Category Archives : 9th Grade

Rain, Rain, Go Away Short Story Mini-Unit


The Rain Rain Go Away Mini Unit includes all materials to teach this short story. Students also get the opportunity to be creative and collaborate with others in the creative process. This unit is always a hit in my class.

The resource includes:

❒ An anticipation guide

❒ A copy of the short story

❒ Questions for comprehension

❒ Plot graph activity

❒ Information sheet on characterization and an accompanying activity

❒ A personal word wall to improve students’ vocabulary and understanding

❒ A comprehensive answer key for all activities

Also included are two evaluations with evaluation grids:

❒ An individual evaluation where the student must write an alternate ending to the story

❒ A group evaluation where students must work collaboratively to produce an alternate ending

24 pages total

You may also be interested in the following products:

ELA Literature Study Unit

Charles by Shirley Jackson

Seventh Grade Short Story

The Elevator Short Story

Short Story Bundle

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
24 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration
1 Week

Essay Writing Flip Book


The Essay Writing Flip Book is a resource that I created for my students for essay writing. Even when they have learned the basics of the essay, they soon forget important details. This guide is an ‘at a glance’ resource where students can quickly find the information they need so that they can concentrate on the bulk of their arguments.

The Flip Book contains:

❒ Pre-writing: finding a topic, understanding it, writing a thesis statement

❒ Introduction writing: tips for writing and starting an intro, and proper format

❒ The body of the essay – paragraph format, how to build arguments, and other tips

❒ Quotations (2 pages) – how to use quotes in an essay, how to incorporate quotes, in-text- citation using MLA format, etc.

❒ Transitions – how and why to use them, a list of commonly used transitional words and expressions

❒ MLA format

❒ Revision Checklist

8 pages of information in all!

You may also be interested in the following products:

English Grammar Cheat Sheet

Free Thesis Writing Activity

How to Write a Paragraph

Teaching the Essay Package

Thesis Writing Activity

Thesis Writing Poster

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration

Thematic Poetry Unit – EDITABLE (Digital copy included)



**** A non-editable version of this resource is available at a lower cost. Click here to preview the unit. Thematic Poetry Unit

***A digital copy of the student activities in Google Slides is included as well for distance learning.***

The comprehensive poetry unit that teachers, as well as students, can enjoy. I want to demystify poetry, and I make it my goal for students to enjoy the reading and studying of poetry.

At the beginning of every poetry unit, I ask my students this question, “How do you feel about poetry?” My heart always sinks when most admit to disliking it. I make students this promise, and now I am making you this promise, with this unit, I might not convert you into a poetry lover, but I promise that you won’t hate it. (We need realistic expectations.) This unit includes a variety of poetry genres and activities to help students understand that poetry is not about finding the correct answer but appreciating someone else’s point of view on a subject (even if students don’t quite understand or like it). In short, this unit teaches students how to approach, think, and write about poetry. Each lesson focuses on an element of poetry that will further students’ ability to analyze, to read between the lines, and to become independent learners.

The unit includes:

❒Student worksheets and poems

❒15 complete lessons (with an introduction, transitions and activities, and conclusion). The lessons also include the learning goals for students.

❒A comprehensive answer key for all worksheets, annotations to all poems, examples of paragraphs for students.

❒A final unit test (PPT – editable) with the answer key. Includes student success criteria and an evaluation grid. The poem on the test is Paul Laurence Dunbar’s “We Wear the Masks.” For copyright purposes, the poem cannot be published on the test. However, I have left room on the editable test for the teacher to insert a copy of the poem.

A comment sheet for easy and meaningful retroaction on students’ test is also included. This will facilitate the marking process. (editable)

❒A Jeopardy game to review figurative language (PPT)

***All pages are editable in a PowerPoint document. The background has been secured to ensure proper formatting.

Summary of lessons included:

❒ Lesson 1: Introduction to poetry – Includes a journal prompt, notes on how to approach poetry, an activity to familiarize students with poetry further, and a review on figurative language (with notes.)

❒ Lesson 2: Figurative Language Review – The lesson includes a journal prompt (a creative poetry activity), students will play Figurative Language Jeopardy (PPT) to review figurative language.

❒ Lesson 3: Introduction to analysis – The lesson includes a journal prompt, students will learn to analyze poetry using Walt Whitman’s “When I heard the Learn’d Astronomer” and “The Quiet Patient Spider.”

❒ Lesson 4: Fun with metaphors – This lesson includes a journal prompt, a “Fun with Metaphors” worksheet to help students further understand metaphors, students will analyze William Blake’s “A Poison Tree,” and will complete the worksheet on the poem.

❒ Lesson 5: Fun with allusions – This lesson begins with a journal prompt, a “Fun with Allusions” worksheet, students analyze Simon and Garfunkel’s song “The Sound of Silence.” (poem not included) However, a blank (editable) page is included in the document to paste the lyrics from the internet. This will help you create a more cohesive looking unit.

❒ Lesson 6: Tone and Attitude – Students will do a video (or song version) comparison analysis by completing the “Video Comparison” worksheet.

❒ Lesson 7: Symbolism – Students will complete the “Fun with Idioms” worksheet, will analyze Robert Frost’s poems “The Road not Taken” and “Nothing Gold Can Stay,” they will complete the worksheets for both poems, and learn how to write a PEEL paragraph using the notes provided.

❒ Lesson 8: Writing about poetry – This is a writing clinic of sorts where students will learn to identify strong topic sentences and well-developed paragraphs. An example of a well-developed paragraph is included.

❒ Lesson 9: Historical allusions: This lesson begins with a journal prompt, students will analyze Cara Dillon’s song “There were Roses” and complete the accompanying worksheet. (Please note that this poem is not included.)

❒ Lesson 10: Thematic connections – Students will work in collaborative groups on the “Thematic Connections” worksheet, which compares two of the poems studied in the unit. *An optional activity is included: Students will write a comparative paragraph comparing one similar theme in both poems. An example of a paragraph is included.

