Author Archives : teachingmadeeasy123

Paragraph Writing Activity in conjunction with Frankenstein



Paragraph Writing Activity in conjunction with Frankenstein


Product Description
Paragraph Writing Activity in conjunction with Frankenstein

Very often, students have difficulty with the analysis process involved in literature. Where they not only have to analyse, but now have to apply their newfound skills to a well-developed paragraph, some students become overwhelmed with the process.

This particular activity will focus on both the analysis and writing a paragraph using the PEEL method. 

Paragraph writing and analysis are two essential components in essay writing. To facilitate this process, I have created a lesson where students can become more comfortable with the revision process through modelling the proper steps from beginning to end. The lesson includes a modelling of the writing process from understanding the topic to the final draft. See preview for details

This lesson can only be used after students have read chapter 19 from the novel Frankenstein. 

5 pages total

You may also be interested in the following products: 

Frankenstein (No prep – Complete Unit)

Thesis Writing Activity with PowerPoint Presentation

Teaching The Essay Package

Essay Evaluation Comments with Drop Down Boxes

Lord of the Flies Unit (No prep required)

Hamlet Unit (No prep – Complete Unit)

Death of a Salesman (No prep required)

Poetry Unit for Senior Students (NO PREP)

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
5 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration

Spelling Flip Book


Spelling Flip Book


Product Description

The Spelling Flip Book is designed to help young learners become familiar with spelling rules and to incorporate them into their work.

Students can color and personalize their flip books to enhance the spelling learning experience.

I always like encouraging my students to use their flip books as reference sheets when they are working to promote good spelling habits. The goal is that eventually, by using the flip book when working, the student will begin to remember common errors made in the past and correct them. I have had much success with this strategy in my classes.

I’ve also included a color copy and an answer key – a total of 18 pages. 

It’s teaching made easy!

You may also be interested in the following products: 

Thesis Writing Activity with PowerPoint Presentation
Teaching The Essay Package
Essay Evaluation Comments with Drop Down Boxes
Lord of the Flies Unit (No prep required)
Hamlet Unit (No prep – Complete Unit)
Death of a Salesman (No prep required)
Frankenstein (No prep – Complete Unit)
Poetry Unit for Senior Students (NO PREP)
Poetry Unit for Intermediate Students
Poetry Unit: The Art of Interpretation

Total Pages
18 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration

Free: Poetry Through Song – Individual Lesson (Sound of Silence)


Poetry Through Song - Individual Lesson (Sound of Silence)


Product Description

This individual 2-day lesson teaches poetry through song lyrics

The lesson included in this mini bundle includes a lesson plan, student activity sheets, and a comprehensive answer key. Students will analyze the song “The Sound of Silence,” will learn the importance of allusions, will learn about theme development, and will compare both the original Simon and Garfunkle version to the Disturbed version, all while furthering the theme of the song.

Poetry should be fun, and it can be!

This lesson is a preview of my unit called “Poetry Through Song.” Check out the preview to the unit here:
Poetry Through Song Unit

It’s teaching made easy!
Total Pages
7 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration
2 days

Opinion Letter with the Novel Holes


Opinion Letter with the Novel Holes


Product Description

The Opinion Letter with the Novel Holes

Appropriate for grades 7 to 9, students learn how to recognize and write a supported opinion using Louis Sachar’s novel “Holes.”

The bundle includes: 
-An activity sheet on “What is a Supported Opinion?” (with answer key)

-Instructions on how to write an effective opinion letter

-The evaluation which contains the instruction sheet and list of topics (that were selected for students of different needs. Students who are high achieving might select one of the more complex topics, while a student who struggles can choose a more obvious one.)

-An evaluation grid is included along with evaluation expectations

-All writing process directions and sheets are included (Pre-Writing or Brainstorming sheet and a Paragraph Organizer)

-Also included is an example of the writing process from beginning to end to help students fully understand what the task entails. (Pre-Writing sheet, Paragraph Organizer and the final draft, which includes format expectations.)

It really is teaching made easy! Print it and go!

Ten pages in PDF format are included.

You may also be interested in the following products: 
The Elevator Short Story Mini Unit
Intermediate Poetry Unit
Super Hero Themed Parts of Speech Posters (FREE)
FREE Parts of Speech Grammar Circles (Superhero Themed)
Sentences – Grammar Circles for easy and effective grammar
Spelling Flip Book
Rubrics Self-Evaluation
Fish Bowl Evaluation Bundle
Opinion Piece Bundle
How to Write a Paragraph
ELA Literature Study Unit to Use with ANY Work of Literature

Total Pages
10 pages
Answer Key
Included with rubric
Teaching Duration
4 days

Figurative Language and Poetic Devices Jeopardy Game


Figurative Language and Poetic Devices Jeopardy Game


Product Description

Are you looking for a new way of introducing poetic devices in your class? This PowerPoint document is a great way to review poetic terms or to help students learn them.

I play this game from grade 9 to grade 12 and all of the students love them.

Directions on how to play the game are also included.

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
28 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration

Teaching the Essay Package


Teaching the Essay Package


Product Description


The Teaching the Essay package has been devised as a resource to help guide students develop their essay writing skills. This comprehensive package includes details on how to structure an essay as well as how to develop arguments. This visually attractive handout contains practical examples and guides students with revision questions to keep them on track.

The package focuses on: (Package contains 13 pages)

– Format (Introduction – thesis, development, conclusion)
– Developing arguments
– Tips for writing
– Practical examples
– Quote insertion and selection
– Comprehensive transitions list
– How to analyse
– Paragraphing and how to format arguments within the paragraphs
– Style and flow (transitions)
– Revision questions
– Practical essay analogy
– Strategies in writing

I have been using and revising this document for over 10 years and it has proved to be a most useful tool for teaching the essay.

