doctor with an Eye for Eyes: The Story of Dr. Patricia Bath, allows students to reflect on the life of Patricia Bath while making text-to-self connections. With the included worksheet, students draw and write about a time that they showed perseverance.

This activity is best completed after a class discussion about Dr. Bath and the obstacles she faced growing up and entering into her career. The worksheet is included with two different line styles/sizes. Choose the page that will work best for your students. Additional lined pages are included if you wish to have children write more than will fit on the worksheet.

About the Book

The Doctor with an Eye for Eyes: The Story of Dr. Patricia Bath Is a picture book biography of Dr. Patricia Bath. The illustrations that accompany the rhyming text support the story and add details to enhance understanding. The book also includes additional biographical information for teachers at the end, as well as a timeline of Patricia Bath’s life.

Book images created by Daniel Rieley are used with permission from The Innovation Press.

Click here to see more resources to support books from The Innovation Press.

If you have any questions, you can use the “Ask a Question” feature on my store page or email me at [email protected].

I would love to have you as a follower! Click the green star to be the first to know about new products and freebies!  

Thank you for shopping!
Susan Jennings (My Happy Place)







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Free Guide: Developing Themes in Literature


Developing Themes in Literature


Product Description
This handout has been created to help both teachers and students learn how to develop themes in literature properly. This can be such an abstract concept for some students. Hopefully, this FREE handout will demystify theme development.

This handout includes step by step instructions on how to develop a theme in paragraph form.

I hope you enjoy it!

It’s teaching made easy!

You may also be interested in the following products: 

Thesis Writing Activity with PowerPoint Presentation

Teaching The Essay Package
Essay Evaluation Comments with Drop Down Boxes
Lord of the Flies Unit (No prep required)
Hamlet Unit (No prep – Complete Unit)
Death of a Salesman (No prep required)
Frankenstein (No prep – Complete Unit)
Poetry Unit for Senior Students (NO PREP)
Poetry Unit for Intermediate Students
Poetry Unit: The Art of Interpretation
Romeo and Juliet – A No Prep Unit

Total Pages
1 page
Answer Key
Teaching Duration

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Writing – “Just Say, ‘NO!’ to Dull Writing””

by Connie

6th – 12th Grade



This year-long,”Just Say, ‘NO!’ to Dull Writing” activity has always been one of my star middle and high school lesson plans. On the first day of school, I handed out to my students right after we reviewed the syllabus and classroom rules and expectations.

I explained to the students that they were required to refer to it for any writing-graded or non-graded. Also, I made a poster of it to hang in the classroom and I taped a copy of the list to each desk for continual writing reinforcement.

Although it is a integral part of ‘Chapter 2 – The Foundation’ in my teacher resource book, “The House of Comprehension,” I offer it in my TpT store for FREE. The Taboo Words and Phrases list and coordinating lessons are crucial for empowering students to write clear, specific sentences instead of those with meaningless word choices and weak structures.

Here are some suggestions for using this product:

1. The first day of school, hand out the Taboo Words & Phrases sheet to every student. Explain that they are to refer to it every time that they revise a draft of an essay, an original poem or fiction piece, or a narrative article. Mention that even if they only revise for these particular words and phrases, their writing will dramatically improve.
2. Discuss that
– when they use these weak and clichéd words and phrases, their writing is vague, emotionless, and tells instead of shows.
– no matter what type of writing they are composing, students should strive to create word pictures;
– their writing must show, not tell, and to do this they must use concrete, specific nouns and adjectives.
– Verbs form the backbone of writing, and should always show action as well as the emotion of the subject performing the action.
3. Write some sentences on the board that use these weak words and phrases, and have students revise them for strength and clarity.
4. Repeat this information over and over to the students and address it on their final drafts.

The Taboo Words & Phrases List also works as a poster to hang in the classroom. For a poster, add the following information:

Effective Writing:
-Shows instead of tells
-Creates word pictures
-Uses concrete, specific nouns and adjectives
-Forms strong sentences-writing’s backbone- with verbs that show action and emotion

The other day, a former student who is now a senior in college asked me to send it to her. On my Facebook Profile page she said, “Mrs. C- I am tutoring at CNU’s writing center and have to do a presentation on making writing “concise and precise.” Could you send me a copy of your taboo words list please? It’s been and will continue to be the best advice on writing well that I’ve found ” (Olga S).