❒ Lesson 11: Allusions and analysis – this lesson begins with a journal prompt, The study of Plato’s “The Allegory of the Cave” by watching a Ted Talk, analyzing Mumford and Son’s song “The Cave,” and completing the worksheet. (Please note that the song lyrics are not included.)

❒ Lesson 12: Connections – students will learn to make important connections in poetry by completing the worksheets of the “Battle of the Pronouns” and “Cave vs. Cave” to further develop the themes in Mumford and Son’s song “The Cave.”

❒ Lesson 13: Theme review – Students will refine and review how to develop a theme in a poem (which applies to any work of literature) by completing the worksheet “The Cave – Themes and Meanings,” students will then write a theme in paragraph form.

❒ Lesson 14: Evaluation (test) – editable with answer key and comment sheet to facilitate marking

Check out the free sample lesson: Free Poetry Lesson on Metaphors

You may also be interested in the following products:

Free Thesis Writing Activity

Poetry Lesson: Analyzing Poetry

Poetry Unit for Senior Students

Teaching the Essay Package

The Yellow Wallpaper No Prep Mini-Unit

Much Ado About Nothing No Prep Unit

❒Brave New World Student Notebook

Essay Writing Flip Book

Frankenstein Bundle

Hamlet Bundle

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
78 pages and 28 slides
Answer Key
Included with rubric
Teaching Duration
2 Weeks

Hamlet Unit No prep (digital unit)


NEW addition – The student activities included in this unit are now in Google Docs and Google Drawing. Make distance learning a breeze with this new addition.

(Stay tuned for evaluations in Google Forms)

Please note that MOST evaluations are still available in Word format for easy modifications.

One entire month of planning done for you – I dare you to enjoy Shakespeare.

I love teaching Shakespeare’s plays, and I want you to love it too. I’ve been teaching and improving this unit for over ten years. All of the thinking has been done for you. I love annotating my plays and books. I’ve taken all of the annotations made in my play over the years and incorporated them in a guide to help you guide students and help students understand. Many people (including teachers) get overwhelmed with Shakespeare because of the language. This unit has been created with the student in mind. The activities are thorough, but simple enough for students to understand and enjoy the play.

This unit has everything a teacher needs to teach Hamlet. Just photocopy and teach. Seriously it’s that easy. There’s no longer a need for hours of research and piecing together bits of information and activity sheets you don’t know what to do with.

This is a whole, complete unit, from scene summaries, important notes and annotations notes to help students understand what they are reading. I have also included an introduction to the play, a student guide, a teacher guide with detailed lesson plans, quizzes, a creative assignment, and tests (all with answers and evaluation grids), and a comprehensive answer key. Everything has its place and teaches a specific skill.

The unit is appropriate for students in grades 10, 11 and 12.

The unit includes :

NOTE: All activities, teacher notes, and lessons are available in PDF format only.

Student activities are also available in Google Docs format and are modifiable in the docs itself.

❒An attractive, interactive, multimedia PowerPoint presentation introducing the play (17 slides)

❒A Student Study Guide (with activities, Act, and scene questions…) and various activities (16 pages)

❒Study Questions are available in two different formats – Print saver (with all questions on one page – students write their answers on a separate sheet) and Long Form (Where space is provided for students to write their answers directly on the question sheet)

❒A Teacher Guide (with detailed, comprehensive lessons, unit plan, and additional notes to guide students.) -9 pages and 17 complete lessons. The teacher Guide includes journal and discussion prompts and list of speaking roles if reading out loud in class)to help with time management and organization.

❒18 pages of comprehensive scene summaries and important notes for each scene (annotations for each scene) ***THIS IS A TEACHER FAVORITE!

A creative Hamlet Guess Who? Game to help students understand the characters. (What’s fun about this game is that it can be played from the beginning of the play right to the end, and students’ answers will change depending on the act they are reading.) LOTS OF FUN!

❒A comprehensive answer key for all questions and activities. (24 pages)

❒Comprehension quiz on Acts 1 and 2 in Word format for easy modifications (with evaluation grid) and answer key.

❒Option 1: Mid-play evaluation – The Parody – creative writing and analysis (in Word format for easy modifications – with evaluation grid)

❒Option 2: Mid-play evaluation – The Parody – a creative group presentation (Only available in PDF format)

❒Summary guide (highlighting the significant events from each scene with important analytical information) – Throughout my years of teaching this play, I have amounted excellent notes and annotations, listing the most significant actions throughout each scene. I have retyped these annotations to help you teach the play, so your students will understand it (and so will you). (18 pages)

❒The culminating evaluation includes three different versions of the final unit test with evaluation grid and answer key (in Word for easy modifications)

Includes a total of 115 pages.

Check out this sketchnote resource to further student comprehension:

Hamlet Scene Summary Visual Notebook

You may also be interested in the following products:

Thematic Poetry Unit: Editable

Hamlet Bundle

Hamlet Scene Summary Visual Notebook

Death of a Salesman No Prep Unit

Frankenstein No Prep Unit

Lord of the Flies No Prep Unit

Much Ado About Nothing No Prep Unit

Romeo and Juliet No Prep Unit

Wuthering Heights Student Workbook

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
110 pages
Answer Key
Included with rubric
Teaching Duration
1 month


by Betsey Zachry
7th – 12th Grade

This PowerPoint highlights the key causes for the outbreak of World War I. Included in the 6-slide PowerPoint: New Imperialism, Alliances, Militarism, Nationalism, Political and Social Tensions, and the assassination of the Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand. Lecture notes that explain each slide are also included.

Thank you for downloading an example of products by Betsey Zachry.

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ELA Report Card Comments


The end of a school year or semester is always a challenge for English Language Arts teachers. Between the marking, end of the year activities, and packing up your class for the following year, creating individual and meaningful comments on students’ report cards can be challenging.

I say, take back your weekends! I am sharing my mid and end of year ELA report card comments with you. There are over 70 comments for you to use and personalize your ELA report cards.

