Category Archives : 1st Grade

FREE MISC. LESSON – “Lightbulb Clipart FREEBIE!”

by Moon and Star Learning – Landry Romeiro
Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade

Use these adorable smiling lightbulb images to “brighten up” your projects! I hope you enjoy this wonderful freebie! Available for COMMERCIAL USE!


Moon and Star Learning


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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Free English Language Game for ESL & ELLs | Fun Listening & Speaking Activity!”

by The Laughing Linguist
Kindergarten – 12th Grade

Free ESL & ELL Game for beginners and intermediate English students! ☀☀☀

Improve your students’ listening and speaking skills with this fun and engaging activity which aims to improve speaking clarity and listening comprehension while also providing them with a memorable lesson almost guaranteed to have them crying with laughter!

This is one of my very favorite teaching activities! Give it a try…i guarantee your students will love it! I have taught it to ESL/ELL students aged from 5 to 75 in multiple countries and it always works really well. I think it would also work really well in public schools; either for art or for English for younger learners. I hope you like it, too!

Mulitple worksheets and activities to pre-teach important vocab

Multiple matching activity worksheets are included in order for you to help students overcome any blocking words. There is a focus on body parts and shapes and is a good recap for young learners/ELL/ESL students.

Practice and Strengthen students speaking and listening accuracy

Students work in pairs to describe and draw a monster. One student can see the monster printout and has to describe accurately and in details what they can see. The other has to listen very carefully so that they are able to create a copy of the drawing.

This activity always has students roaring with laughter. A very popular activity and one which is both fun and has real educational benefit!

A big thank you to for providing the copyright-free clipart.


This product is entirely free. I think it’s a really fun and interesting activity to play with your students. If you do download it and find it useful, it would be really appreciated if you could Follow Me by clicking ★HERE★

If you are interested in this, then maybe you would find these materials of use:

Building Writing Together – Quick Methods To Improve Writing

Before & After – Grammar Lesson

Conversation Starters For Teens & Adults

Or these reading lessons for English or ESL/ELL classes:

1. Festivals – Guy Fawkes Night, Burning Man & Pamplona Running of the Bulls

2. Famous People & Celebrities – David BowieLucy Liu & Steve Irwin

3. Food Culture Around The World – Healthy EatingExtreme Eating & Coffee Culture

4. Music and Culture – GrafittiOpera & Punk

5. Cities and their People – JerusalemChristchurch & Athens

6. Art and Literature – Graphic NovelsThe Guggenheim & Franz Kafka

7. Global Sports – CricketRugby &Base Jumping

8. Scientists & Inventors – Elon MuskBoyan Slat & Mae Jemison


Note to buyers:

I am a small seller who is trying to take this from a small side hustle into something a little bigger. I’d REALLY appreciate it you could spend a minute or two to just leave me a quick review and follow me by clicking HERE.

Happy Teaching!

Dylan (The Laughing Linguist)

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “FREE Happy New Year Letterhead Clip art (okay for commercial use)”

by Loreen Leedy
Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade

You can use one or both of these Happy New Year letterheads to make personal, classroom, or commercial cards, posters, stationery, etc. or use them in whiteboard presentations (please read the terms-of-use PDF in the zip file for more info.) The art is in PNG format so the background is transparent.


Loreen Leedy
Children’s author-illustrator
My newest picture book is Seeing Symmetry
See my 40+ picture books at

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by Katie Jones
Pre-Kindergarten – 1st Grade

Gear up for the New Year with this kid friendly interview!

This is a great way for your students (and/or children) to document their current favorites. Save this sheet and compare their answers at the end of the year.

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Hallway Song”

by Teaching With Style
Pre-Kindergarten – 3rd Grade

Having a hard time getting your class to walk quietly in the hallway? Ever feel like you have to constantly stop and wait for everyone to be standing in a straight line? Here you will find fun songs to sing or chant with your class to get them ready to walk quietly and respectfully in the hallway.

Included are small posters to create a book. I hole punch mine in the top left corner and attach with a binder ring. There are also large page-sized posters that you can laminate and post by your door. Lots of options to help your class be successful in the hallway!

Visit my blog Teaching With Style for more ideas, lessons, freebies, and giveaways!

