Monthly Archives: September 2017

Opinion Writing Peer Editing Checklist CCSS Aligned for Grades 3rd – 5th

Opinion Writing Peer Editing Checklist CCSS Aligned for Grades 3rd – 5th

The 4 peer editing checklists are very detailed (for a 3, 4, 5, & 7 paragraph essay) created for the progressing writer. Excellent for mixed or leveled classes to give students individualized instruction. Practical and easy to understand. Students will know what is expected of them and they will have opportunities to reflect on their work.

Included in this resource:
✓ How I Use This Resource
3, 4, 5, & 7 Paragraph:
✓ Peer Editing Checklist Half Page
✓ Peer Editing Checklist Full Page
✓ Terms of Use
✓ Graphics and Fonts Credit

Try part of the opinion essay bundle before you buy it right here…FREE Opinion Writing Basic Rubric CCSS Aligned

*Teacher rubric on one side while student self-assessment is on the other side when printed.
*Rubrics are created with variation to meet your classroom’s needs.
*Can print rubrics front and back to save on paper (cut it in half.)
*Peer edits for students to share and learn from each other.
*It’s a very detailed checklist.
*For a 3, 4, 5, & 7 paragraph opinion essay.
*Checklists are full & half page PDF format.
*Can print checklists front and back to save on paper.
*Practical and easy to understand rubrics for teachers and students.
*Easy scoring on a 10 or 5 points each category out of 100 points.
*Great for mixed or leveled classes to give students individualized instruction.
*Teacher and student self assessment to grade a 3, 4, 5, & 7 paragraph essay.
*Add CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.3-5.6 by having students research the Internet and type up the essay to implement technology for a cross-curricular assignment.
*Add CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.3-5.7 & W.3-5.8 by having students conduct a research project by assigning a prompt. Have them gather relevant information through printed or digital sources. Be sure to have them add a bibliography.
*3-5th Grade Common Core Aligned.
*Can be used as enrichment for 2nd grade students.

The way I use this resource…
In writing, I scaffold and model information to my students. Each class is different and each year is different; therefore, I can’t do everything the same each time I teach the same subject. I start with the basic rubric and introduce 1-3 new concepts each essay. Once I introduce a concept, I hold students accountable for the concepts I taught. If it appears that the majority of the class does not understand the concept, I do not hold them accountable and I reteach the concept. I try not to stifle their creativity by focusing on spelling, capitalization, and punctuation during the first two terms of school depending on the class. I also can easily use the 6 traits of writing with the rubrics. Make sure you choose a topic that is relevant, relatable, and the reasons are researchable.
Next, I introduce the peer editing checklist. I have students pair up and exchange papers. I have clipboards students can use while they sit around the room for this activity. It’s important for you to model for the students how to peer edit. Many times students just want to be nice and not give feedback. However, this is a great opportunity for students to read each others essays and learn from each other. I try not to let the same students peer edit with each other every time in order for students to view a variety of styles over the school year.
Finally, you are able to print front and back! Then you can cut them in half to save on paper. For example, pages 12 and 13 are the same rubric. Simply print it from your computer or printer as two-sided. If this does not work for you, print the first rubric for a full page rubric.
Happy Teaching!


Speech Evaluation with drop down boxes


Speech Evaluation with drop down boxes


Product Description

Please note that this document does not work with a Mac computer. 

Automated Comment Generator for SPEECHES

This document has been created to help teachers evaluate students during the speech evaluation. It is created in a Microsoft Word document so that you can easily modify it to suit your particular classroom needs. (You also have the option to copy and paste the entire page, or certain elements.) The document is completely modifiable, even the comments. The “grunt work” has been done for you.

This quickens the evaluation process and will help the teacher to write down information more quickly. This particular document has been embedded with drop down boxes with comments on: elements of persuasion and argumentation, communication, the quality of information, the quality of sources, and the quality of visual aids.

Please see the preview for a better idea of how this product can help you to assess your students.It’s teaching made easy!

You may also be interested in:
Essay Evaluation Comments with Drop Down Boxes
FREE Group Work Comment Sheet with Drop Down Boxes

Total Pages
1 page
Answer Key
Teaching Duration


by Schoolhouse Treasures

1st – 4th Grade



Use this cutesy award for students after completing testing. I used this for my students after they completed their MAP test. It’s simple and easy to use: Print off the awards onto oaktag and cut out. Attach the candy and you’re done! Sure to bring lots of smiles to your students’ faces!
There are 3 pages in all:
1. Cover page
2. Reward page
3. Directions and credits







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Classroom Economy: Jobs, Bucks (Label Your Money), & Reward System

Classroom Economy: Jobs, Bucks (Label Your Money), & Reward System

A unique idea for your classroom economy! Many students inevitably fidget with things in the classroom. Why not give them math facts and examples to review at the same time? Implement an original classroom economy in which students can learn while they earn! Students will take ownership in the classroom with jobs.  There are 96 choices of student job titles. It’s a great way for you to manage your students’ responsibilities. You can use it as a clip chart, on library pockets, or add magnetic tape.

Included in the job polka dot resource (Click HERE to view the product):
✓ Examples
✓ Class Jobs Title (4 options)
✓ Color Job Header Cards (96 Job Choices)
✓ Black and White Job Header Cards (96 Job Choices)
✓ Color Job Header with Description Cards (96 Job Choices)
✓ Black and White Job Header with Description Cards (96 Job Choices)
✓ Blank Templates
✓ Job Application (2 Choices)
✓ Job Tracker (2 Choices)
✓ Editable Job Header and with Description Card Templates
✓ Fillable Job Application (2 Options)
✓ Editable Job Tracker (2 Options)

There are black and white versions to save on ink. There are editable templates to create your own job and change the wording on a current job. See the editable version.

Clip art and background cannot be edited.

Included in the money resource (Click HERE to view the product):
Included in this resource:
✓ $1, $5, $10, $20, $50, $100 Class Cash in Color
✓ $1, $5, $10, $20, $50, $100 Class Cash Black and White
✓ Math examples and facts for back side of cash (22 Pages for differentiation)
✓ Classroom Pay and Deductions Scale/Classroom Store
✓ Label your money Editable template with tips
✓ Wallet
✓ Coupon Reward Tickets with Editable Template included as a bonus!

