Monthly Archives: September 2017

Individual Student Behavior Tracker (Editable) for Classroom Management

Individual Student Behavior Tracker (Editable) for Classroom Management


This tracker allows a student to set behavior or task goals each day. It is editable to enter the goals/tasks and change them as needed. There are 6 choices of half page with 5 goals/tasks focus or one full page by schedule. The reward or incentive can be typed underneath the tracking box. I’ve also included goal/task ideas to copy and paste.

You might be interested in Editable Behavior Clip Chart, Calendars, Awards, & Trackers for Classroom Management BUNDLE

Included in this Resource:
✓ Examples
✓ How I use This Resource
✓ 6 Half Pages Editable Goal/Task Tracker
✓ 1 Full Page Editable Tracker by Schedule
✓ Behavior Book Cover/Back Page
✓ 4 Choices of Pages for Behavior Notebook

Clip art and tables cannot be edited.

I’ve also included the behavior book which can be used simultaneously. I suggest to use the behavior book for extreme or serious behavior incidents. I try not to overuse the behavior book.

Happy Teaching!

Poetry Unit (for senior students)


Poetry Unit (for senior students)


Product Description

Poetry Unit for Senior Students (Bundled)

Many teachers hate teaching poetry because they don’t know where to begin. This unit will make you and your students love poetry. This complete, no prep unit is an excellent way to start! This 2 and a half week unit includes a student guide, 12 detailed lesson plans, two multimedia presentations (no internet connection required), a complete answer key with annotated poems, and an end of the unit evaluation with answer key.

Just print it and teach it.

This HUGE bundle includes individual lessons devised to teach students the importance of:

• Figurative language (its uses and effects)
• How to read poetry
• How to understand and apply symbolism and imagery
• The importance of rhythm
• The importance of tone and attitude in a poem
• Types of poetry
• How to analyze poetry
• How to appreciate poetry (even when you don’t understand it)
• Includes some Canadian poetry

This unit’s focus is the analysis of poetry and teaches students how to make inferences, which is a skill they must learn for their other subjects as well.

Poems include authors such as Emily Dickenson, Dorothy Parker, Maya Angelou, Thomas Gray, Lord Alfred Tennyson, Alfred Noyes, T.S. Eliot, Shakespeare, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Robert Frost, Pearl Jam, Langston Hughes, Margaret Atwood, and Walt Whitman. The Unit includes 21 different poems.

The unit has been conceived to last 15 days – with 65 minute periods (although they are easy to modify).

The unit includes:

1 – The teacher guide (Contains 12 comprehensive lesson plans to teach the poems included in the unit. EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO TEACH THIS UNIT HAS BEEN DONE FOR YOU. )

2 – The student package (Contains students’ notes, poems, and questions) (28 pages)

3 – The answer key includes annotated poems and answers to all student activities, as well as an example of paragraph developing a theme in poetry (saving you time).

4 – Included is a test with multiple choice questions as well as one development question. All answers are included. (Word format for easy changes)

5 – 2 PowerPoint presentations – one multimedia presentation to introduce the unit (17 slides) and the second to reinforce the use of imagery and symbolism (19 slides) – NO INTERNET CONNECTION REQUIRED

A total of 68 pages + 36 slides are included in this package.

This unit is complete and does all of the thinking for you. All you need to do is to print out and photocopy the student package, and you’re set.

It’s teaching made easy!

You may also be interested in the following products: 

Thesis Writing Activity with PowerPoint Presentation

Teaching The Essay Package

Essay Evaluation Comments with Drop Down Boxes

Lord of the Flies Unit (No prep required)

Hamlet Unit (No prep – Complete Unit)

Death of a Salesman (No prep required)

Frankenstein (No prep – Complete Unit)

Poetry Unit for Intermediate Students

Poetry Unit: The Art of Interpretation

Romeo and Juliet – A No Prep Unit

Total Pages
68 pages
Answer Key
Included with rubric
Teaching Duration
3 Weeks



FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Phonics Fun with Vowel Pattern OW {FREE}”

by Stacy Johnson

1st – 2nd Grade



This packet is a great addition when learning the vowel pattern “OW”.

The first activity is sentence cards with owl graphics. I like to put them up around the room and have students walk around with a buddy and practice reading them. After they read the sentences they need to find the words with “OW” and write them on the sheet provided. They will also make at least 5 new sentences with the words they find.

The next activity is great for writing centers as well. Students unscramble the same sentences from the first activity and glue them on the booklet pages. You can make it into 2 separate books with 4 pages or one book with 8.






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Poetry Unit for Intermediate Students


Poetry Unit for Intermediate Students


Product Description

2 weeks of thinking done for you. This unit is appropriate for grades 9 & 10

Looking for a meaningful and effective way to teach poetry? This unit is a fun way to learn and experiment with figurative language. It uses a mixture of contemporary songs and traditional poetry to teach students about themes and to help them learn the various forms of poetry. The creative, hands on activities also focus on the importance of having a voice and using it properly.

The unit covers subjects such as bullying, courage, standing up for yourself and others, standing up for one’s convictions and discovering what is important to students.

This unit uses poetry to help students have a better understanding of themselves and to stand up for things they believe in.

The files are in PDF format and are zipped for convenience.

-1 set of « I HAVE, Who has? » cards to help students remember figurative language in a fun way. (1 set of instructions for the game)

-A comprehensive teacher guide with 11 complete and detailed lessons (no prep required) – (8 pages) – EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO TEACH THIS UNIT HAS BEEN DONE FOR YOU

-A student package that contains ALL notes, poems, and handouts students will need for the unit (18 pages)

-An end unit evaluation (with detailed evaluation rubrics and step by step instructions for students – one for the written component and one for the oral component). The end unit evaluation is in Word format along with the evaluation rubric for easy modifications. The final unit evaluation is a written poem and poetry reading, where students’ voices can be heard.

-A detailed Answer Key with notes, annotated poems, and answers to questions and activities. (8 pages)

Poems studied include:
– Song lyrics – Jessie J’s “Domino” (Goal: review figurative language and analyze messages found in popular media.)
– Jonathan Reed’s “The Lost Generation”
– Selena Matis’ “Ability”
– Robert Frost’s “The Road Not Taken”
– Robert Hayden’s “ Those Winter Sundays”
– Song lyrics “True Colors”
– Emily Dickenson’s “Hope is the Thing with Feathers”
– Rudyard Kipling’s “If”
– Maya Angelou’s “Phenomenal Woman”
– There are also video links added to the unit to enhance learning in the classroom

You may also be interested in these poetry units as well:
Poetry Unit (for senior students)
Poetry Unit : The Art of Interpretation No Prep

Total Pages
40 pages
Answer Key
Included with rubric
Teaching Duration
2 Weeks

Wednesday Weekly 5 Under $5 – 9/6/17

Every week I put together a list of 5 great products from members of The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative (TBOTEMC) with the requirement that each product must be less than $5.  With a variety of subjects and a wide range of grades, there just might be something that you can use, so continue to read below and see!

In addition, if you’re a seller on Teachers Pay Teachers (TpT) that would like to join the Wednesday Weekly 5 Under $5 team, click here to get more information about joining TBOTEMC.  Feel free to e-mail me with any questions, as I’d be happy to help in any way possible.

By Tried and True Teaching Tools 

Math; Grades 3-5

Fall Multiplication Task Cards are the perfect review of multi-digit x single-digit problems. Created by Tried and True Teaching Tools, these cards can be used as a SCOOT review or at a math center. The QR codes make for great independent self-checking practice.


By The Balanced Classroom

ELA; Grades 2-5

This unit is designed to be used with any folktale, fable, or myth. It contains ELA common core aligned activities to follow up each type of story. This unit also contains a tall tale writing activity. This unit has been updated to include an extension activity to go along with comparing fables.  See the details on the item’s page for specific CCSS alignment.  It’s a unit that will be sure to leave your students learning happily ever after!

By Snyder Classroom

Math; Grades 2-5

Engage your students with these self-checking QR code subtraction worksheets, and students love checking their work on their devices. This item includes 6 worksheets with a total of 48 subtraction with regrouping problems and an accompanying QR code that reveals the answer. QR codes allow students to self-check their work.  Each problem also has a grid box in which to solve the problem. The students practice setting up the problems with in the grid box.The grid box not only gives the students a place to show the work, it also guides them in lining up the place values.

Text Organization Task Cards – $3.75

By It’s a Teacher Thing

ELA; Grades 4-6

The Text Organization Task Cards are perfect for reviewing text structure and text purpose as well as for testing preparation. Use as a center station, for an introduction activity to your daily class, for whole-class instruction, for a partner review activity, as test preparation, etc. Each of the 20 cards has a writing purpose scenario and three choices of text organization for students to consider.  This unit includes 20 cards, an answer document and key, a definitions of terms page, and a full set of black and white or color card options.  In addition, information about the Common Core Standards to which this unit has been aligned are included to see how it fits into your curriculum.