There are comments on:

❒ supporting an opinion

❒ argument development

❒ speeches

❒ theme development

❒ theme development while using historical context for analysis purposes

❒ supporting arguments in essay form

❒ reading strategies

❒ reading comprehension

❒ group work and literature circles

❒ novel study

There are also a slew of next step comments as well.

Each section is divided by levels 1,2, 3, and 4 where you can select the appropriate comment to accompany the mark the student received.

You may also be interested in the following products:

Comment Bank

Group Work Assessment Tool

Rubrics: Self-Evaluation Bundle

Teaching the Essay Package

Thesis Writing Activity

Thesis Writing Poster

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
6 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration

Frankenstein Workbook (Digital copy included)


***New – The Frankenstein Workbook is now distance learning ready. The activities are all available on Google Slides where students can insert their answers.

The Frankenstein Workbook was created as a different way to learn from Mary Shelley’s novel. (1831 edition)

The Student Workbook has 30 pages that focus on themes, symbols, important quotes, characterization, romantic and gothic literature, biblical and literary allusions, and elements of the plot.

The format includes symbols to help guide students in theme development and allow them to build on characterization, symbolism, and meaningful allusions in the novel in a clear and more visual way.



Student Workbook x1 (30 pages)

Answer Key x1

Copy of the Rime of the Ancient Mariner x1

Annotated copy of The Rime of the Ancient Mariner x1

Please note that this is a digital download in PDF format and that the pages are not editable.



❒ Background information

❒ Anticipation Guide and Introductory Activity

❒ Letters 1-4

❒ Chapters 1&2

❒ The Rime of the Ancient Mariner (allusion in the novel)

❒ Chapters 3, 4 & 5

❒ Chapters 6, 7 & 8

❒ Chapters 9 & 10

❒ Chapters 11 & 12

❒ An activity

❒ Supplementary activity – Nature in Romantic Literature

❒ Chapter 13 (activity)

❒ Chapters 14 & 15

❒ Chapter 16

❒ Chapters 17 & 18

❒ Chapter 19

❒ Chapters 20 &21

❒ Chapter 22

❒ Chapters 23 & 24`

❒ Activity on symbolism

❒ Activity on theme development

The activities are available in a booklet format or individually.


Frankenstein No Prep Unit

Frankenstein Activity

Frankenstein Bundle

Frankenstein Debate

Paragraph Writing Activity (Frankenstein)

You may also be interested in the following products:

Thematic Poetry Unit: Editable

Brave New World Student Notebook

Hamlet Scene Summary Visual Notebook

Romeo and Juliet No Prep Unit

Wuthering Heights Student Workbook

The Yellow Wallpaper No Prep Mini-Unit

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
88 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration

Opinion Piece Bundle


How to write an effective Opinion Piece Bundle includes:

❒ notes for students (What is an opinion piece? How do we write an opinion piece?…)

❒work process sheets to help students organize their ideas

❒ work process sheets to help students organize their ideastool for teaching)

❒ a student self-evaluation and teacher evaluation

You may also be interested in the following products:

ELA Literature Study Unit

English Grammar Cheat Sheet

How to Write a Paragraph

Opinion Letter with the Novel Holes

Sentences Grammar Circles For Easy & Effective Grammar

Spelling Flip Book

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
6 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration

Free Poetry Lesson on Metaphors


This FREE lesson is a sample from one of my complete units on poetry. See the links below for more information.

❒ Lesson 4 (from the Thematic Poetry Unit) : Fun with metaphors – This lesson includes a journal prompt, a “Fun with Metaphors” worksheet to help students further understand metaphors, students will analyze William Blake’s “A Poison Tree,” and will complete the worksheet on the poem.


An editable version the Thematic Poetry Unit can also be purchased using this link: ***EDITABLE Thematic Poetry Unit

Click here for a non-editable version of the unit Thematic Poetry Unit


Description of the Thematic Poetry Unit – Summary of lessons included:

❒ Lesson 1: Introduction to poetry – Includes a journal prompt, notes on how to approach poetry, an activity to familiarize students with poetry further, and a review on figurative language (with notes.)

❒ Lesson 2: Figurative Language Review – The lesson includes a journal prompt (a creative poetry activity), students will play Figurative Language Jeopardy (PPT) to review figurative language.

❒ Lesson 3: Introduction to analysis – The lesson includes a journal prompt, students will learn to analyze poetry using Walt Whitman’s “When I heard the Learn’d Astronomer” and “The Quiet Patient Spider.”

❒ Lesson 4: Fun with metaphors – This lesson includes a journal prompt, a “Fun with Metaphors” worksheet to help students further understand metaphors, students will analyze William Blake’s “A Poison Tree,” and will complete the worksheet on the poem.

❒ Lesson 5: Fun with allusions – This lesson begins with a journal prompt, a “Fun with Allusions” worksheet, students analyze Simon and Garfunkel’s song “The Sound of Silence.” (poem not included) However, a blank (editable) page is included in the document to paste the lyrics from the internet. This will help you create a more cohesive looking unit.

❒ Lesson 6: Tone and Attitude – Students will do a video (or song version) comparison analysis by completing the “Video Comparison” worksheet.

❒ Lesson 7: Symbolism – Students will complete the “Fun with Idioms” worksheet, will analyze Robert Frost’s poems “The Road not Taken” and “Nothing Gold Can Stay,” they will complete the worksheets for both poems, and learn how to write a PEEL paragraph using the notes provided.

❒ Lesson 8: Writing about poetry – This is a writing clinic of sorts where students will learn to identify strong topic sentences and well-developed paragraphs. An example of a well-developed paragraph is included.

❒ Lesson 9: Historical allusions: This lesson begins with a journal prompt, students will analyze Cara Dillon’s song “There were Roses” and complete the accompanying worksheet. (Please note that this poem is not included.)

❒ Lesson 10: Thematic connections – Students will work in collaborative groups on the “Thematic Connections” worksheet, which compares two of the poems studied in the unit. *An optional activity is included: Students will write a comparative paragraph comparing one similar theme in both poems. An example of a paragraph is included.

