Tag Archives : free

FREE MISC. LESSON – “Actividades con sílabas ma me mi mo mu- Clasificar dibujos Letra M – FREEBIE”

by Plaza de Colores
Pre-Kindergarten – 1st Grade

Si buscas actividades con ma me mi mo mu para trabajar las sílabas con tus estudiantes puedes usar este mini sort, que se adapta también a la enseñanza a distancia.

Thank you for purchasing from Plaza de Colores. If you find this resource useful for your classroom please know we appreciate kind reviews! Also, don’t forget to follow us!


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Victoria Leon’s TpT Store

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FREE MATH LESSON – “Kindergarten Number Flashcards 0 to 10 Freebie”

by Fern Smith’s Classroom Ideas
Pre-Kindergarten – Kindergarten

FREE Large Kindergarten Number Flashcards

These flashcards are PERFECT for your one on one number testing of students during your first few weeks of Kindergarten.

This is a set of large number flashcards that are the numbers 0 to 10 designed with a cute Smart Cookie theme. They are perfect to print on cardstock, 4 to a page, laminate and then use again and again each year.

Print multiple times, for more than one of each number. Use them with a parent volunteer or small group lesson to create matching, recognition and number sequence games and activities for Preschool, VPK and Kindergarten children.

Large enough to use for bulletin boards too!

When it comes to the ease of prepping this resource, all pieces are rectangular and easy for you or a parent volunteer to cut on a paper slicer. No need to cut around eight flower petals, however, the graphics are still adorable and eye catching to hold your students’ interest!


Write numbers from 0 to 20. Represent a number of objects with a written numeral 0-20 (with 0 representing a count of no objects).


Compare two numbers between 1 and 10 presented as written numerals.

Thank you for all that you do for your students! Enjoy!


Fern Smith * Store Blog

© Fern Smith’s Classroom Ideas

Resource Title: Kindergarten Number Flashcards 0 to 10 Freebie


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FREE MATH LESSON – “Matching Numbers and Number Words”

by 123 Teach With Me
Pre-Kindergarten – 1st Grade

Use the first sheet once you’ve taught number words one through five, and the second after you’ve taught through ten. Then consider printing them front to back for a final assessment, or a review assessment with older students.


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Victoria Leon’s TpT Store

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “French & English Bilingual Classroom Rules Posters”

by TeachingFSL
Kindergarten – 8th Grade

These lime green & turquoise blue mini-posters (sized 8.5″ x 11″) were made based on an inquiry from a facebook fan of Teaching FSL. I took the 3 rules requested (safe, respectful, responsible) and created 3 separate versions of these signs, which are all available in English & French (so 6 options in total).

**Updated to add “ready” and “prêt” to the chalkboard circle versions.**

If you like this product, please leave me feedback. I’d be happy to hear from you!
For any suggestions or questions, please email me (address is within the package) or use the Q&A feature below. Follow me for information on new products by clicking the green star above or click here.

Mme Aiello

Teaching FSL


Ces affiches gratuites sont un excellent outil pour l’école entière! Placez ces affiches dans les classes où l’on enseigne le français!

Si vous aimez ce produit, laissez-moi de la rétroaction s’il vous plaît. Pour des changements, des suggestions ou si vous avez d’autres questions, veuillez me joindre par courriel (l’adresse est dans le produit) ou par l’onglet de Questions & réponses ci-dessous. Suivez-moi pour recevoir des infos sur mes nouveaux produits en cliquant l’étoile verte ci-dessus ou cliquez ici.

Mme Aiello

Teaching FSL

Product ID 855680


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Victoria Leon’s TpT Store

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Free Back to School Lessons By The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs MC – 2021”

by Victoria Leon
Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade

Enjoy these 21 free lessons to help you start the new school right by members of The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative and then have fun downloading thousandsof free lessons for the entire school year!