There are black and white versions to save on ink. Also, you can label the back of your money with the template! See the editable version.

Included math examples are addition, subtraction, and multiplication facts, place value (standard form, word form, short word form, expanded form, expanded notation, digit value, rounding, and decimal expanded form,), and scientific notation. With the different grade level math examples, you can differentiate for a diverse class or use the math examples specific to your grade.

I use the class money for job payment and positive reinforcement. The kiddos love it when I give money for exemplary behavior. And it will set a positive tone in the classroom. Students will take ownership in the classroom. Every minute in the classroom counts!

Happy Teaching!

You may also be interest in these classroom management products:
Superhero Classroom Money with Math Facts on the Back Side
Superhero Class Jobs with Headers and Descriptions (Editable)
Superhero Classroom Economy (Editable) BUNDLE
Coupon Reward Tickets
Behavior Management (Editable) Monthly Trackers
Mini-Polka Dot Behavior Management (Editable) Chart
Behavior Management Bundle
Superhero Theme Behavior Management (Editable) Monthly Trackers
Superhero Theme Behavior Management (Editable) Chart
Superhero Theme Behavior Management (Editable) BUNDLE
Individual Student Behavior Tracker (Editable) for Classroom Management
Editable Open House Invitations
Editable Back to School Night/Open House/Meet The Teacher PowerPoint Slideshow

Try my FREE Downloads!
Coupon Reward Tickets FREEBIE
Classroom Economy Wallet for Money FREEBIE
Classroom Job Application FREEBIE for Classroom Economy


Themes in Frankenstein


Themes in Frankenstein


Product Description

Themes in Frankenstein is a meaningful activity for students who are developing themes in Shelley’s novel.

Forget about spending hours developing theses themes yourself. The work is already done for you.

The resource contains three student activity pages and five pages for the answer key.

It’s teaching made easy!

You may also be interested in the following products: 

Thesis Writing Activity with PowerPoint Presentation

Teaching The Essay Package
Essay Evaluation Comments with Drop Down Boxes
Lord of the Flies Unit (No prep required)
Hamlet Unit (No prep – Complete Unit)
Death of a Salesman (No prep required)
Frankenstein (No prep – Complete Unit)
Poetry Unit for Senior Students (NO PREP)
Poetry Unit for Intermediate Students
Poetry Unit: The Art of Interpretation

Total Pages
8 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration

FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Free Pumpkin Life Cycle”

by MsFultzsCorner

2nd – 4th Grade



This is a free activity from my Pumpkin Unit for Big Kids Packet

Cut and paste life cycle activity in color
Cut and paste life cycle activity in black and white
Answer key (which can also be used as a poster/learning chart!)







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Free Group and Skit Evaluation Rubric


Group and Skit Evaluation Rubric


Product Description

Group work is always tricky to evaluate because there is so much going on. In addition, as educators, we are required to give detailed feedback on students’ performances.

I created this FREE document to make the teacher’s job easier, and to allow students to be responsible for their success as well.

Self-evaluation grids are a great way to guide students in their evaluations. Students will know exactly what is expected of them and will be made responsible for their success. This package can also easily be changed to be used as peer evaluations.

This self-evaluation grid will help students as well as teachers to assess students’ group work. When students use this grid to assess their work, there are no surprises when they receive their final mark. This grid, in particular, allows the students to become organized and responsible for their individual parts.

These self-evaluation grids are also very helpful to teachers:
 Helps the teacher justify the final mark;
 Helps to identify students’ weaknesses and strengths;
 Helps parents and students better understand the task required;
 Helps teachers create rubrics for the final evaluation.

Because of formatting issues, this package was created in a PDF document, but I can easily email you a Word file to be easily modified and changed according to the individual teacher’s needs.

It’s teaching made easy!

You may also be interested in the following products: 

Thesis Writing Activity with PowerPoint Presentation

Teaching The Essay Package
Essay Evaluation Comments with Drop Down Boxes
Lord of the Flies Unit (No prep required)
Hamlet Unit (No prep – Complete Unit)
Death of a Salesman (No prep required)
Frankenstein (No prep – Complete Unit)
Poetry Unit for Senior Students (NO PREP)
Poetry Unit for Intermediate Students
Poetry Unit: The Art of Interpretation

Total Pages
2 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration

FREE LESSONS & PRICED LESSONS – The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs

Click on the links below to see the free lessons, priced lessons, sales, promotions, and articles by the best teacher entrepreneurs on the Internet!

