Sight Words Hide and Seek BUNDLE

You can view this FUN resource HERE!
Purchasing the bundle saves you 12% off of the total of all 4 sets.
You can find individual sets with previews at the links below:
Sight Words Hide & Seek (Set 1)
Sight Words Hide & Seek (Set 2)
Sight Words Hide & Seek (Set 3)
Sight Words Hide & Seek (Set 4)
This 100 page bundle includes sets 1, 2, 3, and 4. Each set includes a page for each of 25 high frequency sight words listed below. Students are given directions to write each word, color the sight word a particular color, and write a sentence with each word. Students are to make it a game of “hide and seek” as they look to find (tag) the directed sight word on each page. The sight words on each page are randomly placed for finding and coloring.
The sight words included in each set are below.
Set 1:
the, of, and, a, to, in, is, you, that, it, he, was, for, on, are, as, with, his, they, I, at, be, this, have, and from
Set 2:
or, one, had, by, words, but, not, what, all, were, we, when, your, can, said, there, use, an, each, which, she, do, how, their, and if
Set 3:
will, up, other, about, out, many, then, them, these, so, some, her, would, make, like, him, into, time, has, look, two, more, write, go, and see
Set 4:
number, no, way, could, people, my, than, first, water, been, called, who, oil, sit, now, find, long, down, day, did, get, come, made, may, and part
These sight word hide and seek activities can be used for introducing sight words, reviewing sight words, homework, morning work, interventions (RTI), literacy centers, and much more.
To add more skills and to include different levels of activities, students can flip to the back side of their paper and write more sentences with each word.
I hope your students enjoy this game of hide and seek as they learn to recognize sight words.
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Sherry Clements