❒ Lesson 11: Allusions and analysis – this lesson begins with a journal prompt, The study of Plato’s “The Allegory of the Cave” by watching a Ted Talk, analyzing Mumford and Son’s song “The Cave,” and completing the worksheet. (Please note that the song lyrics are not included.)

❒ Lesson 12: Connections – students will learn to make important connections in poetry by completing the worksheets of the “Battle of the Pronouns” and “Cave vs. Cave” to further develop the themes in Mumford and Son’s song “The Cave.”

❒ Lesson 13: Theme review – Students will refine and review how to develop a theme in a poem (which applies to any work of literature) by completing the worksheet “The Cave – Themes and Meanings,” students will then write a theme in paragraph form.

❒ Lesson 14: Evaluation (test) – editable with answer key and comment sheet to facilitate marking

You may also be interested in the following products:

Free Thesis Writing Activity

Poetry Lesson: Analyzing Poetry

Poetry Unit for Senior Students

Teaching the Essay Package

The Yellow Wallpaper No Prep Mini-Unit

Much Ado About Nothing No Prep Unit

❒Brave New World Student Notebook

Essay Writing Flip Book

Frankenstein Bundle

Hamlet Bundle

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
7 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration
55 minutes

FREE MISC. LESSON – “Freebie! Clip Art – Gingerbread House”

by KB Konnected
Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade

Includes color and line art “Gingerbread House”. (300dpi)

Perfect companion to my Gingerbread Friends Collection

Commercial use welcome on product and freebies. Just give credit as stated in TOU. Thanks!!!

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Penguin Pals!

I’d rather be…Bowling!

Rootin’ Tootin’ Robots (includes coordinating papers!)

Visit me at one of my blogs/websites.
KB…Konnected Clips!
KB…Konnected Kids!

Freebie! Gingerbread House by Kb…Konnected is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

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Opinion Letter with the Novel Holes


The Opinion Letter with the Novel Holes

Appropriate for grades 7 to 9, students learn how to recognize and write a supported opinion using Louis Sachar’s novel “Holes.”

The bundle includes:

❒ An activity sheet on “What is a Supported Opinion?” (with answer key)

❒ Instructions on how to write an effective opinion letter

❒ The evaluation which contains the instruction sheet and list of topics (that were selected for students of different needs. Students who are high achieving might select one of the more complex topics, while a student who struggles can choose a more obvious one.)

❒ An evaluation grid is included along with evaluation expectations

❒ All writing process directions and sheets are included (Pre-Writing or Brainstorming sheet and a Paragraph Organizer)

❒ Also included is an example of the writing process from beginning to end to help students fully understand what the task entails. (Pre-Writing sheet, Paragraph Organizer and the final draft, which includes format expectations.)

Print it and go!

Ten pages in PDF format are included.

You may also be interested in the following products:

English Grammar Cheat Sheet

How to Write a Paragraph

Opinion Piece Bundle

Poster: Developing Themes in Literature

Superhero Themed Parts of Speech Posters

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
10 pages
Answer Key
Included with rubric
Teaching Duration
4 days

Teaching the Essay Package



The Teaching the Essay package has been devised as a resource to help guide students develop their essay writing skills. This comprehensive package includes details on how to structure an essay as well as how to develop arguments. This visually attractive handout contains practical examples and guides students with revision questions to keep them on track.

The package focuses on: (Package contains 13 pages)

❒ Format (Introduction – thesis, development, conclusion)

❒ Developing arguments

❒ Tips for writing

❒ Practical examples

❒ Quote insertion and selection

❒ Comprehensive transitions list

❒ How to analyse

❒ Paragraphing and how to format arguments within the paragraphs

❒ A practical example of the paragraph

❒ Style and flow (transitions)

❒ Revision questions

❒ Practical essay analogy

❒ Strategies in writing

I have been using and revising this document for over 10 years and it has proved to be a most useful tool for teaching the essay.

You may also be interested in the following products:

Analyze This!

Essay Writing Flip Book
Free Thesis Writing Activity

Inference Cheat Sheet

Thesis Writing Activity

Thesis Writing Poster

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
13 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration

How to write a paragraph


The Paragraph package is an easy to use document that will help students learn how to write effectively using the proper form.

The document includes a detailed description of the different types of paragraphs as well as how to effectively write the paragraph (with sentence by sentence instructions).

You may also be interested in the following products:

Creating a Board Game Assessment Tool

English Grammar Cheat Sheet

Opinion Letter with the Novel Holes

Sentences Grammar Circles

For Easy & Effective Grammar

Short Story Bundle

Spelling Flip Book

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
3 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration

English Grammar Cheat Sheet


This “Cheat Sheet” was designed to help students while writing in English. This at a glance 2 page sheet is colorful and has an easy to find layout to help students remember certain important things while they write.

I allow my students to use this in class when writing a test. This is not a grammar lesson, but it will remind students about the grammar they’ve learned in the past.

Some of the reminders included:

❒ parts of speech

❒ transitional words

❒ quotation marks (how and when to use them)

❒ basic sentence structure

❒ spelling tips (plurals of nouns and IE rule)

❒ punctuation rules (apostrophe, colon, semicolon)

The other side of the page has comma rules:

❒ with coordinate conjunctions

❒ with introductory elements

❒ with other elements (dates, parenthetical expression, nouns in a direct address)

❒ with adjectives

❒ with appositives

It also contains tips on things to avoid, such as writing a paragraph shorter than 4 sentences. And, it contains a list of things to do, such as make sure that your paragraphs contain at least 2 pieces of evidence.

You may also be interested in the following products:

Essay Writing Flip Book

How to Write a Paragraph

Inference Cheat Sheet

Poster: Developing Themes in Literature

Sentences Grammar Circles For Easy & Effective Grammar

Spelling Flip Book

Superhero Themed Parts of Speech Posters

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
2 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration

Introduction to Creative Writing PowerPoint


The Introduction to Creative Writing PowerPoint is an easy way to introduce both a creative writing unit or a creative writing class. The PowerPoint includes thought-provoking questions and includes an overview of what writing should and shouldn’t be.

