Daily Archives: April 20, 2020

April 2020 Teacher Talk

Posted by Deann Marin of Socrates Lantern

 It’s April already, the school year is almost over.  We hope you are all healthy and safe during this unprecedented Covid-19 pandemic and that you’ve been able to find resources and ideas for online learning with your students. Stop by our blog linky and see what great tips and advice are there just for you.

If you’re interested in joining this unique group of teacher entrepreneurs, blogging buddies and/or our blog linky, sign up here….The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative. If you decide to join, be sure to mention one of our names.


April Activities Just for You

By Deann Marin of Socrates Lantern

 Turning my thoughts to sunny days and warmer weather!!! Can’t you just smell spring in the air? Daffodils beginning to bloom, Lilac trees starting to flower, and Lilies of the Valley popping up. A vaccine for Covid-19 hopefully soon.


Tried & True Tips for Distance Learning

By Kathie Yonemura of Tried and True Teaching Tools 

 It’s been five weeks since we’ve been quarantined and it has taken me this long to even try to organize my thoughts (& life!) Well, still working on the life part. . . How are you all doing? Despite teaching 30+ years, I feel like a brand-new teacher again, attempting to get a handle on “distance learning”, “remote learning”, whatever you want to call it: learning without physically being with my students! Here are 5 tips to help ease the transition to distance learning.


Lemonade 2020

By Gini Musmanno of Reading Spotlight

 This Coronavirus pandemic is extremely serious and stressful, but independent reading can be part of a useful solution to children learning at home. Now is a good time to hook kids on reading because they can choose their own books according to their own interests. At the same time, they can practice previously taught reading skills and improve in many ways.


 “My Side of the Mountain” – Making Falcon Hoods

By Vicki Rauch of Scipi 

 Each year, my husband reads the book “My Side of the Mountain” to his science students. As a culminating activity, the students make falcon hoods since Sam has a peregrine falcon for hunting. Take a look at some of the falcon hoods his 6th grade students made in my latest blog post.


 Ideas to Keep You Safe During the Coronavirus Pandemic

By Victoria Leone of The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs 

Use these simple, yet practical, ideas to help safeguard your family during the Coronavirus pandemic. Be sure to read the comments section for other great ideas and videos shared by our readers.


By Charlene Tess of Charlene Tess

 Teachers are helping other teachers during the COVID-19 Crisis


 Writing During This Historic Time: My Pandemic Journal

By Lisa Robles of LisaTeachR’s Classroom

 Everyone should be writing during this historic time. Where is your pandemic journal?


 How I’m Surviving a New Teaching Reality

By Marcy Howe of It’s a Teacher Thing 

 During this crazy teaching time, I’ve survived in part thanks to these incredible tutorials.


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Death of a Salesman Unit (Complete No Prep)

Product Description

Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman used to be one of my least favorite plays to teach. I found it depressing, and I had a difficult time teaching it in a way that was meaningful to students. Then, I created this bundle so that students would not only learn about drama, tragedy, irony, etc. but also think about their own futures, while they are contemplating their post-secondary education. While Willy Loman’s dreams are unrealistic and unattainable, students contemplate their own dreams, strengths, and weaknesses. You will definitely have more than a few excellent discussions when teaching this play.

This unit has been conceived with the teacher in mind. It contains a Student Guide, a Teacher Guide, and a comprehensive Answer Key. All you have to do is print the packages and teach them. It’s as easy as that! I’ve also included two different options for end unit evaluations, which both contain evaluation grids and answer key. The unit is, in my opinion, visually appealing and the contents teach analysis of literature.

What the bundle contains: (The documents, except for the evaluations, are in PDF format.)

The Student Guide contain 16 pages: (2 versions, with graphics and one without)

-Notes on the American Dream

-An anticipation guide

-An in-depth look at success as it pertains to the lives of the students (which can, later on, be related to the play.)

-Thematic comprehension questions for each act

-Work on motifs and symbols used in the play

-Work on characterization

-Poem association (Langston Hughes’ poem)

-Notes on tragedy (Aristotle’s definition and modern definition)

-Review notes for students

Answer Key contains 29 pages:

-Answers to ALL of the students’ work

-Introduction to Arthur Miller

-Comprehensive notes on each scene of the play (to help students understand and appreciate literary techniques used by the author)

-List of themes and how they are developed – Revue sheet

Final evaluation contains three different options:

1) A unit test with answer key. Contains 3 essay type questions.

2) An essay. Contains essay topics, work process (steps 1…..), an outline guide, and an evaluation grid.


The Teacher Guide contains 5 pages:

-Includes 8 complete lessons that leave the teacher nothing to do, but to teach.

Lesson 1: Historical context and pre-reading

Lesson 2: Setting and reading (there are specific pages assigned to each lesson)

Lesson 3: Symbols, Motifs and reading the play

Lesson 4: Character chart and reading the play

Lesson 5: Reading – exploring irony and the meaning of the title

Lesson 6: Reading and a look at the difference between modern and classic tragedy

Lesson 7: Theme development and review

Lesson 8: Evaluation (Option 1 – test (answer key included), Option 2 – Essay (evaluation grid, work process, outline included)

You may also be interested in the following products:

Poetry Through Song Unit

Lord of the Flies Unit (No prep required)

Hamlet Unit (No prep – Complete Unit)

Frankenstein (No prep – Complete Unit)

Poetry Unit for Senior Students (NO PREP)

Poetry Unit for Intermediate Students

Poetry Unit: The Art of Interpretation

Romeo and Juliet – A No Prep Unit

Thesis Writing Activity with PowerPoint Presentation

Teaching The Essay Package

Essay Evaluation Comments with Drop Down Boxes

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
70 pages
Answer Key
Included with rubric
Teaching Duration
2 Weeks

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Novel Study Final Project for Any Novel”

by Common Core English With Ease

3rd – 10th Grade

Use this week-long final project packet at the end of any novel study or unit. The easy to follow guide is perfect for a student-led project in middle or high school.


Children of Blood and Bone


To Kill a Mockingbird

The Giver


Great Gatsby

Catcher in the Rye

A Wrinkle in Time

Their Eyes Were Watching God

Tupac & Dfoster

Among the Hidden


Rumble Fish

Tears of a Tiger

Raisin in the Sun

Discovering Wes Moore

Of Mice and Men

Autobiography of My Dead Brother

Poe Park

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Reading Packet for ANY NOVEL

Sports & Video-Game themed activities for ANY text: Engage reluctant readers

Social Media Activities for ANY text

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