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “-AT Word Family – 7 Minute Whiteboard Video Word Families Onset Rimes Rhyming”

by The Primary Techie
Kindergarten – 1st Grade

Have you ever felt overwhelmed and just needed a minute to catch your breath? Have you ever wondered how you could keep your class busy while you worked one-on-one with a student or small group? I know I have and that’s why I created 7 Minute Whiteboard Videos. They are ZERO prep! No copies! No early finishers! No grading! The best part is, kids LOVE them!

These videos offer a quick, no-prep review that your students are going to love! Each student needs a whiteboard, marker, and eraser.

This free video lets you try out Word Families. Students will hear a word and see a picture as they write the word on their dry erase board. After a brief time, the word appears and is spelled aloud as students check their own work. They circle the word family ending and erase their boards before practicing another word. After five words in the word family, they write the word family ending and switch the beginning sound several times. Each video is approximately 7 minutes long. These are wonderful for transitions or as a warm-up before your lesson.

Due to the large file size of videos, this download is a pdf file with a link the the videos on Google Drive. These are sure to become a class favorite.

Each video is approximately 7 minutes long. These are terrific for transitions or as a warm-up for your lesson.

Due to the large file size of videos, this download is a pdf file with a link the the videos on Google Drive.

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Winter Contraction Concentration”

by Michelle Oakes
Kindergarten – 1st Grade

Hey teacher friends! Do your kiddos need some practice with contractions? Your students will have fun matching the contraction to the two words that make it, while playing a game of memory. I hope your students have as much fun as mine did!

– Directions
– Cutouts
– Sorting Page

Topic Covered:
– Contractions

This Activity Is Perfect For:
 Contraction Practice

 Fun Activities

 Teaching Lessons

Shop My Related Products:

-ing Center: Snowman

Back to School Math and Literacy Centers

Baseball Math and Literacy Centers

Christmas Centers

Football Centers

Farm: Math and Literacy Centers

Halloween Math and Literacy Centers

Math and Literacy Center Bundle

Measurement Center

Missing Addends Center

Spring Word Work Center

St. Patrick’s Day Centers

Valentine Math and Literacy Centers

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Kindness Activities – Social Emotional Learning Quotes for Kids”

by Sea of Knowledge
Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

These Kindness Activities – Social Emotional Learning Quotes for Kids Coloring Pages will BRIGHTEN up your classroom while bringing positive energy, thoughts, and inspiration to you and your students! Encourage kids to be kind this Christmas while coloring in their posters. Staple these into a mini book and have the kids complete one at a time. OR hang these in the classroom for display during November and December.

Students will love decorating and coloring their posters with bright colors. Hang them in your classroom for daily inspiration during the month. There are currently 18 posters included in this file and I may add more next year! Christmas truly is a magical time of year. 😉


Christmas Coloring Pages – Kindness Quotes Posters

What’s included:

– 4 Christmas Quote Coloring Posters

Thank you for stopping by!

Wishing you and your students a Christmas filled with love and happiness!


Sea of Knowledge

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “FREE Commercial Font Merry Xmas”

by SchoolBoxTreasures
Kindergarten – 5th Grade

This is a fun and playful font perfect for Elementary Classrooms! Font file and terms of use included. You may use this for commercial projects, just please leave a link back to me! Thanks and Have Fun!

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Nouns and Verbs Task Cards Word Sort | 2nd Grade English Language Arts”

by Teaching Second Grade
1st – 3rd Grade

Christmas Noun and Verb Sort
Help Santa find his bags Centers

Also check out:

This is a fun way for your students to practice sorting nouns and verbs.

I use this in my literacy centers.

This is part of my 12 Bundled Christmas Set of Math and Literacy Centers. Please click below to see:
12 Math and Literacy Centers

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Christmas Craft Nativity Freebie”

by Tammys Toolbox
Kindergarten – 3rd Grade

Review the Christmas Nativity Story with this interactive Bible spin and tell activity. This is fun for Sunday schools, Christian schools, and home, Color, cut, and spin to tell the story of Jesus’ birth.

This provides hours of fun while reinforcing the story of Christmas, comprehension, sequencing, listening skills, and memory. Perfect for holiday parties, family night, or anytime.

This activity can be used with any storybook or version of the Bible. This makes it adaptable to any school, church, or home situation. A version of the Christmas story from the International Children’s Bible is included for reference. 

★Check out more learning games at my TPT Store.

