Daily Archives: May 2, 2016

FREE MATH LESSON – “Emergent Easy Interactive Reader Book: Shapes: Square”

by Sara Ipatenco

Pre-Kindergarten – 2nd Grade


all about square


This interactive emergent easy reader, by Sara Ipatenco, is designed to help students learn more about squares. Students will complete 9 pages of activities that will help them identify squares. Activities include recognizing and coloring squares, counting sides and corners of squares, drawing things shaped like squares and turning squares into pictures. This is a great way to introduce shapes or review shapes students have already learned. Use the books as class practice, homework, morning work or as an assessment tool.









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Free Visual – Teaching the Essay (The House Metaphor)



Teaching the essay - Visual


This is a creative visual to help students understand the importance of constructing the essay. By comparing the essay to a house, students are able to understand the importance of the thesis statement as the foundation of the essay, the arguments as the supporting walls, and the conclusion as the roof.
Total Pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration