Tag Archives : #NovemberTeacherTalk

Teacher Talk November 2020

 Posted by Deann Marin of Socrates Lantern

It’s November Teacher Talk Time…..Can you believe that Thanksgiving is just a few weeks away. Time sure flies.  We have so many great tips andideas for you from awesome educators. Be sure to take a look at what everyone has to say.If you’re interested in joining this unique group of teacher entrepreneurs, blogging buddies and/or our blog link-up, sign up here….The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative. If you decide to join, “Feel free to email me at [email protected] if you have any questions”

Holiday Indulgence

By Deann Marin of Socrates Lantern

The holidays are fast approaching and if you’re anything like me, you will indulge in the things you love to eat and drink. Of course, I’d rather eat than drink, but there are some delicious cocktails that I can’t resist. It’s tough when you have to get up the next morning feeling physically and mentally unfit to do anything.

Telling Our Stories

By Retta London of Rainbow City Learning

Easing into personal narrative writing for catharsis as well as instruction.


It’s Up To You!

By Gini Musmanno of Reading Spotlight

Yes, teachers, it IS up to you! The 2020 election brought different kinds of fears and tears to most, for different reasons. But one glaring term stood out: “uneducated.” I have something to say about that.

Using FREE Milk Lid Jug Lids for Hands-On Math Activities

By Vicky Rauch of Scipi Products

Start saving milk jug lids because there are countless hands-on math activities you can do in your classroom using this free manipulative. In my latest blog post, I give you four ideas that can be used with a whole group, small groups or as math center activities.

Help with the Active and Passive Voice of Verbs

By Charlene Tess of Charlene Tess

Using the Active Voice will make your writing more efficient and compelling.

How to Teach Grammar Skills So Kids Remember

By Marcy Howe of It’s a Teacher Thing

Learn 3 easy tips to make your grammar lessons meaningful and fun. Increase student engagement and learning by adding simple grammar activities to enhance your grammar lessons.

When was the last time you took time for YOU?

By Renee Heiss of All American Teacher Tools

You’ve been creating virtual lessons, implementing virtual rewards and discipline procedures, and possibly keeping up with in-class separation shenanigans, as well. It’s overwhelming and not what you signed up for, right? Here are some ideas to help you relax and enjoy a small part of your day or week so you tell yourself that you are special (channeling Mr. Rogers here!)

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

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November 2019 Teacher Talk

Posted by Deann Marin of Socrates Lantern

It’s November Teacher Talk Time…..Can you believe that Thanksgiving is just a few weeks away. Time sure flies.  We have so many great tips and ideas for you from awesome educators. Be sure to take a look at what everyone has to say.

If you’re interested in joining this unique group of teacher
entrepreneurs, blogging buddies and/or our blog link-up, sign up here….
The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative.
 If you decide to join, be sure to mention one of our names.

Empathy and Digital Citizenship
I can only speak for myself,
but I bet that many of us have not even thought about speaking with our
students concerning using good manners when commenting on that blog
post, or stating opinions on social media sites.  Not only do our
classes need to be educated about online etiquette, or netiquette
but they have to learn to be careful about what kind of information they share online.
 For the Love of Bookmaking
November . . . the time of year when students are starting to get antsy for Winter Break, yet it’s still not close enough. Teachers are tired, parent conference time and report cards are here, the time change has made it darker earlier. . . Bookmaking is the perfect solution for reinvigorating your students’ writing in any content area!
By Retta London of Rainbow City Learning

Our family has a reunion every year at Thanksgiving time. We are
scattered all over the country (actually all over the world) now, but
each year as many as possible try to meet up for a banquet cooked by
professional chefs (yay!) rather than by any of us.

 The value of learning about number lines
 Number lines help your students to learn skills they will need for the rest of their lives. Use these tips all year long!
The Superintendent’s Tears
 We made our superintendent cry. Read about how we did it .
 Meaningful Activities to Do Before Winter Break
 Here are two free activities to use before the Winter Holidays.
 Supporting Reluctant Writers
By Marcy Howe of It’s a Teacher Thing

Learn easy, effective tips for supporting reluctant writers in your 4th through 8th grade classroom.

