Category Archives : HOME

Celebrating one year of Fine Motor Gains!

Watch this Awesome Guy show us his amazing growth in hand skills in one year’s time.  

It all began here when he learned to isolate his index finger, but take a look at him now!

Also learn an Occupational therapist’s trick for teaching pencil grasp to a child with low muscle tone and poor hand strength!

Read More:

Capitals First Blog from Print Path

Print Path @ Teachers Pay Teachers

Teacher Appreciation Sale!

Let’s Go Shopping!

The Teachers Pay Teachers “Teacher Appreciation” Sale takes place on May 5 and May 6, 2015.  I can hardly wait!  Everything in my store will be discounted at 20% off.  Don’t forget to use the COUPON CODE to get an additional discount.  The COUPON CODE is:  ThankYou.  Remember to click on the “APPLY” button when you are ready to make your purchases.

One thing that I love about Teachers pay Teachers sales is that the coupons are endless!  The coupon code works no matter how many times I shop.  If I go shopping on May 5th and forget an item, I can always go back later and use the coupon code again.  But . . . once the sale is over with, the coupon code won’t work.

I’ve been busy creating new products and am excited to show you a few here.  This is my first post on The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative WordPress blog.  Therefore, I am not sure how all the bells and whistles work but it will be fun to take her for a test drive.

Sight words sheets for instant word recognitionpractice.

Sight Words Practice

Alphabet recognition practice

Letter Recitation Practice Sheets

Number identification

Numeral Recognition


Concept of Word Tracking Sheets

Teachers are a-MAY-zing.

  Thank you for making an impact on future generations.

Sale for teachers during Teacher Appreciation week.

Teacher Appreciation Sale

Post by Molly McMahon, Lessons by Molly

Teachers Pay Teachers Store




That Fun Reading Teacher’s Sight-Word-Stages Leveled Readers: Differentiate just by printing!


SWS intro


As educators, we have all kinds of fun activities and strategies for teaching and reinforcing sight words for reading and writing. Many of them involve practicing these words out of context. The point of Sight Word Recognition is to be able to recognize these words at a glance, in isolation. But all of the practice needn’t be.

I am in the early stages of creating a series of readers called ‘Sight Word Stages’ readers to help teachers differentiate for their students within the same reading level. While some of our students may struggle with putting all of the pieces of the reading puzzle together and need to work on that, there are many others who simply have difficulty remembering, and who require extra opportunities to practice using these little words in context.

Here is an example of a DRA/Reading Recovery Level 2 Reader:

Furry th

 A color PDF is included in the package, indicating the sight words of focus on the cover.

I print these on thicker paper, laminate them and keep them with other guided reading books.

Who is Furry

 Directional support is provided with the go to stop method.


bw Fur 3,4

 A regular black and white copy is provided. Students can color and keep these, if you wish.


Fur 3,4 (1)

 A trace-the-sight-word copy is provided for students requiring this level of support.

Fur 3,4

 A fill-in-the-blanks copy is also provided for each title.

Supplementary Materials:

Color and black & white sentence strips                                                                                                                                     (Tip: Print color copy onto card paper and laminate, and store with color readers for reuse)

1500 x1912 2.png - Copy - Copy - Copy 1500 x1912 2.png - Copy - Copy 1500 x1912 2.png 1500 x1912 2.png - Copy

Color and black & white Self-Check lists                                                                                                                               (I have a laminated color one on the wall over the writing table with a dry-erase marker, but know classroom teachers who give each child their own black and white copy, one who shrinks it to half-size. Early finishers draw or practice words on the back!)

Self-Check color

Sometimes – there’s a surprise bonus activity – particularly in the bundles. Check the previews!

 Here is what is currently available in the Sight-Word-Stages Readers Series:

Please note that freebies will not contain all of the parts mentioned above.

Text box.png We are Community Helpers! Free Sight-Word-Stages Sampler

Text box.png - Copy Monst Tr th Furry th

L2 4 Book Bundle sq She is CH th He is CH th

Text box.png - Copy (2) I Like School cover In revision:At School

Text box.png Th 400 St Patrick's Day Things cover


 4 Book Bundle long More titles coming Summer 2015!  Save with bundles!

Are there any particular themes you would like to see covered in these early levels? Please leave a comment and let me know! (Easter and Earth Day are already started in draft!)

Have a wonderful spring day, and pop into my store for a visit sometime by clicking my button!

Th TpT Store Prof pic circle



Mother’s Day is right around the corner!  Check out my new Mother’s Day Keepsake Book!


A Book Written in Verse

mothers day cover

mothers day a mothers day b mothers day c


This engaging ABC Book (written in verse) is fun for students to complete and meaningful for moms to receive as a Mother’s Day Keepsake Gift.    Students personalize the books by using their best observations and memories about their moms to complete the pages.