The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative


The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs
  1. FREE MATH LESSON – “B&W Chevron number posters 0 -…
  2. Free Getting Started with Number Talks Pack
  3. FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Fall Nonsense Word Fl…
  4. FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “5th Grade Wonders Uni…
  5. Wednesday Weekly 5 Under $5 – 9/13/17
  6. FREE MISC. LESSON – “10 Digital Scallop Frames”
  7. FREE MATH LESSON – “Free CLOSE Problem Solving Boo…
  8. September Teacher Talk
  9. FREE MATH LESSON – “Tricky Twenty-Four: A fun spin…
  10. FREE MISC. LESSON – “FREEBIE Deutsch: Verben konju…
  11. Fantastic Mr. Fox Novel Unit
  12. Remembering 9/11 A Teachable Moment in History
  13. FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Stress Free Kindergarten Sc…
  14. Congratulations to the Winners of the THREE $100 G…
  15. Free Back-to-School Themed Problem Solving Tasks
  16. FREE MISC. LESSON – “Blast Off! A Fun Free Game!”
  17. FREE MATH LESSON – “Dinosaur Double Trouble Game f…
  18. Wednesday Weekly 5 Under $5 – 9/6/17
  19. FREE MISC. LESSON – “Social Skills Activities: Per…
  20. FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Alphabet Fun Coloring…
  21. FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “PEEL Writing Strategy…
  22. FREE LESSONS & PRICED LESSONS – The Best of Teache…
  23. FREE MATH LESSON – “Apple Place Value Card – FREEB…
  24. FREE MATH LESSON – “{FREE!} Interactive Notebook D…
  25. Free Back-to-School Themed Tiling Task
  26. FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Free Labels for Book …
The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs II
The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs III
  1. FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Moon Rock Experiment”
  2. PARENT COMMUNICATION PACK-Email Form-Picture Day-F…
  3. Third Grade Literacy Lessons
  4. Behavior Reflection Forms–Behavior Bulletin Board…
  6. FREE MISC. LESSON – “FREE Compliance Tracking Card…
  8. Wednesday Weekly 5 Under $5 – 9/13/17
  9. FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Differentiated Spelli…
  10. Beginning of the Year Getting to Know Me Book– “A…
  11. WELCOME BACK BUNDLE: Posters-Student Notes-HW Sign…
  12. FREE MATH LESSON – “Subitizing to 12: I Have/Who H…
  13. September Teacher Talk
  14. Argumentative Writing Peer Editing Checklist CCSS …
  15. Back to School Writing Paper–Back to School Writi…
  16. FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Fact and Opinion Inte…
  17. Country Research Project 6-8 CCSS Aligned with Dif…
  19. FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Autumn Acorn Contract…
  20. MEGA MATH BUNDLE Over 60% off
  21. Remembering 9/11 A Teachable Moment in History
  22. Start off the year with this large set of CLASSROO…
  23. FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “FREE Autumn Scrambled…
  24. Wax Museum Biography Research 3-5 CCSS Aligned wit…
  26. FREE MISC. LESSON – “Community Building Secret Pos…
  27. Behavior Calendars 2017-2018 & Templates (Editable…
  28. THE POWER OF YET BUNDLE for Growth Mindset (Includ…
  30. Classroom Job Chart/Cards with Headers & Descripti…
  31. Wednesday Weekly 5 Under $5 – 9/6/17
  32. FREE MATH LESSON – “Capture it! Dice Game (Order o…
  33. Superhero Theme Behavior Calendars 2017-2018 (Edit…
  35. Editable Welcome Back to School Night/Open House/M…
  36. FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Generic Comprehension…
  37. FREE LESSONS & PRICED LESSONS – The Best of Teache…
  38. FREE MATH LESSON – “Free! Fun Math Animation-based…
  39. FREE MATH LESSON – “Math Snapshots SAMPLE”
  40. Opinion Writing Rubrics & Graphic Organizers CCSS …
  41. FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “October Homework Enri…


The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs IV


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by Teaching Treks

Kindergarten – 1st Grade



Owls and Macaws FREEBIE has 2 original reading passages for emergent and early readers. Each original reading passage has four multiple choice questions and a space to read and draw. Passages are illustrated with high quality photographs and provided in color and black and white.

Also included is a sentence scrambles and 5 owl word wall cards.

These freebies are samples of my Owl Reading Comprehension and Macaw Reading Packs, available here:

Owls Reading Comprehension

Macaws Reading Pack

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Winter Reading Comprehension

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Sight Words Search the Winter Kids and Critters

Sight Words Search the Bugs

The Ocean for Kinder Kids

Australia for Kinder Kids

Christmas for Kinder Kids

Fall for Kinder Kids

Thanksgiving for Kinder Kids

Happy reading!







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Essay Writing Flip Book


Essay Writing Flip Book

Product Description

The Essay Writing Flip Book is a resource that I created for my students for essay writing. Even when they have learned the basics of the essay, they soon forget important details. This guide is an ‘at a glance’ resource where students can quickly find the information they need so that they can concentrate on the bulk of their arguments.

The Flip Book contains: 

-Pre-writing: finding a topic, understanding it, writing a thesis statement
-Introduction writing: tips for writing and starting an intro, and proper format
-The body of the essay – paragraph format, how to build arguments, and other tips
-Quotations (2 pages) – how to use quotes in an essay, how to incorporate quotes, in text- citation using MLA format, etc.
-Transitions – how and why to use them, a list of commonly used transitional words and expressions
-MLA format
-Revision Checklist

8 pages of information in all!

It’s teaching made easy!

You may also be interested in the following products: 

Thesis Writing Activity with PowerPoint Presentation

Teaching The Essay Package
Essay Evaluation Comments with Drop Down Boxes
Lord of the Flies Unit (No prep required)
Hamlet Unit (No prep – Complete Unit)
Death of a Salesman (No prep required)
Frankenstein (No prep – Complete Unit)
Poetry Unit for Senior Students (NO PREP)
Poetry Unit for Intermediate Students
Poetry Unit: The Art of Interpretation

Total Pages
9 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration

FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “My Science Notebook Cover”

by The Traveling Classroom

Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade



This is a fun science notebook cover page that can be stapled, glued, or slid into a sleeve on any notebook. We used it on the front of a spiral notebook to use for all our science recording activities! I hope you find it useful…Enjoy!

If you like this you may also like some of my other products.

You can travel with us through these sites for more freebies, educational information, and products:
TPT Store

Follow for more exciting ideas for teaching our kids and for your 50 Follower Freebie!

Thanks for traveling with us!

my science notebook by dinah ely is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.







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Free Frankenstein Activity


Frankenstein Activity


Product Description

Who is the real monster in Frankenstein?

This activity has been designed to help students to understand the creature’s character. Is he a friend, or is he an enemy? Is he solely responsible for his misery?

This activity helps to develop students’ argumentation skills in a fun and meaningful way.

This free activity is part of a larger unit:
Frankenstein Unit (No prep)

I hope you enjoy it.

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
1 page
Answer Key
Teaching Duration

Wednesday Weekly 5 Under $5 – 9/13/17

Every week I put together a list of 5 great products from members of The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative (TBOTEMC) with the requirement that each product must be less than $5.  With a variety of subjects and a wide range of grades, there just might be something that you can use, so continue to read below and see!

In addition, if you’re a seller on Teachers Pay Teachers (TpT) that would like to join the Wednesday Weekly 5 Under $5 team, click here to get more information about joining TBOTEMC.  Feel free to e-mail me with any questions, as I’d be happy to help in any way possible.

By A Teacher’s Teacher 

ELA/Writing; Grades 7-10

This three-passage text set is accompanied by an informational prompt regarding the topic of skydiving. It’s a perfect assignment to engage typically apathetic students, as well as those students who are typically successful in your classroom, while still relying on the skills of using the information in the text set.  Modeled after AIR Testing, which is used in numerous states across the country, it would also fit well into a PARCC simulation. The text set, itself, is 5 pages long.