  • Apple Number Puzzles FREEBIE
  • School Graphing for Young Learners
  • FREEBIE!!! First Day of School Crowns Customizable TK-5th
  • Compound Word Activities and Compound Word Puzzles FREE
  • Back to School Night Forms and Checklists Freebie in English and Spanish
  • Back to School Activity First Grade (100 Chart Mystery Picture Puzzle)
  • ESL & ELD K-5 Curriculum Map – a FREE year long pacing guide!
  • Back to School About Me Craft Activity
  • Writing Process Posters Engineering Themed
  • Multiplication Matching Game
  • 3rd Grade Math Spiral Review Worksheets Free Sample | Digital and Printable
  • My College Application
  • Back-to-School Guided Limerick Writing About Self Activity – Print or Digital
  • Back to School Activities FREEBIE
  • Free Coupon-based Classroom Management System
  • Using Mental Math to Make Numbers Using Number Tiles FREE
  • STEM Daily Discussion Starters, Journal Prompts, and Fillers – Sept.
  • Icebreakers Task Cards Getting to Know You Questions for Back to School SAMPLER
  • PREGO Capitolo 11 Spesa e Spese TOMBOLA
  • Choosing a Career for 9-12th Grades and Homeschool **Free Guide**
  • A Sampling of Sentence Patterns Grammar Worksheets
  • Free Back to School Lessons
  • Free Winter Holiday Lessons
  • Free Valentine’s Day Lessons
  • Free End of the Year Lessons
  • 100+ Free Lessons & Teaching Ideas
  • TBOTE and TBOTEMC Blogs
  • TBOTE Facebook page
  • The Best of TpT Pinterest Boards

IF YOU ARE NOT ABLE TO OPEN THE FILE or you have any questions, feel free to email Victoria Leon at [email protected]

Wishing you the best in the new school year,

Vicky and

The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative


Join The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative at
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Victoria Leon’s TpT Store

Go to http://www.pinterest.com/TheBestofTPT/ for even more free products!

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “David Goes to School Back to School Freebie”

by I Love 1st Grade by Cecelia Magro
Kindergarten – 2nd Grade


This freebie is a companion to the book David Goes to School by David Shannon. It has a craftivity of David to review rules with. Templates for craft and writing paper for kindergarten, first grade, and second grade are included.

Click here to follow me and find out about updates, freebies, and new resources!

Copyright ©Cecelia Magro

All rights reserved by author. Permission to copy for single classroom use only. Electronic distribution limited to single classroom use only. Not for public display.

Follow me!






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FREE MISC. LESSON – “FREE IEP meeting reminder for parents”

by Dana Designs
Kindergarten – 12th Grade

This is a fully editable document (created in Powerpoint, prints two to a page) you can use to increase parent attendance at IEP meetings because even your best parents could use a gentle reminder.

If you enjoy this freebie, feedback is always appreciated and please take a look at my other Special Education-friendly products.

How-To Essay Organizers and Planners

Point Sheet for Monitoring Student Behaviors

Progress Monitoring Template for Writing


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by Differentiation Station Creations
Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

FREE!!! Back to School Bump!

This is a Back-To-School/ School Supply Themed Math Center, Game, and Printable. Students will add to 12. Using 2 dice, students will demonstrate fluency in addition to 12.

Print and laminate the Back-to-School Bump board for durability.
Give one board, 2 dice, and 10 cubes or two different colors to a pair of students.
Students will take turns rolling the two dice. Each student will add the two numbers together and cover the number with their cube.
If the student rolls a number that has already been covered, then they can “bump” the other student’s cube off the space.
If a student is able to put two of their cubes on one space, then they have “locked” that space. Their cubes can no longer be bumped!
The first person to use all their cubes wins!!!
Students will complete the extension worksheet to demonstrate their addition fluency.

See my blog, Differentiation Station Creations, to see Bump in action!

If you loved “Back to School Bump!”, you need to take a look at these games and activities!

Back to School: Math Centers, Games, Printables, Posters

“Monster Munch!” Addition to 20, Number Lines, Missing Addends

Fall Literacy Centers: Blends, Sight Word Fluency, and ABC Order, Common Core

Customer Tips:How to get TPT credit to use on future purchases:
• Please go to your My Purchases page (you may need to login). Beside each purchase you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Simply click it and you will be taken to a page where you can give a quick rating and leave a short comment for the product. Each time you give feedback, TPT gives you feedback credits that you use to lower the cost of your future purchases. I value your feedback greatly as it helps me determine which products are most valuable for your classroom so I can create more for you. ☺

Be the first to know about my new discounts, freebies and product launches:
• Look for the green star next to my store logo and click it to become a follower. Voila! You will now receive email updates about this store. ☺
Key Words: back to school, bump, pencils, crayons, glue, scissors, markers, math, kindergarten, first grade, special education, homeschool, addition, sums, dice, die, addition, centers, games, printables, Differentiation Station Creations


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and get THOUSANDS OF PAGE VIEWS for your TpT products!

