Category Archives : SCIENCE LESSONS

FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Earth Art: Earth’s Natural Resources”

by One Room Schoolhouse
2nd – 5th Grade

This is an arts integrated smartboard lesson. Students will learn about the Earth’s natural rresources and about the art of Andy Goldsworthy. There are several interactive pages for the class to complete. The lesson concludes with the students going on a nature walk around the school to collect materials to create their own Earth art. This is a great lesson for Earth Day.

Earth Art: Earth’s Natural Resources by Karla Banks is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Evaporation in the Water Cycle {Hands-on at Home} | Distance Learning”

by The Science Penguin
3rd – 5th Grade

I’ve adapted some of my favorite simple investigations so you can can provide opportunities for students to EXPLORE during distance learning. It’s HANDS-ON AT HOME!


Evaporation (Water Cycle)


Do shadows affect the rate of evaporation?


4th and 5th: You can use this as an Explore activity. Follow up with Slides & Notes or the Digital Interactive Science Notebook then elaborate with Digital Inquiry.

3rd: Follow up with Digital Vocabulary then elaborate with Digital Inquiry Jr.

In Your Free Download

  • Teacher Preparation
  • Teacher Directions
  • Materials List
  • Google Slides Student Sheet
  • Sample of Completed Assignment

See all Distance Learning from The Science Penguin!

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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Matter – States of Matter Booklet Freebie!”

by Once Upon A Classroom
Kindergarten – 3rd Grade

Enjoy this freebie booklet all about Matter!

This book includes:

1. An introduction to Matter
2. States of Matter
3. Definitions/Properties of Solids, Liquids and Gases
4. Matter sort cut & paste activity
5. Changing States of Matter
6. Condensation
7. Evaporation
8. Precipitation
9. The Water Cycle

This book is perfect for introducing Matter to your class or as a review of what your students have already learned!

Your feedback always brightens my day 🙂

Copyright © 2014 Erin Palleschi

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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Free Bubbles Vocabulary 3-Part Montessori Cards”

by Wise Owl Factory
Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

Free Bubbles Vocabulary 3-Part Montessori Cards
This is a set of 3 part cards that could be used in a tray or rug activity. It could also be used as a center in a traditional primary school. There are 4 cards for each vocabulary term for differentiation. Select 2, 3, or 4 cards as best suits the students.

These cards could be used in conjunction with a bubbles unit, text, and/or experiments.

The vocabulary includes:
surface tension

Carolyn Wilhelm
Wise Owl Factory

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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Scientific Method Template”

by The Teachers Upstairs
6th – 8th Grade

This scientific method report template is an easy to follow blank template where students are guided through each step of the scientific method. Students are presented with a real-world example of how the scientific method works. It then provides students an opportunity to choose their own experiment as they are guided through the 7 steps of the scientific method. As an added bonus, this resource provides students with examples of graphs and how to use them when writing their science report.

Pulling off fun science experiments for students can be an exhausting task, but this scientific method outline template will have your students wanting to come back for more, as they are the ones guiding their own learning. This is truly a teacher’s best friend!

Included in this resource

  • Teacher Tips & Tricks on how to use this resource.
  • Literacy Read – introducing students to the scientific method via a real-world example they can relate to. This is great for a CLOSE reading text.
  • Link to various science experiments for kids.
  • Lab report pages with a detailed explanation of the task.
  • Graph reference sheet.

Resources you may also love that are aligned to the NGSS standards ❤️

♥︎ We appreciate YOU! ♥︎

All of our resources are 50% off the first 24 hours after they are published.  Click here to follow us, so you can be notified when new resources are released.

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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “13 Student-Centered [DISTANCE] Chem Learning Experiences – Intro Unit PREVIEW”

by Lab In Every Lesson
6th – 12th Grade

This 18-page catalog includes learning intentions, success criteria, vocabulary, technology links, and student-centered commentary for 13 learning experiences in chemistry, comprising an entire introductory unit of the course. Topics include reasons to study chemistry, the scientific method, basic chemistry terminology, the periodic table, physical and chemical properties, mass, volume, density, states of matter, kinetic molecular theory, forces of attraction, temperature, direction of heat flow and phase change, physical / chemical change and chemical equations, chemical reactions and equations, and the laws of conservation.