The PowerPoint includes 13 slides with the following titles:

❒ Activity on students’ expectations of the class

❒ All about being a writer

❒ Course overview (ex. Characterization, story structure, etc.)

❒ Stephen King on Writing

❒ Inspirational quotes from famous writers about writing

❒ The writing process

❒ General and realistic goals in writing

❒ Students’ personal goal about writing

❒ Ice-breaking activity (So… What’s your story?)

❒ Grammar and spelling in writing

❒ Formatting

❒ Homework activity

Please see the preview for more details.

You may also be interested in the following products:

Building Suspense in Creative Writing

Creating Characters in Creative Writing

Creative Writing Activity

Creative Writing Bundle

Exploring the Elements of Fiction in Creative Writing

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
13 slides
Answer Key
Teaching Duration
1 hour

Free Creating a board Game Assessment Tool


Assess your students’ knowledge of literature with this fun and creative evaluation. Not only will your students learn by creating a game, but other will learn as well by playing it.

This is a self-evaluation (and teacher assessment) rubric to guide students and teachers in the evaluation process.)

This rubric was created to help students understand exactly what is expected of them for this evaluation. It is also an excellent tool to assess students’ progress and final product.

This self-assessment rubric is part of the bundle as well.

Self-evaluation grids are a great way to guide students in their evaluations. Students will know exactly what is expected of them and will be made responsible for their own success. This package can also easily be changed to be used as peer-evaluations.

You may also be interested in the following products:

Group Work Assessment Tool

Figurative Language & Poetic Devices Jeopardy Game

I Have, Who Has? Game for Teaching Figurative Language & Poetry
Rubrics: Self-Evaluation Bundle

Thesis Writing Activity

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
3 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Gift of the Magi – Close Reading Analysis”

by Homegrown Teacher
8th – 10th Grade

This free product is a close reading analysis of O. Henry’s short story, “Gift of the Magi.” There is a teacher’s instruction page, which details how I have used this document in my own classroom, specifically targeting the importance of the gradual release process and teaching students how to annotate a piece of text. A full sample annotation packet is also included.

This text lends itself to teaching students the importance of annotation targeting vocabulary, textual evidence for setting and characterization as well as allusions.

Enjoy this timeless story as your students get practice using the close reading strategy!

If you like this product, see my other products at:

You may also be interested in:
Romeo and Juliet: Interpreting and Paraphrasing the Prologue
Romeo and Juliet Test – Final Exam
Soundtrack Citing Evidence Writing Project
Narrative Writing Project

Suggestions for Customers:
•Earning Credit: Once you have downloaded and used a product, provide feedback. You can leave a quick rating and short comment. This will help you earn credit for future purchases, lowering the cost! I appreciate any feedback as it helps me grow as a professional and helps me determine which type of products you value in your classroom.
•Be in the know: If you want to know about any new products, discounts, or freebies, then click on the green star next to my store name. You will then become a follower and will receive email updates when these become available.

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and get THOUSANDS OF PAGE VIEWS for your TpT products!

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Rain, Rain, Go Away Short Story Mini-Unit


The Rain Rain Go Away Mini Unit includes all materials to teach this short story. Students also get the opportunity to be creative and collaborate with others in the creative process. This unit is always a hit in my class.

The resource includes:

❒ An anticipation guide

❒ A copy of the short story

❒ Questions for comprehension

❒ Plot graph activity

❒ Information sheet on characterization and an accompanying activity

❒ A personal word wall to improve students’ vocabulary and understanding

❒ A comprehensive answer key for all activities

Also included are two evaluations with evaluation grids:

❒ An individual evaluation where the student must write an alternate ending to the story

❒ A group evaluation where students must work collaboratively to produce an alternate ending

24 pages total

You may also be interested in the following products:

ELA Literature Study Unit

Charles by Shirley Jackson

Seventh Grade Short Story

The Elevator Short Story

Short Story Bundle

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
24 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration
1 Week

The Fun They Had Mini Short Story Unit – Digital Download in Google Drive


With online learning becoming more prevalent in our society, most of our students have experienced traditional learning in a classroom with socialization and online at home.  Both approaches to learning come with their own sets of challenges and rewards. Isaac Asimov’s short story “The Fun They Had” introduces an interesting opportunity for students to discuss the importance of social and human contact in learning.

 Appropriate for grades 7-10

Resource contains

❒ Lesson plan to guide the teacher

❒ Pre-reading journal activity, a brief introduction of the author and historical context 

❒ A copy of the short story with directions on how to annotate the work

❒ Comprehension questions (in both Google Docs and Google Forms formats)

❒ A copy of the short story both annotated for the teacher and without annotation for students

❒ An answer key

❒ An optional Letter Writing Enrichment Activity

❒ Evaluation or enrichment activity (with rubric and self-evaluation checklist)

Pages total 17 pages and a Google Forms

The resource is completely editable in Google Docs and Forms.

When your purchase is complete, you will download a PDF document containing the links to the digital resources.  You will be invited to make a copy of the document and save it in your drive. 

You may also be interested in the following products

ELA Literature Study Unit

Opinion Piece Bundle

Rain, Rain, Go away Short Story

Rubrics: Self-Evaluation Bundle

Seventh Grade Short Story

Charles by Shirley Jackson

The Elevator Short Story

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
17 and 1 Google Forms
Answer Key
Included with rubric
Teaching Duration
3 days

Creative Writing Bundle


This Creative Writing bundle has been created to teach students the basic elements of writing. It begins with a PowerPoint to introduce how students should approach creative writing and includes activities to help students create believable and interesting characters, how to build suspense, and basics of the elements of fiction and plot.

Check out the individual resources for more information.