Victoria Leon’s TpT Store

Go to http://www.pinterest.com/TheBestofTPT/ for even more free products!

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Key Ideas and Details Boom Cards Distance Learning”

by Dragons Den
2nd – 3rd Grade

Key ideas and Details just got a lot more fun using this digital resource! It is interactrive, self-grading, and paperless with your Google classroom, and/or on any SmartBoard, computer or tablet. Cartoons, sound and easy to read text keep students engaged and excited about the task at hand.


Special Note:

You will download a PowerPoint slide with the clickable link to your resource. This download slide can be stored on Google Drive, on wherever you prefer to store your purchased resources. Putting this link on PowerPoint Show allows teachers to directly link to the resource quickly.

If you are not familiar with Boom Cards, you are going to be very impressed. The boom cards you have purchased will always be available to you.

Note from the Boom Card site:

To use Boom Cards, you must be connected to the Internet. Boom Cards play on modern browsers (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Edge). Apps are available for modern Android, iPads, iPhones, and Kindle Fires. For security and privacy, adults must have a Boom Learning account to use and assign Boom Cards. You will be able to assign the Boom Cards you are buying with “Fast Pins,” (a form of play that gives instant feedback to students for self-grading Boom Cards). For assignment options that report student progress back to you, you will need to purchase a premium account. If you are new to Boom Learning, you will be offered a free trial of our premium account. Readhere for details: http://bit.ly/BoomTrial.

Boom learning is an Academics’ Choice Awards™ award winner

“You may be eligible for a free trial from Boom Learning. Read here for details: http://bit.ly/BoomTrial. If you choose not to stay on a premium account after your free trial, you will still be able to assign all your Boom Cards to as many students as you see fit using Fast Play pins (which give instant feedback for decks that are self-grading). You will not be charged when your free trial expires.”


If you would like this resource in a task card version, that includes a game see:

Key Ideas and Details Task Cards and Game


Credits to:

Hedesey’s Background Clipart

Ron Leishman Digital Toonage

Krista Wallen Creative Clips


About this Teacher Author

Jan Bernard

National Board Certified Teacher (2001-2011), Masters in Curriculum, Gifted Certified, Cobb County Elementary Teacher of the Year, Addison Elementary Teacher of the Year, Bullard Elementary Teacher of the Year, Atlanta Journal and Constitution Honor Teacher finalist ($5000 award), District 3 Georgia Science Teacher of the Year, Author of seven books published by The Child’s World Press, Wrote online k-12 social studies and language arts curriculum for Coca Cola, curriculum writer for CNN, curriculum writer for American Legacy Publishers 2009-2014, 25 years teaching experience in grades 1st-4th.

Click here to Follow Me and receive 1/2 off on all new resources within the first 48 hours of launch.


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Victoria Leon’s TpT Store

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “First Day Jitters: Back to School Conversation Cubes FREEBIE!”

by 2livNlearn
Pre-Kindergarten – 5th Grade

Get your kids talking, lower students’ affective filters, and help start building relationships with these First Day Jitters Conversation Cubes. Two cubes included! Come back and visit often for more resources and freebies!

If you liked this product, check out the full product: Conversation Cubes!


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Victoria Leon’s TpT Store

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Free Back to School Lessons By The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs MC – 2023”

by Victoria Leon
Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade

Start the new year right with these free lessons by The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative:

  • Back to School Math – Skip Counting Puzzles Activities Includes No Prep Activity
  • Welcome Banner (Superhero)
  • FREEBIE! First Day of School Hats Activity – Pre-K to First Grade – No Prep
  • Get your FREE Emergent Readers – Dealing with a Virus | Open Dyslexic Font
  • Ocean Theme Classroom Number Cards 0-10 Freebie
  • Back to School Writing Freebie
  • FREE ESL Curriculum Map – Year-Long ELL Pacing Guide – English Language Learner
  • 3rd Grade Math Review FULL WEEK FREE SAMPLE |Math Spiral Review
  • Reader’s Theater Script Zuni Story The Maidens of the Corn
  • Creative Options for Writing Assignments in Middle School Science
  • Reducing Wordy Sentences Grammar Worksheet | Digital | Printable
  • Why We Can’t Divide by Zero – A FREE Math Resource
  • Free Back to School Lessons
  • Free Winter Holiday Lessons
  • Free Valentine’s Day Lessons
  • Free End of the Year Lessons
  • 100+ Free Lessons & Teaching Ideas
  • TBOTE and TBOTEMC Blogs
  • TBOTE Facebook page
  • The Best of TpT Pinterest Boards