Though this resource is not a collection of complete classroom lessons, it does describe the lesson PowerPoints and digital, distance learning lessons which will post to my store within the coming weeks. It is perfect for physical science or chemistry teachers who are looking for ideas as they contemplate how they might (1) create a more student-centered environment in their classroom and/or (2) deliver complex content in a coherent way to achieve deep learning in a virtual classroom.

Each learning experience outlined uses technology to prompt a scientific-method-based investigation that builds critical thinking skills and provides the potential to produce artifacts that can be used to demonstrate learning and mastery. The technologies outlined are free, easily accessible and compliment diverse learning styles. In this free, preview catalog, suggestions for guided questions and/or graphic organizers are not included.

A complete edition that includes suggested guiding questions, graphic organizers, and data tables, along with real student artifacts is available for purchase.

Each individual learning experience can be purchased from my store, just search for the lesson title. Additionally, a complete catalog of learning experiences for an entire first semester is also available for purchase.

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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Plant Cell and Animal Menu Board”

by Texas Science Gal

7th – 10th Grade

In this download you will find a menu similar to what you would find in a restaurant including items such as an appetizer, an entree, side dishes, and deserts. The way this is used, instead of food there are a variety of assignments that students can complete to show their mastery of their understanding of Plant Cells and Animal Cells. Some of the assignments include describing living things, describing the differences between cells, drawing and labeling cells, and creating flash cards.

So to use this, you will need to print out the pages included and students will need to have index cards to use for one of the assignments. The first assignment represents the appetizer (something that people share) because everyone completes it, it. Next the students can pick their entree (similar to ordering one meal), and they can pick just one of those listed assignments. Then with the entree comes two sides which students can then also pick which two of the three. For early finishers there is a desert that is entirely optional (great for extra credit!).

The reason why I made this was because I want students to feel like they have a choice in their assignments. I teach 7th grade and often times they just want the option of getting to choose their assignment. It is a great assignment for homework, amazing for centers (by having some students work on the entree or side dishes), and can also be used as class work.

I am in the process of updating my other menu boards as well to reflect this new and updated look and style, so be sure if you are in my store and want to see others, to click on menu/choice boards on the left hand side to see more.

Also, If you are not receiving updates from my store be sure to click on the green star when you are at my store. This will allow you to follow me and receive emails when I have a sale or post new products.

If you would like to receive credits to buy future TPT products, be sure to rate this product or if you have any questions please be sure to ask in the Q & A.

If you are looking for other menu or choice boards, check out my other products:
Lab Safety and Observation and Inferences Menu Board
Force, Motion, and Work Menu Board

And for a 6 Week Project Choice Board Based on Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences check out the choice board!
Lab Safety, Force & Motion, and Cell Choice Board

Clipart created by Clipart Factory

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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Chemistry Wall Art”

by Science Etc

6th – 12th Grade

This is a play on the symbols from the Periodic Table of the Elements. Using the symbols for Thorium, Iodine, Nitrogen, and Potassium you can create the word “ThINK.” Great for any science or chemistry classroom. Could be used for bulletin boards or anywhere you want people to “ThINK”! Thanks!
Science Etc.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.

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October Teacher Talk 2020

Posted by Deann Marin of Socrates Lantern

It’s October Teacher Talk Time…..Well, the first month of school is over and it’s BOO-tober, time for Halloween fun, Columbus Day, Stop Bullying Month and beautiful fall weather. We have so many great tips and ideas for you from awesome educators. Be sure to take a look at what everyone has to say.
If you’re interested in joining this unique group of teacher entrepreneurs, blogging buddies and/or our blog linky, sign up here….The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative. If you decide to join, be sure to mention one of our names.

Searching for Our Future Selves

By Retta London of Rainbow City Learning

Adding futuristic thinking to your reading and writing practice.


A Peek Into Learning

By Kathie Yonemura of Tried and True Teaching Tools

For all the grumbling about distance learning (and there is a lot of grumbling!), there are also some perks! I have a love-hate relationship with classroom bulletin boards. They are such a pain to put up, then you have to change them frequently and other than during Open House, no one actually looks at them! Anyone else?


Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff

By Deann Marin of Socrates Lantern

For my teacher friends who are torn about going back to school physically, or teaching using a hybrid model, these times are challenging.  If you are someone who HAS to go into your classroom, you are literally risking your life and possibly those around you. You probably stay up many nights tossing and turning over what you should do.  While those of you who teach through distance learning have to acquire new skills, and let’s face it, not all of us are tech savvy. It’s hard enough doing what you all love to do but Covid19 is making it difficult if not impossible for you. So how do you function when feeling emotionally drained and stressed out. In some of my other posts, I’ve mentioned Qigong as a way to relieve stress, there are also homeopathic remedies that may help. 


Using Glyphs to Gather Information, Interpret Data and Follow Directions By Vicky Rauch of Scipi

A glyph is a non-standard way of graphing information to tell a story. It is a flexible data representation tool that uses symbols to represent different data. Glyphs are an innovative instrument that shows several pieces of data at once and necessitates a legend or a key to understand the glyph. They require problem solving, communication, and data organization.


Boo! Meow! Eek!Woo! Ha-Ha- Haaaa!

Reading poetry helps students improve fluency because the natural rhythm of most poems enhances ease of expression. Adding sound effects to group or individual Halloween readings incorporates pleasure into reading aloud, often a difficult task for beginning and struggling readers. Read this post to find out how to throw in even more levity.


Tips for Knowing When to Use Who, That, and Which

By Charlene Tess of Charlene Tess

Choosing between the the relative pronouns who, that, and which is an important decision. Using the correct word will help you say what you mean and get your point across successfully.


3-Easy Tips for Making Grammar Fun

By Marcy How of It’s a Teacher Thing

Learn 3 easy tips for adding fun to your grammar instruction and increase student learning and engagement.


Teacher Self Care During Distance Learning

By Michelle Webb of Teaching Ideas for Those Who Love Teaching

Tips to take care of yourself during distance learning.

Coding with the Littles

By Lisa Robles of LisaTeachR’s Classroom

Have you done coding with your littles? I’m currently doing Scratch Jr. with my Kindergartners and they are loving it. What is Scratch Jr.? It’s a programming language that lets kids ages 5-7 create stories and games. Kids use blocks to create the code.


Be sure to check out the block posts from all of our members.

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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Solar System Study Jams Interactive Notebook SAMPLER!”

by Life Beyond the Gradebook

3rd – 5th Grade

Solar System Study Jams Interactive Notebook

This interactive notebook is perfect for technology-based independent or small group work. There are 20 pages in the full file and it will keep your students engaged while learning about the solar system!

You will need access to the internet and sound to complete these activities!

This sampler product interactive notebook includes:
-Two INB activities
-One quiz with answer key

The full, paid product includes:
-Interactive notebook activity for each video or slideshow on Scholastic Study Jams
-An answer key for each notebook page
-5 quizzes
-Answer keys for the quizzes

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Leave Feedback for Credits:
Go to your My Purchases page (you may need to login). Beside each purchase you’ll see a “Provide Feedback” button. When you click it, you will be taken to a page where you can give a quick rating and leave a short comment for the product. Each time you give feedback, TPT gives you feedback credits that you use toward future purchases.

Copyright © 2015 Keep Calm and Teach 5th Grade
All rights reserved by the author. This product is to be used by the purchaser only. Copying for more than one teacher, classroom, or department is prohibited. This product may not be distributed or displayed digitally for public view. The graphics used in this item(s) are copyrighted and may not be used for your own commercial projects or given away to anyone else. By purchasing this file(s), you agree to the Terms of Use. Failure to comply is a copyright infringement and a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).

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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Static Electricity Lab Activity”

by Science in the City

6th – 9th Grade

This middle school static lab is a lot of fun, and memorable for students. It includes an explanation, with diagrams, of static electricity, and then five stations of activities for students to explore static electricity. It also has summary questions for them to answer to process and assess their knowledge.

Materials needed:

Pop cans

Inflated balloons

Packing peanuts in a plastic bag

Small pieces of wool cloth

Puffed wheat cereal

Black plastic strips (you could also use a comb, small ruler, or another plastic strip)

**All pictures, graphics, and artwork in our lessons are either purchased legally for use or are created by Science in the City**

Terms of Use:

– The purchase of the product is for single classroom use by the purchaser only. It is a violation for individuals, schools, and districts to redistribute, edit, sell or post this item on the Internet or to other individuals. Disregarding the copyright is a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act and subject to legal action.