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
13 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration

Charles by Shirley Jackson Short Story Mini-Unit


Charles by Shirley Jackson Short Story Mini-Unit


Product Description

This short story mini-unit features Shirley Jackson’s short story “Charles.” Appropriate for grades 7 to 10, the lessons focus on the development of theme and paragraphs.

Included in the mini-unit is: 
• A copy of the short story
• A prediction chart
• An anticipation guide
• Activity sheet (select important passages in the text for later theme and paragraph support)
• Author’s purpose activity sheet
• How to develop a theme sheet with an example
• A graphic organizer to help student plan their paragraph
• An answer key for all activities
• 3-day lesson plan for easy planning

16 pages total

All the prep work has been done for you.
It’s teaching made easy!

You may also be interested in the following products: 

Poetry Unit for Intermediate Students
Poetry Unit: The Art of Interpretation
Romeo and Juliet – A No Prep Unit
The Elevator Short Story Mini Unit
Intermediate Poetry Unit
Super Hero Themed Parts of Speech Posters (FREE)
FREE Parts of Speech Grammar Circles (Superhero Themed)
Sentences – Grammar Circles for easy and effective grammar
Spelling Flip Book
Rubrics Self-Evaluation
Fish Bowl Evaluation Bundle
Opinion Piece Bundle
How to Write a Paragraph
ELA Literature Study Unit to Use with ANY Work of Literature

Total Pages
16 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration
3 days

Thesis Writing Activity


Thesis Writing Activity


Product Description

We all know that the thesis statement is the most important part of the essay. This is also the part of the essay with which students have the most difficulty.

When you are able to identify the strengths and weaknesses of a work, you are able to write better yourself.

Topic: Is knowledge good or destructive? The subject is interesting, and can be used along with many different types of literature, or on its own.

In this bundle, I’ve included an interactive PowerPoint presentation that includes the following:

-The definition of a thesis statement
-How to write a thesis statement (and the steps to take leading up to the thesis)
-5 examples of thesis statements, where students must identify both the weaknesses and the strengths
-10 slides explaining the strengths in the examples and the weaknesses in the examples
-1 example of a well-written thesis statement, and an explanation about why it’s good.

To accompany the PowerPoint presentation, I’ve included a student activity sheet with a list of all of the examples written in the PPT. (PDF format) 

Also included is a lesson plan with details regarding the PowerPoint and activity sheet.

As a bonus, I’ve also included 2 posters listing the 7 essential steps to writing a great thesis. I’ve included an image format and a PDF format for easy printing. 

-the first poster measures 70 cm (27.6 inches)
-the second poster, which students can actually read from far away, measures 97 cm (38.2 inches)

You may also be interested in these products as well: 
– Grammar Cheat Sheet
– Rubrics: Self-Evaluation Sheets and Teacher Assessment Rubrics
– Essay Evaluation Comments with Drop Down Boxes

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
22 slides, 1 page, 1 poster
Answer Key
Teaching Duration

I Have, Who has? Game for Teaching Figurative Language and Poetry


I Have, Who has? Game for Teaching Figurative Language and Poetry


Product Description

The goal of this game is to help students memorize and understand FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE through the use of games. Playing rather than memorizing is a fun activity that will engage students in a classroom.

Included in this purchase is the MASTER SHEET, which contains the answers, attractive STUDENT CARDS, which you can print and cut out in colour (on card stock and laminate for sustainable use), and A SET OF RULES explaining how the game works.

This package contains 23 cards and 12 extra blank cards in case you have a bigger class.

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
11 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration

ELA Literature Study Unit – Use with ANY Work of Literature


ELA Literature Study Unit - Use with ANY Work of Literature


Product Description

ELA Literature Study Unit – Use with ANY Work of Literature

This bundle has everything needed to teach any work of literature, to start literature circles, or as an alternative to independent book reports. It also teaches literacy skills which are essential for students to add meaning to content.

Now comes with a fill in the blank PDF for students who prefer using the computer

There are 24 pages in the unit guide that include:

-Anticipation guide

-Prediction chart

-Plot Chart

– Plot chart (graphic organizer)

-List of character traits and a STEAL chart for characterization

-Characterization graphic organizer

-STEAL characterization graphic organizer

-Character traits graphic organizer

-Conflict activity

-Personal word wall

-Important passages (quotes) activity sheet

-Questions for Comprehension (generic- before, during, and after reading)

-Event map

-Chapter summary pages

-Making inferences activity sheet

-Activity on author’s purpose

-Themes and how to develop them

-How to develop themes in paragraph form (using PEEL)

-Paragraph graphic organizer (using PEEL)

-How to answer a test question in paragraph form (using PEEL)

Included are 2 evaluations with rubrics:

1) Writing a journal as one of the characters in the story (focus on characterization)

2) Writing a newspaper article on an event from the story (focus on plot and cause and event)

Characterization poster for the classroom is also included in two different formats (legal size paper required)

It’s teaching made easy!


You may also be interested in the following products:

Thesis Writing Activity with PowerPoint Presentation

Teaching The Essay Package

Essay Evaluation Comments with Drop Down Boxes

Lord of the Flies Unit (No prep required)

Hamlet Unit (No prep – Complete Unit)

Death of a Salesman (No prep required)

Frankenstein (No prep – Complete Unit)

Poetry Unit for Senior Students (NO PREP)

Poetry Unit for Intermediate Students

Poetry Unit: The Art of Interpretation

Romeo and Juliet – A No Prep Unit

Total Pages
31 pages
Answer Key
Included with rubric
Teaching Duration

FREE Inspirational Bookmarks and Posters


FREE Inspirational Bookmarks and Posters


Product Description

Inspirational Bookmarks and Posters

Inspire your students to fall in love with reading with these FREE bookmarks and posters.