Gentle Rebellion 101: A Teaching Story
By Tracy Willis of Mossy Oak Musings

 “Once upon a time, there was a fearsome dandelion fighter. Every week, he rode a 20 horsepower mower across an immaculate lawn… a lawn manicured so carefully that when the neighborhood association whipped out its Home Depot measuring tape, no matter where they measured, his grass was exactly 1 1/2 inches tall… ” 
 Looking deeper at craft and structure in the Common Core
By Lisa Robles of LisaTeachR

 Looking deeper at craft and structure in the Common Core

 Five Tips for Your Native American Lessons
By Michelle Webb of Teaching Ideas For Those Who Love Teaching

 Tips to make your Native American unit a success.

Be sure to click the links to read the blog posts from all of our FAB educators

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

November Teacher Talk

Posted by Deann Marin of Socrates Lantern

It’s November Teacher Talk Time…..Can you believe that Thanksgiving is just a few weeks away. Time sure flies.  We have so many great tips and ideas for you from awesome educators. Be sure to take a look at what everyone has to say.

If you’re interested in joining this unique group of teacher entrepreneurs, blogging buddies and/or our blog linky, sign up here….The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative. If you decide to join, be sure to mention one of our names.
Politics, Elections & Voting, Oh My!
By Deann Marin of Socrates Lantern

We educators, need to have faith that students care enough about our democracy to become voices of change.

Holiday Self Care
By Retta London of Rainbow City Learning

My message today is about some ways that you might consider in taking care of yourself during these always fast paced couple of months ahead.
It Depends on the Angle – Complimentary and Supplementary Angles
By Vicky Rauch of Scipi

Since most students are visual learners, I try to visually help them remember definitions. This is how I visually taught them the difference between complementary and 
supplementary angles.

Why Does U Always Follow Q in English Spelling?
By Gini Musmanno of Reading Spotlight

Have you ever wondered why the letter U always follows Q in English spelling? Here’s the answer.

Do You Know These Top 5 Core 2-Word Phrases?
By Susan Berkowitz of Susan Berkowitz

Far too many students never make it to the symbol sequencing stage of AAC use. Whether because of presumed lack of potential or lack of knowledge about how to move students along beyond single words, we end up with many AAC users who are not communicating as competently as they could – and need.


Avoid Comparing Adjectives That Are Absolute
By Charlene Tess of Charlene Tess

Something can be unique, but not more unique.

Free Art DecoChristmas Tree Coloring Pages to Support St Jude’s Childrens Hospital
By Margo Gentile of Margo Gentile

Get some free “Art Deco” Christmas coloring pages with links to powerpoint tutorials showing how to make Christmas graphics using basic shapes. 

Five Tips for Teaching Literary Analysis Writing in Grades 5-8
By Marcy Howe of It’s a Teacher Thing

Learn five practical tips for teaching one of the most challenging genres in writing.

Preserving History
By Kathie Yonemura of Tried and True Teaching Tools

History books (& Hollywood) have often depicted Native Americans in very stereotypical and often degrading roles. Researching and creating scrapbooks of California tribes highlights the important relationship between the regions and natural resources, dependence on the land, as well as their beliefs.

Reasoning with Evidence & Persuasive Thinking
By Tracy Willis of Wild Child Designs


Raise your hand if you wish your students would support their thinking with evidence! Visible thinking’s Claim-Support-Question is a great way to build your students’ capacity. This post explores how reasoning with evidence can flow across your curriculum with one BIG thinking routine!

November Teacher Talk

Posted by Deann Marin of Socrates Lantern

It’s November Teacher Talk Time…..Can you believe that Thanksgiving is just a few weeks away. Time sure flies.  We have so many great tips and ideas for you from awesome educators. Be sure to take a look at what everyone has to say.

 If you’re interested in joining this unique group of teacher entrepreneurs, blogging buddies and/or our blog linky, sign up here….The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative. If you decide to join, be sure to mention one of our names.
4 Ways to Balance Reading & Writing Instruction

By Tracy Willis of Wild Child Designs


Is your language arts instruction balanced? What’s good for reader’s workshop is good for writer’s workshop. This post outlines 4 ways to find that balance.

Raise Your Hand
By Retta London of Rainbow City Learning


Inspired by the Girls Scout’s new badge encouraging girls to speak up in class, this post offers some ways to encourage reluctant participants to raide their hand and speak up in your classroom.

Great Gifts for Children

By Gini Musmanno of Reading Spotlight

We all want to give our children their most desired gifts. Here are some inexpensive but worthwhile gifts that promote happy memories and rich relationships throughout their lives.



Whoa, The Behaviors!
By Sally Hansen of Purposeful Plans


The students have become secure with you as their teacher. You’re starting to see that they are comfortable with each other as well. This combination is something you want; however, it can bring out behaviors in students that are distracting to all that you have worked for!