You may also be interested in the following products:

Free Thesis Writing Activity

Paragraph Writing Activity (Frankenstein)

Parts of Speech Grammar Circles

Poster: Developing Themes in Literature

Superhero Themed Parts of Speech Posters

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
13 pages and 11 slides
Answer Key
Teaching Duration

Rubrics: Self Evaluation and teacher assessment rubrics


Self-evaluation grids are a great way to guide students in their evaluations. Students will know exactly what is expected of them and will be made responsible for their own success. This package can also easily be changed to be used as peer evaluations.

Included within this document are over 20 different self-evaluation grids.

These self-evaluation grids are also very helpful to teachers:

Helps the teacher justify the final mark;

❒ Helps the teacher create meaningful evaluation grids;

❒ Helps to identify students’ weaknesses and strengths;

❒ Helps parents and students better understand the task required;

❒ Helps teachers create rubrics for the final evaluation.

This package was created in a Word document in order to be easily modified and changed according to the individual teacher’s needs.

This self-evaluation package contains self-evaluation grids for:

❒ Newspaper article

❒ Short story writing (intermediate and senior)

❒ Essay writing (various different types)

❒ Essay evaluation rubrics (for teacher –with and without sources)

❒ Independent study unit

❒ Research paper

❒ Skits

❒ Board game

❒ Group work

❒ Opinion piece

❒ Editorial

❒ Friendly letter

❒ Debate

❒ Movie review

❒ Journals

❒ Scrapbook

❒ Seminar

❒ Speech

❒ Riddle writing

You may also be interested in the following products:

Comment Bank

ELA Report Card Comments

Group Work Assessment Tool

Opinion Letter with the Novel Holes

Opinion Piece Bundle

Poster: Developing Themes in Literature

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
27 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration

Romeo and Juliet Unit – No prep required



This bundled unit has been designed to make life easier for the Language Arts teacher. It contains a teacher guide with detailed lessons, a student guide with all of the notes required by students, an answer key for students’ work, and three evaluations (answer keys and evaluation rubrics included). All you need to do is print and begin teaching.

This purchase includes:

❒A comprehensive Teacher guide with 15 detailed lessons (7 pages)

❒A student guide with guiding questions and activities (focus on characterization, themes, figurative language, irony, etc…) -10 pages

❒A Scavenger Hunt activity to introduce students to Shakespeare and his times (includes eight colorful cards and a PowerPoint with answers.)

❒A detailed answer key for students’ work (10 pages)

❒A quiz on Acts 1 and 2 – answer key included

❒Oral presentation on Irony – evaluation rubric included

❒Culminating Activity – Students write a children’s story based on the themes in the play. Evaluation rubric as well as work process sheets included (7 pages)

There are a total of 51 pages included in this unit.

The unit will last between 17 to 20 periods. (3 – 4 week unit)

All that’s left is to teach. I hope you enjoy this unit.

You may also be interested in the following products:

Thematic Poetry Unit: Editable
Frankenstein No Prep Unit

Hamlet No Prep Unit

Hamlet Scene Summary Visual Notebook

Much Ado About Nothing No Prep Unit

Poetry Unit for Senior Students

Wuthering Heights Student Workbook

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
89 pages
Answer Key
Included with rubric
Teaching Duration
2 Weeks

Seventh Grade Short Story Mini Unit


Seventh Grade Short Story Mini-Unit is a great way to start any literature unit. Suitable from grade seven to ten, this unit reviews literary elements and allows students to practice identifying all important elements.

The unit includes:

❒ a copy of the short story

❒ an anticipation reading guide

❒ a two-page literary element cheat sheet

❒ plot graph

❒ word wall

❒ character trait explanation sheet

❒ characterization activity

❒ writing evaluation (or activity) with an evaluation sheet

❒ a comprehensive answer key for all activities.

18 pages total

You may also be interested in the following products:

ELA Literature Study Unit

Charles by Shirley Jackson

Opinion Letter with the Novel Holes

Rain, Rain, Go away Short Story

Short Story Bundle

The Elevator Short Story

It’s teaching made easy!

Poetry Unit


And Editable version of this unit is available by clicking on the link below.

Poetry Unit (Editable)

I love poetry! I love reading it, I love teaching it, and I love the discussions I can have with my students because of it. May students (and some teachers) dislike poetry because they think it’s too difficult. I once had a student tell me that poetry was like a “code” that needed to be unlocked. Cringe!! Some poems are meant to be analyzed. Some poems and meant to sound beautiful, and some poems are meant to be simple and enjoyed for what they are. This unit has a little of all of those things.

Students love this poetry unit. It is a complete unit with no prep required on the teacher’s part. This 2-week unit includes a student guide, 12 detailed lesson plans, a multimedia presentation (no internet connection required), a complete answer key with annotated poems (this is a teacher favorite!) , and an end of the unit evaluation with ananswer key.

Just print it and teach it. It really is that easy.

This bundle includes individual lessons devised to teach students the importance of:

❒ Figurative language (its uses and effects)

❒ How to read poetry

❒ The importance of rhythm

❒ The importance of tone and attitude in a poem

❒ Types of poetry

❒ How to analyze poetry

❒ How to appreciate poetry (even when you don’t understand it)

This unit’s focus is the analysis of poetry and teaches students how to make inferences, which is a skill they must learn for their other subjects as well.

Poems include authors such as Emily Dickinson, Dorothy Parker, Thomas Gray, Lord Alfred Tennyson, Alfred Noyes, T.S. Eliot, Shakespeare, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Robert Frost, and Walt Whitman.

The unit has been conceived to last 12 days – with 65 minute periods (although they are easy to modify).

The unit includes:

1 – The teacher guide (Contains 12 comprehensive lesson plans to teach the poems included in the unit. EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO TEACH THIS UNIT HAS BEEN DONE FOR YOU. )

2 – The student package (Contains students’ notes, poems, and questions) (28 pages)

3 – The answer key includes annotated poems and answers to all student activities, as well as an example of paragraph developing a theme in poetry (saving you time).

4 – A multimedia PowerPoint presentation to introduce the unit (17 slides) – NO INTERNET CONNECTION REQUIRED

A total of 68 pages + 17 slides are included in this package.

This unit is complete and does all of the thinking for you. All you need to do is to print out and photocopy the student package, and you’re set.