When this Taboo Words and Phrases list impacts your students’ thinking and writing, it will become a lifelong tool just as it did for Olga.

Note: for another FREEBIE that is a part of “The House of Comprehension’s” ‘Chapter 2 – The Foundation,’ try my Primary Freebie-

Here is the link to the complete resource, “The House of Comprehension” –
EBook – “The House of Comprehension”

Enjoy a Teach It Now Day,

Follower Advantage
For an automatic Heads-Up! email about Updated and New products, and also for Sales and other promotions, please click on the Follow Me star under my Store name, Connie.







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Wax Museum Biography Research 3-5 CCSS Aligned with Differentiated Options

Engaging and ready-to-go project that provides excellent support to the history, writing, and literacy curriculum to engage students and motivate students for learning. Tie in black history / women’s history month, President’s Day, or created your theme for this wax museum. Students can write a 5 paragraph research report or the graphic organizer can be used in place of the report for differentiated instruction. Choose what you want and then print!

<strong>***UPDATED July 2017***</strong>
✓ Updated some new backgrounds and frames
✓ Added an EDITABLE packet cover and rubric
Clip art and background cannot be edited.

There are 6th-8th and 9th-12th versions available!
<a href=”″>Wax Museum Biography Research 6-8 CCSS Aligned with Differentiated Options</a>
<a href=”″>Wax Museum Biography Research 9-12 CCSS Aligned with Differentiated Options</a>

<strong>Included in this resource:</strong>
✓How I Use This Resource
<strong>Wax Museum Student Choice Version: Scene Backdrop/Character Representation/PowerPoint/Tri-fold</strong>
✓Packet Cover
✓Requirements Pg. 1 (with CCSS Listed)
✓Requirements Pg. 1 (without CCSS Listed)
✓Requirements Pg. 2
✓Requirements Pg. 3
✓Requirements Pg. 4 &amp; Parent Signature Form
✓Key Word List
✓Graphic Organizers
✓Character Research Outline
✓Last Outline Page with MLA Works Cited Examples
✓Last Outline Page with APA Reference Examples
✓Last Outline Page with CMS Bibliography Examples
✓Character’s Internet Homepage
✓Speech Outline
✓Peer Evaluations
✓Character Research Report Rubric/Wax Museum Rubric
✓Wax Museum Scene Backdrop/Character Representation/ PowerPoint/Tri-fold Rubrics
✓Alternate Rubric 1
✓Alternate Rubric 2
✓Alternate Rubric 3
✓Student Choice Vote
<strong>Optional Scene Backdrop Version Replacement Pages:</strong>
✓Packet Cover
✓Requirements Pg. 1 (with CCSS Listed) (Same as Page 5)
✓Requirements Pg. 1 (without CCSS Listed) (Same as Page 6)
✓Requirements Pg. 2 (Pages 2 &amp; 3 were combined)
✓Requirements Pg. 4 &amp; Parent Signature Form (Same as Page 9)
✓Character Research Report Rubric/Wax Museum Rubric
✓Wax Museum Scene Backdrop Rubric
✓Student Choice Vote
✓Alternate Rubric 2
<strong>Optional Tri-fold or PPT Version Replacement Pages:</strong>
✓Packet Cover
✓Requirements Pg. 1 (with CCSS Listed) (Same as Page 5)
✓Requirements Pg. 1 (without CCSS Listed) (Same as Page 6)
✓Requirements Pg. 2 (Pages 2 &amp; 3 were combined)
✓Requirements Pg. 4 &amp; Parent Signature Form (Same as Page 9)
✓Character Research Report Rubric/Wax Museum Rubric
✓Wax Museum Tri-fold/PowerPoint Rubric
✓Student Choice Vote
✓Alternate Rubric 2 for Tri-fold
✓Alternate Rubric 2 for PPT
<strong>Differentiated for Diverse Learners Students Choice Version Additional/Replacement Pages:</strong>
✓Packet Cover
✓Requirements Pg. 1 (with CCSS Listed
✓Requirements Pg. 1 (without CCSS Listed)
✓Requirements Pg. 2 (Same as Page 7)
✓Requirements Pg. 3 (Same as Page 8)
✓Requirements Pg. 4 &amp; Parent Signature Form
✓Character Graphic Organizer Page 1
✓Character Graphic Organizer with Rubric Page 2
<strong>Differentiated Optional Scene Backdrop Version Replacement Pages:</strong>
✓Packet Cover
✓Requirements Pg. 1 (with CCSS Listed)
✓Requirements Pg. 1 (without CCSS Listed)
✓Requirements Pg. 2 (Pages 2 &amp; 3 were combined) (Same as Page 41)
✓Requirements Pg. 4 &amp; Parent Signature Form
✓Character Graphic Organizer Page 1 (Same as Page 53)
✓Character Graphic Organizer with Rubric Page 2
<strong>Differentiated Optional Tri-fold or PPT Version Replacement Pages:</strong>
✓Packet Cover
✓Requirements Pg. 1 (with CCSS Listed)
✓Requirements Pg. 1 (without CCSS Listed)
✓Requirements Pg. 2 (Pages 2 &amp; 3 were combined) (Same as Page 32)
✓Requirements Pg. 4 &amp; Parent Signature Form
✓Character Graphic Organizer Page 1 (Same as Page 53)
✓Character Graphic Organizer with Rubric Page 2
✓Optional Brainstorming Webs
✓Optional Informative/Explanatory Graphic Organizers
✓Terms of Use
✓Graphics and Fonts Credit
<strong>Primary and Secondary Sources PowerPoint</strong>
✓5 pages of <strong> Editable </strong> definitions, examples, and a question slide
<strong>Teaching Picture Examples</strong>
✓Larger pictures of the character/person representation