By Learning Harbor Resources for Teachers

Math; Grade 3

Are you looking for PowerPoint interactive activities to use with 1 to 1 computer time, blended lessons, and more? Do you need a fun and engaging way for your students to practice multiplication? This Scarecrow themed Interactive Self-Correcting PowerPoint Slide Show with sound may be just what you need. This interactive PowerPoint activity addresses CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.3.OA.B.5 Multiply and divide within 100.  See more details on the product’s page to learn about this great affordable item!

By 2livNlearn

Classroom Management; All Grades

Group your students quickly and easily with these cards! There are a myriad of cards to choose from which can be used in multiple ways. Group in pairs or up to eight students at a time. Included are: Groups of two 21 pairs, Opposites groups of two 18 pairs, Groups of two 10 pairs, Groups of two 14 pairs, Groups of three 6 sets, Groups of four 4 sets and Groups of eight 40 sets.  That makes a total of 320 different cards!  Never have to worry about “randomly” grouping again!

Reading/Social Studies; Grades 3-5

Have students learn about September 11th with this informational text passage while also practicing their reading comprehension skills.  Included in this product are the following: An Informational Text Passage entitled “The Attacks of September 11th,” A reading comprehension Assessment, Student Answer Sheet, Foldable for recording short response, Teacher Answer Key. and Foldable Directions (easy as could be! … no-prep required).  See the full description on the item’s page for a sample video about this terrific product!

By El Jaguar

Spanish; Not Grade Specific

This wonderful “El Grito “Cultural unit is the perfect way to celebrate Sept 16. Mexican Independence Day in your classroom.  The unit addresses the history of the Father Hidalgo in Dolores and his legendary “Grito de Dolores” that started the Mexican Revolution. The unit also describes in detail the reenactment ceremonies done on Sept 15 every year in the Zocalo of Mexico by the President of Mexico. It is a fun unit with wonderful Word Searches both in Spanish and English to reinforce the reading and cognates. Finally a fun coloring activity can be used for Elementary students. You can do it as a class reading and then little ones can just have fun coloring the Sugar Skull on a bed of Roses and doing the English Word Search.  See the item’s page for a full description of what is included for a great price!

As always, I encourage comments below and any ideas or suggestions by tweeting me @ATeachersTeach or contacting me via e-mail.

A Teacher’s Teacher

My TpT Store

FREE MISC. LESSON – “La Guerre des tuques – film animé: Raconter & faire les prédictions”

by TeachingFSL

5th – 10th Grade



Ces quatre pages imprimables contiennent une activité simple pour les élèves à compléter pendant quelques périodes avec un professeur suppléant ou avec l’appui de leur enseignant titulaire, en regardant le film animé « La Guerre des tuques ».

Permettez les élèves à regarder la suite de 4 scènes à la fois du film La Guerre des tuques, version animée. (En vente ici, si vous ne l’avez pas déjà Ceci n’est PAS un lien affilié.) Après chaque période de visionnement d’environ 20 minutes, ils écriront pendant 10-20 minutes pour raconter ce qu’ils ont compris de l’histoire. Il y a aussi un espace pour noter les questions qu’ils se posent et les prédictions qu’ils veulent faire à ces quatre moments différents.

Si vous aimez ce produit, laissez-moi de la rétroaction s’il vous plaît. Pour des changements, des suggestions ou si vous avez d’autres questions, veuillez me joindre par courriel (l’adresse est dans le produit) ou par l’onglet de Questions & réponses ci-dessous. Suivez-moi pour recevoir des infos sur mes nouveaux produits en cliquant l’étoile verte ci-dessus ou cliquez ici.

Mme Aiello
Teaching FSL


This simple four-page activity can be left with intermediate or Senior grade level Core French students, or Junior Immersion students with a non-francophone supply teacher or to do as an fun and engaging yet curriculum-appropriate activity during snow days, trip days, or the week before winter break or March break.
The movie is available to buy here, if you don’t own it already: NOT an affiliate link!

Allow students to watch four scenes/chapters of the animated movie, La Guerre des Tuques (aka Snowtime – for the English version) at once. After each viewing of approximately 20 minutes, students write for 10+ minutes (depending on length of period) to retell what they understood and can communicate about the story. Each page also includes a space for them to note questions that they have and to make predictions about what will happen next in the movie.

For any suggestions or questions, please email me (address is within the package) or use the Q&A feature below. I love feedback on all of my products! Follow me for information on new products by clicking the green star above or click here. I’d be happy to hear from you!

Mme Aiello
Teaching FSL






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Teaching the Argument by Solving Mysteries


Teaching the Argument by Solving Mysteries


Product Description

Teaching the Argument by Solving Mysteries

This is a great introduction to any literature unit. It teaches students the proper approach to literary analysis, which can be used from grades 7 all the way to 12 in any levels of study.

This mini unit contains 8 lessons that teach students the proper way to form an argument. Many times students will use the right information, but they don’t quite know what to do with it. Through a series of crime scenes, students learn how to collect information (data), collect evidence, and explain how this evidence supports a logical conclusion, all while having fun. This unit teaches students skills that are needed in all literature units.
These lessons allow students to learn the importance of collecting data by taking careful notes, how to select only information that will help support a thesis (or a claim), and how to properly use the information by incorporating pertinent explanations to develop an irrefutable argument.

This is a fun way of learning the necessary skills for argumentation.
The unit contains:

A Student Guide with 12 pages of activities and notes
A Teacher Guide with 8 comprehensive lesson plans and activities
An answer Key with 13 pages of answers and sample texts to help model proper format for students
A downloadable Prezi Presentation introducing the argument and how to develop it.
An end unit evaluation with answer key and evaluation grid 6 pages
Material is available as both PDF and in Word format for easy modifications

Pages total 58 pages

You may also be interested in the following products: 

Thesis Writing Activity with PowerPoint Presentation

Teaching The Essay Package
Essay Evaluation Comments with Drop Down Boxes
Lord of the Flies Unit (No prep required)
Hamlet Unit (No prep – Complete Unit)
Death of a Salesman (No prep required)
Frankenstein (No prep – Complete Unit)
Poetry Unit for Senior Students (NO PREP)
Poetry Unit for Intermediate Students
Poetry Unit: The Art of Interpretation

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
58 pages
Answer Key
Included with rubric
Teaching Duration
1 Week

FREE MISC. LESSON – “Testing Homework Pass”

by Keep Calm and Teach 5th Grade

1st – 12th Grade



Testing Homework Pass

Do you need a cute homework pass to give out to your students during state testing?! Here’s one that prints 4 to a page to save you time and paper!