By Miss Fallena

ELA/Reading; Grades PreK-1

Letter of the Week A is designed to help teach letter A for children who are learning their letters. You can use as a class time worksheet or homework. This set contains pages of variety activities, games and worksheets. It will help to teach your students to recognize, read, write, solve, and listen for the beginning sound of that letter. Included are Letter A Flash Cards, Alphabet Sentences: (to help recognize the letter and beginning sounds), Tracing and Writing the Letter A sheets for uppercase and lowercase, as well as much, much more!  See all that you get in this GREAT free resource on the full item description page, linked above!

As always, I encourage comments below and any ideas or suggestions by tweeting me @ATeachersTeach or contacting me via e-mail.

A Teacher’s Teacher

My TpT Store

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Reader’s Workshop Strategy Posters”

by Lee Ann Hall

1st – 5th Grade



Apple themed posters to support strategies introduced during reader’s workshop. Enjoy!






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Frankenstein Unit (No prep)


Frankenstein Unit (No prep)


Product Description

FRANKENSTEIN UNIT – Complete with no prep for you.

This unit has been created with the teacher in mind. The material is geared toward senior students with a focus on the construction of arguments. It also teaches the importance of historical context as well as literary allusions in the development of themes.

I’ve done all of the thinking for you. The lesson plans are detailed and comprehensive. The student guide is visually appealing and facilitates the teacher’s job. Also, the answer key is complete and detailed. All the teacher needs to do is to purchase this unit and photocopy it.

Take a look at the preview for more information.

The unit includes:

1) The Teacher Package (18 pages) 
-contains 23 detailed lessons (60-90 minute lessons)
-leading discussion questions and skill-building activities (with detailed instructions for the teacher)
-important chapter notes on analysis
-the teacher package helps the teacher stay on task and stay organized because the planning has been done for you.

2) The Student Package (16 pages) 

-pre-reading activity
-study guide questions
-a fact sheet regarding the Prometheus myth
-Activity on the use of nature in romantic literature
-an activity based on the symbols in the novel
-several activities that teach argument development
-Activity on theme development
-an activity on characterization to bring about themes (*NEW) 

3) A comprehensive answer key (30 pages) 

-detailed answers for ALL student activities and work
-an annotated copy of the poem “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” and activity answer key.

4) Also included: 

-a PowerPoint introducing the novel’s historical context and the author
-class posters with key elements in the novel
-a copy of “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner.”


– Test on letters 1-4 and chapters 1-10 (choice between multiple choice OR development questions)
-Test on chapters 11-18 (choice between multiple choice OR development questions)
-Unit evaluation (Choice between an essay (several different versions), a debate, a unit test – all work process is included)


*As a bonus, I have included two automatic comment generators for Word documents (with drop down boxes.)

Also, I’ve used the 1831 edition of the novel to create this unit.

Documents are downloaded as PDF files (except for evaluations)

You may also enjoy these free activities (also included in this bundle):
Frankenstein Activity
FREE Frankenstein Debate

Check out my other NO PREP novel units:

Lord of the Flies Unit (No prep required)

Hamlet Unit (No prep – Complete Unit)

Death of a Salesman (No prep required)

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
70 pages
Answer Key
Included with rubric
Teaching Duration
1 month

FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Healthy Eating & Nutrition: I Can Eat a Rainbow {FREEBIE}”

by Curriculum Castle

Pre-Kindergarten – 2nd Grade



Teach your students the importance of eating colorful fruits and vegetables everyday through our “I Can Eat a Rainbow” activity! Included in this freebie are:

1. Directional Page with a step by step guide and ideas on how to complete this activity with your class.
2. Colorful Foods Chart (examples of fruits and vegetables for each color of the rainbow)
3. “I Can Eat a Rainbow” student printable

*NOTE: This is one activity from our product Healthy Eating: Nutrition and Food Groups.


~Curriculum Castle






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Death of a Salesman Unit (Complete No Prep)


Death of a Salesman Unit (Complete No Prep)


Product Description

*NEW – All documents are now available in Word as well as PDF format for easy modification. Make it your own!

Death of a Salesman Bundled Unit description: (Now with a PDF version of the play)

Level : grades 11 and 12

This unit has been conceived with the teacher in mind. It contains a Student Guide, a Teacher Guide, and a comprehensive Answer Key. All you have to do is print the packages and teach them. It’s as easy as that! I’ve also included two different options for end unit evaluations, which both contain evaluation grids and answer key. The unit is, in my opinion, visually appealing and the contents teach analysis of literature.