Three different designs for posters – all in PDF file and measure a regular page format.

There are four different bookmark styles in various sizes to meet your individual needs. Print on card stock and cut. Also, bookmarks formats are in color as well as black and white.

It’s teaching made easy!

You may also be interested in the following products: 

Thesis Writing Activity with PowerPoint Presentation

Teaching The Essay Package
Essay Evaluation Comments with Drop Down Boxes
Lord of the Flies Unit (No prep required)
Hamlet Unit (No prep – Complete Unit)
Death of a Salesman (No prep required)
Frankenstein (No prep – Complete Unit)
Poetry Unit for Senior Students (NO PREP)
Poetry Unit for Intermediate Students
Poetry Unit: The Art of Interpretation
Romeo and Juliet – A No Prep Unit

Total Pages
13 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration

Sentences – Grammar Circles for easy and effective grammar


Sentences – Grammar Circles for easy and effective grammar


Product Description

Teach grammar in a creative and meaningful way. No more boring grammar. grammar

Simplify your life and make grammar fun and effective.

One of the biggest challenges I had in my English classes was how to fit in grammar with everything else I had to teach. I would give students grammar pages, and then we would correct them together. It was tedious, and it took forever! What’s more is that students were not learning the way I wanted them to. They wouldn’t apply what they had learned from the grammar pages and activities.

I found a solution!

Grammar Circles. Grammar Circles are very similar to literature circles in the sense that students are teaching one another grammar. It is a fun and functional way to teach and learn grammar. Although this may be done individually, it can also be completed as a group where students, through a specific process outlined in the package, teach one another grammar. They also correct the work together, so the teacher has very little to do.

The package includes:

1) A Student Packet – which contains the Literature Circle directions, the notes, directions, and activities, and a “Mark Calculation” page to keep track of their marks. (16 pages)
Activities included focus on:
-the logistics of the sentence (the basic parts)
-the prepositional phrase
-the adjective phrase
-the adverb phrase
-the verbal phrase
-the appositive phrase
-the independent and subordinate clauses
-subjects and predicates
-run-on sentences
-types of sentences

2) A teacher Guide with easy to follow instructions on how to organize the Grammar Circles.

3) The Answer Key – devised to allow students to correct their work and learn from one another.

For those who are from Ontario, Canada – this unit adheres to the Grade 9 English Curriculum (academic). The unit can be taught in any grade to about sentences.

(27 pages total for this unit)

You may also be interested in:
Parts of Speech Grammar Circles (Superhero Themed)

Super Hero Themed Parts of Speech Posters (FREE)

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
27 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration

ELA Report Card Comments


ELA Report Card Comments


Product Description

The end of a school year or semester is always a challenge for English Language Arts teachers. Between the marking, end of the year activities, and packing up your class for the following year, creating individual and meaningful comments on students’ report cards can be challenging.

I say, take back your weekends! I am sharing my mid and end of year report card ELA comments with you. There are over 70 comments for you to use and personalize your ELA report cards.

There are comments on: 
-supporting an opinion
-argument development
-theme development
-theme development while using historical context for analysis purposes
-supporting arguments in essay form
-Reading strategies
-reading comprehension
-Group work and literature circles
-novel study

There are also a slew of next step comments as well.

Each section is divided by levels 1,2, 3, and 4 where you can select the appropriate comment to accompany the mark the student received.

It’s teaching made easy!

You may also be interested in the following products: 

Thesis Writing Activity with PowerPoint Presentation

Teaching The Essay Package
Essay Evaluation Comments with Drop Down Boxes
Lord of the Flies Unit (No prep required)
Hamlet Unit (No prep – Complete Unit)
Death of a Salesman (No prep required)
Frankenstein (No prep – Complete Unit)
Poetry Unit for Senior Students (NO PREP)
Poetry Unit for Intermediate Students
Poetry Unit: The Art of Interpretation
Romeo and Juliet – A No Prep Unit

Total Pages
6 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration


Les sons – apprendre à lire


Les sons - apprendre à lire


Product Description
Les sons « Cartes éclair »
Voici une série de 96 cartes «éclair» pour faciliter l’apprentissage des sons communs en français.
Le visuel facilite la reconnaissance des mots et des sons.Les sons suivants sont inclus avec achat :
– ch – ou – ui – en, em – an – au
– eau – in – om – ein – oi – on
– eu – gu – gn – ai – ei – er
– qu – ille – ail – eille – euille –
– ien – illon
Les cartes incluent aussi plusieurs mots communs et phrases simples pour faciliter la lecture.
It’s teaching made easy!Total Pages
96 slides
Answer Key
Does not apply
Teaching Duration

Lord of the Flies Unit (No prep required)


Lord of the Flies Unit (No prep required)


Product Description

This Lord of the Flies Unit has everything required to teach this unit. All of the thinking and preparation has been done for you.

Everything you need to teach The Lord of the Flies by William Golding is found in this unit.

• Includes journal prompts to further students’ understanding and to understand thematic development in the novel further.

• PowerPoint presentation with historical context and background information

• (Optional) PowerPoint presentation about the origins of evil furthering understanding of Golding’s themes

• Guess Who? Game to help students trace character development in a fun and practical way

• Student workbook with all of the photocopies, student activities, comprehension and thematic questions, etc… (Photocopy the booklet once and you don’t have to think about it for the rest of the unit.)

• Links to audiobooks for easy chapter reading.

• The Answer Key for all student work.

• Includes comprehensive chapter notes to help with reviewing chapters previously read and allowing students to take notes concerning important information.