IF YOU ARE NOT ABLE TO OPEN THE FILE or you have any questions, feel free to email Victoria Leon at [email protected]

Wishing you the very best in the new school year,

Vicky and

The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative


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FREE SOCIAL STUDIES LESSON – “Quick Facts About Hispanics in the US”

by SpanishPlans
5th – 12th Grade

A 4 page PDF with information on Hispanics in the US as well as the Foreign-Born Population in the US with data collected from the 2010 US Census and a 2010 ACS survey.


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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Meet the Teacher EDITABLE Slideshow | Google Slides™”

by Kids are the Future
Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade

Make a great first impression and impress families and parents with this editable customizable Meet the Teacher slideshow! This slideshow template includes engaging captivating colours to keep students interested. All text is completely editable to suit your needs!

The slide templates are done for you. Save time during a busy season and enjoy the rest of your summer. Simply add your own text and images (personal photo or Bitmoji) onto the slides.

Use these to WOW your students and families during back to school season, back to school night, parent night, open house and/or curriculum night.

This product includes

  • Teacher instructions, ideas for implementation
    • How to customize the linkable navigation menu buttons
    • How to add an image and Bitmoji
    • movable icons for the contact information slide
  • editable Google Slides™ to fully customize your slides


  • Back to School
  • Get to Know Me Navigation Menu
  • About Me
  • Fun Facts
  • My Favourites
  • Education
  • Hobbies
  • Family
  • Contact Information


“I absolutely love this resources. It was so easy to use and edit. I am going to use if for a back to school night and have it playing on a loop. I have done this is in the past and parents/students loved it. I am excited to spruce it up this year with this super cute resource!”

“These slides were great for me to put all of the important information as well as some fun facts about myself for the first day of school. It was so easy to modify the slides to input my information and now I can use it year after year. Thank you!!”

“Super cute and made my all about me more fun as the kids were able to choose a button to click on and learn more about me.”

Enjoy! Please leave a review if you download this freebie, I really appreciate it and it motivates me to create more for you! Follow me for future products, freebies, updates, and sales!


Join my email list for freebies and visit my blog for teaching inspiration and updates.

Connect With Me:




How do I earn TPT credits to save money on my future purchases?

Click on My Purchases and beside each product, you can view whether you have left feedback about a product. Click on Leave a Review underneath the product title and seller.

Please leave a review if you can, I would really appreciate it. Follow me for future products, updates, and sales!

© Kids are the Future


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FREE MATH LESSON – “Back to School DOGS SHAKE SPILL & SHOW K-2 Composing + recording FREEBIE”

by Math Viking
Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

Dogs Go Back To School: Differentiated Shake and Spill Freebie! ONE OF THE BEST ways to build solid number composition skills. DIFFERENTIATED by the number of counters in a cup..and a few other options too!

5 different SPILL ON images

2 different Recording Sheets

1 Part Part Whole Bar Model Template

Directions & Ideas Sheet!

JUST ADD YOUR OWN Paper cups with “target” number of counters in each!

OPTION 1: Add plastic dimes to play with bigger numbers!

OPTION 2: Write 2’s on some foam counters and all quantities will be doubled! Reinforce counting by twos!

OPTION 3: Enrichment?? Play with nickels or quarters.

Please let me know what you think of these options and take a second to review this freebie for me!

Thank you for exploring math with me!

Math Viking

Follow me for notifications about awesome new products, offered at 50% OFF for the first 48 hours! All of my products are math coach approved!

To emphasize PROBLEM SOLVING with actual thinking: Go Numberless!:

Grade 2 Standards Numberless Word Problems to Sort & Solve

Grade 1/Early 2 Numberless Word Problem Sort & Solve

Grade 3 Numberless Sort & Solve

Number Composition

Shake, Spill & Show: At the Bakery

THE BIG MOVE From Number Composition to Unitizing

Addition and Subtraction Sorts: Composing Numbers 12 Sorting Activities

For Emerging Place Value Understanding:

PLACE VALUE BAKERY Number Sense and Unitizing Packing: Cookies Tens and Ones

Part Whole Model PLACE VALUE BAKERY Task Cards First & Second Grade

Place Value Fun & Depth of Understanding for one of the BIGGEST standards we teach!