The bundle includes: (The documents, except for the evaluations, are in PDF format. The evaluations are in Word for easy modifications.)

The Student Guide contain 16 pages:
-Notes on the American Dream
-An anticipation guide
-An in-depth look at success as it pertains to the lives of the students (which can later on be related to the play.)
-Thematic comprehension questions for each act
-Work on motifs and symbols used in the play
-Work on characterization
-Poem association (Langston Hughes’ poem)
-Notes on tragedy (Aristotle’s definition and modern definition)
-Review notes for students

Answer Key contains 29 pages:
-Answers to ALL of the students’ work
-Introduction to Arthur Miller
-Comprehensive notes on each scene of the play (to help students understand and appreciate literary techniques used by the author)
-List of themes and how they are developed – Review sheet

Final evaluation contains three different options:

1) A unit test with answer key. Contains 3 essay type questions.
2) A unit test – paragraph format
3) An essay. Contains essay topics, work process (steps 1…..), an outline guide, and an evaluation grid.


The Teacher Guide contains 5 pages:

-Includes 8 complete lessons that leave the teacher nothing to do, but to teach.
Lesson 1: Historical context and pre-reading
Lesson 2: Setting and reading (there are specific pages assigned to each lesson)
Lesson 3: Symbols, Motifs, and reading
Lesson 4: Character chart and reading
Lesson 5: Reading – exploring irony and the meaning of the title
Lesson 6: Reading and a look at the difference between modern and classic tragedy
Lesson 7: Theme development and review
Lesson 8: Evaluation

*A PDF version of the play is now included. (In the Public Domain)

Total of 70 pages.

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
70 pages
Answer Key
Included with rubric
Teaching Duration
2 Weeks

Editable Welcome Back to School Night/Open House/Meet The Teacher PowerPoint

Editable Welcome Back to School Night/Open House/Meet The Teacher PowerPoint

This Editable Back to School/Open House PowerPoint has 33 pages of customizable content! It’s a huge time saver for back to school planning. Slides can be added or deleted as needed.

You might be interested in the Editable Open House Invitations

Included in this Editable PowerPoint Resource:

✓ Title Page

✓ Contact Info

✓ Meet the Teacher

✓ Teaching Beliefs Introduction

✓ Daily Schedule

✓ Snacks and Drinks

✓ Birthdays

✓ Donations

✓ Take-Home Folder (2 Slides)

✓ 1st Grade Homework

✓ 2nd Grade Homework

✓ 3rd Grade Homework

✓ 4th Grade Homework

✓ 5th Grade Homework

✓ Reading

✓ Optional Math Homework

✓ Homework

✓ Grading

✓ Missing Assignments

✓ Late Assignments

✓ Technology

✓ Expectations for Behavior

✓ Behavior Clip Chart

✓ Behavior Card Chart 

✓ Rewards

✓ Background Clearance

✓ Field Trip

✓ Volunteer Opportunities

✓ Absences 

✓ Supplies

✓ What Parents can do

✓ Questions

✓ Editable Word Doc & PPT: Parent Volunteer Sign-up Sheet

✓ Editable Word Doc & PDF: Parent Sign-In Sheet


Clip art and background cannot be edited.  

Happy Teaching!


You may also be interested in the Birthday Certificates and Brag Tags for Students

FREE MISC. LESSON – “Spanish Holiday Research Project”

by SpanishPlans

6th – 11th Grade



This product offers an easy to use template for students to fill in information about a Holiday celebrated in the Spanish Speaking World. Includes a list of over 70 National Holidays throughout Latin America and Spain.






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Hamlet Unit (No prep – Complete Unit)


Hamlet Unit (No prep - Complete Unit)


Product Description

NEW: You can now download this unit in Word format to customize and save it. All documents are available in PDF and Word formats.

One entire month of planning done for you – I dare you to enjoy Shakespeare.

I love teaching Shakespeare’s plays, and I want you to love it too. I’ve been teaching and improving this unit for over ten years. I have done all the thinking for you.

This unit has everything a teacher needs to teach Hamlet. I’m aware that not everyone is comfortable with Shakespeare. Because of this, I have created this unit from my years of experience teaching the play, so all of the thinking has been done for you. Just photocopy and teach. Seriously it’s that easy.
There’s no longer a need for hours of research and piecing together bits of information and activities found to teach the play.
This is a whole, complete unit, from scene summaries, important notes and annotations notes to help students understand what they are reading. I have also included an introduction to the play, a student guide, a teacher guide, quizzes, a creative assignment, and tests (all with answers and evaluation grids), and a comprehensive answer key. Everything has its place and teaches a specific skill.