All tests have two versions – which is nice when you teach more than one group at a time.

• Test on the first seven chapters (2 different versions – both in a Word document for easy modifications. Answer keys provided for both evaluations.)

• Final evaluation includes two different options. Option 1: 2 different unit test versions (two different tests – answer keys for both are included), Option 2: an Essay with all materials included (evaluation grid, outline package, etc.…)

• 17 complete and detailed lesson plans to guide and orient your students. Journal prompts with ideas to further discussion, step by step instructions… This makes for super easy planning.

• A Jeopardy Game (on PowerPoint) to review the novel and to prepare for the final evaluation

The unit includes 103 pages and 76 slides.

Guide to lessons’ focus points:

Lesson 1: Introduction to the background and historical context

Lesson 2: Focus on leadership

Lesson 3: Introduction to the symbolism in the novel

Lesson 4: Characterization

Lesson 5: Writing exercise (paragraph and argument development)

Lesson 6: Reading period

Lesson 7: Civilization vs. Savagery (Includes cyberbullying and dangers of social media, etc.…) Practical applications of the novel.

Lesson 8: Review analysis skills

Lesson 9: Test on chapters 1-7 (Choice of multiple-choice questions or development questions)

Lesson 10: Reading period

Lesson 11: Thematic Meaning activity

Lesson 12: Characterization (character development)

Lesson 13: Literary conflicts in the novel

Lesson 14: Symbolism

Themes: 15: Themes

Lesson 16: Novel review and Jeopardy game

Lesson 17: Evaluation (Choice of two unit tests or an essay)

You’ll never have to worry about what you will be teaching on any given day, and the unit is modifiable for your convenience.

It’s teaching made easy!

I will be adding to this resource. Click on the Follow Me section at the top of my store page and you will be notified when I have revised this product or when a product is on sale. Of course, downloading the revised version will be free.

You may also be interested in the following products:

Poetry Through Song Unit

Lord of the Flies Unit (No prep required)

Hamlet Unit (No prep – Complete Unit)

Death of a Salesman (No prep required)

Frankenstein (No prep – Complete Unit)

Poetry Unit for Senior Students (NO PREP)

Poetry Unit for Intermediate Students

Poetry Unit: The Art of Interpretation


Total Pages
103 pages and 76 slides
Answer Key
Teaching Duration
1 month

Hamlet Guess Who? Game


Hamlet Guess Who? Game


Product Description

Guess Who? Game for Hamlet is a great way to familiarize students with characters. Included is a game card, the characters cards to cut out, and an instruction sheet. See preview for more details.

The fun thing about this game is that the game changes as the reading progresses. It’s a great way for students to learn characterization and have fun at the same time.

Spice up your Hamlet unit and incorporate a fun and meaningful activity. 

This activity is part of a larger unit:
Hamlet Unit (No prep – Complete Unit)

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
4 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration

Free Poetry Lesson: Analyzing Poetry (NO PREP)


Free Poetry Lesson: Analyzing Poetry (NO PREP)


Product Description

FREE LESSON – This mini unit on Walt Whitman’s” I Heard the Learned Astronomer” and “A Noiseless, Patient Spider,” teaches students how to analyze poetry. Students must learn to observe, connect, make inferences, and draw conclusions on themes.

This mini guide includes:

-a detailed lesson plan for the teacher
-poems for students
-answer key and poetry annotation

This mini-guide includes six pages. I hope you enjoy it.

This is also part of a bundled poetry unit. Check it out at my store or by using the link below

You may also be interested in the following products: 
Poetry Through Song Unit
Lord of the Flies Unit (No prep required)
Hamlet Unit (No prep – Complete Unit)
Death of a Salesman (No prep required)
Frankenstein (No prep – Complete Unit)
Poetry Unit for Senior Students (NO PREP)
Poetry Unit for Intermediate Students
Poetry Unit: The Art of Interpretation
Romeo and Juliet – A No Prep Unit

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
6 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration
90 minutes

Thesis Writing Poster


Thesis Writing Poster


Product Description

As any English teacher can tell you, the thesis statement is the most important part of the essay. It defines the arguments and orients the reader. Unfortunately, many students have difficulty with the thesis statement. This is why I have created the “7 Steps to Writing an Effective Thesis Statement” poster.

The poster is a step by step guide on how to write the thesis starting with selecting a topic the student understands and walks them through the process until the end.

I am making the poster available in different formats for facility of use in the classroom: 

– The first format measures 70 cm (27.6 inches) (easy printing) PDF
– The second format measure 97 cm (38.2) – information can be more easily read from further away (easy printing) PDF
– One smaller poster PDF
– An image format JPEG

You may also be interested in the following resources:

Thesis Writing Activity with PowerPoint Presentation

Essay Evaluation Comments with Drop Down Boxes

Teaching The Essay Package

Total Pages
4 different formats of posters
Answer Key
Teaching Duration

Evaluating a Fish bowl Activity in a Literature Circle


Evaluating a Fish bowl Activity in a Literature Circle


Product Description

The Fishbowl activity is mostly useful during literature circles or in a novel study. Quite literally, the group in the center is being watched by the rest of the class, while they are discussing elements of fiction. This activity is a very important tool in order to teach students how group discussions should run, what is to be said, and how it is to be said. Many times the leader of the discussion doesn’t know how to prompt members to elaborate upon their contributions. This will certainly help.

In addition, it is often difficult for a teacher to evaluate these discussions, which is the reason I have created this package. It is easy to use and you can merely check boxes to quickly assess each member of the groups.

This package contains:
• An explanation of The Fishbowl Activity
• How to run a Fishbowl Activity (within the realm of a literature circle)
• Why such an activity is important
• Evaluation sheets one can use to easily evaluate the discussions and roles of students

It’s teaching made easy!