Related Products
⭐ Christmas Elf Words Coloring Activity and Game Freebie
⭐ Easter Story Interactive Craft Activity
⭐ The Nativity Story Bingo and Games
⭐ Nonsense Words Phonics Card Game of Decoding


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⭐Find out more about Dusty The Dog Books and Activities.

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❤️Copyright © 2019 Tammy’s Toolbox. All rights reserved by the author. This product is to be used by the purchaser only. Copying for more than one teacher, classroom, or department is prohibited. Multiple and school licenses are available. To purchase additional licenses, select and purchase additional licenses at checkout or go to “my purchases”, select the item, and click “buy additional licenses”. Did you know there are TPT School Accounts? Tell your administrator and ask if your school can purchase this for your classroom.

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Let’s Write Sentences – Christmas {Ruled Lines}”

by Readable Creations
Kindergarten – 6th Grade

This free Christmas interactive writing pack includes a choice of three different writing pages (5 tabs, 2 tabs, and 1 tab), corresponding flaps, and a Christmas vocabulary page.
The interactive element of cutting and gluing the flap over the writing, then illustrating, adds more skills practice and fun to these writing activities.

You’re welcome to check out the other Interactive Writing Packs:
Let’s Write Sentences – Christmas {Dotted Lines} – free
Interactive Writing Pack – St. Patrick’s Day {Freebie}
Let’s Write Sentences – Fall – Halloween – Thanksgiving
Interactive Writing Pack – Winter
Interactive Writing Pack – Easter
Interactive Writing Pack – Spring
Interactive Writing Pack – Summer

Feel free to check out other Christmas Readable Creations:
Christmas Activity Sheets – Literacy and Math Fun for Grades 1 to 4 – free activity in the preview
Christmas Bookmarks and Certificates – free
Rhyming Word Fun Lists (K-4)
Foldable Christmas Book – Trace and Color (PreK-4)

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FREE MATH LESSON – “*Christmas Themed* Friends of 10 – FREE Activity Pack”

by The Relief Teacher
Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

Enjoy three FREE Christmas themed activities to reinforce your students number concepts and friends of 10.

The packet includes:

– Friends of 10 missing number cards:
Students identify the missing number in the friends of 10 sum. Laminate and use with dry-erase markers for long-term use.

– Friends of 10 match and color:
Students color the sheet by finding and matching their friends of 10.

– Friends of 10 roll and cover:
Students play in pairs rolling a 6-sided dice and covering the friends of 10 on the answer sheet. Students aim to get 5 boxes covered in a row.


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If you like this product you may also like:

• Pumpkin Patch Snap & Sort

• Primer Sight Word Pack

• Super Sight Word Mega Bundle *Includes all 5 Dolch Lists!*–2206472

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FREE MATH LESSON – “Three Digit Numbers”

by Mr and Mrs Brightside
1st – 4th Grade

This worksheet deals with three digit numbers. It checks the students understanding of numeric, expanded notation, written form, and sketch form. Students use their crayons to color the matching set of each number. See images. It contains 16 different numbers.

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Thank You !!
Mr. & Mrs. Brightside

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “FREE Christmas Word Match Activity from Clever Classroom – 5 pages”

by Clever Classroom
Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

FREE Christmas Word Match Activity – PDF file

This is a free, 5 page resource, plus guide page and a cover page.

Your file includes a 2 students record worksheets for your children to complete after the match activity.

Match the Christmas object images with corresponding text.

Children will learn how to read various Christmas symbols through matching text.

Print off two copies for pair work.

Designed by Clever Classroom, 2012.

Cloud image not included in file.

Clip art by Scrappin Doodles and Erin Bradley Designs.

You might also like to follow us on Facebook to learn about new resources, fun ideas, photos of good ideas, great links, competitions and more.

For more Christmas resources, click here.

You may also like our:

New Year’s Vocabulary Charts and 8 Writing Tasks – 5 pages

100th Day of School Worksheets – 100 Days of School – 40 pages

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Christmas set – clipart”

by London Calling Designs
Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade

There are seven images in the set. You can see all of them in the preview. All images are high resolution and are 300dpi.

In the set:

* ornament 1

* ornament 2

* ornament 3

* Christmas tree

* box 1

* box 2

* snowman

Terms of Use

*You may use this clipart in your commercial projects as long as you provide a credit back to my store.

* You may not sell this clipart.

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Flip Books, Pocket Chart Cards, and More {at/an} FREEBIE”

by Christina Mauro
Pre-Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

Enjoy this freebie!