The unit is appropriate for students in grades 10, 11 and 12.

The unit includes :

– An attractive, interactive, multimedia PowerPoint presentation introducing the play (17 slides)

-A Student Study Guide (with activities, Act and scene questions…) and various activities (14 pages)

-A Teacher Guide (with detailed, comprehensive lessons, unit plan, and additional notes to guide students.) -9 pages and 16 complete lessons. The teacher Guide also includes links to the audiobook (the exact time to cue the audio), AND it includes a list of speaking roles if reading out loud in class)to help with time management and organization.

-18 pages of comprehensive scene summaries and important notes for each scene (annotations for each scene)***THIS IS A TEACHER FAVORITE!

A creative Hamlet Guess Who? Game to help students understand the characters. (What’s fun about this game is that it can be played from the beginning of the play right to the end, and students’ answers will change depending on the act they are reading.) LOTS OF FUN!

-A comprehensive answer key for all questions and activities. (24 pages)

-Comprehension quiz on Acts 1 and 2 in Word format for easy modifications (with evaluation grid) and answer key.

-Mid-play evaluation – The Parody – creative writing and analysis (in Word format for easy modifications – with evaluation grid)

-Summary guide (highlighting the significant events from each scene with important analytical information) – Throughout my years of teaching this play, I have amounted excellent notes and annotations, listing the most significant actions throughout each scene. I have retyped these annotations to help you teach the play, so your students will understand it (and so will you). (18 pages)

-The culminating evaluation includes three different versions of the final unit test with evaluation grid and answer key (in Word for easy modifications)

Includes a total of 109 pages.

Check out my other no prep novel units:

Frankenstein (No prep – Complete Unit)

Lord of the Flies Unit (No prep required)

Death of a Salesman (No prep required)

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
109 pages
Answer Key
Included with rubric
Teaching Duration
1 month

FREE LESSONS & PRICED LESSONS – The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs

Click on the links below to see the free lessons, priced lessons, sales, promotions, and articles by the best teacher entrepreneurs on the Internet!

The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative


The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs
  1. FREE MISC. LESSON – “Polka Dot Digital Background …
  2. Breakout boxes are so fun and challenging. Student…
  3. Wednesday Weekly 5 Under $5 – 8/30/17
  4. FREE MISC. LESSON – “Abstract Thinking, Multiple M…
  5. FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Biology Graphic Organizers …
  6. FREE MATH LESSON – “Division Word Problems: Freebi…
  7. The Silver on the Hearth: A Multi-Cultural Story -…
  8. FREE MISC. LESSON – “Back to School Parent Volunte…
  9. FREE MISC. LESSON – “The First Week of School Form…
  10. Free Easy Student Product Activity Page for Open H…
  11. FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “FREE Reading Tidbit #…
  12. FREE MATH LESSON – “First Grade Common Core Geomet…
  13. Wednesday Weekly 5 Under $5 – 8/23/17
  14. FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Writing Graphic Organ…
  15. The Most Important Thing About Teaching That I Eve…
  16. FREE MISC. LESSON – “Back to School Me Bag”
  17. FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Mr. Owl’s Vowels * Sh…
  18. FREE MISC. LESSON – “Back to School Ice Breaker”
  19. FREE MATH LESSON – “Back to School Freebie: Counti…
  20. FREE MATH LESSON – “Fractions | Skills Poster”
  21. FREE LESSONS & PRICED LESSONS – The Best of Teache…
  22. Free Classroom Job Application for an Economy-Base…
  23. FREE MISC. LESSON – “FREE Pencil Flags”
  24. FREE MISC. LESSON – “FREE Sample from Second Day I…
  25. Wednesday Weekly 5 Under $5 – 8/16/17
The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs II
The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs III
  1. Editable City, State, Country, & Continent Travel …
  2. FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “The Dr. With an Eye F…
  3. Wednesday Weekly 5 Under $5 – 8/30/17
  4. FREE MATH LESSON – “My Number Book Freebie”
  5. FREE MISC. LESSON – “Whole Brain Teaching Rules St…
  6. FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Handwriting Freebie f…
  7. FREE MISC. LESSON – “Rockstar Theme Welcome Bag Po…
  8. FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Letter C Unit, Differ…
  9. Superhero Classroom Job Chart with Headers and Des…
  10. FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Brain Interactive Notebook …
  11. FREE Coupon Reward/Incentive Tickets/Coupons for C…
  12. FREE MISC. LESSON – “Under the Sea Whole Brain Tea…
  13. Back to School with Bean Bags
  14. Behavior Calendars 2017-2018 & Templates (Editable…
  15. Wednesday Weekly 5 Under $5 – 8/23/17
  16. FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Weekly Literacy Plann…
  17. Hot Off The Press! A Great Way to Practice the Ma…
  18. FREE MISC. LESSON – “**FREEBIE** Todo acerca de mi…
  19. FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “8 Interview Tips”
  20. Editable Welcome Back to School Night/Open House/M…
  21. FREE MISC. LESSON – “An Organized Homework Plan”
  22. FREE MISC. LESSON Coupon Reward/Incentive Tickets/…
  23. FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “DRA 28 Non-Fiction Wr…
  24. Birthday Certificates and Brag Bracelets for Stude…
  25. FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Reading Fluency”
  26. FREE LESSONS & PRICED LESSONS – The Best of Teache…
  27. FREE MISC. LESSON Editable Open House Invitations
  28. FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “English Back To Schoo…
  29. Individual Student Behavior Tracker (Editable) fo…
The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs IV