*3-5th Grade Common Core Aligned.
*You can choose with or without Common Core State Standards on your requirements page.
*There are reference choices for MLA, APA, and CMS formats.
*There are <strong> student choice, scene backdrop, and tri-fold versions</strong> as options for this project.
*Great for mixed or leveled classes to give students differentiated instruction.
*Requirements and guidelines are detailed and organized.
*Students know exactly what to research with the outline.
*Students will write a 5 paragraph research report.
*Gives students a choice for their character representation.
*Practical and easy to understand rubrics for teachers, parents, and students.
*Permission slip to inform parents.
*Easy scoring on a 10 points each category out of 100 points for the rubrics. Or the rubric totals up to 100 points.
*Zip folder contains 2 PDFs and 1 PowerPoint.
*Aligned with Common Core State Standards.ELA-LITERACY.SL.3-5.4,SL.3-5.5,SL.3-5.6, W3-5.2, W.3-5.7,W.3-5.8

<strong>The way I use it…</strong>
Students enjoy this project! This is a 2-3 month project. Each class is different and each year is different; therefore, I can’t do everything the same each time I teach the same subject. I give each student a three pronged folder with the packet inside. As I scaffold and model the information to my students, I have students write in the due dates. I make this an at-school project and have students keep their research folder in a designated location. Also, you can choose themes for your project such as children’s authors, presidents, Native Americans, American Revolution historical figures, American heroes, African Americans, famous people/Americans, scientists/inventors, composers, or historical figures from your state. The choice is yours!

I decided to keep the requirement pages for the variations/differentiation choices grouped together in each category. I thought this would be less confusing for the teacher when deciding what to print out for his or her students. It will state “Same as page #” next to the page description in the table of contents.

Happy Teaching!

<strong>Try my FREE Downloads!</strong>
<a href=”″>FREE Argumentative Basic Rubric ~ For 7 paragraph essay with student self-assessment</a>
<a href=”″>Planner in Excel </a>
<a href=”″>Ancient History Museum Websites and Figure List</a>

<strong>You may also be interest in these 3-5 grade projects:</strong>
<a href=”″>Country Research Project 3-5 CCSS Aligned with Differentiated Options</a>
<a href=”″>Ancient History Wax Museum 3-5 CCSS Aligned with Differentiated Options</a>
<a href=”″>State Research Project 3-5 CCSS Aligned with Differentiated Options</a>

<strong>You may also be interest in these 6-8 grade projects:</strong>
<a href=”″>Wax Museum Biography Research 6-8 CCSS Aligned with Differentiated Options</a>
<a href=”″>Country Research Project 6-8 CCSS Aligned with Differentiated Options</a>
<a href=”″>Ancient History Wax Museum 6-8 CCSS Aligned with Differentiated Options</a>
<a href=”″>State Research Project 6-8 CCSS Aligned with Differentiated Options</a>