You can use these pages in several different ways:
– Students can do the flip book to sort the pictures individually
– The flip book can be put in a literacy station to review the sounds
– The colored picture cards can be copied and laminated for students to sort in a station and then do the flip book to show the way they sorted
– Students can draw their own pictures that go with each word family
– Students will use the color code to color the pictures based on the word family

Please leave feedback and make me smile! 🙂

Christina Mauro

Here are the words/pictures included in this product:
-at cat, bat, fat, hat, mat, rat
-an fan, tan, can, man, van, pan

If you are interested in some more short a words check this out:
Flip Books, Pocket Chart Cards, and More {Short a Word Families}

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Free! Santa Express Geometric Christmas Train 2D Shapes”

by Christine Maxwell Hand to Heart
Pre-Kindergarten – 3rd Grade

There are so many great stories about trains for children! A very special story for the holiday season is the classic “The Polar Express” by Chris Van Allsburg’s. This fun product incorporates 5 geometric 2D shapes into the building of a train engine, plus a creative literacy activity.

There are 3 complete train engine choices; 1 has red and green colors, 1 is grayscale colored, and the last is black and white. The train can be made as a stand-alone, but that is better printed on heavy paper. It can also be made by gluing the pieces down on another piece of paper.

This project is excellent practice for the fine motor skills of cutting and gluing. ****Do watch to make sure they cut the four wheels as circles. It is a good idea to give each child a baggie to hold their cut pieces until they have glued them all.

Introduce or review the five shapes; circle, square, triangle, rectangle, and hexagon. Decide if posting the picture of the finished Key that is included, so the children may use it for reference. When doing the black and white or grayscale engines, the children can color or decorate them when finished.

This activity can also be used in a center, but it is better if the pieces are laminated first. Some of the pieces are small so a baggie helps to keep any from getting lost.

These 5 shapes are Common Core aligned for Kindergarten Geometry 2D shapes, but the activity can be used for several ages and grades.

The literacy activity has a black and white train paper with lines for writing and reading their creative stories. There is a cover sheet to make these stories into a class share book the students can read and reread again and again.

Download the Product to see and get the complete activity.

I have another train product that can also be a Christmas train activity, but can be used at other times of the year too.
Christmas Train Do Together Parent/Child Homework Activity

********************Please leave feedback and enjoy!********************
Please go to your My Purchases page (you may need to login). Beside each purchase you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Simply click it and you will be taken to a page where you can give a quick rating and leave a short comment for the product. Thank you for your feedback.

There are many other geometric activities and money saving geometric bundles in my store.
Geometric Activities

Also See:
Free Products
Christmas Activities
Winter Activities
Shape Activities
Color Activities
Puzzles & Games

Follow Me to receive customized email updates about my store discounts, free activities and product launches. Look for the green star near the top of any page in my store and click it to become a follower.

How to get TPT credit to use on future purchases:
Please go to your My Purchases page (you may need to login). Beside each purchase you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Simply click it and you will be taken to a page where you can give a quick rating and leave a short comment for the product. Thank you for your feedback.

The Geometric Train can be used for other stories about trains.

Some examples are:
1. Smokey by Bill Peet
2. Crack in the Track (Thomas the Tank Engine Story)
3. Little Train by Lois Lenski
4. The Little Engine that Could by Watty Piper
5. Steam, Smoke, and Steel: Back in Time with Trains by Patrick O’Brien
6. Big Book of Trains by DK Publishing
7. The Goodnight Train by June Sobel
8. The Potty Train by David Hochman
9. Dinosaur Train by John Steven Gurney
10. Freight Train by Donald Crews

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Moveable Push Play Icons”

by One Room Schoolhouse
Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade

This set of icons can be used in any print or digital resource. These icons can be used to signal to your students they need to listen to directions, watch a video, or anything you want them to ‘play’.

***These pieces can be used in Google Slides and other digital products as moveable pieces.*** (Please link to my store or use my graphic on your credits page. Super simple terms.)

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Train Writing Papers with Prompt Ideas – Supplement to Old Tracks, New Tricks”

by Mrs Magee
Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

Four versions of train themed writing paper are included in this download. Two versions with primary handwriting lines and two versions with standard writing lines. Several writing prompt ideas are also included. These writing pages can be used with the book Old Tracks, New Tricks by Jessica Petersen.