-By purchasing this product you acknowledge that you have read and understood the Terms of Use.

You may also be interested in:

Types of Heat Transfer Foldable and Station Activity

Variables Lesson Plan and Practice

Pop Can Cars: Potential and Kinetic Energy

Physics Vocab Review


Don’t forget that leaving feedback earns you points toward FREE TPT purchases.

Also, follow me and be notified when new products are uploaded.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions.

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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Flying Ghost STEM Challenge”

by Tried and True Teaching Tools

3rd – 5th Grade

Halloween is the perfect time to incorporate science, math, technology, and engineering! Students work independently then in groups against criteria & constraints to design and build a carrier to safely transport a “ghost” down a zipline. Low prep using items already in your classroom!


Customer Tips

How to get TPT credit to use on future purchases:

• Please go to your My Purchases page (you may need to login). Beside each purchase you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Simply click it and you will be taken to a page where you can give a quick rating and leave a short comment for the product. Each time you give feedback, TPT gives you feedback credits that you use to lower the cost of your future purchases. I value your feedback greatly as it helps me determine which products are most valuable for your classroom so I can create more for you.

Be the first to know about my new discounts, freebies and product launches:

• Look for the green star next to my store logo and click it to become a follower. You will now receive email updates from Tried and True Teaching Tools

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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Pumpkin Life Cycle Freebie”

by Under One Roof

Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

Who doesn’t like freebies? This is a sampler of my larger Pumpkin Life Cycle Activity Pack. I hope you enjoy it.

If you like it, try the full pack of activities

Pumpkin Life Cycle Activities for Primary Grades

If you like this one, be sure to check out my other Halloween products

Big Pumpkin: A Literature Unit for Halloween
Where’s My Mummy: A Literature Unit for Halloween
Five Little Pumpkins Learning Center Activities
Graphic Organizers for Language Arts: Halloween Themed

Included in this resource:

4 full page color puzzles showing different parts of the pumpkin and its life cycle

1 sheet with the same puzzles in a smaller size

1 pumpkin life cycle worksheet

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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Graduated Cylinders – Measuring the Volume of a Liquid {FREEBIE}”

by Science Girl Lessons

3rd – 9th Grade

Having a hard time finding assessments for measuring the volume of a liquid? I always pair this assessment with real, hands-on practice in the classroom. I’ve also used it to introduce this topic with the assessment first so the students know how to read the graduated cylinders before you give them one with water in it. There are 6 questions on this one page assessment and an answer document that goes with it. You can use them as exit tickets, homework, class practice, final assessments or in any other way you see fit.

Included in this package:
✸ 1 Volume Assessment Page (with graduated cylinders all in increments of 10)
✸ 1 Answer Key

Looking for more practice and variety? Please check out the full product:
Measuring the Volume of a Liquid Assessment

This zip file contains PDFs only. If you are having problems opening this zip file, please take a look at this first (Zip File Help). If you are still having problems, don’t hesitate to e-mail me at [email protected].

You Might Also LIKE
Measuring the Volume of a Liquid Assessment
Measuring the Volume of a Liquid TASK CARDS {Color}
Measuring Liquid Volume TASK CARDS {Increasing by 10s}
Measuring Liquid Volume TASK CARDS {Increasing by 20s}
Measuring Liquid Volume TASK CARDS {Increasing by 50s}
Measuring Liquid Volume TASK CARDS {Increasing by 100s}
Measuring Liquid Volume TASK CARDS {Increasing by 200s}
Measuring Liquid Volume – Student Reference Pages {FREEBIE}

TEKS Being Taught
3.5(A), 4.5(A), 5.5(A), 6.4(A), 7.4(A), 8.4(A)

As a Texas teacher, the products I make are designed around the standards for the state of Texas, known as the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) and are carefully crafted to help students be successful on the Texas STAAR test. I use the challenge of the TEKS and released STAAR assessments as models to guide me when putting together lessons and materials for students. Thus, I am careful to post products that, in my judgment, address those standards. I am not affiliated in any way with these entities and any and all claims of alignment are my claims, not those of the groups behind the TEKS or STAAR test. Please contact me if you have questions.

