Daily Archives: May 4, 2018

ELA Literature Study Unit – Use with ANY Work of Literature



ELA Literature Study Unit - Use with ANY Work of Literature


Product Description
ELA Literature Study Unit – Use with ANY Work of Literature 
This bundle has everything needed to teach any work of literature, to start literature circles, or as an alternative to independent book reports. It also teaches literacy skills which are essential for students to add meaning to content.Now comes with a fill in the blank PDF for students who prefer using the computer

There are 24 pages in the unit guide that include: 
-Anticipation guide
-Prediction chart
-Plot Chart
– Plot chart (graphic organizer)
-List of character traits and a STEAL chart for characterization
-Characterization graphic organizer
-STEAL characterization graphic organizer
-Character traits graphic organizer
-Conflict activity
-Personal word wall
-Important passages (quotes) activity sheet
-Questions for Comprehension (generic- before, during, and after reading)
-Event map
-Chapter summary pages
-Making inferences activity sheet
-Activity on author’s purpose
-Themes and how to develop them
-How to develop themes in paragraph form (using PEEL)
-Paragraph graphic organizer (using PEEL)
-How to answer a test question in paragraph form (using PEEL)

Included are 2 evaluations with rubrics: 
1) Writing a journal as one of the characters in the story (focus on characterization)
2) Writing a newspaper article on an event from the story (focus on plot and cause and event)

Characterization poster for the classroom is also included in two different formats (legal size paper required)

It’s teaching made easy!


E-MAIL ME at [email protected] . Be sure to include your e-mail address and buyer’s name. I will send you an attachment directly to your e-mail address.

You may also be interested in the following products: 

Thesis Writing Activity with PowerPoint Presentation

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Death of a Salesman (No prep required)
Frankenstein (No prep – Complete Unit)
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Romeo and Juliet – A No Prep Unit

Total Pages
31 pages
Answer Key
Included with rubric
Teaching Duration

FREE Whole Number Operations Math Menus for Grades 3 – 5

What tools can be used to enrich the grade-level curriculum and challenge our students? 

A menu is a content-focused set of options from which students choose activities and tasks on which to work. Students can receive a menu for a specific time-period, such as a week, for a unit of study, or for a grading cycle. Menus provide instant opportunities for differentiation because students choose which activities they would like to complete based on their own interests and ability levels.

This free resource pack includes one choice board menu related to whole number operations. To complete this board, students will need to complete all of the activities in a row, column, diagonal, or the four corners. The pack also includes additional materials needed to complete the board, including a Cover Up game, a tiling task (with reproducible tiles), detailed directions and materials for product creation, recording sheets, project templates, and a “Free Choice” proposal form.
Click here or on the image above to grab your freebie from my Teachers Pay Teachers Store.
Want to know more? 
Head on over to The Routty Math Teacher website and read, “10 Examples of Math Menu Products with Pictures” where I share examples of my, and my students’, favorite math menu products. Read the post here or by clicking on the image below.




FREE SOCIAL STUDIES LESSON – “Continents Research Pennants”

by Tied 2 Teaching

2nd – 5th Grade



These Continents of the World Research Pennants come with 7 pennants for researching each of the continents. Perfect for any time of the year, these pennants are a great way to supplement your social studies instruction as well as help your students organize their research. Save time by integrating your social studies and ELA instruction!

In addition to being excellent informational organizers for your students, these continents pennants are great to use for bulletin boards or hallway displays.

This continents of the world research activity will have your students begging to study our world’s geography!

Enjoy these as my gift to you! Wishing you and your students amazing learning experiences this year!


We welcome all questions or comments! Please feel free to e-mail us at [email protected]!


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Please go to your My Purchases page (you may need to login). Beside each purchase you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. When you click it and you will be taken to a page where you can give a quick rating and leave a short comment for the product. You can check your credit balance in your TpT Credit Balance page. Every 100 Credits is worth $5 that you can apply towards future TpT purchases in my store, or any TpT store. I value and appreciate your feedback!










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