PRINTING: When printing, make sure to select “Fit to Page” or “Scale to Fit” to ensure that all borders, text, and graphics print correctly and on one page.

About the Book Old Tracks New Tricks: When three creative train tracks join an old wooden train set, the bossy engines blare orders, and the bored tracks snore on the floor. Can the three little tracks show the whole train set how to work together and invent new fun? Part fun, rhyming story, part activity idea book, Old Tracks, New Tricks shows kids how to create new ways to play with their favorite toys.

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FREE MATH LESSON – “Gobble Gobble Bump Dice Game”

by KinderKay
Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

Students use Unifix and dice to capture and bump numbers on and off of a Thanksgiving game board. The player who captures the most numbers wins!

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Phonics and Common Exception Words Record”

by Zoe Did That
Kindergarten – 5th Grade

Make keeping track of your Learners’ progress in Phonics a breeze with these phonics and common exception word trackers.

Common Exception Words are also know as Tricky Words, Red Words and Sight Words.

This packet is divided into English National Curriculum assigned Year Groups:

•EYFS and Year 1

•Year 2

•Lower Key Stage 2, Years 3 and 4

•Upper Key Stage 2, Years 5 and 6

Use by colour coding your records with 3 check dates catered for.

Ready to print and use!

#reading #phonics #eyfs #ks1 #ks2 #primary #teacherrecords

Love this resource? Also check out:

Read and draw a dog

Read and draw a snowman

Read and draw a flower

Christmas Hot Chocolate writing

Twelve Days of Christmas – Spot the Expanded Noun Phrase

Twelve Days of Christmas wordsearches

Don’t forget to review this purchase to get FREE TpT credits towards your next purchase!

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FREE MATH LESSON – “FREE: Thanksgiving Math: PPT for making 10”

by Brenda Tejeda
Kindergarten – 1st Grade

thanksgiving free, thanksgiving math

**Thanksgiving PowerPoint presentation for making the number 10!**

Students figure out how many more are needed to complete the ten-frame. Click on each slide to reveal the hidden foods!

Perfect for use after reading There Was an Old Lady who Swallowed a Pie by Alison Jackson!
Click here for a fun resource pack:
Old Lady who Swallowed a Pie Cross-Curricular Pack

Please note there are 2 files included. A PDF that includes credits and sample slides, and the actual PPT file to use with your students. Enjoy!

Happy Thanksgiving!
Brenda Tejeda – Tejeda’s Tots

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FREE MATH LESSON – “Thanksgiving Place Value Activities”

by Teaching Second Grade
1st – 3rd Grade

Thanksgiving Place Value – Your students will love this fun and engaging activity where they can practice their place value skills. Skills included are +10, -10, +100, -100, expanded form, and base 10 blocks,

This packet is perfect for:

  • Morning work
  • Independent work
  • Homework
  • Extra practice
  • Higher 1st grade and lower 3rd-grade students as well
  • Early and Fast Finishers
  • Math Centers
  • Sub Folder – Binder

I have included a sheet that has all of the skills (feathers) on one page. I also included pages that have 1 skill per page in case you would like to make each feather a different color.


Thanksgiving Products:







November Daily Sets:












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Every time you provide feedback, you will earn TPT credits. These can be applied to future purchases to save you money! Yay!


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I hope your students enjoy these activities! I would really appreciate your feedback:)

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Editable Review Game Template: Go Fish!”

by Betsey Zachry
Pre-Kindergarten – 5th Grade

Go Fish! is a quick, fun review game that is perfect for a Classroom Center, Virtual Classroom Activity or an in-Class activity. The game can be played individually or in teams.

The game is very easy to set up. Just add 12 of your questions and answers to the prepared hyperlinked slides and your students are ready to play Go Fish! Save a blank template to use over and over again.

The object of the game is for your students to answer your review questions correctly. If the question is answered correctly, the player/team earns 1 point and has the opportunity to earn an extra point by playing the carnival game, Go Fish! The player/team will select 1 of 2 fishing poles to Go Fish. The player/team has a 50/50 chance of catching a fish or a tennis shoe. If the player/team catches the fish, they earn an extra point.

Go Fish! is one of the featured games in Carnival Games 2. Click on the link to see all of the games featured in Carnival Games 2.



Due to animations, this game does not work on Google Slides.

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Thank you for considering Go Fish! Digital PowerPoint Game Template. Click here to take a look at additional products from Betsey Zachry and Zachry’s Game Room.