MYSTERY NUMBER Place Value Freebie!

MYSTERY NUMBER Scoot Task Cards for Place Value, Reasoning & Vocabulary

For DOUBLES FACT Fluency Assessments, Games, Interventions & Enrichment check out:


For MATH OLYMPICS check out:

COMPLETE MATH OLYMPICS EVENT PACK: Games, Certificates, Posters & Google Doc

Math Olympics Kindergarten Race to 10 or 20 and Build a Tower

Math Olympics Shake & Spill

Math Olympics Version of Flexible Place Value Task Cards

Cute Doggies from giftseasonstore.etsy.com!

All rights reserved by The Math Viking© Copyright Information: Purchase of this unit entitles the purchaser the right to reproduce this pack for ONE classroom use only. If you plan on sharing with others, please purchase an additional license. Thank you!!


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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “FREE Sight Word Fluency Sentences”

by Winnie Kids
Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

FREE 10 pages of Sight Word Fluency Sentences!

Sight Word Fluency Sentences are a great way to get your students practice their sight words fluently!

The following is a list of words currently included in this resource:

go, it, here, all, am, are, after, again, an, any.

If you have any questions regarding the packet, please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected]

Thank you!

Winnie Kids 2018


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FREE MISC. LESSON – “FREE All About Me Bunting Pennant Flag | Back to School | Introduction Activity”

by Pagecraft ELA
5th – 10th Grade

Learn about your students by asking them to fill out this awesome pennant flag, and hang the flags as bunting in your classroom!

This product is also included in my Middle School Combo BUNDLE.

✨As this is a free product, please consider FOLLOWING ME or leaving a REVIEW to help other teachers choose whether to download. Best wishes to you and your classrooms! ✨

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by Pick’n Teach
Kindergarten – 7th Grade

School supplies I SPY

– 1 easy activity with pictures

– 1 activity with words and pictures (for readers and ESL students)

– Answer key

This resource is a FREE sample of a larger product that can be found here , but is totally usable by itself.

Related resources:

➽ School things – VOCABULARY and WORD GAMES +++

➽ SCHOOL THINGS – Vocabulary QUIZ and guessing GAME

➽ FREE – I SPY – School supplies

➽ Find more Back To School related resources and freebies HERE.

➽ My store.


★ Please let me know if you have any questions before you make your purchase, I am happy to help!

★ ★ FOLLOW MY STORE to get notified of new resources, ✭freebies✭, ✭flash deals✭ and ✭reduced prices✭!

href=”https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Pick-And-Teach”>My store

★ ★ ★ You can receive credit toward future purchases by reviewing this resource so if you like it, just leave a review through “My Purchases”. I would love and appreciate your feedback! Thank you! ☛ TPT


Terms of Use:

Permission to copy for classroom use only. The reproduction of any part of this product is strictly prohibited. Copying any part of this product and/or placing it on the internet in any form (even a personal/classroom website) is strictly forbidden. Thank you for respecting my work and time ❤.

Credits included


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FREE MATH LESSON – “Summertime Math Work Stations FREE Place Value Bingo”

by Deedee Wills – Mrs Wills Kindergarten
Kindergarten – 1st Grade

Math Work Stations with a summertime flair! These stations are about Place Value numbers 10-20.

Your students can practice their place value while they play this fun Bingo game.

Great for kindergarten or first grade.

Enjoy this FREE download!!!


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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Flag Design People”

by Number Sense Guy
Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade

Do you want all of your students to feel accepted for who they are?

Do you want all of your students to feel safe that they can belong to themselves?

Do you want to send a message that bullying is not tolerated in your classroom?

Then this is the perfect “FREE” resource for you!

Directions: Print out all pride flag people in color. Each person represents a different identity. (heterosexual, lesbian, straight ally, gay, bisexual, trangender, asexual, pansexual, intersex, philadelphia, genderqueer, nonbinary, agender, genderfluid, progress pride flag letters are all included

Affix to your favorite bulletin board in the classroom, hallway, cafeteria, etc.