How to get TPT credit to use on future purchases:
Please go to your My Purchases page (you may need to login). Beside each purchase you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Simply click it and you will be taken to a page where you can give a quick rating and leave a short comment for the product. Each time you give feedback, TPT gives you feedback credits that you use to lower the cost of your future purchases. I value your feedback greatly as it helps me determine which products are most valuable for your classroom so I can create more for you. ☺

Connect with Science Girl Lessons
Be sure to follow my TpT store by clicking on the green ‘Follow Me’ next to my Seller picture to receive notifications of my new products and upcoming sales.

Special Thanks to…
Khrys Bosland, for the use of her beautiful fonts

Terms of Use
Copyright © Rebecca Valera. All rights reserved by author. This product is to be used by the original downloader only. Copying for more than one teacher, classroom, department, school, or school system is prohibited. This product may not be distributed or displayed digitally for public view. Failure to comply is a copyright infringement and a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Clip art and elements found in this PDF are copyrighted and cannot be extracted and used outside of this file without permission or license. Intended for classroom and personal use ONLY.

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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Animal Characteristics”

by Elementary Creations

Pre-Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

This is a great activity for the students to understand that not all animals are alike. In this activity the students will be able identify each animal and which category they belong in. Students are to cut and paste the animals in their correct category. I hope your students enjoy this activity as much as mine did.
Thank you!
Yamila Rezola

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by The Schroeder Page

1st – 2nd Grade

An experiment using straws to represent the compound eye of an insect.

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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Float or Sink (Apple Graphing) Freebie”

by Mrs VanMeter

Pre-Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

This freebie includes the bulletin board “titles” and student graph for an easy science and math lesson on apples.

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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Frog Life Cycle Supplemental Activities”

by That Science Guy

Pre-Kindergarten – Kindergarten

This product can be used as a supplement to your life cycle unit or used as a lesson. Included are a sequencing activity that asks students to put the frog life stages in order; a suggested “read to” and charting activity; a “F is for frog” coloring page; a writing activity; a math/counting/beginning adding activity. All activities are based on the frog life cycle. This product is classroom ready.

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by Dashing Kiddos

Pre-Kindergarten – 1st Grade


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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “NGSS Physical Science Review Puzzles and Skill Boosters”

by Ratelis Science

6th – 8th Grade

A free sample of three different puzzle worksheets from my sets of Next Genertion Science Standards review puzzles for middle school physical science that have students practice critical thinking skills and apply concepts from DOK level 1 and 2 needed to grapple with the performance expectations for NGSS MS-PS-2-2, NGSS MS-PS-3-1 and NGSS MS-PS-1-1

Great for stations, homework, early finishers or emergency sub plans.

FREE Sample Includes these three Puzzles

1) What would you get if you crossed Christmas with St. Patrick’s Day? NGSS PS-1-1

  • This puzzle requires students to use data about the mass and volume of 8 different coins and a data table to determine the letter code for solving the riddle.
  • Students can be expected to know the formula for density and fill it in the provided space or you can give students the formula in advance.
  • Coin 4 requires students to use deduction skills to determine the correct volume of the coin.
  • Density is a physical property of matter and is a commonly used as evidence to identify specific types of matter as described in NGSS PS-1-1

2) What movie do teenage ghosts love to watch? NGSS PS3-1-1

  • Halloween Themed (Ghost) puzzle.
  • Questions require students to calculate work, and potential energy using the provided formulas.
  • Also to work with kinetic energy quantitatively (have to determine the new amount of Kinetic Energy if the Mass is halved or doubled while the speed stays the same or if the speed doubles, while the mass stays the same)

3) What do you get when you cross a lizard and a bee? NGSS 2-2

  • Students solve net force diagrams to determine the missing force to put the object into equilibrium (net force = 0N)


Cover, TOU and teacher notes (3 pages)

3 different Puzzles with Answer Keys (6 pages)

Other Products

• Gravity, Magnetic Forces, and Electric Forces Puzzles NGSS Skill Boosters

• Newton’s Laws Review Puzzles NGSS Skill Boosters MS-PS-2-1

• Properties and Structure of Matter Review Puzzles NGSS Skill Boosters

• Speed, Net Force, and Newton’s 2nd Review Puzzles NGSS MS-PS-2-2 Skill Boosters