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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Interactive Notebook Check”

by Elly Thorsen

4th – 10th Grade



As a science teacher with around 200 students I needed to find a way to quickly grade interactive notebooks while also providing feedback to students. After trying several different grading methods I developed this quick and easy grading checklist that allows you to grade interactive notebooks at a glance. Use it to grade students on their table of contents, completion of daily work, page numbers, completed glossary, and overall neatness and organization.

This document contains three versions of grading feedback sheets. The first has four checklists to a page so the teacher can reduce printing time and paper waste. The second version has two checklists per page to allow for larger font. The third version has two checklists to a page and contains a comment section.

Read all about how to set up an interactive notebook in my blog post.

You may also find the items below helpful in your classroom.
Parent Survey
Behavior Think Sheet

If you’re a middle school science teacher, take a look at the many science resources in my store.

Check out my Blog and Facebook Page.

***Look for the green star near the top of any page in my store and click it to become a follower. As a follower of my store you will be notified when I upload a new resource.






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Visual Schedules in kindergarten and primary classrooms – the benefits!

The benefits of using a visual schedule in kindergarten and early primary classrooms | That Fun Reading

Photo credit: Copyright: <a href=’’>luislouro / 123RF Stock Photo</a>

Do you use a visual schedule in your classroom? As a special education teacher working in many kindergarten and primary classes, I’ve seen how beneficial they are for the whole class!

The origin of visual schedules

In special education, we had been putting picture symbol schedules in place for our students with autism for years, as they provide

  • an overview of the student’s day, in parts or as a whole, so the student has an idea of what to expect (this helps prevent anxiety)
  • a means of communication for students who struggle with oral language and / or auditory processing (they can point at the pictures to help get their message across, follow the pictures to understand what they might have missed verbally)
  • structure and increased independence, allowing students to manage transitions with less support
  • the flexibility of making changes to only the necessary parts of the schedule without having to change the entire day.
  • a sense of understanding how their day works, and counts down as blocks of time wrap up, helps kids feel a sense of accomplishment, more safe and in control of their emotions

The shift to whole class schedules

Our consultants began recommending visual schedules for more groups of students as time went on – students struggling with anxiety, managing behavior, transitions.  I began to notice that a few classroom teachers had just stopped using the individual student schedules (too cumbersome with multiple students with schedules in the class) and gone to a classroom one instead – and the effect was amazing.

Students checked in on that schedule all day. As time passed, a card was moved or taken down. If plans changed, the teacher simply switched out the card, and the kids understood and accepted it. The morning schedule was discussed at the carpet in the morning, and the process repeated in the afternoon.

Why it’s becoming the new normal

How many times have you heard this lately?

Kindergarten is a social communication program.

Do you agree? My very first class was a kindergarten class, in 1996, and the catch phrase at that time was ‘We’re teaching them how to play the game of school’. 

There are so many children in our classes now that struggle with social-communication, anxiety, self-regulation, learning disabilities, being in an overcrowded classroom, among other things.  And teachers have more to manage than ever before.