3 Ways to Use Comic Strips as Writing Scaffolds

2livNlearn of 2livNlearn


Comic strips can be used a scaffold to make writing more accessible to learners, reduce intimidation, motivate students to share their thinking, and make writing fun!


Thanksgiving Traditions and Fun Classroom Resources
By Greg Litton of  Learning Harbor Resources for Teachers


Do you enjoy special Thanksgiving Traditions? Here you will find some fun facts and two great resources.

Bartering for Resources
By Kathie Yonemura of Tried and True Teaching Tools


Teaching students about the relationship of region to natural resource, and the importance of bartering amongst Native American tribes. This is a simple and effective lesson! FREEBIE
8 Essential Handwiting Readiness Skills
By Thia Triggs of Print Path


This 4-minute video demonstrates what skills are needed for young children before they are ready to learn to print.
Be sure to stop by all of the posts in our link up for Turkey Month

November Turkey Talk

Posted by Deann Marin of Socrates Lantern

It’s November and time for our Thanksgiving version of Teacher Talk. Getting ready for Turkey Day, we have some great ideas for you. So hurry on over to see what these creative educators are doing this month.

If you’re interested in joining this unique group of teacher entrepreneurs, blogging buddies and/or our blog linky, sign up here….The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative. If you decide to join, be sure to mention one of our names.


Thanksgiving Recipe Swap 

By Deann Marin of Socrates Lantern

Don’t you just love the aroma of turkey roasting in the oven? Sometimes I think that it smells better than it tastes. My mouth waters just thinking about it. Since Thanksgiving is the time for savory, mouth watering delights, how about having your class participate in a favorite recipe swap. This will get them ready for the holiday and have some fun while doing it.


The Post Election Classroom

By Retta London of Rainbow City Learning

A strategy to use for healing post election anxiety that your students may be experiencing.


Make Math FUN this Thanksgiving!

By Sara Snyder of Snyder’s Classroom

Engage your students with these Thanksgiving Math riddles worksheets! I began creating math riddles to make math more fun in my own classroom. I love hearing my students giggle as they solve the riddle at the end of the worksheet. Students solve problems, each problem has a letter assigned to it and the letters help to solve the riddle. It is a great way to combine fun and learning! Make math FUN!


Getting Started with Google Classroom

By Lisa Robles of LisaTeachR’s Classroom

Here is a primer for getting started with Google Classroom!


Thanksgiving STEM Challenge: Turkey Transporter

By Kerry Tracy of Kerry Tracy

Highly engaging STEM challenge to keep your kids focused before the holiday. Includes modifications for grades 2 – 8.


Teach your student how to have a productive discussion

By Marcy Howe of It’s a Teacher Thing

Teach your student how to have a productive discussion.


Understanding and Supporting Pencil Grasp Development: 3 – 6 years.

By Thia Triggs of Print Path

As a school based Occupational Therapist the most frequent issue teachers ask me about is pencil grasp. Today I will explore: What grasps look like in the major three categories. Why some grasps are more advantageous than others. What ages typically-developing children are using these three types of grasp.


Passion and Purpose: Bravery in a Broken World

By Tracy Willis of Wild Child Designs

With this week’s news being the icing on the cake, it’s imperative that we remember our passion and purpose in the classroom. This is the story of how one educator does just that, along with some resources, paid and free for doing so.


Be sure to visit these blog posts in the linky for more details about these awesome ideas.


November Teacher Talk

       By Deann Marin of Socrates Lantern  


Read what these innovative teachers are doing in their classrooms 

Rainbow City Learning



This is the Single Most POWERFUL Teaching Tool

By Thia Triggs of Print Path

If you are a teacher or a therapist, you will want to make sure you are using this tool to your fullest!


How Do I Provide Therapy for AAC Users? Try This

By Susan Berkowitz of susan-berkowitz

Think speech therapy is different from what you do with other students? Think again. This post tells you why.


My Life’s Work

By Thia Triggs of Print Path

Next month I’m going to be presenting my work on the automaticity of handwriting to a group of 150 Wisconsin school-based occupational therapists. I have a little little sneak preview for you, and a free gift – for a limited time.


Silver Boxes: Gifts of Encouragement

By Kathie Yonemura of Tried and True Teaching Tools

Who doesn’t like presents? Silver boxes can transform your classroom! Teach students to give gifts of encouragement.