This product includes:

  • Both a Colored Cover and a Black and White Cover
  • A 14-Page Mother’s Day ABC Book Written in Verse
  • Teacher’s Instructions for Completion of the Book
  • 2 pages of images/phrases for the “cut and paste” sections

To complete the book, each student will:

  • Write mommy quotes
  • Draw items found in mom’s purse
  • Cut and paste bedtime routine pictures
  • Measure and record his/her height
  • Make handprint (paint, ink or trace)
  • Create a list of “mom’s favorite things”
  • And much more!

This project is best completed over the course of several days!  Check out the Preview to get an idea of the verses and the activities.


Visit my store to check out my history based lesson plans and products!

The Dealing-With-Feelings Series: The ‘how-to manage tricky feelings’ stories for kids

DWF th1 450

The Dealing-With-Feelings Series by That Fun Reading Teacher #DWF

Let me start by thanking those of you who have made these stories so popular over the past six months. This post is dedicated to you in gratitude. You have buoyed my confidence to continue along this path.

This is how this series came to be.

For the past few years, I have been a Special Education teacher to young children. Just a few years ago, while using social stories in integrated kindergarten classrooms with my students with autism, I noticed that their classmates were benefiting from them, too! The  social stories I was using were written specifically for the child they were being used with, and parts of these stories had little relevance to their classmates. They seemed to be very interested in, and to find comfort in other parts of them.
It occurred to me that many children could benefit from stories that were like social stories, but meant for more of a general audience of young children: Characters role-modeling the how-to’s of dealing with tricky feelings. (We all know how motivated we are when someone TELLS us how to handle something!)Even in kindergarten, some children were already uncomfortable about discussing feelings. Research, parenting, teaching and talking to each other tells us that natural conversation only comes from a willing participant, especially one who initiates it.

AAF thQ: Where can one find kids who can naturally name and discuss a variety of feelings, involve other kids in the conversation without alienating them?

A: In a picture books. All About Feelings is the foundation story for the Dealing-With-Feelings Series. Child narrators introduce kids to a range of emotions by showing them examples of kids feeling them in various situations.

Below are the stories with characters  figuring out how to identify and options they have for dealing with specific tricky feelings:

When I Feel Sad girl full version angry girl th frustr girl
Sad boy th angry boy th frustr boy
Sad bundle th angry bundle th frustr bundle
girls 3 boys 3 7 Book Col

I find myself turning to these stories more often recently.

In September, there were a few sad little people who found comfort in reading about another boy or girl who was sad to say good-bye in the morning, too.

When big kids kicked down snow forts and others were ‘stealing’ snowballs in January, reading about how kids dealt with anger was received a lot better than some of the strategies I’ve used in the past.

Who knew that the phrase ‘use your words’ could result in an airborne chair?

When the temperatures took a dive resulting in clusters of indoor recesses, well, let’s just say that it wasn’t only students benefiting from the When I Feel Frustrated books.

Sad girl th 1.png


What feelings would you like to see dealt with in upcoming books? What are some strategies that you think should be included?

Watch for new titles Summer 2015…

Thank you to Rebekah Brock, whose clip art brought these stories alive!


TpT Store Prof pic circle


DWF 7 pck long pin

The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative – Categories

Hi everyone,

Thanks for stopping by our Word Press blog, The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative.  Click on the categories posted on the right hand column to find particular lessons. Below is a list of the categories.

Have fun exploring TBOTEMC,









FREE LESSONS & PRICED LESSONS – The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs


  • PreKindergarten
  • Kindergarten
  • 1st Grade
  • 2nd Grade
  • 3rd Grade
  • 4th Grade
  • 5th Grade
  • 6th Grade
  • 7th Grade
  • 8th Grade
  • 9th Grade
  • 10th Grade
  • 11th Grade
  • 12th Grade
  • College


  • 100th Day
  • 4th of July
  • Christmas
  • Easter
  • End of the Year
  • Father’s Day
  • Flag Day
  • Halloween
  • Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • Memorial Day
  • Mother’s Day
  • New Year’s Day
  • Presidents’ Day
  • St. Patrick’s Day
  • Thanksgiving
  • Valentine’s Day
  • Veteran’s Day














The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative

The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative Little Square Logo PNG


Hi, my name is Vicky Leon and I have been teaching in the Los Angeles Unified School District since 1982.   I hope to use this site as a way to help teachers share ideas with other teachers.

Members of The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative promote their free products, priced products, sales, and promotions on this WordPress blog.  They also write articles about their teaching experiences and about themselves.  You may also see free products created by teachers who sell their lessons at

If you would like to be a member of The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative, go to and purchase the one year membership using your PayPal account or the PayPal credit card service.

Feel free to email me at [email protected] if you have any questions.

Happy reading,





Join The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative at

and get THOUSANDS OF PAGE VIEWS for your TpT products!