You may also be interested in the following products: 

Thesis Writing Activity with PowerPoint Presentation

Teaching The Essay Package
Essay Evaluation Comments with Drop Down Boxes
Lord of the Flies Unit (No prep required)
Hamlet Unit (No prep – Complete Unit)
Death of a Salesman (No prep required)
Frankenstein (No prep – Complete Unit)
Poetry Unit for Senior Students (NO PREP)
Poetry Unit for Intermediate Students
Poetry Unit: The Art of Interpretation
Romeo and Juliet – A No Prep Unit

Total Pages
8 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration

How to Read and Appreciate Poetry Powerpoint


How to Read and Appreciate Poetry Powerpoint


Product Description

Use the How to Read and Appreciate Poetry Powerpoint to introduce any poetry unit.

The multimedia presentation includes 17 interactive slides (no internet required)

The slides introduce:

-How to read a poem
-Uses a humouristic approach at understanding and appreciating poetry
-Includes discussion questions and introductory activities
-The definition of poetry
-How to approach poetry
-The importance of poetry
-How to read, analyse, and understand poetry
-How to enjoy poetry

This is a visually appealing way to introduce poetry because it suggests a different approach.

Total Pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration
1 hour

Poetry Unit : The Art of Interpretation No Prep


Poetry Unit : The Art of Interpretation No Prep


Product Description

Poetry: The Art of Interpretation – is designed to teach students how to interpret, appreciate, and analyze poetry.

There are nine complete lessons (estimated to last approximately 60 minutes), therefore two weeks of lessons.

This complete, no prep unit is a great way to start! This unit includes a student guide, nine detailed lesson plans, two multimedia presentations (no internet connection required), a detailed answer key with annotated poems and answers, and an end of the unit evaluation with a rubric, and answer key.

Just print it and teach it.

Poetry is a very subjective form of art. Some poems you love and others, you hate. What we need to realize is that this is the beauty of poetry. Poetry is not a mystery to be solved. Rather, it is the masterful manipulation of language that has the power to transform the ordinary and to immerse its reader into the world created by the author.

This unit incorporates art to help students understand and appreciate the beauty of words. Also, students will learn how to analyze themes in poetry through paintings and artwork.

This bundle includes:

Each lesson focuses on a different skill set including:
– Knowledge and manipulation of figurative and poetic language
– How to read and understand (appreciate) poetry
– How to analyze poetry
– How to annotate poetry
– How to paraphrase effectively
– How to use symbols
– How to effectively develop themes from poetry
– Creative writing
– Creative activities to learn how to analyze

The unit includes a student packet (20 pages), a teacher packet (with nine complete lessons), and a comprehensive answer key with annotations to the poem (with 17 pages). See the preview for more details.

Poets studied include: (8 poems total)
– Billy Collins – “Introduction to Poetry”
– Anne Marriott – “As You Come in”
– Phyllis Gotlieb – “First Person Demonstrative”
– Edgar Allan Poe – The Raven
– Robert Frost – “Nothing Gold Can Stay.”
– John Crowe Ransom -“Janet Waking”
– Woodruff – “I am a Poem that Tells a Lie.”
– Tennyson – “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”

The unit also includes: 

1 – The teacher guide (Contains nine comprehensive lesson plans to teach the poems included in the unit. EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO TEACH THIS UNIT HAS BEEN DONE FOR YOU. )

2 – The student package (Contains students’ notes, poems, and questions) (20 pages)

3 – The answer key includes annotated poems and answers to all student activities (saving you time – 18 pages).

4 – Included is a test with multiple choice questions as well as a development question. All answers are included. (Word format for easy changes)

5 – 2 PowerPoint presentations – one multimedia presentation to introduce the unit (17 slides) and the second to reinforce the use of imagery and symbolism (19 slides) – NO INTERNET CONNECTION REQUIRED

6 – Images to project or print

7- An end of the unit creative evaluation, which includes clear and concise directions and rubric. (In a Word document for easy modifications)

– An interactive multimedia Jeopardy game to review figurative language and poetic devices (PowerPoint – no internet required)

– A multimedia PowerPoint on how to read and interpret poetry

– A PowerPoint presentation on how to understand symbols and imagery in literature (19 slides)

– A final culminating evaluation with evaluation rubric (left in Word format for easily made modifications)

The unit has been created in such a way as to simplify the teacher’s life. Photocopy the three packages included and don’t worry about it for the rest of the unit. You literally can begin teaching it without any other preparation.

A total of 43 pages + 64 slides are included in this package.

This unit is complete and does all of the thinking for you. All you need to do is to print out and photocopy the student package, and you’re set.

You may also be interested in the following products: 
Poetry Through Song Unit
Lord of the Flies Unit (No prep required)
Hamlet Unit (No prep – Complete Unit)
Death of a Salesman (No prep required)
Frankenstein (No prep – Complete Unit)
Poetry Unit for Senior Students (NO PREP)
Poetry Unit for Intermediate Students
Poetry Unit: The Art of Interpretation
Romeo and Juliet – A No Prep Unit

Total Pages
43 pages and 64 slides
Answer Key
Included with rubric
Teaching Duration
2 Weeks



English Grammar Cheat Sheet


English Grammar Cheat Sheet


Product Description

This “Cheat Sheet” was designed to help students while writing in English. This at a glance 2 page sheet is colorful and has an easy to find layout to help students remember certain important things while they write.

I allow my students to use this in class when writing a test. This is not a grammar lesson, but it will remind students about the grammar they’ve learned in the past.

