Daily Archives: July 18, 2021

Building Suspense in Creative Writing


In creative writing, the only thing that will keep the reader engaged in your story until the last page is by building effective suspense. This resource includes a visual chart of the different types of suspense to include in writing and includes relevant examples and tips to achieve it.

In addition, also included in this resource are two suspense building activities and 4 pages of notes on how to effectively build suspense within any type of story.

Please see the preview for more details.

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Total Pages
6 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration

FREE MATH LESSON – “{FREE} Telling Time Challenge – Create a Schedule!”

by Blair Turner
2nd – 3rd Grade

This activity will help students practice telling time in different ways. They will be tasked with creating a classroom schedule based on a table of subjects with time descriptors such as “quarter to 9” and “5 minutes past 12”.

Students will use the information in the table to fill out schedule cards with the subject name and the time on digital and analog clocks. Then, have students cut apart the schedule cards and arrange them in the correct order. You can have students glue the cards in their notebooks or mount them on construction paper.

Included is one project page with student directions and table, schedule cards in 2 different sizes, and an answer key. Challenge students to tell and write the time in multiple ways!

© Blair Turner 2013


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