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Leave Feedback for Credits:
Go to your My Purchases page (you may need to login). Beside each purchase you’ll see a “Provide Feedback” button. When you click it, you will be taken to a page where you can give a quick rating and leave a short comment for the product. Each time you give feedback, TPT gives you feedback credits that you use toward future purchases.

Copyright © 2015 Keep Calm and Teach 5th Grade
All rights reserved by the author. This product is to be used by the purchaser only. Copying for more than one teacher, classroom, or department is prohibited. This product may not be distributed or displayed digitally for public view. The graphics used in this item(s) are copyrighted and may not be used for your own commercial projects or given away to anyone else. By purchasing this file(s), you agree to the Terms of Use. Failure to comply is a copyright infringement and a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).







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Historical Context of Lord of the Flies


Historical Context of Lord of the Flies


Product Description

This PowerPoint presentation is a great way to introduce Golding’s Lord of the Flies.

This PowerPoint is devised to contextualize Golding’s novel in order to help students better understand and appreciate the novel.

There are 14 slides in total. 

Included in this activity is:

– Introduction about the author
– A short film clip about the war and the fear it evoked
– Information about the story
– Information about Golding’s message
– Information about themes
– Information about the significance of the title
– Group discussion questions to serve as a pre reading guide
– Important elements in the novel

There are no spoilers for students in this presentation. The information prepares them for what they will read in order to better appreciate it and to develop themes later on.

See preview for more details.

This activity is also part of a larger Lord of the Flies unit:
Click here to preview the Lord of the Flies Unit (No prep required)

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
14 slides
Answer Key
Teaching Duration

FREE MATH LESSON – “Numbers 0-20 5 in a Row: No Prep Game & Powerpoint”

by Tessa Maguire

Kindergarten – 1st Grade



Practice number identification on numbers 0-20 with this 5 in a Row Game. This no-prep blackline game is ready for playing. Just print, cut, and play, or copy on colored paper and laminate for future use. The corresponding Powerpoint file manages the game all on its own. Click the button to randomize the order and push start, and it will play and display. It can be randomized for every play, keeping the game fresh and fun for students. With only 15 numbers on the game card, students can quickly find and identify the numbers. There are 30 different game cards included so you can even use them in large class sizes. Complete setup directions are included.

Please note: This may not work with Powerpoint compatible programs. Please only purchase it if you have Powerpoint. It will not work on Powerpoint 2008 for Macs.






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September Teacher Talk

Posted by Deann Marin of Socrates Lantern



It’s September Teacher Talk Time…..Hopefully everyone is off to a great school year with the best classes ever.  We have so many great tips and ideas for you from awesome educators. Be sure to take a look at what everyone has to say.
If you’re interested in joining this unique group of teacher entrepreneurs, blogging buddies and/or our blog linky, sign up here….The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative. If you decide to join, be sure to mention one of our names.
The Magic of the Good Table
By Retta London of Rainbow City Learning

What my students taught me about the magic of sitting at the good table. Their perception of what made this table the good one was a great life lesson for me!

9/11 A Teachable Moment in History
By Deann Marin of Socrates Lantern

I remember September 11 as if it were yesterday. I woke up to a spectacular morning, not a cloud in the deep blue sky. The day was simply perfect.  I went through my usual morning routine, got in my car and drove to work thinking about my class and the kind of day it would be. I arrived at school, went to my room to gather my thoughts and prepare for what was ahead. Soon my students began to trickle into homeroom, announcements over and Channel One, our news channel had ended. We had our morning meeting, switched classes and World History began.Today’s students didn’t experience this and it’s history to them.  Many weren’t born yet and those that were, are too young to remember. It’s up to us to help them understand what happened that day and to never forget. 
Got Game? 3 Tips for Making Games Effective for Learning
By Tracy Willis of Wild Child Designs

 Using games in the classroom is not a given for learning. Following three key teaching practice while using games WILL guarantee success! Check out the freebie, too!
Building Amazing Digital Portfolios
By Lisa Robles of LisaTeachR’s Classroom

Would you like to start using digital mportfolios with your kids? Here is a short tutorial on creating and using them in your class with the new Google sites.
3 easy ways to use data in your classroom
 By Katie De Leon of A Basket Full of Apples by Katie

 Do you use data in the classroom? Do you have your students use data? Using data can really help drive your instruction and help your students take ownership of their learning. There are many different ways that you can use data in your classroom.
Increase the Good Behavior in Your Classroom
By Sally Hansen of Purposeful Plans

Classroom management must be under control before learning can take place. You can have the best idea for a lesson, but without successful classroom management, it will more than likely flop. A well-managed classroom is more productive and will keep you from getting frazzled later on in the school year.
It’s football season again. How much do you know about Traumatic Brain 
By Susan Berkowitz of Susan Berkowitz

It’s football season again, and the start of driver’s ed. How much do you know about brain safety and how to educate kids with TBI?
Teaching Newcomers Doesn’t Have To Be Stressful
By Rebecca Olsen of 2LivNlearn

Do you have a Newcomer or Non-English speaking student in your class? Don’t stress! Instead follow these tried and true steps for a smooth transition for you
Teach Kids to Listen the First Time
By Gini Musmanno of Reading Spotlight

As students progress through school, listening skills receive less instruction with each progressive year. Read about a format to help teach you kids to listen to you the first time!
Patricia Polacco, The Wonderful Author
By Shana of The Thrill of Third Grade

Patricia Polacco is one of my all-time favorite children’s authors.
Painless Problem Solving Daily Routine
By Greg and Cheryl Litton of Learning Resources for Teachers