Some of the reminders included:

– parts of speech

– transitional words

– quotation marks (how and when to use them)

– basic sentence structure

– spelling tips (plurals of nouns and IE rule)

– puncutaion rules (apostrophe, colon, semicolon

The other side of the page has comma rules:

– with coordinate conjunctions

-with introductory elements

– with other elements (dates, parenthetical expression, nouns in a direct address)

– with adjectives

-with appositives

It also contains tips on things to avoid, such as writing a paragraph shorter than 4 sentences. And, it contains a list of things to do, such as make sure that your paragraphs contain at least 2 pieces of evidence.

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
2 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration

Teaching the Argument by Solving Mysteries


Teaching the Argument by Solving Mysteries


Product Description

Teaching the Argument by Solving Mysteries

This is a great introduction to any literature unit. It teaches students the proper approach to literary analysis, which can be used from grades 7 all the way to 12 in any levels of study.

This mini unit contains 8 lessons that teach students the proper way to form an argument. Many times students will use the right information, but they don’t quite know what to do with it. Through a series of crime scenes, students learn how to collect information (data), collect evidence, and explain how this evidence supports a logical conclusion, all while having fun. This unit teaches students skills that are needed in all literature units.
These lessons allow students to learn the importance of collecting data by taking careful notes, how to select only information that will help support a thesis (or a claim), and how to properly use the information by incorporating pertinent explanations to develop an irrefutable argument.

This is a fun way of learning the necessary skills for argumentation.
The unit contains:

A Student Guide with 12 pages of activities and notes
A Teacher Guide with 8 comprehensive lesson plans and activities
An answer Key with 13 pages of answers and sample texts to help model proper format for students
A downloadable Prezi Presentation introducing the argument and how to develop it.
An end unit evaluation with answer key and evaluation grid 6 pages
Material is available as both PDF and in Word format for easy modifications

Pages total 58 pages

You may also be interested in the following products: 

Thesis Writing Activity with PowerPoint Presentation

Teaching The Essay Package
Essay Evaluation Comments with Drop Down Boxes
Poetry Through Song Unit
Lord of the Flies Unit (No prep required)
Hamlet Unit (No prep – Complete Unit)
Death of a Salesman (No prep required)
Frankenstein (No prep – Complete Unit)
Poetry Unit for Senior Students (NO PREP)
Poetry Unit for Intermediate Students
Poetry Unit: The Art of Interpretation

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
58 pages
Answer Key
Included with rubric
Teaching Duration
1 Week

Senior Language Arts Learning Goals Posters


Senior Language Arts Learning Goals Posters


Product Description

Senior Language Arts Learning Goals Poster

Learning goals are important for our students’ education and learning. When we have a goal in mind when teaching, everything else serves a specific purpose, and everything seems to fall into place. As teachers, we are asked to display these learning goals in our classroom, but for me, this wasn’t possible.

With 30 plus students in my class, I didn’t have time to write my learning goals on chart paper or display them on the board. Hmmm… what’s a girl to do?

I created these posters to make my life, as well as yours, easier. This bundle offers ALL of the senior, (grade 12) goals and is in line with the Common Core as well as the Canadian curriculums.

The bundle includes: 

A 14-page checklist of all of the learning goals, which can help the teacher keep track of what’s been covered and what hasn’t.

55 Learning Goal posters (8×11) that can easily be posted on the bulletin board or the chalkboard at the front of the class.

These posters allow students to track learn the focus of the lesson.

Three strands are covered: (with the focus of each poster clearly indicated) 
1) Reading and Interpretation
2) Writing and Representation
3) Oral and Oral-Visual Communication

It’s teaching made easy!

You may also be interested in the following products: 

Thesis Writing Activity with PowerPoint Presentation

Teaching The Essay Package
Essay Evaluation Comments with Drop Down Boxes
Lord of the Flies Unit (No prep required)
Hamlet Unit (No prep – Complete Unit)
Death of a Salesman (No prep required)
Frankenstein (No prep – Complete Unit)
Poetry Unit for Senior Students (NO PREP)
Poetry Unit for Intermediate Students
Poetry Unit: The Art of Interpretation

Total Pages
64 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration

Short Story Bundle Unit Plan

Short Story Bundle Unit Plan


Product Description

The Short Story Bundle is 4 short story mini-units for the price of one. See the preview for more details.

Seventh Grade Short Story Mini Unit is a great way to start any literature unit. Suitable from grade seven to ten, this unit reviews literary elements and allows students to practice identifying all important elements.

The unit includes: 

-A Copy of the short story
-An anticipation reading guide
-a two-page literary element cheat sheet
-plot graph
-word wall
-Character trait explanation sheet
-Characterization activity
-Writing evaluation (or activity) with evaluation sheet
-Comprehensive answer key for all activities.

18 pages total

“The Elevator” Short Story Mini-Unit is a one-stop-shop for teaching the short story. Other than photocopies, all of the work has been done for you.

This mini-unit is suitable for grades 7 through 10 and includes: 
-a copy of the short story
-questions for comprehension
-a plot chart organizer
-activity to help students discover the author’s purpose for writing
-an instructional sheet on how to develop themes (with a practical example)
-an instructional sheet on how to develop a theme in paragraph form
-a graphic organizer to help students organize their paragraphs
-an example of a completed graphic organizer to plan the paragraph
-an example of a paragraph for “The Elevator.”
-a comprehensive answer key for all handouts
-a three-day lesson plan to accompany the story

This short story mini-unit features Shirley Jackson’s short story “Charles.” Appropriate for grades 7 to 10, the lessons focus on the development of theme and paragraphs.

