Daily Archives: April 18, 2022

Introduction to Creative Writing PowerPoint


The Introduction to Creative Writing PowerPoint is an easy way to introduce both a creative writing unit or a creative writing class. The PowerPoint includes thought-provoking questions and includes an overview of what writing should and shouldn’t be.

The PowerPoint includes 13 slides with the following titles:

❒ Activity on students’ expectations of the class

❒ All about being a writer

❒ Course overview (ex. Characterization, story structure, etc.)

❒ Stephen King on Writing

❒ Inspirational quotes from famous writers about writing

❒ The writing process

❒ General and realistic goals in writing

❒ Students’ personal goal about writing

❒ Ice-breaking activity (So… What’s your story?)

❒ Grammar and spelling in writing

❒ Formatting

❒ Homework activity

Please see the preview for more details.

You may also be interested in the following products:

Building Suspense in Creative Writing

Creating Characters in Creative Writing

Creative Writing Activity

Creative Writing Bundle

Exploring the Elements of Fiction in Creative Writing

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
13 slides
Answer Key
Teaching Duration
1 hour

FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Meet and Teach Product”

by Science in the City
8th – 10th Grade

This Meet and Teach product will provide you with a little information about me and my store. It’s filled with a ‘Meet’ page where you can learn about me and a ‘Teach’ page that is a one-page resource you can use in your classroom tomorrow. It is also part of a larger FREE e-Book filled with Teacher-Author profiles and print-and-teach resources from 25 TpT sellers who specialize in creating resources for grades 6-12!

I hope you enjoy this special resource.

You can download the free e-books and learn about other TpT sellers here:

Meet and Teach eBook: ELA , Grades 6-12 (Free)

Meet and Teach eBook: Math and Science, Grades 6-12 (Free)

Meet and Teach eBook: Humanities, Grades 6-12 (Free) (Social Studies, Art, Music, Foreign Languages, and more ELA resources!)


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Please feel free to contact me with any questions.


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