by Custom Core Creations
4th – 7th Grade

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This product is a SAMPLE of my product:
“Weekly Review for Fractions and Decimals”
36 Week Review for Fractions and Decimals
The paid product description is as follows
The paid product packet contains a weekly review for fractions and decimals for an entire year.
the paid product contains
•It is broken down into 4 questions a week: addition/ subtraction practice and multiplication/ division practice.
•There are 36 different weekly sheets for your students to practice their fractions and decimals.
•That packet should help your students keep up with their knowledge and skills when working with fractions and decimals.
•These exercises will keep your students sharp and knowledgeable when they are working with fractions and decimals.
•The answer key is provided for ease of use for you. That packet is designed to be used once a week for 36 weeks and requires no preparation work for the teacher.
•That packet is designed to use only 3 to 5 minutes of your students time each week which will easily fit into your busy schedule and not take your time away from your lessons each week. This activity should fit easily into your schedule each week.
Products from my store that will go along with this product are:
6th Grade Common Core Math Vocabulary Tests
January NO-PREP printable Fractions and Decimal Review
Core Math Word Problems 4-6 grade
Common Core Ratio Word Problems #1 4-6 grade
Common Core Unit Ratio Word Problems
Common Core Ratio Word Problems Bundle
Please follow my store to be the first to know about new and helpful products that you may be able to use in your classroom.
Custom Core Creations
This item is a paid digital download. As such, it is for use in one classroom (or by one teacher) only. This item is bound by copyright laws and redistributing, editing, selling, or posting this item (or any part thereof) on the Internet are all strictly prohibited without first gaining permission from the author. Violations are subject to the penalties of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act
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