Included in the mini-unit is: 
• A copy of the short story
• A prediction chart
• An anticipation guide
• Activity sheet (select important passages in the text for theme and paragraph support)
• Author’s purpose activity sheet
• How to develop a theme sheet with an example
• A graphic organizer to help students plan their paragraph
• An answer key for all activities
• 3-day lesson plan for easy planning

16 pages total

The Rain Rain Go Away Mini Unit includes all materials to teach this short story. Students also get the opportunity to be creative and collaborate with others in the creative process. This unit is always a hit in my class.

The resource includes: 
-An anticipation guide
-A copy of the short story
-Questions for comprehension
-Plot graph activity
-Information sheet on characterization and an accompanying activity
-A personal word wall to improve students’ vocabulary and understanding
-A comprehensive answer key for all activities

Also included are two evaluations with evaluation grids:
-An individual evaluation where the student must write an alternate ending to the story
-A group evaluation where students must work collaboratively to produce an alternate ending

24 pages total

Individual Short Story Mini-Units: 
The Elevator Short Story Mini Unit
Rain, Rain, Go Away Short Story Mini Unit
Seventh Grade Mini Unit
Charles Short Story Mini Unit

You may also be interested in the following products: 
Intermediate Poetry Unit
Super Hero Themed Parts of Speech Posters (FREE)
FREE Parts of Speech Grammar Circles (Superhero Themed)
Sentences – Grammar Circles for easy and effective grammar
Spelling Flip Book
Rubrics Self-Evaluation
Fish Bowl Evaluation Bundle
Opinion Piece Bundle
How to Write a Paragraph
ELA Literature Study Unit to Use with ANY Work of Literature

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
74 pages
Answer Key
Included with rubric
Teaching Duration
2 Weeks

Free Essay Writing Pack – The Outline


The Outline - Free Essay Writing Pack


Product Description

The Outline package has been devised as a resource to help guide students develop their essay writing skills. Seeing as the outline is the skeleton of a student’s essay, this document has been devised to help students organize their ideas within the essay format.

The document is created using a Word format for ease of use and modification.

It’s teaching made easy!

You may also be interested in the following products: 

Thesis Writing Activity with PowerPoint Presentation

Teaching The Essay Package
Essay Evaluation Comments with Drop Down Boxes
Lord of the Flies Unit (No prep required)
Hamlet Unit (No prep – Complete Unit)
Death of a Salesman (No prep required)
Frankenstein (No prep – Complete Unit)
Poetry Unit for Senior Students (NO PREP)
Poetry Unit for Intermediate Students
Poetry Unit: The Art of Interpretation
Romeo and Juliet – A No Prep Unit

Total Pages
11 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration

Death of a Salesman Unit (Complete No Prep)


Death of a Salesman Unit (Complete No Prep)


Product Description

Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman used to be one of my least favorite plays to teach. I found it depressing, and I had a difficult time teaching it in a way that was meaningful to students. Then, I created this bundle so that students would not only learn about drama, tragedy, irony, etc. but also think about their own futures, while they are contemplating their post-secondary education. While Willy Loman’s dreams are unrealistic and unattainable, students contemplate their own dreams, strengths, and weaknesses. You will definitely have more than a few excellent discussions when teaching this play.

This unit has been conceived with the teacher in mind. It contains a Student Guide, a Teacher Guide, and a comprehensive Answer Key. All you have to do is print the packages and teach them. It’s as easy as that! I’ve also included two different options for end unit evaluations, which both contain evaluation grids and answer key. The unit is, in my opinion, visually appealing and the contents teach analysis of literature.

What the bundle contains: (The documents, except for the evaluations, are in PDF format.) 
The Student Guide contain 16 pages: 
-Notes on the American Dream
-An anticipation guide
-An in-depth look at success as it pertains to the lives of the students (which can, later on, be related to the play.)
-Thematic comprehension questions for each act
-Work on motifs and symbols used in the play
-Work on characterization
-Poem association (Langston Hughe’s poem)
-Notes on tragedy (Aristotle’s definition and modern definition)
-Review notes for students

Answer Key contains 29 pages: 
-Answers to ALL of the students’ work
-Introduction to Arthur Miller
-Comprehensive notes on each scene of the play (to help students understand and appreciate literary techniques used by the author)
-List of themes and how they are developed – Revue sheet
Final evaluation contains three different options:
1) A unit test with answer key. Contains 3 essay type questions.
2) An essay. Contains essay topics, work process (steps 1…..), an outline guide, and an evaluation grid.


The Teacher Guide contains 5 pages:
-Includes 8 complete lessons that leave the teacher nothing to do, but to teach.
Lesson 1: Historical context and pre-reading
Lesson 2: Setting and reading (there are specific pages assigned to each lesson)
Lesson 3: Symbols, Motifs and reading the play
Lesson 4: Character chart and reading the play
Lesson 5: Reading – exploring irony and the meaning of the title
Lesson 6: Reading and a look at the difference between modern and classic tragedy
Lesson 7: Theme development and review
Lesson 8: Evaluation (Option 1 – test (answer key included), Option 2 – Essay (evaluation grid, work process, outline included)

You may also be interested in the following products: 
Poetry Through Song Unit
Lord of the Flies Unit (No prep required)
Hamlet Unit (No prep – Complete Unit)
Frankenstein (No prep – Complete Unit)
Poetry Unit for Senior Students (NO PREP)
Poetry Unit for Intermediate Students
Poetry Unit: The Art of Interpretation
Romeo and Juliet – A No Prep Unit
Thesis Writing Activity with PowerPoint Presentation
Teaching The Essay Package
Essay Evaluation Comments with Drop Down Boxes

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
70 pages
Answer Key
Included with rubric
Teaching Duration
2 Weeks

Hamlet Unit No Prep


Hamlet Unit No prep


NEW: You can now download this unit in Word format to customize and save it. All documents are available in PDF and Word formats.

One entire month of planning done for you – I dare you to enjoy Shakespeare.