Happy Native American Heritage Month

By Michelle Webb of Teaching Ideas For Those Who Love Teaching

Tips for Celebrating Native American Heritage


9 Ways to Use Task Cards

By Mary Moore of Moore Resources

 Task Cards are so Versatile Even in Middle and High School! They are great because students feel they have a choice in which task they do first and in middle school this is a great way to engage students. Another benefit of task cards is that students do not feel overwhelmed by worksheet after worksheet of problems to do. It breaks up the day, week, or month. Read below about 9 ways you may use task cards.


Thanksgiving STEM Olympics

By Kerry Tracy of Kerry Tracy

Five engaging Thanksgiving STEM challenge ideas to follow in the footsteps of the Pilgrims!


Connecting Literature with our Latino Learners

By Lisa Robles of LisaTeachR’s Classroom

As a teacher in a Latino community (and a Latina), I am acutely aware that students need to see mirrors of themselves in literature. Here is a list of books I’ve read to my kids.


Engaging Assessment Tools

By Shametria Routte of The Routty Math Teacher

Using a variety of ongoing assessment techniques is an important way to assess how students are progressing toward mastery of a concept or skill. Traditional methods include tests and quizzes; however, there are a host of other tools that will not only keep your students engaged but will also provide the feedback that you need to get a gauge on your students’ understanding. This post offers 5 engaging assessment tools that you can use to fill your assessment toolbox.


New Blog Series: Extraordinary Math Hacks

By Tammy Roose of Tarheelstate Teacher

Sharpen your pencils, pull out your 10-sided dice and base-10 blocks, and get ready for some math lesson hacks that you can use right away! I’m going to show you some Extra-ordinary Math Hacks that take my math time from *yawn* to “da-Bomb!”



By Mary Carr of Carberry Creations

We know that social skills are important, and that many of our students could benefit from a bit of direct instruction in the matter, but alas, testing strategies prevail, and social skills fall to the back burner. Perhaps not today. I would like to share with you my favorite read aloud story for this time of year which will allow you to target the test taking strategies, and with only a little extra time from your day, you can integrate a bit of social skills curriculum in too (but shhh… don’t tell the politicians, or school administrators.)


Connecting with Parents

By Dr Crystal Brown of Dr Crystal Brown

20th Century and 21st Century Communication Mash-Up: Learn two effective ways to communicate with students’ parents. 


So Much to Be Thankful For

By Deann Marin of Socrates Lantern

As a teacher, I feel it’s part of my responsibility to help my students think about the good things that they have going, and to be thankful for their blessings.


So Much to Be Thankful For



So Much to Be Thankful For!I can remember my grandmother sitting in her big rocking chair that was placed in her favorite spot, next to a picture window where she kept all of her plants. I would sit on her lap and she would sing about the beautiful autumn leaves dancing to the ground in their colorful dresses. I can’t remember the tune or the words, but that wonderful memory has always been vivid in my mind. as if it were yesterday. I’m so thankful for this experience.

I can remember standing on the front porch waiting for my mom to take me shopping downtown. I loved to shop with her. We used to go to a store called Eli Moore, they had everything that a little girl could want. First stop was the shoe department, and I’d get my black patent leather shoes, next we’d go to the clothes department. I was so spoiled back then, as an only child, I was showered with beautiful things to wear and great toys. Shopping done, we’d go to this café for lunch and a yummy desert. My mom passed on when I was 15 so these moments mean so much for me and I’m thankful for the short time that I was able to spend with her.

I have so many things to be thankful for, a wonderful husband, my Siberian Husky, friends and family who love me. We’re healthy, other than some aches and pains. Our house is in the woods and it is our own little paradise. I can’t think of anything else that I need, other than a few million dollars, lol!

As a teacher, I feel it’s part of my responsibility to help my students think about the good things that they have going, and to be thankful for their blessings. To introduce them to this activity, I tell them the story about my grandmother, and or my mom.  Then I will pass out task cards with Thanksgiving images on them and ask the kids to write down what they’re thankful for and we put them into a decorated Thanksgiving box. They can write as many things as they wish, The Wednesday before Thanksgiving recess. I pass the box around the room and each child, as well as myself, chooses a card and we read what is on it, then try to guess whose card it is and give it to its owner.

I usually end up moved to tears  and so do some of the kids, as this activity is so meaningful to all of us..

Please take a look at my values lesson

Seasonal November What I'm Thankful for

What Am I Thankful For?

Two November

Themed Activities



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