• Thermal Energy Review Puzzles NGSS Skill Boosters MS-PS-3-4 and MS-PS-1-4

• Variables, Density and Metric System Review Puzzles NGSS SEP Skill Boosters

• NGSS Physical Science Puzzles, Review Worksheets, and Task Card Decks Bundle

I take pride in my materials and guarantee satisfaction. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact me at [email protected]

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Consider Following My Store for Timely Updates You can be the first to know about new products and upcoming events by following me. I only send out meaningful notes to followers and only occasionally. I post new products a couple of times per month. To follow me, click on the little “Follow Me” button by the green star⭐ right below my Ratelis Science store name that you can find on any of my pages.

Leave Feedback and Earn Credits I take pride in my products and appreciate quality feedback. My hope is that my products will meet your highest expectations. Leaving feedback also earns you “credits” which can be used for discounts on future purchases. 🙂 To leave feedback, just go to your My Purchases page (you might need to login). Next to each listed purchase will be a Provide Feedback button. Click it and be taken to the page to leave a rating and short comment.

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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Solar System Non-Fiction Reading Comprehension and Main Idea & Detail Practice”

by Denise Hill

4th – 5th Grade

In this activity, students will read a passage and identify details that appropriately complete the given webs.

This worksheet was designed specifically to target the following skills:

– Refer to Explicit Details (RI.4.1)
– Conducting research (W.4.7)
– Organizing Information/Text (W.4.4)
– Gather Information (W.4.8)

The worksheet is designed to support concepts from the 5th grade Tennessee State science standards:

– SPI 0507.6.1 Distinguish among the planets according to their known characteristics such as appearance, location, composition, and apparent motion.

– * – * – * – * – * – * – * – * – * – * – * – * – * – * – * – * – * – * – * – * – * – * – * – * – * – *

If you like this activity, make sure to check out other Non-Fiction Reading Comprehension Packs in my Store!

{The Legislative Branch Non-Fiction Compare & Contrast Practice}
{Thanksgiving Reading Comprehension & Graphic Organizers}
{Mayflower Non-Fiction Passage & Comprehension Activities}
{War of 1812 Non-Fiction Reading & Timeline Practice}

Also, I have just been promoted to the position of full-time stay at home mommy! While at home, I plan on working hard to add a TON of new resources to my store. Please make sure to {FOLLOW ME!} to receive notifications when new items are added! ☺

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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “The Rock Cycle Game”

by Science Etc

6th – 8th Grade

This is a card game using original photographs of rock types. Players use a rock cycle sheet as a reference during the game. The object of the game is to build rock cycles and win cards along the way. An important learning outcome of this game is that students will be able to explain the rock as a cycle with many combinations and outcomes. A fun game for any earth science classroom.
Science Etc.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

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by Geaux First Grade

Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

Life cycle wheel. The cover page includes a word bank. Students will label each stage of the life cycle and then turn the wheel to reveal each stage.

Fun and informative!

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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “FREE Living & Non-Living Objects; CVC Short “A” (Science & ELA)”

by KB3Teach

Pre-Kindergarten – 1st Grade

Living or Non-Living? Let your students decide with these phonics-based science worksheets. If your students are learning to decode CVC words, you can help them use those words on a “real world” level by sorting living and non-living objects on a reading level they can handle. Students can learn vocabulary, decoding skills, and science concepts all at the same time!

In response to the “even-number-of-objects” requests, each lesson/worksheet now has two living and two non-living objects. Note: This set includes Short “A” only.

CVC Lab: Short Vowels AEIOU (29 Lessons)

Living & Non-Living Sort (Phonics Focus)

Lesson 1: fan, man, jam, ram
Lesson 2: Jan, van, Sam, ham
Lesson 3: hat, bat, dad, lad
Lesson 4: Nan, pan, man, can
Lesson 5: cat, rat, map, cap
Lesson 6: bat, mat, pad, dad
Lesson 7: rag, bag, rat, bat

Thanks for the valuable feedback and requests.

*All pictures, graphics and fonts used with permission from original copyright holders.*

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by The Dabbling Speechie

Pre-Kindergarten – 3rd Grade

Are you looking for a fun “Spring” reinforcer activity to use with your students? Do your little ones love bugs? Then this fun FREEBIE is just the activity to use to keep your students engaged and learning!! There are two variations to use this activity.