<strong>You may also be interest in these 9-12 grade projects:</strong>
<a href=”″>Wax Museum Biography Research 9-12 CCSS Aligned with Differentiated Options</a>
<a href=”″>Country Research Project 9-12 CCSS Aligned with Rubrics and Differentiation</a>
<a href=”″>Ancient History Wax Museum 9-12 CCSS Aligned with Differentiated Options</a>
<a href=”″>State Research Project 9-12 CCSS Aligned with Rubrics and Differentiation</a>

<strong>You may also be interest in this short project:</strong>
<a href=”″>Editable City, State, Country, &amp; Continent Travel Brochures-Checklists/Rubrics</a>

<strong>You may also be interest in these products:</strong>
<a href=”″>Peer Editing for Argumentative Essay Checklist CCSS Aligned</a>
<a href=”″>Argumentative Basic &amp; Advanced Rubrics and Outline CCSS Aligned</a>
<a href=”″>Argumentative CCSS Aligned Bundle</a>
<a href=”″>Informative/Explanatory Peer Editing Checklist CCSS Aligned</a>
<a href=”″>Informative/Explanatory CCSS Aligned Bundle</a>
<a href=”″>Ancient History Digital Museum CCSS Aligned</a>
<a href=”″>Country Research Project CCSS Aligned</a>

<strong>Check out my other products:</strong>
<a href=””>My Store</a>

<strong>Connect with me at:</strong>
<a href=””>My Blog</a>
Be sure to follow me on <a href=””>Facebook</a> for exclusive FREEBIES!
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<strong>Contact me at: </strong>
For feedback or questions about my products, please e-mail me at [email protected]

Essay Evaluation Comments with Drop Down Boxes


Essay Evaluation Comments with Drop Down Boxes


Product Description

Please note that this document does not work with a Mac computer.

Automated Comment Generator for THE ESSAY

This document has been created to help teachers evaluate students’ essays quickly and efficiently while including as many detailed comments as possible. It is created in a Microsoft Word document so that you can easily modify it to suit your particular classroom needs. (You also have the option to copy and paste the entire page, or certain elements.) The document is completely modifiable, even the comments. The “grunt work” has been done for you.

This quickens the evaluation process and will help the teacher to write down information more quickly. This particular document has been embedded with drop down boxes with comments on: persuasion, information presented, analysis, style, structure, communication, sources and format.

Take a look at the preview for a better idea of what this product can do for you.

You may also be interested in:

Speech Evaluation with drop down boxes
FREEGroup Work Comment Sheet with Drop Down Boxes

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
1 page
Answer Key
Teaching Duration

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “FREE Flip-N-Say Artic Practice for ~V~ in all word positions FUN & FREE”

by Miss Chris’s Peech Room

Kindergarten – 2nd Grade



Here is a free sample from my newest resource, Flip-N-Say for Articulation Practice.

This specific activity focuses on /v/ in all word positions

First you cut along the dotted lines then staple the two pages together. You then fold the parts down that you cut and that is where your pictures will be hiding








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Hamlet Guess Who? Game


Hamlet Guess Who? Game


Product Description

Guess Who? Game for Hamlet is a great way to familiarize students with characters. Included is a game card, the characters cards to cut out, and an instruction sheet. See preview for more details.

The fun thing about this game is that the game changes as the reading progresses. It’s a great way for students to learn characterization and have fun at the same time.

Spice up your Hamlet unit and incorporate a fun and meaningful activity. 

This activity is part of a larger unit:
Hamlet Unit (No prep – Complete Unit)

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
4 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration



FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Second Grade Fry Word Flashcards #151-300”

by Happy Days in First Grade

2nd Grade



Use these flashcards to help your students quickly learn their high frequency words. These are best printed on cardstock and can easily be used during whole group, small groups, and tutorials. These can also be sent home to provide addition practice at home. They are ready to be printed, cut out, and used.







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Valentine Notes for Students FREEBIE

Valentine Notes for Students FREEBIE

Valentine Notes from the teacher to students! The first set of hearts are to give for all students with or without a gift. The second set of hearts for the students who give a gift. As an option, you can put your student’s name at the top and your name on the bottom.