Check out this sample lesson from the unit:

Free Poetry Lesson: Analysing Poetry (NO PREP)

You may also be interested in the following products:

Thematic Poetry Unit: Editable
❒ Analyze This!

Creative Writing Bundle

ELA Literature Study Unit

Figurative Language & Poetic Devices Jeopardy Game

I Have, Who Has? Game for Teaching Figurative Language & Poetry

Inference Cheat Sheet

Romeo and Juliet No Prep Unit

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
68 pages
Answer Key
Included with rubric
Teaching Duration
3 Weeks

Brave New World Student Workbook (Digital copy included)


***NEW – This unit is now distance learning ready.

-Students may also complete the work using Google Slides.

Brave New World Student Workbook contains everything a teacher needs to teach Huxley’s novel. Instead of the boring question and answer format, the Student Workbook prompts students’ ideas about characters, asks them to comment on significant quotes, and to notice some of the essential techniques used by the author such as symbolism, allusions, themes, etc. in each of the chapters. I have created this resource for my own classes, and students love the meaningful format.

In addition, a comprehensive answer key is also provided for the teacher. You now have all of the flexibility needed for your lesson plans with all of the work provided for you.

More specifically, the Student Workbook contains (23 activity pages):

❒ An introductory activity and anAnticipation Guide.

❒ Chapter 1 with a focus on characters, setting, castes, and meaningful questions.

❒ Work page on Castes from the novel making connections with the castes in


❒ Chapters 2 & 3 focus on historical illusions and important facts from the novel.

❒ A characterization chart.

❒ Chapters 3 & 4 with a focus on symbolism, religious allusion, characterization,

and important facts from the novel.

❒ Chapter 6 with a focus on conflicts, significant quotes, and important facts from

the novel.

❒ Review pages for chapters 1-6 with a focus on historical allusion, Huxley’s

warnings for the future, and the significance of setting and mood. (This is a

good quiz preparation)

❒ Chapter 7 with a focus on important facts from the novel and characterization.

❒ Chapters 8 & 9 with a focus on characterization, Shakespearean allusions,

flashback technique, important facts from the novel, and student inferencing.

❒ Chapters 10 & 11 with a focus on characterization, conflict, important facts from

the novel, and the different types of irony found in the novel.

❒ Chapters 12 & 13 with a focus on important facts from the novel, connections to

Shakespearean allusions, and characterization.

❒ Chapters 14 & 15 with a focus on important facts from the novel, making

connections to significant quotes, allegorical (archetypal) characters in the


❒ Connections from Plato’s The Allegory of the Cave to Huxley’s characters and

situations. (With directions to a Ted Talk for further explanation)

❒ Making connections to a modern song for further analytic connections to both

the novel and to Plato’s Allegory of the Cave.

❒ Themes and meaning activity to further the meaning of Huxley’s themes and

how they can relate to us today.

❒ Chapters 16 & 17 with a focus on the Pros and Cons of freedom, important

philosophical concepts from the novel, and allegorical messages in the novel.

❒ Chapter 18 with a focus on important facts from the novel and their significance.

Students have the opportunity to inference their opinion of the ending with the

possibility of discussing the importance of mental health in society.

❒ Shakespearean allusions activity page with a focus on making connections with

John’s feelings.

❒ The Noble Savage activity page with an explanation of the concept. Students

are asked to consider the Noble Savage perspective to develop important

themes and messages in the novel.

❒ Predictions activity page where students are asked to infer Huxley’s possible

messages for our society today.

❒ Themes in Brave New World activity page where students are asked to develop

important themes from the novel.

You may also be interested in the following products:

Thematic Poetry Unit: Editable

Death of a Salesman No Prep Unit

Frankenstein Bundle

Hamlet Bundle

Lord of the Flies No Prep Unit

Wuthering Heights Student Workbook

The Yellow Wallpaper No Prep Mini-Unit

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
46 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration
2 months

Wuthering Heights Student Workbook


Wuthering Heights Student Workbook contains everything a teacher needs to teach Bronte’s novel. Instead of the boring question and answer format, the Student Workbook prompts students’ ideas about characters, asks them to comment on significant quotes, and to notice some of the essential techniques used by the author such as symbolism, allusions, themes, etc. in each of the chapters. I have created this resource for my own classes, and students love the meaningful format. Instead of writing information about themes, symbolism, characterization, etc. on separate sheets apart from the chapter questions, everything is integrated in a simplified way.

In addition, a comprehensive answer key is also provided for the teacher. You now have all of the flexibility needed for your lesson plans with all of the work provided for you.

More specifically, the Student Workbook contains work on (42 activity pages):

❒ Important information from each chapter

❒ Setting description and symbolism

❒ Characterization (you can see the characters develop as the students’ read)

❒ Gothic elements

❒ Symbolism

❒ Themes

❒ Supernatural occurrences

❒ Significant quotes

❒ Narration

❒ Allusions

❒ Sociogram (to show characters’ relationships)

❒ Inferencing questions to further students’ understanding

❒ Family tree (to help students remember who is who)

❒ Conflicts

❒ Literary techniques used by the author

❒ Characterization chart

Please see the product preview for more information.

This resource includes 84 pages in total. Please see the preview for further details.

You may also be interested in the following products:

Thematic Poetry Unit: Editable
Brave New World Student Notebook

Death of a Salesman No Prep Unit

Frankenstein No Prep Unit

Hamlet No Prep Unit

Lord of the Flies No Prep Unit

Much Ado About Nothing No Prep Unit

Romeo and Juliet No Prep Unit

The Yellow Wallpaper No Prep Mini-Unit

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
84 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration
2 months

FREE MISC. LESSON – “Thanksgiving Student Gift Tags & Treat Bag Toppers Free EDITABLE”

by Lessons for Little Ones by Tina O’Block
Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade

Use this free set of cute and colorful student gift tags and treat bag toppers to easily create memorable and personalized Thanksgiving gifts for your students. Simply print and attach to Ziploc bags filled with treats of your choice or small gifts (suggested gifts included).