Consider that:

  • students regularly referring to the schedule throughout the day are prepared for transitions and managing themselves with greater independence
  • the visual schedule takes on the role of a ‘first-then’ board, as students are able to see things they are looking forward to coming up (for example, homesick students can see blocks of time disappearing as it gets closer to home time; students who dislike pencil / paper tasks can look forward to recess etc.)
  • students take pride in showing a visitor to the class that he or she can read, and knows what’s happening next
  • it is easy for a substitute teacher to step in with an already established structure in place (and it can be left prepared for the next day without having to write an explanation!)
  • With my Reading Recovery background, I can’t help but love the fact that this is just another way to drive home ‘reading the pictures’ for meaning first!
  • it can be used as a tool for teaching ‘time’ (some teachers add clocks beside each item) and sequencing events in order
  • The visual schedule makes a nice link to learning centres / centres

Have you tried using a visual schedule in your classroom? How has it been going for you?

Best wishes with your littles,

Ida Mae

If you are looking for a visual schedule and center / centre cards set, please check out mine below. The cards fit nicely into a pocket chart, can be used with adhesive magnets on the back, or simply pinned to a bulletin board. I’ve included months, days and Troll-themed editable name cards as well. Click the image to take you to my store to see the preview!

Are there cards you would like to see added to the schedule?

If so, please click the ‘ask a question’ tab in my TpT store, or email me at [email protected] to suggest it for an update!



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The Dealing With Feelings Series


Poetry Unit : The Art of Interpretation No Prep


Poetry Unit : The Art of Interpretation No Prep


Product Description

Poetry: The Art of Interpretation – is designed to teach students how to interpret, appreciate, and analyze poetry.

There are nine complete lessons (estimated to last approximately 60 minutes), therefore two weeks of lessons.

This complete, no prep unit is a great way to start! This unit includes a student guide, 9 detailed lesson plans, 2 multimedia presentations (no internet connection required), a detailed answer key with annotated poems and answers, and an end of the unit evaluation with rubric, and answer key.

Just print it and teach it.

Poetry is a very subjective form of art. Some poems you love and others, you hate. What we need to realize is that this is the beauty of poetry. Poetry is not a mystery to be solved. Rather, it is the masterful manipulation of language that has the power to transform the ordinary and to immerse its reader into the world created by the author.

This unit incorporates art to help students understand and appreciate the beauty within words. Also, students will learn how to analyze themes in poetry through paintings and art work.

This HUGE bundle includes:

Each lesson focuses on a different skill set including:
– Knowledge and manipulation of figurative and poetic language
– How to read and understand (appreciate) poetry
– How to analyse poetry
– How to annotate poetry
– How to paraphrase effectively
– How to use symbols
– How to effectively develop themes from poetry
– Creative writing
– Creative activities to learn how to analyse

The unit includes a student packet (20 pages), a teacher packet (with nine complete lessons), and a comprehensive answer key with annotations to the poem (with 17 pages). See the preview for more details.

Poets studied include: (8 poems total)
– Billy Collins – “Introduction to Poetry”
– Anne Marriott – “As You Come in”
– Phyllis Gotlieb – “First Person Demonstrative”
– Edgar Allan Poe – The Raven
– Robert Frost – “Nothing Gold can Stay.”
– John Crowe Ransom -“Janet Waking”
– Woodruff – “I am a Poem that Tells a Lie.”
– Tennyson – “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”

The unit also includes: 

1 – The teacher guide (Contains nine comprehensive lesson plans to teach the poems included in the unit. EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO TEACH THIS UNIT HAS BEEN DONE FOR YOU. )

2 – The student package (Contains students’ notes, poems, and questions) (20 pages)

3 – The answer key includes annotated poems and answers to all student activities (saving you time – 18 pages).

4 – Included is a test with multiple choice questions as well as a development question. All answers are included. (Word format for easy changes)

5 – 2 PowerPoint presentations – one multimedia presentation to introduce the unit (17 slides) and the second to reinforce the use of imagery and symbolism (19 slides) – NO INTERNET CONNECTION REQUIRED

6 – Images to project or print

7- An end of the unit creative evaluation, which includes clear and concise directions and rubric. (In a Word document for easy modifications)

– An interactive multimedia Jeopardy game to review figurative language and poetic devices (PowerPoint – no internet required)

– A multi media PowerPoint on how to read and interpret poetry

– A PowerPoint presentation on how to understand symbols and imagery in literature (19 slides)

– A final culminating evaluation with evaluation rubric (left in Word format for easily made modifications)

The unit has been created in such a way as to simplify the teacher’s life. Photocopy the three packages included and don’t worry about it for the rest of the unit. You literally can begin teaching it without any other preparation.

A total of 43 pages + 64 slides are included in this package.

This unit is complete and does all of the thinking for you. All you need to do is to print out and photocopy the student package, and you’re set.