I love teaching Shakespeare’s plays, and I want you to love it too. I’ve been teaching and improving this unit for over ten years. All of the thinking has been done for you. I love annotating my plays and books. I’ve taken all of the annotations made in my play over the years and incorporated them in a guide to help you guide students and help students understand. Many people (including teachers) get overwhelmed with Shakespeare because of the language. This unit has been created with the student in mind. The activities are thorough, but simple enough for students to understand and enjoy the play.

This unit has everything a teacher needs to teach Hamlet. Just photocopy and teach. Seriously it’s that easy. There’s no longer a need for hours of research and piecing together bits of information and activity sheets you don’t know what to do with.

This is a whole, complete unit, from scene summaries, important notes and annotations notes to help students understand what they are reading. I have also included an introduction to the play, a student guide, a teacher guide with detailed lesson plans, quizzes, a creative assignment, and tests (all with answers and evaluation grids), and a comprehensive answer key. Everything has its place and teaches a specific skill.

The unit is appropriate for students in grades 10, 11 and 12.

The unit includes :

– An attractive, interactive, multimedia PowerPoint presentation introducing the play (17 slides)

-A Student Study Guide (with activities, Act, and scene questions…) and various activities (14 pages)

-A Teacher Guide (with detailed, comprehensive lessons, unit plan, and additional notes to guide students.) -9 pages and 16 complete lessons. The teacher Guide also includes links to the audiobook (the exact time to cue the audio), AND it includes a list of speaking roles if reading out loud in class)to help with time management and organization.

-18 pages of comprehensive scene summaries and important notes for each scene (annotations for each scene)***THIS IS A TEACHER FAVORITE!

A creative Hamlet Guess Who? Game to help students understand the characters. (What’s fun about this game is that it can be played from the beginning of the play right to the end, and students’ answers will change depending on the act they are reading.) LOTS OF FUN!

-A comprehensive answer key for all questions and activities. (24 pages)

-Comprehension quiz on Acts 1 and 2 in Word format for easy modifications (with evaluation grid) and answer key.

-Mid-play evaluation – The Parody – creative writing and analysis (in Word format for easy modifications – with evaluation grid)

-Summary guide (highlighting the significant events from each scene with important analytical information) – Throughout my years of teaching this play, I have amounted excellent notes and annotations, listing the most significant actions throughout each scene. I have retyped these annotations to help you teach the play, so your students will understand it (and so will you). (18 pages)

-The culminating evaluation includes three different versions of the final unit test with evaluation grid and answer key (in Word for easy modifications)

Includes a total of 109 pages.

Check out this sketchnote resource to further student comprehension:
Hamlet Scene Summary Visual Notebook

You may also be interested in the following products: 
Poetry Through Song Unit
Lord of the Flies Unit (No prep required)
Hamlet Unit (No prep – Complete Unit)
Death of a Salesman (No prep required)
Frankenstein (No prep – Complete Unit)
Poetry Unit for Senior Students (NO PREP)
Poetry Unit for Intermediate Students
Poetry Unit: The Art of Interpretation
Romeo and Juliet – A No Prep Unit
Thesis Writing Activity with PowerPoint Presentation
Teaching The Essay Package
Essay Evaluation Comments with Drop Down Boxes

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
109 pages
Answer Key
Included with rubric
Teaching Duration
1 month



Romeo and Juliet Unit – No prep required


Romeo and Juliet Unit - No prep required


Product Description


This bundled unit has been designed to make life easier for the Language Arts teacher. It contains a teacher guide with detailed lessons, a student guide with all of the notes required by students, an answer key for students’ work, and three evaluations (answer keys and evaluation rubrics included). All you need to do is print and begin teaching.

This purchase includes:

•A comprehensive Teacher guide with 15 detailed lessons (7 pages)

•A student guide with guiding questions and activities (focus on characterization, themes, figurative language, irony, etc…) -10 pages

•A Scavenger Hunt activity to introduce students to Shakespeare and his times (includes eight colorful cards and a PowerPoint with answers.)

•A detailed answer key for students’ work (10 pages)

•A quiz on Acts 1 and 2 – answer key included

•Oral presentation on Irony – evaluation rubric included

•Culminating Activity – Students write a children’s story based on the themes in the play. Evaluation rubric as well as work process sheets included (7 pages)

There are a total of 51 pages included in this unit.

The unit will last between 17 to 20 periods. (3 – 4 week unit)

All that’s left is to teach. I hope you enjoy this unit.

You may also be interested in the following products: 
Poetry Through Song Unit
Lord of the Flies Unit (No prep required)
Hamlet Unit (No prep – Complete Unit)
Death of a Salesman (No prep required)
Frankenstein (No prep – Complete Unit)
Poetry Unit for Senior Students (NO PREP)
Poetry Unit for Intermediate Students
Poetry Unit: The Art of Interpretation

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
89 pages
Answer Key
Included with rubric
Teaching Duration
2 Weeks

Creating Characters in Creative Writing


Creating Characters in Creative Writing


Product Description
In creative writing, it is very important to create strong and dynamic characters. In addition, characters within a story need to have strong motivation, and their interactions with other characters need to add interest and appeal to the reader.
Included within this resource is a visual reminder to students in creative writing when it comes the time to incorporate characters in their work.

Also included is a worksheet that will guide students in creating a strong main character and a second worksheet for orchestrating dynamic and plot-driven secondary characters that will keep the reader interested until the end of the story.
Please see the preview for more details.

You may also be interested in the following products that are part of my Creative Writing Series: 
Introduction to Creative Writing PowerPoint
Exploring the Elements of Fiction in Creative Writing
Creative Writing Activity
Buidling Suspense in Creative Writing

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
3 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration