Daily Archives: December 9, 2020

Figurative Language and Poetic Devices Jeopardy Game


Are you looking for a new way of introducing poetic devices in your class? This PowerPoint document is a great way to review poetic terms or to help students learn them.

I play this game from grade 9 to grade 12 and all of the students love them.

Directions on how to play the game are also included.

You may also be interested in the following products:

Creating a Board Game Assessment Tool

I Have, Who Has? Game for Teaching Figurative Language & Poetry

Parts of Speech Grammar Circles

Superhero Themed Parts of Speech Posters

Spelling Flip Book

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
28 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration

FREE MATH LESSON – “Number Lines”

by Little Achievers
Kindergarten – 3rd Grade

Number Lines 0 to 10 and 0 to 20 (Common Core Tool).
Commercial Use OK..

Please feel free to leave a feedback 🙂

Please click here to check “Number Line Worksheets”


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