You may be interested in the Birthday Certificates and Brag Tags for Students
You also may be interested in the Thank-You Notes for Students, Parents, and Co-Workers
Check out my End of the Year Bookmarks FREEBIE at…End of the Year Bookmarks FREEBIE

Included in this resource:
✓ Themed Notes (Valentines): Teacher to Students

Check out my blog at Purposeful Plans for more conferencing tips!

Happy Teaching!

Teaching the Essay Package


Teaching the Essay Package


Product Description


The Teaching the Essay package has been devised as a resource to help guide students develop their essay writing skills. This comprehensive package includes details on how to structure an essay as well as how to develop arguments. This visually attractive handout contains practical examples and guides students with revision questions to keep them on track.

The package focuses on: (Package contains 13 pages)

– Format (Introduction – thesis, development, conclusion)
– Developing arguments
– Tips for writing
– Practical examples
– Quote insertion and selection
– Comprehensive transitions list
– How to analyse
– Paragraphing and how to format arguments within the paragraphs
– Style and flow (transitions)
– Revision questions
– Practical essay analogy
– Strategies in writing

I have been using and revising this document for over 10 years and it has proved to be a most useful tool for teaching the essay.
It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
13 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration

FREE MISC. LESSON – “FREE Sizes Adapted Work Binder – Small, Medium, Large”

by Mrs Ds Corner

Pre-Kindergarten – 2nd Grade



FREE * Functional, differentiated skill work to practice identifying sizes: small, medium, large.

What is included?
• one differentiated skill set for identifying, sorting, and sequencing sizes (small, medium, large)

…for more answer pieces and color workpages, you will love my #1 TPT Best Seller: Morning Adapted Work Binder

How do I use this? How do I put this together?
Watch THIS VIDEO to see how to put an adapted work binder together, and get ideas on how to use an adapted work binder in your classroom.


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• Newsletter • Blog • Facebook • Instagram • Pinterest •

Don’t forget about the green ★ to follow my store to get notifications of new resources and freebies!

Thanks for Looking and Happy Teaching!







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Writing Conference Guide and Forms

With over 20 compliments and 15 improvement suggestions, the conference card will help guide what to say during a writing conference with your students! Just like when you scaffold and model the requirements for an essay in a mini-lesson, you do the same thing individually for each student through conferencing. Conferencing will help you deliver differentiated instruction. 

Included in this resource:

✓ How I Use This Resource

✓ Conference Card has

✓ Can Add Information to Blank Conference Card

✓ Meeting Schedule

✓ EDITABLE Tracker

✓ Student Anecdotal Notes

✓ Teacher Anecdotal Notes

✓ Skill Reteach Form

✓ EDITABLE Conference Data

✓ Terms of Use

✓ You Might Also Enjoy…

✓ Graphics and Fonts Credit


Clip art and background cannot be edited.  

The way I use this resource…

In writing, I scaffold and model information to my students. Each class is different and each year is different; therefore, I can’t do everything the same each time I teach the same subject. I start with the basic rubric and introduce 1-3 new concepts each essay. Once I introduce a concept, I hold students accountable for the concepts I taught. If it appears that the majority of the class does not understand the concept, I do not hold them accountable and I reteach the concept. I try not to stifle their creativity by focusing on spelling, capitalization, and punctuation during the first two terms of school depending on the class. I also can easily use the 6 traits of writing with the rubrics. Make sure a topic that is relevant, relatable, and the reasons are researchable is chosen.

You can either laminate and reuse the conference card (quick guide) or cut them out and highlight/circle the remarks choice and staple to each student’s paper. The list can go on and on with the improvement suggestion list. There is an empty column that you can write in your most commonly used suggestions for your students.  

There are meeting schedule sheet/tracker, student anecdotal notes, teacher anecdotal notes, and a skill reteach form. The writing data and conference meeting trackers are editable. With the conference meeting tracker, you can write in check marks to make sure you met with all of your students.

Check out my blog at Purposeful Plans for more conferencing tips!

Happy Teaching! 




Tone in poetry – Robert Frost


Tone in poetry - Robert Frost


Product Description

Lesson on tone in poetry

This mini bundle includes Robert Frost’s poem “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” and has a focus on the importance of tone.

The mini bundle includes:
– a detailed lesson plan for the teacher
– student notes (the poems) and activity
– an annotated copy of the poems as well as a comprehensive answer key.

The entire unit contains 5 pages.