There is a blank one where you can even design your own flag pride person. Perfect for back to school or an integrated and inclusive art lesson.


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Victoria Leon’s TpT Store

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Guest Speaker Notes for Students – Learning from Demonstrations and Presenters”

by Science with CB
7th – 10th Grade

Description: Guest speaker notes is a succinct worksheet for students to take notes when they have guest speaker/s. Guest speaker notes allows students to write what they learned from the guest speaker and prepare questions they would like to ask. This guest speaker notes sheet can be used for all types of guest speakers such as Professors, Physicians, Veterinarians, CPR Trainers, etc.

Includes: A guest speaker note sheet for students to complete when they have guest speakers. This guest speaker worksheet allows students to remember what they learn from inspiring guest speakers and presenters.

Setting: Can be completed in a virtual or in-person setting.

Usage: Can be used for guest speakers, beginning of the year when going back to school, end of the school year, biographies, videos about people, or whenever works best.

Always available if questions or concerns come up! Feedback and reviews are greatly appreciated.

Have a nice day! 🙂


Science with C.B.


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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Magnets Experiments and Activities”

by Rita Mitchell
Kindergarten – 3rd Grade

Set up stations for students to manipulate and understand magnets and magnetism. You will still need to gather a few materials, but I hope this makes planning for science a little bit easier!

Happy Explorations,



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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Common Core Checklist First Grade ELA and Math”

by That Science Guy
1st Grade

This product is classroom ready! Working with the Common Core State Standards can be a daunting task. This product was designed to make the standards “teacher friendly” by color coding the different sections of the ELA standards with a nice page layout. Laminate and use year after year. Can be used as a checklist.


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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Articulation Game – Music Freeze”

by Speech Therapy Plans
Pre-Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

Get your kids up and out of their seats with this fun articulation game! Your kids will have a blast while drilling their sounds. It can also be used to address language tasks and more!

This game is a part of the Get Active With Artic set and the Year Long Articulation Therapy Plans – Never Plan Again bundle.

❤️Save your time and money with SpeechTherapyPlans.comGet access right now to over 1,000+ therapy materials, a caseload management system, scheduling software, premade therapy plans, and more!❤️


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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Science Lessons for 3-5 Shopping Guide”

by Science and STEAM Team
3rd – 5th Grade

Don’t know exactly what you need for science lessons? This guide will give you plenty of ideas. You can get a good overview of what our shop carries at your specific level. Just click on a resource and it will take you to it, so you can read the description!

❤️Click Here to Follow Us!

Related Resources

⭐ Science Lessons for K-2 Shopping Guide

⭐ Science Lessons for Middle School Shopping Guide

Customer Tips: How to get TpT credit to use towards future purchases: *Please go to your My Purchases page (you need to login). Next to each purchase, you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Click that and you will be taken to a page where you can give a rating and leave a short comment about the product. Each time you give feedback, TpT gives you credit that you can use towards your future purchases.


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FREE MATH LESSON – “Math Mystery Picture Color by Number”

by Cognitive Cardio Math
4th – 6th Grade

If your students love coloring, check out this color by number math mystery picture!

  • This math mystery coloring page combines math and art and can be used in ANY classroom.
  • If you are a substitute teacher, this is a great activity to have on hand when you go into different classrooms!

This easy-prep resource includes:

  • Mystery Math color by number page
  • Key with numbers and colors for students to follow
  • Answer key

Use this coloring page:

  • For early finishers
  • For a brain break
  • For a “Fun Friday” activity
  • For a sub day

What teachers are saying about this resource:

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️“Thank you for sharing this fantastic resource!”

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️“Thanks for sharing!  I plan on using this for a fun Friday activity in my resource room.”

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️“great for my sub folder!”

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️“My students loved this assignment!

Please keep in touch by following me, to be notified when new resources are uploaded! Resources are typically 1/2 off for the first 24 hours, so it pays to follow!


You might also like:

More mystery coloring

Color by Number Bundle Grades 5-7

Color by Number Bundle Grade 6-7

6th Grade Math Resource Bundle – resources for the entire year.

Spiral Math Review for Grade 6

Word Problem Sets | Math Problem Solving

6th Grade Interactive Note book | Fold It Ups


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Copyright © Cognitive Cardio Math

Permission to copy for single classroom use only.

Please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this resource.