Catch a Bug Game
Directions for version #1: Print the bug jar (page 3) and the blank sheet of bugs (page 4) on card stock and laminate. Adhere velcro on the jar and bugs. Use as a token board or let the students take off a bug after they complete their speech or language target.

Directions for version #2: Print the bug jar (page 3) and the sheet of bugs with numbers (page 5) on card stock and laminate. Use an empty container and place all the bugs in the jar. I put paper clips on the bugs and then we used my magnetic fishing pole to catch bugs and earn points. The student with the most points wins the game!

Please email me with questions at: [email protected]

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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Animals in the forest matching center freebie!”

by The Crazy Pre-K Classroom

Pre-Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

Here is a sample of the matching center included in my new Where do animals live? Habitat Unit (11 habitats and their animals), which can be found in my store.
This center can be printed in color or black and white and includes full instructions. The preview file will show you more images of what is included in the full unit. Besides this center there is a minibook for each habitat, photo cards and a craftivity. Full photo instructions are included in the full unit. Where do animals live? 206 page Habitat Unit

Each habitat is also listed separatly in case you don’t need all 11.

Please take a minute to follow me here on TpT and my blog. Your feedback is always appreciated.

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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Crazy Putty – Science in the classroom”

by Teaching Products

1st – 6th Grade

This is a simple science activity that can be completed in the classroom. It uses minimal equipment and students love having something to touch and explore!

Included are complete instructions for making your own silly putty, as well as a scientific explanation of what happened. There are also differentiated student response forms for students to record their hypotheses, questions, process, conclusions, explanations and observations. The student response forms allow students to either write or draw their responses – this is a fabulous way to get your students excited about writing!

Like this experiment? You might also like our Writing with Science Growing Bundle, which includes more great (and simple) science experiments.

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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “What is Science Cubing Activity – Distance Learning”

by Getting Nerdy with Mel and Gerdy

3rd – 10th Grade

What exactly IS science? Are unicorns scientific? What about narwhals? What does science look like to your students? Whether you’re just starting the year or you’re already at the home stretch, discussing scientific principles is important in any science classroom. This FREE resource is the perfect way to grab students’ attention and maintain their interest throughout the year.


  • ​EDITABLE Guiding PowerPoint 
  • NON-EDITABLE PDF cubing template


  • Answer questions listed on the cubes individually or groups
  • Complete the cube by writing or illustrating answers to the questions on the cube​
  • Assemble the cube and display it


Because we have created many of our own graphics or have purchased licenses to other graphics with permission, we cannot offer our resources in editable format unless otherwise stated.

All rights reserved by GETTING NERDY®️. 
• This product is to be used by the original purchaser only
• Intended for classroom and personal use only
• Copying for more than one teacher, classroom, department, school, or school system is prohibited. 
• This product may not be distributed or displayed digitally for public view
Failure to comply is a copyright infringement and a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Clipart and elements found in this PDF are copyrighted and cannot be extracted and used outside of this file without permission or license.

What is Science? Cubing Scienstructable​ © 2012 to present GETTING NERDY®️ All Rights Reserved

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by CopyCats

Pre-Kindergarten – 5th Grade

Enjoy this Freebie weather gauge and graph! Get the FULL WEATHER WONDERS unit at ~

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The First Grade Reader

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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Abiotic and Biotic Factors”

by Science Health and PE Materials

5th – 9th Grade

Use this worksheet as a warm up, do now activity or for general reading comprehension. This worksheet is free and is 1 of 13 handouts that is included in the Introduction to Environmental Science Workbook. The following topics are included in the Workbook:

Click Here For More Worksheets

Page 1- Intro to Ecology (Free)
Page 2- Abiotic vs Biotic Factors (Free)
Page 3- What is an Ecosystem?
Page 4- Producers and Consumers
Page 5- The Food Chain
Page 6- Biomes
Page 7 – Niche
Page 8 – Habitat
Page 9 – Generalist vs Specialist
Page 10- Competition
Page 11 – Competitive Exclusion
Page 12- Mutualism in Extreme Environments
Page 13 – Energy in the Ecosystem

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