Do you struggle with teaching problem solving? Wouldn’t it be great if your students were excited about problem solving every day? Wouldn’t it be wonderful if your students thought problem solving was FUN?
Assessment Shortcuts
By Michelle Webb of Those Who Love Teaching

Learn tips and tools to assess your students. Strategies for making authentic assessment part of your teaching.
Apples or Oranges, Handwriting, Practice or Instruction?
By Thia Triggs of Print Path

Too often we as well-meaning parents or educators, because we want our children to be highly successful, skip steps and stages that children need.  Understanding these key steps for children will help us to provide them with tools vital for written language skills and lifelong learning. 
I Love You California
By Kathie Yonemura of Tried and True Teaching

I’m always surprised when my students seem to not know much about their city, let alone the state they live in.  A terrific way to assess what your students know before you begin to teach geography is to ask them to draw their state and everything and anything they know about it. They are encouraged to label cities, attractions, bordering states, etc.
Targeting High Achievers in Middle School Math
By Dr. Crystal Brown of Teaching to Change the World

In every classroom, there are students with varying levels of understanding regardless of the content. Teachers have a enormous task of reaching all those levels to help them meet or exceed the learning standards. Math is a subject that presents challenges for teachers to differentiate instruction.


Argumentative Writing Peer Editing Checklist CCSS Aligned for Grades 6th-12th

Argumentative Writing Peer Editing Checklist CCSS Aligned for Grades 6th-12th

The 3 peer editing checklists are very detailed (for a 5, 7, & 9 paragraph essay) created for the progressing writer. Excellent for mixed or leveled classes to give students individualized instruction. Practical and easy to understand. Students will know what is expected of them and they will have opportunities to reflect on their work.

<strong>Included in this resource:</strong>
✓ How I Use This Resource
<strong>5, 7, &amp; 9 Paragraphs (with and without CCSS Listed)</strong>
✓ Peer Editing Checklist – Half Pages
✓ Peer Editing Checklist – Full Pages
✓ Terms of Use
✓ Graphics and Fonts Credit

*Peer edits for students to share and learn from each other.
*It’s a very detailed checklist.
*For a 5, 7, &amp; 9 paragraph argumentative essay.
*Checklists are full &amp; half page PDF format.
*Can print checklists front and back to save on paper.
*Practical and easy to understand checklist for teachers and students.
*Great for mixed or leveled classes to give students individualized instruction.
*Add CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.6-12.6 by having students research the Internet and type up the essay to implement technology for a cross-curricular assignment.
*Add CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.6-12.7 &amp; W.6-12.8 by having students conduct a research project by assigning a prompt. Have them gather relevant information through printed or digital sources. Be sure to have them add a bibliography.
*6-12th Grade Common Core Aligned.
*Peer Edit Checklist: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.6-8.1,W.6-8.4,W.6-8.5

<strong>The way I use this resource…</strong>
In writing, I scaffold and model information to my students. Each class is different and each year is different; therefore, I can’t do everything the same each time I teach the same subject. I start with the basic rubric and introduce 1-3 new concepts each essay. Once I introduce a concept, I hold students accountable for the concepts I taught. If it appears that the majority of the class does not understand the concept, I do not hold them accountable and I reteach the concept. I try not to stifle their creativity by focusing on spelling, capitalization, and punctuation during the first two terms of school depending on the class. I also can easily use the 6 traits of writing with the rubrics. Make sure a topic that is relevant, relatable, and the reasons are researchable is chosen.
Then I introduce the peer editing checklist. I have students pair up and exchange papers. I have clipboards students can use while they sit around the room for this activity. It’s important for you to model for the students how to peer edit. Many times students just want to be nice and not give feedback. However, this is a great opportunity for students to read each others essays and learn from each other. I try not to let the same students peer edit with each other every time in order for students to view a variety of styles over the school year. Depending on the class, I may start the school year off by requiring a 5 paragraph essay and work our way up to a 7 paragraph.
Happy Teaching!

Rhythm in Poetry


Rhythm in Poetry


Product Description

Teach students the importance of rhythm in poetry.

This lesson includes Emily Dickenson’s “If I Could Not Stop for Death” as well as Pearl Jam’s “Last Kiss” lyrics to discover (hands on) the importance of rhythm in poetry. Often, Language Arts teachers are weaker in this area because it is a little more technical than merely looking at the language.

The lesson includes:
– a detailed lesson plan for the teacher
– student notes (the poems) and activities
– an annotated copy of the poems as well as a comprehensive answer key

The entire unit contains 6 pages and it will most likely take two periods to complete.

This lesson is part of a larger unit:
Click here for a preview of the Poetry Unit for senior Students unit

I hope you enjoy it!

I hope you enjoy your purchase!

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
6 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration
2 days

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Articulation Tic Tac Toe Game for /p/ sound – Freebie”

by The SLT Scrapbook

Kindergarten – 5th Grade



This articulation game freebie helps students practice their /p/ speech sounds in a fun and engaging way!

If you like the look of this freebie, why not check out our other products in this range!
Articulation Tic Tac Toe- Growing Bundle!
Articulation Tic Tac Toe- /k g t d/ sounds
Articulation Tic Tac Toe- /f v s z/ sounds

This pack contains no prep ‘Tic Tac Toe’ game boards for the /p/ sound- there are 6 boards in total- 2 boards for each position (word initial, medial and final!). Both color & black and white boards are provided. The game is not seasonally themed, so it is perfect for use all year round! The black & white pages are great used as homework too!

There is no preparation required; just print and go (cut the pages in half to separate the two boards if desired). The boards can also be laminated for durability.

How to play
The game is played like ‘Tic Tac Toe’. Players take it in turns to choose one word from the board, they have to say the word correctly 3 times, then they can cover the picture up using either a counter or a O/X mark. The winner is the first person to get three pictures joined in a row, either vertically, horizontally or diagonally.

This product is for individual, personal use, by you, in your classroom/therapy sessions only.
You are free to print off your own copies to use with your students, but please do not sell, share or claim as your own. If you wish to share with your colleagues, please purchase an additional license for each person you wish to share with (additional licenses are available at 50% off).
If you want to link to this product, that is fine to do so, but please let us know either via the blog, Facebook or email- [email protected].
Remember to leave feedback on all of your TpT Purchases- it earns you credits!