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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Leisure Schedule Board Freebie (Autism, Special Education)”

by Autism Classroom Resources-Christine Reeve
Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade

This set of free leisure mini-schedule visuals is great for students with autism and those with behavioral issues to help keep students engaged in summer months and to structure recess and free time in school. This free download includes directions for assembling the board and ideas for implementation.

Many students benefit from having the larger activities of their scheduled day (e.g., reading) broken down into smaller components. We use this strategy frequently for students with behavioral issues to help them understand what is expected before they earn reinforcement or a break. For some students mini schedules help ease the anxiety they might feel about what is going to happen next so they can focus on what is happening now. For others, it helps them see the end of tunnel of doing what you want them to do instead of what they want to do. For some it helps them to navigate the larger activity independently. In this post I want to focus on the type of mini-schedule we often use for activities to help students who struggle with challenging behavior to be able to manage in the activity successfully. Mini-schedules also help to keep students engaged in activities, whether they are structured activities or free time activities like recess.

For more information on the use of mini-schedules, see my blog post at Mini-Schedules for Activities-Autism Classroom News

For more ideas, please see my blog at Autism Classroom News. To keep up with new products, follow me at TPT or like my Facebook Page. Also, don’t forget to leave feedback! Thanks for your interest in the product.

You may also be interested in these products for visual supports:
Music Visuals for Autism: Schedule
Art Visuals for Autism: Schedule
PE Visuals for Autism: Visual Schedule

Leisure Schedule Board Freebie Board Freebie by Christine Reeve is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “The Tale of Despereaux Free Graphic Organizer for Writing”

by Margaret Whisnant
4th – 6th Grade

Add this free graphic organizer, entitled Hovis the Threadmaster, to your resources for teaching Kate DiCamillo’s delightful story. Students begin with what they know about this mysterious minor character and then use their imaginations to add biographical info to explain the elusive mouse’s suprising wisdom and inside information concerning the workings of the castle. A fun opportunity for students to share and compare their Hovis blogs.


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FREE MATH LESSON – “Interactive PowerPoint Counting by 10’s with Crayons and Kids”

by Learning Harbor Resources for Teachers

Do you need an activity for practicing counting by 10’s? This self correcting, interactive PowerPoint slide show with sound effects.

Open the zipped file, the file named Directions has a printable recording sheet and answer key. The interactive game is the file named Counting by 10’s with Crayons and Kids.

Students will click on a random symbol on the home page and be taken to a slide on which they must answer the question, “How Many?” counting groups of ten. Students will count by 10’s, record their answer, and check their work by clicking their answer choice on the slide. If the student clicks on a correct answer, a slide with “Way to Go!” will pop up and the student will hear applause. If the student clicks on an incorrect answer a slide with “Oops Better Luck Next Time” will pop up and the student will hear a breaking glass sound effect.

Students can tally correct answers on the points slide that you project on a whiteboard if you wish, or you can copy the black and white points slide. The point sheet is designed to be used with teams of four, or four teams when using the game with the whole class. Tallying points is optional of course.


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FREE MATH LESSON – “Geometric Transformations Activity”

by Lindsay Perro
7th – 9th Grade


About this resource :
This free quick check activity worksheet requires students take one trapezoid through multiple transformations. Reflections across a line/axis, rotations around a point and translations are practiced. A page of three sets of directions is included to be cut and given to students, or displayed on a smart board or with a projector.

Available in the following bundles :
Basic Geometry Unit Resources
Beyond The Worksheet
8th Grade Math Curriculum Resources Mega BundleTerms of Use
© Lindsay Perro. Please note – this resource is for use by one teacher only. Additional teachers must purchase their own license. If you are a coach, principal or district interested in purchasing several licenses, please contact me for a district-wide quote. [email protected]

✮✮If you are interested in gaining access to an exclusive set of free resources, CLICK HERE.


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FREE MATH LESSON – “Free Downloads Math Game Addition and Subtraction Facts! Centers!”

by Created by Kimberly Sullivan
1st – 3rd Grade

Butterfly’s Fly Away Math Facts Game!

Purpose: to review addition and subtraction facts

cute colorful clipart from mycutegraphics.com

50 math facts: 25 addition and 25 subtraction
2 problems for each space on the game board

Fun and engaging for a quick review of addition and subtraction facts!
Answers included.

Enjoy and feedback is always appreciated!

Thank you for downloading!
Kimberly Sullivan


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