Includes 4 different Thanksgiving designs of both the student gift tags and the treat bag toppers so you can use them for multiple classes or from year to year.

Also includes two versions of each set of Thanksgiving gift tags – one that has editable boxes for names and/or text and one that has no editable fields that can be easily printed out and signed by hand. I have also included a page of treat bag toppers and a page of student gift tags that are completely editable so you can customize the message/saying if you wish (ALL text is editable on these tags).

The following free Thanksgiving student gift tags are included:

• I’m plenty thankful you’re in my class! treat bag toppers

• I’m plenty thankful you are my student! treat bag toppers

• I’m thankful to have you as a student! treat bag toppers

• Have a gobblin’ good Thanksgiving! treat bag toppers

• I’m plenty thankful you’re in my class! student gift tags

• I’m plenty thankful you are my student! student gift tags

• I’m thankful to have you as a student! student gift tags

• Have a gobblin’ good Thanksgiving! student gift tags

• Treat bag toppers that are completely editable – add your own message/saying (all text is editable).

• Student gift tags that are completely editable – add your own message/saying (all text is editable).


Buy multiple sets of my student gift tags in MONEY SAVING BUNDLE PACKS

♦ Student Gift Tags MEGA Bundle (Back to School, Holidays, 100th Day, End of Year, Testing, Birthday)

♦ Holidays Gift Tags Bundle (Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Easter, 100th Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving)

♦ Back to School & End of the School Year Student Gift Tags Bundle

♦ Back to School & Birthday Student Gift Tags Bundle Plus Editable Birthday Certificates


You may also like:

Christmas Student Gift Tags 12 Different Holiday Designs

My collection of Thanksgiving and Fall Resources

Alphabet Letters Brag Tags & Book (Unique Tag for Each Letter of the Alphabet)


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Much Ado About Nothing Unit (Digital copy included)


An editable version of this unit is available by clicking here Much Ado About Nothing Unit EDITABLE

“Much Ado About Nothing Unit” is a complete, no prep unit that is ready to teach the instant you download it. I love Shakespeare, especially his comedies, and I really want students and teachers alike to love it too. The activities and accompanying lessons in this unit demystify Shakespeare and makes it relatable to students. The unit included all lesson plans with 16 comprehensive lessons and reading schedule (with learning objective listed for each lesson), all student activities, evaluations, rubrics, comprehensive answer keys for all work and assignments, and fun bonus materials to suit your students’ interests.

The Much Ado About Nothing Unit is now distance learning ready. Send individual PDF activities to students OR share the work in Google Slides.

The unit is appropriate for grades 9 through 12.

Take a look at the unit preview for more visual details. The unit includes:

A total of 100 pages in PDF and 12 PowerPoint slides are included in this unit.

Act and Scene Guide (Includes the characters found in the scene and the approximate reading time.)

Teacher Guide (lesson plans) – 16 easy to follow lessons, learning objectives, reading schedule, with included reading prompts, journal entries, and exit tickets (or closing activities.)

Students Activities include:

❒ Pre-Reading Activity

❒ Act 1 Comprehension questions

❒ Act 2 Comprehension questions

❒ Act 3 Comprehension questions

❒ Acts 4-5 Comprehension questions

❒ Who’s who in Act 1

❒ Literary Devices (Act 1)

❒ Characterization Activity

❒ Subplot Activity

❒ The Plan (conflict)

❒ Dogberry’s Malapropisms

❒ Much Ado About Noting (theme work)

❒ Activity on Symbolism

❒ Activity on Theme

Comprehensive Answer Key for ALL activities.

Evaluations include:

❒ Quiz on Acts 1 and 2 (With answer key and rubric)

❒ Beatrice vs. Benedick (oral presentation skits)- rubric is included

❒ Fake News – newspaper article (writing activity) – with rubric

❒ unit test – with answer key and rubric

❒ Song analysis Activity for theme review (optional evaluation or activity) – with rubric

Optional bonus activities are also included

❒ A love letter activity (Optional evaluation – rubric included)

❒ A Dear Abby activity

❒ Behind the Mask – an anti-bullying campaign (can be used as an evaluation – rubric included)

❒ Additional journal topics

To further student learning, a Guess Who? For Much Ado game is included. This is a fun way to learn about the characters in the play. And, as the play progresses, students’ questioning must change to keep track of character growth. (30 slides)

You may also be interested in the following products:

Poetry Unit for Senior Students

Lord of the Flies Unit – No Prep Required

Hamlet Complete No Prep Unit

Romeo and Juliet – No Prep Unit

Death of a Salesman – No Prep Unit

Frankenstein No Prep Unit

Brave New World Student Workbook

Wuthering Heights Student Workbook

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
98 Pages and 30 Slides
Answer Key
Included with rubric
Teaching Duration
1 month

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Post-Pandemic Vision Boards”

by Spark Creativity
6th – 12th Grade

Vision boards can help students think about the future in a positive way, reflecting and setting goals as they consider who they want to be and how to get there.

In this reflective project, students consider the possibility of this pandemic as a pivot point in their lives from which they can take what they’ve learned about themselves and their dreams during this time at home and move forward courageously.

You can either send out the student instructions by PDF and let students craft vision boards off screen at home, or use the Google Drive version with editable elements and let students choose to work on or offline. In Drive, they can create their vision boards by typing and dragging and dropping their imagery. Either option can lead to inspiring and beautiful vision boards.

Questions? I’m at [email protected].

From the Reviews:

  • “Students loved having a different approach to journaling. They seem to be gaining an understanding they are a primary resource for this time in history. “
  • “I needed something creative and fun to do with my students and this was perfect! Thank you for sharing!”

Enjoying the vision board project? Please consider leaving a review!

Want more creativity in your teaching life? Check out The Spark Creativity Teacher Podcast wherever you listen to your favorite shows.

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Pandemic Time Capsule Project

Free Digital Bulletin Boards

Pandemic Journal One-Pager

Coronavirus Research Infographic Assignment

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