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FREE Inspirational Bookmarks and Posters


FREE Inspirational Bookmarks and Posters


Product Description

Inspirational Bookmarks and Posters

Inspire your students to fall in love with reading with these FREE bookmarks and posters.

Three different designs for posters – all in PDF file and measure a regular page format.

There are four different bookmark styles in various sizes to meet your individual needs. Print on card stock and cut. Also, bookmarks formats are in color as well as black and white.

It’s teaching made easy!

FREE MISC. LESSON – “Planning Your Project Based Learning Unit – Digital Teacher Planner”

by Sweet Integrations

3rd – 6th Grade



Planning ahead and organization are key elements in implementing a successful project based learning unit. Whether you are planning your day by day lessons or your presentations, you want to stay ahead of the game.

With Google Slides™, I’ve designed an easy to follow PBL planner for you to use with your next unit. This video will give you an idea of what’s inside the digital planner. (Tips are added) And, you can use this planner over and over again.

For the complete digital planner product: CLICK HERE


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Drop by my blog, Sweet Integrations for more ideas for your classroom!

Google and Google Apps are trademarks of Google Inc. © 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved. Sweet Integrations is not affiliated with and has not been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Google Inc.







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Sentences – Grammar Circles for easy and effective grammar


Sentences – Grammar Circles for easy and effective grammar


Product Description

Teach grammar in a creative and meaningful way. No more boring grammar. grammar

Simplify your life and make grammar fun and effective.

One of the biggest challenges I had in my English classes was how to fit in grammar with everything else I had to teach. I would give students grammar pages and then we would correct them together. It was tedious and it took forever! What’s more is that students were not learning the way I wanted them to. They wouldn’t apply what they had learned from the grammar pages and activities.

I found a solution!

Grammar Circles. Grammar Circles are very similar to literature circles in the sense that students are teaching one another grammar. It is a fun and functional way to teach and learn grammar. Although, this may be done individually, it can also be completed as a group where students, through a specific process outlined in the package, teach one another grammar. They also correct the work together, so the teacher has very little to do.

The package includes:

1) A Student Packet – which contains the Literature Circle directions, the notes, directions, and activities, and a “Mark Calculation” page to keep track of their marks. (16 pages)
Activities included focus on:
-the logistics of the sentence (the basic parts)
-the prepositional phrase
-the adjective phrase
-the adverb phrase
-the verbal phrase
-the appositive phrase
-the independent and subordinate clauses
-subjects and predicates
-run-on sentences
-types of sentences

2) A teacher Guide with easy to follow instructions on how to organize the Grammar Circles.

3) The Answer Key – devised to allow students to correct their own work and learn from one another.

For those who are from Ontario, Canada – this unit adheres to the Grade 9 English Curriculum (academic). The unit can be taught in any grade to about sentences.

(27 pages total for this unit)

You may also be interested in:
Parts of Speech Grammar Circles (Superhero Themed)

Super Hero Themed Parts of Speech Posters (FREE)

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
27 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration

Remembering 9/11 A Teachable Moment in History


I remember September 11 as if it were yesterday. I woke up to a  spectacular morning, not a cloud in the deep blue sky. The day was simply perfect.  I went through my usual morning routine, got in my car and drove to work thinking about my class and the kind of day it would be. I arrived at school, went to my room to gather my thoughts and prepare for what was ahead. Soon my students began to trickle into homeroom, announcements over and Channel One, our news channel had ended. We had our morning meeting, switched classes and World History began.

At 9:20 we escorted our 6th graders to the gym for their P.E class, it was now our planning  period. As is our usual custom, my partner and I went to the office to check our mailboxes. Unfortunately, this was not to be an ordinary day, I turned when I heard a loud explosion  coming from the TV running in the office and was horrified by what I saw, it was the 2nd plane crashing into the World Trade Center. I felt as if I were in a nightmare, disbelief and terror filling my head. We both stood there speechless, unable to comprehend what our eyes were showing us. I called my husband and told him what had happened, he spent the day glued to the tv. Being a New Yorker for a good many years, he was affected deeply. To this day, he is unable to watch videos of that fateful day.

Today’s students didn’t experience this and it’s history to them.  Many weren’t born yet and those that were, are too young to remember. It’s up to us to help them understand what happened that day and to never forget.

Without further adieu, here’s your 9/11 teachable moment lesson plan.

Objectives: Students will:

  • Share feelings, understanding &amp; knowledge about 9/11
  • Clear up any misconceptions to  improve their understanding
  • Write a  questionnaire that they can use to interview an adult who remembers 9/11
  1. Introduce lesson by having the class speak with their partner about something new and or good that has happened in their lives. Share with the class.
  2. Find out if your class knows what anniversary is coming up.  Many will know. Have a brief discussion about it.
  3. Give each student the blank web diagram and have them free associate any words, ideas,  images that come to them and write them in the empty boxes that are provided.  Give them about 10-15 minutes or more.
  4. Draw a circle on the board with September 11 written inside.  Ask the class to share their free associations with you. Write each one on the board with lines leading to the center circle.
  5. Clear up any wrong information for them. Ask if they have any questions.

Let them know that throughout history, major events have occurred, that have left a lasting impression  on those who have lived through them and 9/11 was one of them.  Reiterate that the majority of grown-ups will remember it vividly. You may also want to ask the class if they know anyone who was personally effected by this catastrophe.

Assignment: The kids will be reporters for t.v, a newspaper or the internet, and their task will be to interview an adult who lived through this event.  They will come u p with at least 6-10 questions that require more than a yes or no answer.  They may work with a partner, in class, to come up with questions.

 Examples of the types of questions to ask:

  • How did you find out about the attacks and what were you doing at the time?
  • How did you feel about the attacks?
  • What are some of the pictures that have remained in your mind?
  • How did the rest of that day go for you?

As a group activity, choose the best questions, have them record them, and leave blank spaces between each one.  Pick a student to interview you while the rest of the class takes notes.  If you  plan on doing this over a few days, you may want to type the questions yourself and give the kids two copies, one for notes during your interview, and the other to use for their homework assignment.