Other poetry units you may enjoy:
Poetry Unit (for senior students)
Poetry Unit for Intermediate Students

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
43 pages and 64 slides
Answer Key
Included with rubric
Teaching Duration
2 Weeks

FREE MATH LESSON – “FREEBIE Interactive Notebook for Second Grade – Money”

by Reading and Writing Redhead

1st – 3rd Grade



FREEBIE Interactive Notebook for Second Grade-Money
Grab this freebie of several pages from my soon to come math interactive notebook for second grade. Includes a coin equivalent chart for student reference and several flap books where students record different ways to show money amount. Could be used to differentiate with first grade and third grade as well.

Please let me know if there is anything to fix by using the “Ask seller a question” feature. I’d love to fix it before you give feedback.

If you liked this product you might also like:
Second Grade End of Year Mega Math Review
Second Grade Mid-Year Math Review Pack
Spring Fraction Task Cards
Customer Tips:

How to get TPT credit to use on future purchases:
• Please go to your My Purchases page (you may need to login). Beside each purchase you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Simply click it and you will be taken to a page where you can give a quick rating and leave a short comment for the product. Each time you give feedback, TPT gives you feedback credits that you use to lower the cost of your future purchases. I value your feedback greatly as it helps me determine which products are most valuable for your classroom so I can create more for you. ☺

Be the first to know about my new discounts, freebies and product launches:
• Look for the green star next to my store logo and click it to become a follower. YAY! You will now receive email updates about this store. ☺.





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Free Back-to-School Themed Tiling Task


Looking for a great critical thinking challenge for your students?
Let’s get those critical thinking engines started! Check out this fun back-to-school themed tiling task to challenge your class. It’s a great way to set the tone for a year of building mathematically powerful students and practice algebraic thinking at the same time! In this task, students analyze equations and determine a number, from a set of 0 – 9 labeled tiles, to represent each symbol. Each tile represents one and only one symbol. An answer key is included in the download.
Want to know more? Read about using math talk to increase your students’ critical thinking and communication skills here.
Grab a free copy of the tiling task here!

Romeo and Juliet Unit – No prep required


Romeo and Juliet Unit - No prep required


Product Description


This bundled unit has been designed to make life easier for the Language Arts teacher. It contains a teacher guide with detailed lessons, a student guide with all of the notes required by students, an answer key for students’ work, and three evaluations (answer keys and evaluation rubrics included). All you need to do is print and begin teaching.

This purchase includes:

•A comprehensive Teacher guide with 15 detailed lessons (7 pages)

•A student guide with guiding questions and activities (focus on characterization, themes, figurative language, irony, etc…) -10 pages

•A Scavenger Hunt activity to introduce students to Shakespeare and his times (includes eight colorful cards and a PowerPoint with answers.)

•A detailed answer key for students’ work (10 pages)

•A quiz on Acts 1 and 2 – answer key included

•Oral presentation on Irony – evaluation rubric included

•Culminating Activity – Students write a children’s story based on the themes in the play. Evaluation rubric as well as work process sheets included (7 pages)

There are a total of 51 pages included in this unit.

The unit will last between 17 to 20 periods. (3 – 4 week unit)

All that’s left is to teach. I hope you enjoy this unit.

You may also enjoy:
Hamlet Unit (No prep – Complete Unit)

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
89 pages
Answer Key
Included with rubric
Teaching Duration
2 Weeks

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Book Worm Reading Reward Labels”

by Kile’s Classroom

1st – 7th Grade



Check out these cute labels to add to a reward jar for your reading awards.

I use them as an AR reward. When student passes an AR test with an 80% or higher, they get a “book worm’!

This is a sample of a larger set of awards. Check them out at Kile’s Classroom on Teachers Pay Teachers

Two sizes and two different colors available.

More Great Resources From Kile’s Classroom 
Writing Graphic Organizer Bundle.
Language Interactive Notebook Pages for the Whole Year.
Accelerated Reader Club Points Tracker Bulleting Board Set.
Customer Tips:
How to get TPT credit to use on future purchases:
• Please go to your My Purchases page (you may need to
login). Beside each purchase you’ll see a Provide Feedback button.
Simply click it and you will be taken to a page where you can give a quick rating and
leave a short comment for the product. Each time you give feedback, TPT gives you
feedback credits that you use to lower the cost of your future purchases. I value your
feedback greatly as it helps me determine which products are most valuable for your
classroom so I can create more for you. ☺
Be the first to know about my new discounts, freebies and product launches:

• Look for the green star next to my store logo and
click it to become a follower. Voila! You will now receive email updates
about this store. ☺





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