You may also be interested in:

Pirate Treasure Hunt PowerPoint Game Template

Up, Up and Away! PowerPoint Game Template

Make a Banana Split Interactive PowerPoint Class Activity Template

Super Sleuth Interactive PowerPoint Game Template

Ice Cream Sundae Party Interactive PowerPoint Game Template

All Star Baseball Interactive PowerPoint Game Template

Haunts, A Frightfully Fun Interactive PowerPoint Game Template

Bulls-Eye Interactive PowerPoint Game Template

3-2-1 Liftoff Interactive PowerPoint Game Template

Lucky Draw Interactive PowerPoint Game Template

Hoops Star! Basketball PowerPoint Game Template

Last Ship Sailing Interactive PowerPoint Game Template

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by Elementary on the Eastside
Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

To celebrate the end of the year we’re doing 5 freebies this week ! Hit the follow button to get an update when each freebie is posted. Enjoy!

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “I Am Thankful poem template”

by Diamond Mom
1st – 3rd Grade

This poetry scaffold is helpful for students who may have difficulty getting started. This is a template for a poem about being thankful. I use it for generating ideas about the many things we have that we can be thankful for. It is a great framework for Thanksgiving.

Here are some of my other Fall themed and Thanksgiving products.

Pumpkin Glyphs

Turkey Glyphs

Give Thanks Math and Language Activities

Math Addition Task Cards

I Was So Scared

Seasonal Interlined Templates

Thank You for your purchase of this product. I hope you find it helpful.

Charlene/Diamond Mom

Diamond Mom’s Treasury

My TPT Store



[email protected]

This product is for single use in one classroom. If you wish to share, please purchase multiple licenses or direct others to purchase their own copies at my store.

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Halloween Emergent Reader – Free”

by Once Upon A Classroom
Kindergarten – 1st Grade

This halloween themed emergent reader (I, see, the) is perfect for new Pre K-1 and ESL readers. Use the colored version as a whole class read aloud and the b&w version for guided reading. Your students will love drawing themselves at the end of the book in their own costume!
**I’ve included Canadianized covers at the end of the resource.

Your comments always brighten my day 🙂
Happy Teaching!

Erin Palleschi
Once Upon A Classroom

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Yes No Questions Worksheets | Speech Therapy Fall Activity FREE”

by Angie S
Pre-Kindergarten – 1st Grade

These are awesome freebie printables to target basic yes/no questions, good for students with autism and special needs.

There are 5 pages to be printed on photo paper and laminated. Have the students answer the questions and circle the correct answer. Use dry erase markers to write on the cards.

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Dear buyer, I wanted to remind you about the fact that you can build up TPT credit by leaving feedback on my products. You can submit feedback at the time of purchase or go to My Purchases for a list of what you have bought in the past. Next to each title you`ll find a Leave Feedback button. If you click and leave a rating and comment you`ll receive the credit. Then go to TPT Credits to learn how to redeem your credits on future purchases!


Being a follower of my store you`ll learn about my new products, sales, and discounts! Become my follower by clicking on the green star on any of my pages and receive email updates in your TPT inbox.


Yes No Questions

Yes No Questions – Farm Animals

Yes No Questions (Do You…)

Yes No Questions- Body Parts

Fall Photo Flash Cards

Thanksgiving Vocabulary Cards

Back to School Flash Cards

What Questions

Which One Does Not Belong?

Yes No Questions – Fruits

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Halloween Quiz PowerPoint Editable Template FREE”

by Sweet Integrations – Sandy Cangelosi
1st – 6th Grade

FREE Halloween Quiz PowerPoint Editable Template

Welcome to Sweet Integrations.

What a fun way to review for tests or units studied! Your students will enjoy learning about Halloween or any subject you choose. I’ve provided an editable PowerPoint template with 10 questions. Students will click on the numbers on the haunted house and it will link to the question. If correct, students will receive the message “Good Job.” If wrong, the message is “Try Again.”

**Images have been flattened.**

Please continue to visit my store for more informational text units.
PowerPoint Game Template – iPad Theme

PowerPoint Game Template – Detective Theme

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Drop by my blog, Sweet Integrations for more ideas for your classroom!

Key Words: Halloween, Autumn, Fall Quiz, PowerPoint, Review, Editable, first grade, second grade, third grade, fourth grade, fifth grade, sixth grade

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