FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Freebie – Carrot Comparisons – Comparing Texts”
by Ripper Reading Resources
3rd – 5th Grade

This is a freebie I put together to thank my followers on my new blog: and FB page
You are welcome to download it, but I would ask that if you are not already a follower, that you become one, as I will be regularly sharing freebies with my followers and not always via TPT.
I put together this resource to use with the two companion texts: “Creepy Carrots” and “Muncha! Muncha! Muncha!” I find that students can make text-to-self connections quite easily, but need scaffolding and support sometimes to make text-to-text connections. These venn diagrams are designed to support the students to make text-to-text connections.
You may also like to check out my “Creepy Carrots” resource
I had a lot of fun creating it 🙂
This resource is for personal/classroom use only and is not to be distributed further. Multiple licenses are now available at TpT for half price. No sharing of this product is permitted through internet groups/blogs, offline groups, school district or regional websites/servers,discussion lists, school websites/servers, or personal websites.
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