Finally, have your students participate in a ceremony of remembrance by having them share their  interviews in class .

Evaluation and Culmination:

  • Have your class work in pairs to come up with at least one idea that they’ve learned from this activity.
  • Share with the class and discuss.
  • Encourage the kids to watch a 9/11 ceremony on t.v,  or the internet.

One more idea for you. You can have the class turn these interviews into a 9/11 Remembrance Book and add some illustrations that they’ve made.

Here’s a link to web charts for you to use.




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This post is part of our September Teacher Talk Blog Link Up. Make sure you see what our other amazing educators have to say.


FREE MATH LESSON – “Super Hero Multiplication FREEBIE”

by Pitner’s Potpourri

2nd – 4th Grade



This FREEBIE is a fun card game to develop fluency in the basic multiplication facts. Students solve equations such as 4 x ? = 36. An element of surprise is included with KA-BANG cards. Draw one of these and you lose your cards! Each pair of students will need a timer.






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Classroom Economy: Jobs, Bucks (Label Your Money), & Reward System

Classroom Economy: Jobs, Bucks (Label Your Money), & Reward System


A unique idea for your classroom economy! Many students inevitably fidget with things in the classroom. Why not give them math facts and examples to review at the same time? Implement an original classroom economy in which students can learn while they earn! Students will take ownership in the classroom with jobs. There are 96 choices of student job titles. It’s a great way for you to manage your students’ responsibilities. You can use it as a clip chart, on library pockets, or add magnetic tape.

Included in the job polka dot resource (Click HERE to view the product):
✓ Examples
✓ Class Jobs Title (4 options)
✓ Color Job Header Cards (96 Job Choices)
✓ Black and White Job Header Cards (96 Job Choices)
✓ Color Job Header with Description Cards (96 Job Choices)
✓ Black and White Job Header with Description Cards (96 Job Choices)
✓ Blank Templates
✓ Job Application (2 Choices)
✓ Job Tracker (2 Choices)
Editable Job Header and with Description Card Templates
✓ Fillable Job Application (2 Options)
Editable Job Tracker (2 Options)

There are black and white versions to save on ink. There are editable templates to create your own job and change the wording on a current job. See the editable version.

Clip art and background cannot be edited.

Included in the money resource (Click HERE to view the product):
Included in this resource:
✓ $1, $5, $10, $20, $50, $100 Class Cash in Color
✓ $1, $5, $10, $20, $50, $100 Class Cash Black and White
✓ Math examples and facts for back side of cash (22 Pages for differentiation)
✓ Classroom Pay and Deductions Scale/Classroom Store
✓ Label your money Editable template with tips
✓ Wallet
Coupon Reward Tickets with Editable Template included as a bonus!

There are black and white versions to save on ink. Also, you can label the back of your money with the template! See the editable version.

Included math examples are addition, subtraction, and multiplication facts, place value (standard form, word form, short word form, expanded form, expanded notation, digit value, rounding, and decimal expanded form,), and scientific notation. With the different grade level math examples, you can differentiate for a diverse class or use the math examples specific to your grade.

I use the class money for job payment and positive reinforcement. The kiddos love it when I give money for exemplary behavior. And it will set a positive tone in the classroom. Students will take ownership in the classroom. Every minute in the classroom counts!

Happy Teaching!

Tone in poetry – Robert Frost


Tone in poetry - Robert Frost


Product Description

Lesson on tone in poetry

This mini bundle includes Robert Frost’s poem “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” and has a focus on the importance of tone.

The mini bundle includes:
– a detailed lesson plan for the teacher
– student notes (the poems) and activity
– an annotated copy of the poems as well as a comprehensive answer key.

The entire unit contains 5 pages.

This lesson is part of a more comprehensive bundle:
Click here to check out my Poetry Unit for Senior Students

I hope you enjoy your purchase!

It’s teaching made easy!

Total Pages
5 pages
Answer Key
Teaching Duration
1 hour



FREE MATH LESSON – “FREEBIE Third Grade Math Interactive Notebook Scope and Sequence”

by Smith Curriculum and Consulting

3rd Grade



Are you curious about what the Third Grade Math Interactive Notebook covers and if it is right for you and your students?

This FREE download is to help show you each of the activities as well as standards covered for each of the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS), Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and Oklahoma Academic Standards (OAS) for ease of use in your classroom.

As you can see, there are activities that while they align for Third Grade in one set of standards they are another grade level completely for other standards. I have left all of these lessons in the bundle for you rather than having separate items for each set of standards. You just choose which items to print and use in your classroom.

Each lesson comes with:
► Handy teacher reference page
► Any Frayer model vocabulary cards
► Printable items for Teacher Input and Student Output
► and Photos in the Online Photo Gallery for easy reference.

Each standard is addressed at least once in the interactive notebook and the Mathematical Process Standards are address throughout.

***Lessons highlighted in yellow will be coming by December 1st, 2017.***


You can grab the Third Grade Interactive Notebook today and get right on with using it in your classroom! You save 20% by purchasing the bundle over buying each unit separately!

Looking for individual units instead? Check them out here for easy access.


→ Click here to visit my teaching blog, Smith Curriculum and Consulting

→ Did you know that you can get CREDITS for future purchase by leaving feedback on each of your purchases? Simply navigate to the My Purchases page and next to each download you will be able to leave a star rating and comments about the activities you have purchased. I truly value your feedback and consider each and every word left.

→ Please email me here with any questions or comments.


Personal Copyright: The purchase of this product allows you to use these activities in your personal classroom for your students. You may continue to use them each year but you may not share the activities with other teachers unless additional licenses are purchased. The license for this purchase is NON-TRANSFERABLE. Site and District Licenses are also available.

4mulaFun®Flippables™ and Solve and Snip™ are trademarks of Smith Curriculum and Consulting (formerly FormulaFun Inc. dba 4mulaFun), and are registered in the United States and abroad. The trademarks and names of other companies and products mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners. Copyright © Smith Curriculum and Consulting, Inc. All rights reserved.

DISCLAIMER: With the purchase of this file you understand that this file is not editable in any way. You will not be able to manipulate the lessons and/or activities inside to change numbers and/or words.






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