This lesson is part of a more comprehensive bundle:
Click here to check out my Poetry Unit for Senior Students

I hope you enjoy your purchase!

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
5 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration
1 hour



FREE SOCIAL STUDIES LESSON – “Apartheid and Segregation”

by Unitedtoteach

6th – 12th Grade



These civil rights battles occurred on two different continents, yet they have many similarities. While one civil rights battle occurred under “apartheid” in South Africa, another civil rights battle occurred under “segregation” in the United States. In this activity, students use their book and internet research skills to find out the similarities and histories behind the civil rights battles that took place on two separate continents. How were people’s voting, speech, housing, education and transportation rights infringed? Have rights been improved in recent years? Students answer these questions through this activity. While there is an “answer key” included, answers will vary.







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Poetry Unit : The Art of Interpretation No Prep


Poetry Unit : The Art of Interpretation   No Prep


Product Description
Poetry: The Art of Interpretation – is designed to teach students how to interpret, appreciate, and analyze poetry.

There are nine complete lessons (estimated to last approximately 60 minutes), therefore two weeks of lessons.

This complete, no prep unit is a great way to start! This unit includes a student guide, 9 detailed lesson plans, 2 multimedia presentations (no internet connection required), a detailed answer key with annotated poems and answers, and an end of the unit evaluation with rubric, and answer key.

Just print it and teach it.

Poetry is a very subjective form of art. Some poems you love and others, you hate. What we need to realize is that this is the beauty of poetry. Poetry is not a mystery to be solved. Rather, it is the masterful manipulation of language that has the power to transform the ordinary and to immerse its reader into the world created by the author.

This unit incorporates art to help students understand and appreciate the beauty within words. Also, students will learn how to analyze themes in poetry through paintings and art work.

This HUGE bundle includes:

Each lesson focuses on a different skill set including:
– Knowledge and manipulation of figurative and poetic language
– How to read and understand (appreciate) poetry
– How to analyse poetry
– How to annotate poetry
– How to paraphrase effectively
– How to use symbols
– How to effectively develop themes from poetry
– Creative writing
– Creative activities to learn how to analyse

The unit includes a student packet (20 pages), a teacher packet (with nine complete lessons), and a comprehensive answer key with annotations to the poem (with 17 pages). See the preview for more details.

Poets studied include: (8 poems total)
– Billy Collins – “Introduction to Poetry”
– Anne Marriott – “As You Come in”
– Phyllis Gotlieb – “First Person Demonstrative”
– Edgar Allan Poe – The Raven
– Robert Frost – “Nothing Gold can Stay.”
– John Crowe Ransom -“Janet Waking”
– Woodruff – “I am a Poem that Tells a Lie.”
– Tennyson – “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”

The unit also includes: 

1 – The teacher guide (Contains nine comprehensive lesson plans to teach the poems included in the unit. EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO TEACH THIS UNIT HAS BEEN DONE FOR YOU. )

2 – The student package (Contains students’ notes, poems, and questions) (20 pages)

3 – The answer key includes annotated poems and answers to all student activities (saving you time – 18 pages).

4 – Included is a test with multiple choice questions as well as a development question. All answers are included. (Word format for easy changes)

5 – 2 PowerPoint presentations – one multimedia presentation to introduce the unit (17 slides) and the second to reinforce the use of imagery and symbolism (19 slides) – NO INTERNET CONNECTION REQUIRED

6 – Images to project or print

7- An end of the unit creative evaluation, which includes clear and concise directions and rubric. (In a Word document for easy modifications)

– An interactive multimedia Jeopardy game to review figurative language and poetic devices (PowerPoint – no internet required)

– A multi media PowerPoint on how to read and interpret poetry

– A PowerPoint presentation on how to understand symbols and imagery in literature (19 slides)

– A final culminating evaluation with evaluation rubric (left in Word format for easily made modifications)

The unit has been created in such a way as to simplify the teacher’s life. Photocopy the three packages included and don’t worry about it for the rest of the unit. You literally can begin teaching it without any other preparation.

A total of 43 pages + 64 slides are included in this package.

This unit is complete and does all of the thinking for you. All you need to do is to print out and photocopy the student package, and you’re set.

Other poetry units you may enjoy:

Total Pages
43 pages and 64 slides
Answer Key
Included with rubric
Teaching Duration
2 Weeks